Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 148: Dilemma

< Chapter 148: Dilemma (3) >

[Beast King’s Blessing]

[Upon use, the body’s ‘Grade’ increases for a set period.]

[Afterward, the body’s ‘Grade’ decreases by the duration of usage × 100.]

This was all that was written about the Beast King’s Blessing in the ability encyclopedia.

Some might say, “What? Is this all?” But I can confidently say, this is a tremendous ability.


The term is simple and easy, but the meaning embedded in this single word is anything but simple.

“A rare ability that allows you to transcend racial limits.”

In the worldview of this novel, the ‘Grade’ of the various races is not equal at all.

Just as the dragon’s magic power is superior to that of the elves, a clear hierarchy exists between all the races.

This is exactly what ‘Grade’ refers to.

No matter how excellent the physical abilities of the beastmen race are, they are just a race rooted to the ground. Their physical abilities fall short compared to the Angel races and demons living in the sky.

The determinant of racial superiority.

This is the difference in ‘Grade’.

This is the reason the beastmen kingdom was destroyed by the demon race led by the Demon God.

“The Beast King’s blessing transcends this inherent racial hierarchy.”

The elevation of grade.

It is a revolutionary force capable of changing innate ‘hardware’.

“With this, my body becomes capable of matching up with the beastmen.”

Just as the body of the beastman race falls behind the angel race and demon race, the human race lags behind the beastman race. If I use it now, I would attain a physical ‘Grade’ equivalent to that of the beastman race.

The exact effects needed to be tested, but a dramatic change was certain.

“…The penalty is severe.”

A similarly dramatic penalty was assured as well.

The decline in ‘Grade’ lasting for the duration of usage multiplied by 100. I recalled the appearances of the beastmen receiving penalties in the original work.

Their states reduced to a ‘Grade’ similar to humans, were quite pitiable…

“What happens when it goes below human level?”

Would I become a goblin? That would be quite horrifying.

“I have to experiment with this first.”

I should test it to see the extent of the increase and decrease. … It’s a bit late to experiment today. I’ll have time only after class ends tomorrow.


Before that, I should deal with the elfish relic reserved for special ability acquisition.

“Even if it’s a dud, I’ll accept it.”

With a light heart, I reached out to the relic.

* * *

So they’re going to continuously give me the absolute worst, huh?

Is this what they call the law of conservation of luck?


It was while I was walking with a sigh.

“Seo-yul-ah, hello~ You look even cooler today?”

A female student greeted me with a smile on my way to school.

“Good morning.”

“Seo-yul, it seems like your voice has become nicer, hasn’t it?”


“Yeah. Should I say it has become sweeter?”

She then stood beside me.

“Ah? Did you also spray some perfume? The scent is really good.”

“Really? Is it because I changed my shampoo?”

“Aha. I see.”

The female student looked at me with a blank expression. The gaze felt too burdensome, prompting me to subtly avoid it.

The sudden compliments from this female student were due to the increase in my ‘charm’ stat.

My charm increased when I fully assimilated the trait I obtained from the elf race’s artifact yesterday.

That’s why my voice got better, and my body scent became fragrant.

Additionally, my physical skeleton and the magic circuit have slightly changed. But well, it wasn’t a major change.

‘Maybe this means there’s nothing left to change into a more attractive form.’

Anyway, for what purpose does the ‘Flute Player’ trait exist? The ‘Jump Power of the Rabbit race’ at least increases jump power, but this is really useless. A skill for playing the flute well?

It’s so useless it doesn’t even warrant a sarcastic laugh.

Maybe because it’s too trivial, it fully integrated as soon as I tried playing the flute once, just like the ‘Jump Power of the Rabbit race’.

But perhaps because the ‘increase in charm’ that could be obtained through full integration wasn’t significantly meaningful, it feels like a loss.

‘Ah well. Let’s be satisfied with receiving the Beast King’s blessing.’

Think positively.

As I was walking while lost in these thoughts, I arrived at the classroom before I knew it.

“Ah, Seo-yul-ah, hello~”

Si-yeon, who noticed me, waved her hand energetically. Jia, who was talking with Si-yeon, also greeted me with a small smile and a wave. I lightly waved back and approached them.


Jia greeted me softly.

“Good morning.”

I greeted the two of them.

“What were you talking about so animatedly?”

When I entered earlier, I caught a glimpse of them having an excited conversation. I wonder what they were talking about.

“Ah, it’s nothing big. Since summer vacation starts next week, we were discussing going on a trip somewhere.”

“Traveling sounds great. Where are you planning to go?”

“We haven’t decided yet. We’re thinking about a place where we can take a breather and also be able to train.”

“Oh ho. You won’t slack off on training even while on a trip?”

