Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 127: Team Battle

< Chapter 127: Team Battle (2) >

In the original novel titled “[S-Class Status Window]”, the character named Shin Jia awakens a trait called ‘Transcendent Lineage: Elf’ during the second part, thereby gaining a new power.

She becomes capable of freely using the power of the elf and achieves immense growth.

Even amongst the prominent races in the second part, she becomes so powerful that she is not overshadowed.

At this point, it’s needless to say how much of a help it would be if Jia could be awakened.

The problem was that there was no immediate way to awaken Jia.

‘Essence of Ten Thousand Years’

S-rank magic power.

These two conditions can be met, but achieving the remaining one condition was almost impossible.

And understandably so, as the last condition was “to successfully mimic after witnessing the use of the elf’s magic power.”

How can one mimic the use of magical power when elves don’t even exist?

And I couldn’t teach it either. How can I teach something I don’t know?

That’s why I had no choice but to postpone Jia’s awakening.

After she awakens, I can instruct her in combat techniques that will be helpful and focus on magical training that suits post-awakening combat methods.

That was the best I could do.

However, things changed after I met the genius princess, Rena.

“Pay close attention to how Rena’s use of magic is different from ours.”


First, I was mistaken. ‘Mimicking the use of elf magic’ was not the exact condition for awakening.

The accurate condition for awakening was ‘learning the ancient method of using magic.’

In other words, mastering the magical system that Rena taught me was the condition for awakening.

“That’s not how you do it.”

Rena scolded Jia in a snappy tone. Her Korean had improved considerably.

“…Like this?”

“That’s not how you do it either!”

Watching Rena bicker with Jia, I recalled the conversation from three days ago.

―Your Highness, do you know about the elves’ method of using magic?

To this question, Rena replied:

―What are you talking about? Elves don’t have any special method of using magic.

―…They don’t?

―Yes. Elves also use the same magic system as us, the dragon-established method of using dragon magic.

It dawned on me at that moment.

Jia’s condition wasn’t about mimicking the magic use of elves, but acquiring the ancient method of using magic invented by dragons.

That’s why I decided to pair Rena with Jia, to induce the awakening of Transcendent Lineage.

The main goal of this 3-day, 2-night retreat was that.

―My dear! This disciple of yours named Jia is absolutely terrible! Compared to you, she doesn’t even have a speck of talent!

…Of course, things aren’t going as smoothly as I thought they would.

―She has absolutely no understanding of what magic is! She’s a fool who solely relies on the typical system!

Rena exclaimed, grinding her teeth in frustration as she paced.

―If she had been a trainee in the Beast Kingdom, she would have been kicked out immediately!

Relying entirely on the system for the use of magic is convenient.

However, as convenient as it is, it has many vulnerabilities.

Against an opponent with traits that can restrain the system, one becomes utterly helpless.

Therefore, relying entirely on the system is something only fools would do… or so the princess said.

I somewhat agree with her sentiments.

―The last disciple named Si-yeon seemed somewhat useful…

Rena fiddled with her fingers, expressing her irritation.

―Please bear with it a little more. It’s a magic formula she’s using for the first time, so it’s like that. She’ll get the hang of it soon.

I gently patted Rena’s head.

―Don’t touch the hair of a princess from a country… Forget it. Speaking about it just tires my mouth. Do as you wish.

The princess seemed to have finally given up.

―I will do my best.

She then nodded her head repeatedly with a resolved expression.

―For now, let’s try directing the magic… If that doesn’t work…

She seemed lost in deep thought.

“… What did the princess say?”

Jia, who had been quietly watching us, subtly asked with a worried expression,

“She said you’re talented. That she learns faster than expected.”

Jia’s expression turns gloomy as she sneaks glances at Rena, who is lost in thought.

“…It didn’t seem to be that kind of expression.”

Even if she didn’t understand the words, she probably felt that the atmosphere indicated the conversation wasn’t going well.

“In reality, there hasn’t been any progress… The princess… she said she was disappointed, didn’t she?”

It seems her confidence has plummeted in just three hours.

I wonder what I should say to lift her spirits.

Lies probably won’t work. Hmm. This method might be best.

“In truth, she does seem a bit disappointed.”

“…I thought as much.”

Her face immediately darkened.

“But you see, Rena is thinking based on the ‘different species’ of the past.”

“You mean beings like beastmen, elves, and dragons?”

“Yes. Since she’s comparing you, Jia, who is learning the ancient magic system for the first time, with those who already know it, it’s natural for her to feel disappointed.”


I placed a hand on Jia’s shoulder.

“You’re doing well, Jia. Considering this is your first time learning, your rate of acquisition is fast.”


“Of course.”

I might not realize it since I succeeded in just 10 minutes, but considering Jia’s talent, she must be among the quick learners.

