This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Shen Youlin and Yu Shu only stayed in Rong City for two days, coming and going in a hurry. They didn't even have time to visit Shen Youlin's grandparents. Yu Shu could only express her regret on the phone and send New Year's greetings.

Older Yu laughed gleefully over the phone, telling Yu Shu not to take it to heart. She could come to see this stubborn old man anytime when she's free. Shen Youlin doesn't listen and keeps biting him. As long as she doesn't return the goods, anything goes.

Lin Yanqiu also said with a smile to Yu Shu that Shen Youlin is a scoundrel. If Shen Youlin bullies Yu Shu, just tell grandma and grandma will properly fix that little bastard Shen Youlin.

Yu Shu covered her face. Why is everyone worried that she will return the goods?

As soon as Yu Shu and Shen Youlin got off the plane without even leaving the airport, they were stopped by someone. It was that cheap uncle Shen Hui.

After not seeing him for half a month, Shen Hui was clearly much more haggard, with a large patch of white hair. His suit and shirt were also wrinkled.

Shen Hui's eyes were full of red bloodshot eyes, staring at Yu Shu: "You name a price. How much is that rosary? I'll buy it no matter what!"

He was clearly a little crazy at this point. Shen Youlin protected Yu Shu behind him, "No matter how much I won't sell it! And I certainly won't sell it to you! Just go die somewhere else!"

"I beg you, please sell me the rosary..."

Shen Youlin didn't want to get entangled with him any longer. Fortunately, Passerby A and the driver arrived just in time to escort the two onto the car.

As the car started, Shen Hui was still continuously slapping the car window and screaming the same words like a possessed demon.

Shen Youlin hugged Yu Shu in the back seat and kicked the front passenger seat, "What's going on?"

Passerby A quickly turned his head back and talked about Shen Hui's situation.

In short, Shen Hui's basket was poked too big and the money holes couldn't be filled up, so he had to be jailed for ten or twenty years.

This was not difficult to understand. Old Madam Shen held power in the Shen family, and business circles began to side with them. After Old Master Shen died, those who wanted to rely on the Shen family's big ship had to show their loyalty by stepping on Shen Hui. Shen Chaowen did not openly show his stance or make a move himself, otherwise Shen Hui would not have struggled for so many years.

A blunt knife cuts meat and hurts the most.

"Tsk, he still wants to buy the rosary. Does he have 100 million in his pocket now?" Shen Youlin sneered, "What is the origin of that rosary? Shen Hui stared at it and wouldn't let it go. He must have found a buyer."

Passerby A hemmed and hawed, "This...I don't know."

"You don't even know and you're not going to investigate!" Shen Youlin fiercely kicked his seat again.

On the way back, Shen Youlin kept explaining to Yu Shu about the evils Shen Hui and his shameless old mother did in the early years. To put it simply, when Old Master Shen was still around, they inserted Shen Hui into the Shen family to throw his weight around. Other than making trouble, he would oppose Old Madam Shen's people, and almost killed Shen Chaowen and young Shen Yuxiao.

It is not excessive to say that they are unforgivable.

Before Passerby A could investigate the origin of the rosary, Yu Shu dreamed about it that night.

The rosary did come from the Qing Dynasty's imperial palace. Its history could be traced back to Qianlong Emperor's first empress. Later it was bestowed to a prince and passed down through generations until the warlord era. When they fled from danger, it was stolen and hidden by a servant before eventually flowing into civilian hands.

A 60-year-old overseas Chinese old man would buy the rosary for 80 million USD. It was something his grandmother had been longing for on her deathbed, a precious heirloom for the mother.

When Yu Shu woke up the next day, she couldn't help but sigh. Her dreams were spanning longer periods of time but still circled around billion dollar deals.

The next day, Yu Shu dressed low-key and neatly. She went out early in the morning with Shen Youlin. Their meal was in a private manor in the suburbs of the capital. She followed Shen Chaowen and sat next to the business tycoons to decorate the edges. She also finally met Shen Youlin’s big brother Shen Yuxiao.