Training even while traveling?

That’s impressive, isn’t it?

“Yes! Of course!”

Si-yeon exclaimed with a bright smile, emphasizing her biceps.

“If we don’t train, we’ll lose muscle!”


… She’s really consistent.

“Si-yeon, you really….”

As if she had the same thought, Jia shook her head vigorously. Si-yeon tilted her head as if asking why she was looking at her with such a gaze.


“…It’s nothing.”

Jia tactfully changed the subject.

At first, she would point out things, but these days she rarely says anything. It seems she has given up on pointing out Si-yeon’s addiction to exercise.

I understand. It’s incurable. She probably won’t be able to fix it in her lifetime.

“But, Seo-yul-ah, what are you going to do during the ability assessment today?”

Si-yeon casually asked.

“What do you mean, ‘what am I going to do?'”

Today is the day for ability assessment at the end of the first semester.

The purpose is to record how much one’s abilities have improved over the semester. It’s essential data that must be documented when joining a guild in the future.

“I mean…”

Si-yeon whispered into my ear.

“How much of your ability stats are you planning to reveal?”


Is that what she meant?

She asked so cautiously and secretly, I wondered what it was about.

I confidently said,

“I plan to reveal everything without any secrets?”


“Yes. Everything.”

Both of them looked at me with surprised expressions.

“Is that okay?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

Everyone still has a misunderstanding, but from the beginning, I didn’t have a strong intention to hide my power.

I just genuinely didn’t have any real power.

“At this point, nothing will change by receiving more attention, and considering solidifying my position later on, it’s better to start getting noticed from now on.”

In many ways, that’s better.

From the moment I released an article stating that I hold all attributes, this had been my plan.

“Well, come to think of it, you said that all the seals were lies.”

Si-yeon glared at me.

“That it was a lie that the enemy forces had noticed.”

Jia felt the same.

I quietly averted my eyes.

Even if I had ten mouths, there was nothing to say.

* * *

After that, the ability assessment began immediately.

“Wow. What is this? State-of-the-art?”


The measuring devices are much more detailed and accurate compared to those used when we first enrolled. It’s probably because they entered a technology agreement with the Maiden Corporation.

“Cadet Jihyun Ho, senses C-rank.”

“… Wow. It’s really accurate.”

Being able to measure the ‘senses’ ability stat, which was the only one of the five combat ability stats that couldn’t be precisely measured before, is probably thanks to the technology of Maiden Corporation.

“Next, cadet Kang Seo-yul, please step inside.”


Next is my turn.

I got up from my seat and quietly stepped into the measurement device. I have never measured my sensory ability stat separately, so I am looking forward to seeing what it would be.

“Oh wow.”

The inside of the device was quite sci-fi.

I wonder if this is what it would look like inside a spaceship.

[We will now begin the measurement of the combat ability stat ‘senses’.]

As per the pre-received instructions, I stood in the designated place, and immediately, the guidance hologram appeared.

[Stage 1. Dynamic visual acuity measurement.]

A new hologram arose, enveloping me.

[When a red dot appears, touch it with your hand.]

Simple enough.

I lightly shook off my shoulders and loosened my body.

[We will begin now.]





At that moment, red dots began to blink from all directions.

I moved my hands swiftly.

So far, it’s manageable.

‘It’s getting more and more intense, isn’t it?’

The intervals at which the red dots appear are getting shorter. It seems like I might miss one soon.

‘No choice then.’

As the eyes of an elf activated, the surroundings began to slow down, like slow motion.

* * *

“Wh, what….”

As I stepped out of the machine, the first thing I saw was the astonished expression of the instructor.

“My goodness.”

“…So that’s why the reaction speed was so good.”

“I can’t believe it.”

The waiting cadets were also staring at me with their mouths half open and flabbergasted faces. Everyone wore a shocked expression.

I understand.

I was also a bit surprised.

“Instructor. Aren’t you going to determine the rank?”

I called out to the instructor who was still in shock.

The instructor flinched and hastily shouted.

” Cadet …Ka, Kang Seo-yul. senses S-rank.”

A moment of silence flowed.


“It’s S-rank.”

“I couldn’t believe it, but it’s really S-rank.”

Exclamations burst out from all directions simultaneously.

All sorts of emotions were present in the gazes looking at me: admiration, respect, envy, jealousy, and more. Well, it must mean that my performance was indeed remarkable.

“With the dynamic visual acuity, the five senses, and intuition through the sixth sense…”

“It was just a perfect S-rank sense.”

“This is truly acknowledged.”

In truth, my sensing ability stat is not S-rank.

Thanks to the eyes of an elf and dragon’s eyes, the test itself was just easier. Without them, I couldn’t have achieved an S-rank, not even a B-rank.

