This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Shen Yuxiao didn't return home for two days, and when he did, he didn't get angry at Zhao Wenqian. Instead, he had a solemn and serious talk with Zhao Wenqian.

"You can be Shen's wife forever, but on the condition that you only do a Shen wife's duties and don't interfere in the company's affairs or the Shen family's affairs anymore."

Zhao Wenqian's face turned pale. "What do you mean? What do you mean Shen family affairs? Am I not part of the Shen family? After being married for so many years, bearing children for you, am I still an outsider?"

"Yes, to the Shen family, you are an outsider." Shen Yuxiao kept a straight face. "You and I, and the children, we are a family. But to the Shen family, you are an outsider. You don't need to understand, just do as I say."

After saying this, Shen Yuxiao didn't wait for her response. He got up and went upstairs. "I'm going back to the family residence today. Pack up and let me know when you're ready."

Zhao Wenqian's anger simmered in her belly. She didn't go home or answer her husband's calls for several days. When she finally returned, he said these incomprehensible things.

Could he have someone else?

Thinking of this, Zhao Wenqian burst into endless tears, drowning in boundless grief.

No wonder he said, "You can be Shen's wife forever." He was hinting that if she's unwilling, there are plenty of others waiting to become Shen's wife.

Just then, the nanny came in with a package. "Madam, a package for you."

"Leave it there."

Zhao Wenqian was grieving. Judging by the size, it was likely the brand name handbag she had bought. She wiped her tears and opened the package.

Unexpectedly, inside was a fluffy white stuffed toy dog.

With the new year approaching, the Shen family members gradually returned to the family residence with their children. Yu Shu received so many gifts and red envelopes that her hands felt numb. At the same time, she realized something very important—she and the Shen family members all had dimensional walls! And character settings! And scripts!

Every time Yu Shu met a Shen family member, Shen Youlin would explain their important background to her.

"This is my fifth uncle, and next to him are his wife and son. My aunt is quite remarkable. My uncle was a scumbag to her, so she angrily went abroad for three years and didn't come back until my fifth uncle was hospitalized in the ICU twice before managing to get her back."

Yu Shu said, "Oh my, we've got Runaway Billionaire's Wife now."

"My aunt is a pianist, but the Shen family's terrible musical genes are very strong. My little cousin plays the piano worse than a donkey grinding flour, completely wasting my aunt's good genes."

"No wonder you're so unreliable and tone deaf. Turns out you were born with no musical talent!"

Shen Youlin: "..."


"Walking towards you are the Shen family's only two scumbags of this generation, my fourth uncle. Strangely, every generation of the Shens produces a scumbag. My grandfather's generation had my grandfather, my uncles' generation has my fourth uncle, and my generation has my third brother." After badmouthing the others, he was quick to declare his loyalty. "Don't worry, I will never associate with them. I will only love you forever."

Yu Shu nodded. She thought to herself: We've got the prodigal scumbag son of a wealthy family, both the youth and middle-aged version.


"This is my fourth sister, Shen Yingshuang. She studied abroad and is" Shen Youlin whispered the details to her.

Yu Shu said: "The vicious rich beauty, got it."

"I heard she's well-behaved this year. She got an apartment and is keeping two male college students."

Yu Shu blurted out: "Jealous."

"What?! What did you say?! Say it again?!"

Shen Youlin exploded instantly. Yu Shu had to soothe him for a long time before he calmed down.


"Those are my big brother's children. I heard they have quite high IQs. Can't believe that wicked bamboo Zhao Wenqian could produce such fine bamboo shoots, and twins at that. It's just unreasonable."

Shen Youlin badmouthed them with his words but didn't dislike the children. He jokingly teased them a bit before sending them off with thick red envelopes each.

Watching their backs, and recalling how they had just called Yu Shu "Seventh Auntie", he felt genuinely happy. As expected of the Shen family's children, so clever.


"Walking towards us are my young aunt and uncle. My uncle is twelve or thirteen years older than my aunt. Theirs was a marriage of business interests, but look at how lovey-dovey they are, ew, it's nauseating."

Yu Shu praised: "Arranged marriage of a wealthy clan, marriage first then love, daddy husband, got it."

Shen Youlin's aunt was pregnant again, so he would have another cousin next summer.

As soon as Shen Youlin saw his visibly pregnant aunt, he started mocking: "Congrats, congrats. Auntie, you're so old yet still not retiring. This old clam is preg..."

He didn't get to say "pearl" before Yu Shu's glare made him instantly change his words: "A child in old age, auntie you must take care of your health."

His aunt noticed their exchange. She held Yu Shu's hand, "I do hope it's a beautiful, well-behaved girl. If she's like Shu Shu here, I'd smile even in my dreams."

If the child was like Shen Youlin, she wouldn't be able to sleep.

She sincerely liked Yu Shu and even gave her a thicker red envelope than Shen Youlin's.

The Shen family elders also gave red envelopes to the young ones, the minimum being 2 million yuan checks.

After his aunt left to see Grandma, Shen Youlin ripped open his red envelope at once: "Only 2 million! They're getting stingy already, saving up for their little girl." He looked at Yu Shu's. "Let me see yours."

"Eight hundred thousand."

Shen Youlin was delighted. "Not bad, more well-liked than me!"

Yu Shu was surprised he wasn't upset at all. On the contrary, he kept foolishly grinning. "You're not angry at all? No feeling of unfairness?"

"Why would I be angry? This shows your status in the in-laws. A daughter-in-law's status depends on her husband's attitude towards her. Now the whole family knows I cherish you, so who would dare disrespect you?"

That was true. With Shen Youlin's full support, no one dared mistreat her one bit.

Yu Shu was happy that the demon king Shen Youlin had her back. She raised her chin and laughed. "Your dad said you'll be married into my family in the future. I'm the son-in-law, so right now I'm at my in-laws' home. I'm an honored guest!"

Shen Youlin closed his eyes and nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes, yes, you're right~"

"Why are your eyes closed?"

"Because I can't spout nonsense with my eyes open."

"I'm going to beat you up!"

"Come on then, come chase me!"

"Stand still, don't run!"

The two of them fooled around and soon started a snowball fight. Seeing them having fun, the Shen kids couldn't resist joining to help Yu Shu gang up on Shen Youlin.

After a round of playful fighting, the front yard of the Shen residence was very lively.

It was then that Shen Yuxiao and Zhao Wenqian returned.

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