This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

After checking interpersonal relationships to determine if there are any enemies seeking revenge, Yu Shu's relationships are all simple, and she doesn't have any enemies. Even if she had enemies, they wouldn't have the ability to plant bombs.

As for Shen Youlin, his relationship lines are drawn into a tangled mess. With that venomous mouth of his, who knows how many people he has offended and how many harbor resentments against him. We can only start investigating from those closest to him and recent events.

The most obvious would be Shen Hui, but Shen Hui fled two days ago, smuggling himself out of Qingdao by sea. But we can't rule out that he hired someone to do this before he left.

Next is the woman who splashed champagne on the Bugatti. But she is just an ordinary person, now tangled in lawsuits. Yu Shu said there is no need to hound her to death, but she must be taught a proper lesson. Laojia followed her instructions. Her fox friends and dog friends are all riffraff, incapable of doing something like this.

Then there is Lu Renyi. She has money and connections, but it's unlikely she would go around the rest of the Lu family to do something like this. And the Lu family, as long as they have some brains, wouldn't dare make a move against Shen Youlin.


There is also the antique shop owner who had two fingers chopped off by Shen Youlin two years ago. At the end of last year, Shen Youlin went back specially to humiliate him again. This man has money and connections...

After thinking it through, Shen Youlin's enemies are all over the city.

In addition to looking into interpersonal relationships, we are also investigating those who have come into contact with the car. The car was shipped whole to the capital, and confirmed to have no bombs during airport inspection. It was then delivered to Shen Yuxiao's garage. Shen Youlin took the car from his garage. Other than going for joyrides, it was parked in the underground garage of the housing complex. Many people secretly took photos with the car while it was parked. There were quite a few who came into contact with this car after calculating it out.

The vehicle recorder was destroyed in the explosion, and there were no archived records. The police have started going through footage from surveillance cameras frame-by-frame along the route the car took. It will take some time.

When Shen Yuxiao left the police station and returned home, it was already midnight. Zhao Wenqian was still waiting for him. Seeing him return, she brought him a bowl of hot soup and gently said, "Don't overwork yourself either. The police will get to the bottom of this."

Shen Yuxiao took a sip and instantly felt re-energized. Holding her hand, he explained, "I was the one who gave that car to Youlin. No matter what, I have to find out who did this. Anyone who dares touch my brother will have to pay the price."

Zhao Wenqian pursed her lips, a little unhappy. A 100 million dollar car, given away just like that. And not a penny to be gained from it. She hadn't seen Shen Youlin be particularly grateful either, and now they were stuck dealing with this mess.

Shen Yuxiao secretly observed her expression and saw she seemed unrelated to this matter. He felt relieved.

He was tired of all the machinations and convolutions. He didn't want to speak in riddles and vagueness with his wife at home either. Zhao Wenqian was so simple and straightforward, everything could be seen at a glance. No one could suit him better.

Yu Shu was placed in a modern styled small villa not far from the main house. It had two floors above ground and a basement below, exuding a technological and fashionable feel everywhere. Even the maid staff arranged were all young and beautiful.

The master bedroom Yu Shu was staying in was on the second floor, with a huge balcony. After showering, she took a call from Yu Yang on the bedroom balcony while waiting for that rogue rascal to come climbing through her window.

Yu Yang reported his final grades for the semester. After receiving Yu Shu's praise and encouragement, he was very satisfied. Then he chatted about the things prepared at home for New Year's, asking when Yu Shu would return to Rong City so he could deliver New Year goods to her.

As he spoke, he stuttered more and more. Yu Shu guessed Ye Ping must be next to him.

"Sis, you should come back." Yu Yang said as he lowered his head, not daring to look at Ye Ping next to him. He didn't know himself whether he hoped Yu Shu would agree or refuse.

Ye Ping really had changed a lot. She treated Yu Yang well, so Yu Yang just couldn't help feeling happy and elated. He somehow couldn't recall those things from the past anymore.

After half a minute, Yu Shu finally softly hmmed, "I'll let you know when I've finalized the date to return."

After hanging up, Yu Shu let out a small sigh.

She really was a hypocrite. But one's standards were always stricter towards outsiders. With family, there could never be resolution. For over twenty years, their familial bonds had become a confused mess that could never be reconciled.

She was clear-headed and decisive in handling matters, not people. Her family was not good enough, but also not that bad. Yet no matter what, she could not relinquish them. And now, Shen Youlin had been added to her exceptions.

Just as Yu Shu was thinking this, a certain rascal appeared in her line of sight, carrying a ladder, and even followed by Dou'e dressed in a reflective down jacket. She heard Shen Youlin use an exaggerated dubbing tone, "Oh~ My god! Oh~ My groundhog! My python! Come see, what a beautiful fairy!"

Yu Shu grinned from ear to ear and responded in a stage drama tone, "Who is it hiding in the night, eavesdropping on my secrets?"

Tsk tsk, acting out Romeo and Juliet!

Shen Youlin extended the telescoping ladder towards the balcony, "I cannot say my name. Dear saint, I hate my name, because it is your enemy; if I wrote it out, I would tear those letters apart."

Yu Shu pushed the ladder away to stop him from setting it up. "Tell me how you got in and why you've come. The garden walls are so high, hard to climb over. Coming to a place like this, have you thought about who you are? If any of my family discovers you here, you'll... you'll be finished!"

You'll be dead!

But even if they were just lines, Yu Shu still didn't want to say it to him. She regretted picking such a terrible tragedy for the script.

Shen Youlin was still immersed in the script: "Stone walls cannot separate love. It was love's agile wings that allowed me to fly over. Anything love bids me do, I have the courage. So your family cannot stop me either."

Yu Shu pushed the ladder away again, "Not afraid you'll fall stupid? Come in through the front door."

"Roger that!"

Before his voice faded, Shen Youlin tossed a cloth bag up, "Brought you pajamas, hurry and change into them!"

Then he brought Dou'e around to the other side of the house and came in through the front door.

Yu Shu picked up the cloth bag and saw it contained a maid outfit. The veins at her temples throbbed.

Shen Youlin tossed Dou'e into the living room downstairs and rushed up excitedly to her bedroom, throwing open his arms and shouting, "Oh~ Where is my pretty and beautiful little maid? Come quickly and help your young master disrobe and unwind~"

Yu Shu held the maid outfit in her hands, smiling but not smiling. "I'd like to see you wear it."

Shen Youlin: !!!

"Oh~ Dear, that joke is not funny at all."

"Oh~ Dear, I'm not joking with you."

It snowed heavily that night. The lights in Yu Shu's bedroom did not go out until the next morning. Someone tasted the bitter fruits of their own misdeeds all night.

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