However, I haven’t cheated. This ability measurement is not about seeing the abilities noted in the ‘status window’, but measuring the abilities in a state where all ‘traits’ and ‘skills’ are activated.

The eyes of an elf and dragon’s eyes are rightfully my traits. Since I utilized those traits to enhance my senses, it isn’t cheating.

It’s just that those two traits are overpowered.

“Kang Seo-yul cadet, move to the next measurement center.”

“Yes. Thank you for your hard work.”

Having completed all the registrations, I left the senses measurement center.

Where should I go next?

Ah, the physical strength measurement center.

“Ah. The physical strength measurement is quite tough.”

To measure physical strength, one has to squeeze out stamina to the limit.

Naturally, it’s extremely hard.


Still, it has to be done.

I moved towards the physical strength measurement center.

* * *

I have completed the measurement of all ability stats except one.

Now the only remaining ability stat to measure is muscle strength. Once this is done, today’s schedule is over.

“Wow. Did you hear about Kang Seo-yul?”

“All ability stats are B-rank?”

“They said the sense is S-rank.”


The heated conversations and passionate gazes of the surrounding cadets were quite burdensome.

In the previous measurements, I received B-ranks in everything. Fortunately, the magic power coincided with the demonstration timing and was measured as B-rank. Of course, the demonstration was measured as A-rank. Long live synergy.

“Ha. Really envious. Owning all element magic power, S-rank in senses, and all other ability stats are uniformly B-rank.”

“It’s just a path of flowers. While I’m on a path of flames.”

At the word ‘path of flowers’, I couldn’t help but snicker.

If you’re on a path of flames, then I’m on a hellfire path, buddy.

“Next, Cadet Kang Seo-yul. Please enter.”


Finally, it was my turn.

I moved quickly.

The interior was the same as other places, presenting a sci-fi spaceship scene.

Is this to Maiden’s taste?

I feel like this design is unnecessary for muscle strength measurement.

[Starting the muscle strength measurement.]

As expected, a sandbag, which has nothing to do with the sci-fi theme by even 0.1%, appeared.

“…It seems to suit Maiden’s taste indeed.”

[Please hit the sandbag as hard as you can with ‘one hand’.]

[We will start in 5 seconds.]

This is really a simple test.

I lightly assumed a stance.


At that moment, such a thought crossed my mind.


Looking at this properly, isn’t this a good opportunity to test the Blessing of the Beast King?


Since it’s a device capable of precise measurement, it seems like a perfect ratio of increase would come out if I compared the rank obtained using the Blessing of the Beast King and my current muscle strength rank, which is A. And there’s no need to worry about penalties since it’s the last test.


Even fraudulently increasing my muscle strength stat would help raise my name value as a superhuman.



Let’s use it.

I focused all my strength on my whole body.

At that moment, my body vibrated as if it was about to explode.

Power surged throughout my body.

An uncontrollable force and excitement erupted.


Feeling the muscles throughout my body swell,


I threw a punch.

And then.


A massive roar ringing in my ears.

And the sandbag froze in place, bearing the imprint of a gigantic fist.

…Is this okay?

“Um, it seems like it’s broken?”

I looked outside.

The instructor, with his mouth agape, came into view.

Noticing my gaze, the instructor snapped back to reality and hastily started fiddling with the control panel here and there.

[Ka, Kang Seo-yul Cadet, come outside for now!]

He seems extremely flustered.

It seems to be broken after all.

I scratched the back of my head as I stepped outside.


Was it not broken?

The score had been recorded on the scoreboard.

[103 points]

It’s not extremely high.

The cadet before me who got a B-rank had 79 points for sure.

This isn’t particularly high as I thought.

Is the S-rank a really high wall to overcome?


“Are you not announcing the score?”

The instructor’s reaction is strange.

His expression was as if he had discovered something he shouldn’t have seen, it was like he had seen a ghost.


“Ah, ahem.”

After being called twice, the instructor regained his senses.

“It’s unbelievable even when I look at it again.”

The instructor let out a forced laugh.

His face seemed to say, ‘Is this really happening?’

The other cadets were the same.

They were all staring at me as if they had seen a monster.

Why is everyone acting like this?

I tilted my head again in confusion.

“Cadet Kang Seo-yul, look here.”


The instructor pointed to a board next to him.

It was a board where the ranks were recorded according to points.

So, 70 to 80 is B-rank.

I slowly lowered my gaze.


Simultaneously, my eyes began to gradually widen.

81~90 points, A-rank.

91~100 points, S-rank.

And then…

“Cadet Kang Seo-yul, muscle strength S+ rank!”

101 points and above, S+ rank.

…Are you kidding?

< Chapter 148: Dilemma (3) >End

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