How to put it, his looks and temperament were quite extraordinary.

There seemed to be dense stars between Shen Yuxiao’s eyebrows. His facial contours, nose and lips resembled Shen Chaowen's, as if they came out of the same mold. He was over thirty years old, right at his prime with abundant charisma.

Seeing Yu Shu, he smiled before he spoke, "I finally get to meet you. Youlin has been hiding you well."

He was on a business trip last time when Old Madam Shen was hospitalized so he wasn’t in the capital.

"Hello big brother, I'm Yu Shu." Yu Shu greeted him with a smile and took the initiative to reach out her hand to shake his. But Shen Youlin grabbed her hand and pulled it back.

"Don't shake hands with him. He has a madwoman at home. She will come looking for you just from smelling perfume."

Shen Yuxiao's smile froze, "I heard someone damaged your car last time. I got someone to buy a new one. I’ll get them to drive it over later."

The Buggati incident was photographed and uploaded online, but Shen Group's public relations department handled it before things escalated.

Shen Youlin fiddled with Yu Shu’s hand he was holding. Hearing this, his movements paused, "Where is it? I’ll go drive it myself."

He didn’t want to accompany a bunch of nasty old men for a meal. He only came to send Yu Shu off. He was just wondering what to do to kill time.

The “bunch of nasty old men” referred to by Shen Youlin were Asia’s top tycoons. If they stomped together, the whole Asian economy would shake.

Every year they would find time to get together, eat, drink tea, play golf, connect and exchange various resources.

Listening in for an hour was worth more than reading tens of thousands of books, Yu Shu thought to herself. Their foresight was something she couldn’t learn even one-tenth of in her lifetime.

As they were chatting, they talked about several young descendants whom Shen Yuxiao also knew. So they naturally asked Yu Shu about herself.

Shen Chaowen said with a laugh, "This is my daughter-in-law."

"You're really shameless. A big happy event like getting a daughter-in-law yet you didn't even let us come over to drink wedding wine!"

"You stingy Old Shen must have been afraid we'd drink your wine cellar dry right?"

Shen Chaowen chuckled, "You can't drink my cellar dry in several lifetimes.” The children have just gotten engaged. They are still young. I'll definitely invite you to the wedding. I trust you gentlemen wouldn't show up empty-handed?"

Everyone laughed. They joked about being a group of capitalists having meetings just to think of ways to exploit people.

They already attached such importance even before the marriage. So they also treated Yu Shu more solemnly. After laughing, they asked about Yu Shu's business.

Yu Shu told them about her few small projects.

Older Wang said, "Business has no size limits. Expand small businesses and they become big businesses."

Everyone was very interested in Qi Yu and Fan Caifeng’s homemaker companies. With a few words, they gave Yu Shu a lot of pointers that greatly shocked her.

During tea break, Older Wang casually asked if she obtained a rosary recently. One of his old friends had been looking for this rosary for a long time and hoped Yu Shu would let it go.

"Don't worry, I guarantee you won't suffer any losses in terms of price."

Yu Shu didn't expect it to come so soon. She agreed on the spot.

That Mr. Rodriguez must have really wanted the rosary and couldn't wait any longer. Hearing that Yu Shu agreed to sell the rosary, he rushed over to the manor that afternoon.

Yu Shu had no choice but to get Passerby A to deliver it.

Mr. Rodriguez offered 100 million USD, catching Yu Shu completely off guard. This was different from her dream!

"No, no, no, 80 million is fine." Yu Shu looked to Older Wang for help.

Older Wang laughed loudly at her expression and advised Rodriguez, "Just 80 million. It's the little girl's gesture of goodwill. Consider it tying a karmic knot. In the future if the little girl needs help, you can lend a hand."

Rodriguez nodded vigorously, saying in broken Chinese, "Of course, of course!"

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