“So don’t worry unnecessarily, just focus on doing your best.”


Jia gave a faint smile.

She doesn’t seem to have fully regained her confidence yet, but she appears to be better.

…Well, she’ll manage on her own.

―Let’s resume the training then. Convey my words.

It seemed that Rena had just finished gathering her thoughts.

I nodded in response.

“Jia, let’s start the training again. Are you okay with that?”

“Ah, yes!”

Jia nodded with determined eyes.

* * *

Friday at midnight.

Having finished the first day’s training.

“Jia, you worked hard today. Go in and rest well.”

Kang Seo-yul said his farewell in front of Shin Jia’s room.

“Yes, ancestor. You should rest well too!”

Shin Jia responded with a bright smile.

“See you tomorrow.”

“Yes! See you tomorrow!”

With those words, she went into her room.



As the door closed and she was alone, her expression changed instantly. The bright smile disappeared without a trace, replaced only by deep regret.


Lying straight down on the bed, she let out a heavy sigh.

“…Ancestor must be disappointed, right?”

Despite the training that went on until midnight, Shin Jia ultimately failed to grasp the ancient magical technique.

Rena’s deep sigh felt like a thorn embedded in her heart.


Kang Seo-yul had said,

There are still two days left, and it’s natural for it to take time when trying something new for the first time.

He had told her not to be too impatient.

But Shin Jia couldn’t fully believe those words.

‘He probably said that just to comfort me.’

Kang Seo-yul is considerate.

Perhaps his words were a kindness meant to console.

Such thoughts made her feel even more bitter.


It was a word she said to herself.

She felt so pathetic.

‘The ancestor divides his time every day to oversee my training and even teaches me ancient magical techniques…’

Yet she was still unable to be of any help to Kang Seo-yul.

‘The ancestor said that I’ve been of great help…’

But that might just be a kind lie.

After all, she truly hadn’t been of any assistance.

‘Administrative tasks or financial support can be handled by Maiden and Yu Hwa.’

Even if the Shinwa Group is large, it’s not larger than the combined strength of Maiden and Yu Hwa.

To begin with, the Shinwa Group isn’t Shin Jia’s yet.

Compared to Maiden and Yu Hwa, it’s only natural that there are limitations in the support.

‘The same goes for physical power… I can’t be of any help.’

I felt it painfully during the recent Gate explosion incident.

‘I was the most useless member.’

Needless to say about Yu Hwa, an S-rank superhuman. Goldie and White Tiger have become even stronger.

Ha Si-yeon has made tremendous progress during this time.

In about three months, I probably won’t be able to match Ha Si-yeon.

‘And then there’s Rena…’

Her power was on a different level.

A mage who can freely use all existing magical attributes. She can perform high-speed spellcasting and even use large-scale annihilation spells, making her an all-rounder.

With such an entity on Kang Seo-yul’s side, there was no way I could help in terms of strength.

‘After all, the ancestor’s power is also formidable…’

He dealt with an Emission Gate containing 1.2 million units of magic power all by himself.

He resealed a demon on his own.

Plus, there was the small demon he took down during the Gate explosion incident.

I can’t even begin to grasp how strong he really is.

Of course, there’s the limitation that he can’t just unseal his power anytime.

But that doesn’t mean he’s weak when his power is sealed.

‘Could I possibly win against the ancestor in his sealed power state?’

His uncanny movements, as if predicting the future, and his mastery of weapons, not to mention his perfectly suited weapon, Cheonbyeon.

‘Given the current difference in our abilities, I might stand a chance…’

But that’s about it.

I can’t confidently assure a victory against Kang Seo-yul, even in his power-sealed state.

“How pathetic…”

Shin Jia buried her face in the pillow and let out a deep sigh. All sorts of negative thoughts combined, giving birth to new negative ones.

‘Is it because I’m the weakest? Maybe that’s why he’s giving me this extra training. And I can’t even keep up with that training.’

She felt such inferiority that she even began to have these kinds of thoughts.

She was anxious.

Surely, at some point, Kang Seo-yul’s patience would run out.

What if she couldn’t meet Kang Seo-yul’s expectations by then? Would she be abandoned?

Such vague anxiety gnawed at her mind.

Shin Jia’s body trembled uncontrollably.

“…I hate this.”

She hated not being able to repay the debt to Kang Seo-yul, who had avenged her mother’s enemy on her behalf.

She hated disappointing Kang Seo-yul, the ancestor of her family and the hero of the elf tribe.


“I don’t want to be abandoned…”

She didn’t want to be seen as a useless existence to Kang Seo-yul.

Shin Jia bit her lip.

‘To achieve that…’

She must somehow master the ancient magic manipulation technique.

A glint flashed in Shin Jia’s eyes, hidden behind the pillow.

* * *

“…I’m sorry.”


