This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 158

Chapter 158

On the Qixi Festival, when Shen Youlin woke up in the morning, Yu Shu had already dressed up and was ready to leave.

"Where are you going?"

Yu Shu put on her earrings, "To the company. There's a big deal to negotiate today, and I'll be the lucky charm."

"Are you coming back for dinner?"

"Hard to say, let's see later." Yu Shu tidied her hair, leaned over and kissed him, "Stay home and look after the kids, don't wander around."

Shen Youlin pouted in dissatisfaction, "Hmph!"

"Be good, I'm leaving."

"Not having breakfast?"

"Already had it."

Today, Yu Shu wore a white suit, elegant, capable, and fashionable. Shen Youlin lay on the bed, gazing at her departing figure until the bedroom door closed and he could no longer see her.


Shen Youlin angrily threw Yu Shu's pillow off the bed, then screamed, "What the hell am I doing?"

"How can I have such a nagging wife's behavior? Crap!"

"This can't go on, I need to live for myself!"

Shen Youlin threw off the covers and got out of bed, vowing that today he would scatter the laundry detergent into the sea and create some foam!

When he left, Wenwen came over with a sandwich in her mouth, "Brother-in-law, where are you going? Take me with you."

Shen Youlin didn't turn his head, "No, don't even think about skipping class."

Wenwen and Gu Xingyu had packed schedules every day. Apart from learning knowledge, Gu Xingyu also had to take acting classes, vocal lessons, and more. Wenwen would sometimes audit these classes and learn a bit too.

Shen Youlin drove out, thinking for a while about where to go and have fun, but eventually ended up turning to the university, to see how much hair Qiao the old man had left after this year's graduation season. Unfortunately, he was caught by Professor Qiao Zhi and made to do labor, correcting papers and guiding homework for some junior students who stayed behind, keeping him busy until evening.

He had originally planned to go home for dinner, but when Shen Youlin saw Yu Shu's message saying she wouldn't be coming back for dinner, he boldly waved his hand and invited the junior students to have dinner, sing, and drink at a bar.

Tonight, I'm going to party all night! He silently declared to himself.

Today, Rong City's Xingyue Square had been completely booked. The area was cordoned off with warning tapes. The square was filled with pink and white roses, accented by purple balloons, and a naked-eye 3D screen was already set up. Yu Shu had been busy there all day, inspecting every flower and balloon.

Zheng Xinming came over, "I've checked three times, there are no issues. Tonight will be perfect."

"Everything is ready, we just need the leading man." Yu Shu suddenly felt nervous. She took a deep breath, "Let's go, time to pick up the prince."

After getting in the car, Zheng Xinming handed Yu Shu a powder compact, "Quick, touch up your makeup, it's fading."

Yu Shu grew even more nervous. While applying her makeup, she was startled by her suddenly ringing phone. It was Wenwen calling, asking when she would be back and if she could bring her a late-night snack.

Yu Shu covered her face, "It's that time already, and you still want to eat."

"What time? Is today special?"

"Your sister is proposing today!"

On the other end, Wenwen excitedly squealed.

"Shh, your brother-in-law doesn't know yet, don't call him over."

"But brother-in-law isn't home today, he left early this morning and hasn't come back yet. I thought he was with you."

Yu Shu was stunned when she heard this and immediately called Shen Youlin, but there was no answer.

Yu Shu was worried, but then Zheng Xinming patted her shoulder and pointed to a Porsche by the roadside, "Look, your car."

Yu Shu put away her phone, and her worries eased. She was a blessed person - how could such an important event as a proposal go wrong?

No way!

The music at the bar shook the ground, and Shen Youlin's phone on the table rang faintly as he rudely dismissed the fourth woman who had tried to hit on him that night.

One junior student joked, "Senior Shen is so popular, too popular with the ladies."

Shen Youlin didn't respond, clinked glasses with him, and downed a full glass of whiskey.

So what if he was popular out there? The one at home didn't care about him.

How depressing.

Shen Youlin poured himself another glass of liquor, but before he could drink it, someone snatched it away.

"Who the f—" Seeing that familiar face, Shen Youlin swallowed the rest of his words.

Yu Shu raised her eyebrows, downed the glass of liquor, and said to everyone, "I've paid the bill, enjoy yourselves. I'm taking Shen Youlin home."

Shen Youlin wanted to shout, "I'm not going home!" but after seeing Yu Shu's expression, he held back, obediently following her to the car like a docile wife. Zheng Xinming drove the Porsche back.

Shen Youlin kept looking out the window, unwilling to say a word. He was still indignant, but had no outlet to vent and didn't dare.

How pathetic - this was the portrait of his life.

The more he thought about it, the more resentful he felt. He, the seventh young master of the Shen family, used to get whatever he wanted, but now he was pitifully orbiting around a woman who didn't even care about him!

Couldn't she see that he was throwing a little tantrum? Why didn't she come and coax him?

The car wasn't heading home, and eventually, Shen Youlin couldn't hold back anymore. He turned to look directly at Yu Shu, "This... this isn't the way home."

"Who said we're going home? We're celebrating Qixi."

Shen Youlin immediately grinned, "I thought you forgot."

When Shen Youlin got out of the car, he was instantly surrounded by a sea of roses. Seeing the big screen in the square playing moments from his life with Yu Shu, his inner self was so excited that his whole being was set ablaze.

This was a proposal scene!

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