I looked at Jia, who had a gloomy expression and sighed.

Today is Sunday.

It’s the last day of the 3-day, 2-night training camp.

“I’m truly sorry….”

“It’s okay. It’s natural for it to take time.”

In the end, Jia couldn’t master the magic manipulation technique. I somewhat anticipated it, but it seems it’s hard to succeed on the first try.

―I never thought the human race would lack talent in handling magic to this extent…

From the side, Rena let out a deep sigh. It seemed that Rena, in her own way, was incredibly frustrated.

―To think that a prodigy is like this…

She looked profoundly shocked.

Seeing Rena’s expression, Jia’s face became even more downcast.

―It’s because it’s her first time. Were you good from the start, Princess?

Why are you trying to bring down Jia’s spirit?

―I was. Because I am a genius.


I had no rebuttal.

Indeed, the princess is a genius.

―So, how much longer do you think it will take to learn?

―Hmm. It seems she’s getting the hang of it. If things go well, maybe about a week?

―A week?

That’s quicker than I thought.

I had assumed it would take months.

“…What did the princess say?”

With that, Jia asked in a voice lacking confidence, looking at us.

“Ah. She said it seems like you’re getting the hang of it, so you might be able to learn it within a week?”

“…Is that so.”

Jia gave a complex smile.

“The ancestor truly is considerate.”

She seemed to not believe my words.

It looked like this experience had severely damaged her confidence.

I shot Rena a glare.

―Why are you looking at me like that?

―What on earth did you say to her? Why does she seem so defeated?

―I didn’t say anything. My Korean isn’t fluent enough to comment much anyway.

…Fair enough.

Then why is she like this?

“Ah, I apologize. I was deep in thought about some work-related matters.”


Her expression suggested otherwise.

But if she says so.

―By the way, when are we having that… BBQ party?

Rena tugged at my sleeve, her eyes seemingly shouting “meat”.

Does she like meat that much?

Of course, I love it too.

―Wait a bit. They should be arriving soon.

I had thought of throwing a party for everyone involved in the Gate incident on the last day, so I invited the other three here.

It’s about time they arrived.


I could hear Ha Si-yeon’s voice from afar. I saw Yu Hwa next to her.


Rena’s eyes widened to an extent I hadn’t seen before.

Probably because of the bags in Ha Si-yeon’s hands.


This princess clearly enunciates the names of her favorite foods.

She’s not doing it on purpose, is she?

“The view is lovely here. The air is also fresh.”

Yu Hwa said, removing her sunglasses with a smile.

“Hello, princess!”


Ha Si-yeon and Rena high-fived.

“Hello to Jia too~”

“Yes. Hello.”

Then she high-fived Jia.

Typical of Ha Si-yeon’s friendliness.

I turned to look at Yu Hwa.

“Where’s Ms. Maiden?”

“She couldn’t make it because she’s busy. She told the young people to have fun without her.”

“Then Yu Hwa, you should also skip….”


I could feel my life end in that gaze.

“What did you say?”


I almost died trying to make a joke. I should refrain from joking about age.

“Let’s put the jokes aside, how’s work going?”

“…It’s not going well.”

A shadow crossed Yu Hwa’s face.

Dark circles were evident under her eyes.

She had mentioned being extremely busy; it seems she’s not getting proper sleep either.

“Is it okay for you to be here?”

“I don’t know.”

“And your pending work…”

“Is it any of your concern?”

Yu Hwa laughed.

Such a bright laugh.

“I’ll figure it out tomorrow.”

No, it was a slightly crazed smile.

…She must be going through a lot.

“Just kidding. If I don’t release my stress this way, I might actually die. Considering work efficiency, I need proper rest.”

“…I see.”

Rest and work efficiency.

Truly a mindset fitting for the head of a guild.


Yu Hwa’s phone, which was in her hand, vibrated.

Vrrr- Vrrr-

It kept ringing.

Yet, Yu Hwa only looked at me.

“Aren’t you going to answer?”

“It’s a spam call.”

“…Really? The caller ID read ‘Secretary Kim’.”

“You must’ve seen it wrong.”

Yu Hwa quickly pocketed her phone.


At that moment, I had a gut feeling.

Oh, her earlier statement about dealing with it “tomorrow” was sincere.

“…Stay strong.”

How difficult must it be for her to act this way?

I can’t even imagine.


It was then that Rena’s exclamation echoed.

Both Yu Hwa and I looked towards Rena.

“Si-yeon succeeded at once! Amazing!”

Rena clapped as if she genuinely admired it.


Si-yeon had a blue energy swirling above her hand. It felt different than usual.

Lastly, Jia.


She stared at the blue energy Si-yeon was emitting with trembling eyes.

“It… can’t… be.”

Jia’s lips quivered.

< Chapter 127: Team Battle (2) > End.

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