Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 308: Worldwide Frenzy! Tenth Official Review! (1)

Chapter 308: Worldwide Frenzy! Tenth Official Review! (1)

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 308 – Worldwide Frenzy! Tenth Official Review! (1)

No matter what difficulties one encountered, one shouldn’t be afraid, but face it with a smile instead.

The best way to eliminate trouble was to confront it directly.

Only through a frontal confrontation could one achieve victory!


At 8:30 AM on Sunday, Chen Yu took the initiative to attack and knocked on Chen Yike’s door.

Opening the door slightly, Chen Yike poked her head through the gap and asked, “What is it?”

“Go inside.” Chen Yu squeezed his way into the room without letting his little sister protest and locked the door.

“Uu...” Growing a little flustered, Chen Yike quickly retreated to her bed. “Brother, w-why did you lock the door?”

Instead of giving a verbal response, Chen Yu pulled out the Amnesia Bat from his pocket.

“W-What is that?”

“Huff!” Chen Yu blew hard on the intake valve, causing the purple bat to expand ten times in size instantly.

Chen Yike’s pupils shrank at this sight.

“That’s right.” While caressing the Amnesia Bat, Chen Yu expressionlessly said, “You’ve guessed correctly all this time. I, Chen Yu, am Transdimensional Review’s uploader. I evaluate future technological products and bring change to mankind.”

“As expected...” Chen Yike gradually regained her calm. At the same time, her eyes lit up with a mysterious glow. “I knew there was no problem with my reasoning! It really is you! Originally, I planned to visit your room once Transdimensional Review’s livestream starts today to debunk you. I never thought you would reveal yourself.”

“Actually, you already exposed me a few months ago.”


“But so what?” Smiling, Chen Yu raised the Amnesia Bat and continued, “You are, in the end, only a mortal. All of your efforts are meaningless in front of absolute technology. Stop struggling. Many truths in the world cannot be revealed, my dumb little sister...”



The Amnesia Bat descended, and Chen Yike’s eyes rolled backward. She then collapsed onto her bed, unconscious.

Storing the Amnesia Bat away, Chen Yu scrutinized his little sister’s washboard figure. Sighing, he muttered, “It really is important for a person to get adequate nutrition when young. Just look at Xing Biqi. How much older than you can she be? Tsk, tsk.”

After saying so, Chen Yu took out the Hypnosis Rattle from his pocket and lightly shook it three times beside Chen Yike’s ear.

Ding, ring...

Invisible radio waves gradually spread out from the rattle and merged with Chen Yike’s brain waves.

“You, are looking at the ocean...” Chen Yu said in a gentle tone. “You are lying on the soft, sandy beach and fell asleep.”


“You are tired, very tired, very exhausted! So, go to sleep! Before three hours have passed, you won’t wake up from your dream...”

After hypnotizing his little sister, Chen Yu returned to the living room, sat on the sofa, and casually grabbed the yogurt drink bottle on the table. He then tore off the seal and gulped down the whole bottle.

“S-So, it was you all along!” Chen Erke, lying on the sofa and playing with her phone, widened her eyes in shock when she saw Chen Yu’s actions. “So it was you who ate all of Third Eldest’s snacks?!”

After emptying the bottle, Chen Yu pulled out the Amnesia Bat and smacked Chen Erke’s head with it. “You know too much.”



After placing the empty bottle in Chen Erke’s arms, Chen Yu returned to his bedroom, hiding his merit and fame...


“Mr. Chen, can I join you for this livestream?!”

As soon as Chen Yu entered the room, Little Peach immediately approached him.

“Sure.” Chen Yu nodded. He then bent over and pulled out two sets of clothing from under his bed. Passing the cheongsam to Little Peach, he said, “This is going to be my first review for the C- level. I don’t know what product I’m going to receive, so I have to bring you along. I might need your help.”

“No problem!” Little Peach said as she excitedly changed her clothes. “With me around, I guarantee your livestream will proceed smoothly, Mr. Chen!”

Hearing this, Chen Yu, who was in the midst of changing his own clothing, paused. “Why do I suddenly feel as if this review isn’t going to go smoothly?”


“Can you not set up such flags in the future?”


After putting on his robe, Chen Yu wore his opera mask and inspected himself through the floating camera. Failing to find any problems, he approached the Interstellar Portal and began establishing a spatial link. “Let’s conduct the review this time in someplace other than the floating castle. It’s going to be aesthetically boring if we keep broadcasting from the same location.”

Little Peach, who had also finished changing into her cheongsam, suggested, “Let’s go to the Middle East. I heard it is very lively there.”

“...Makes sense!”

Two odd minds reached a surprising agreement. Chen Yu then established a spatial link to the Middle East’s Afghanistan.


Three seconds later, the spatial link was established. Chen Yu then pushed open the door and stepped through the portal.

Afghanistan was a few hours behind China, so the sky was just starting to brighten here.

After exiting the portal, Chen Yu found a clean rock to sit down on. He then raised his watch to look at the time.

It was 8:50 in the morning now.

“Mr. Chen, it’s not lively here at all,” Little Peach said, frowning as she exited the portal and observed her surroundings. She then picked up a bullet casing from the ground and wondered, “Didn’t the internet mention there was fighting here?”

Chen Yu couldn’t be bothered to answer Little Peach’s question. After scanning his surroundings, he pulled out his phone and entered WeChat to send a message.

[Chen Yu: “There?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Mr. Chen, the product this time is slightly large and is unsuited to be delivered to your home. However, your current location is perfect, so please wait a while longer. Do you have any other questions?”]

[Chen Yu: “...None.”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “In that case, I wish you a smooth broadcast. Goodbye.”]

[Chen Yu: “I have another question.”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Please let it go.:)”]

[Chen Yu: “Let it go?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Please speak.”]

[Chen Yu: “It’s like this; I’ve been constantly concerned about the product that’s capable of destroying the solar system. Will I be able to receive it after this episode?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “I’m sorry, Mr. Chen, but that product is simply too dangerous. You will need to accumulate at least one more defensive technological product before you can receive it.”]

[Chen Yu: “I understand, then. Is this episode’s product a defensive-type item?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “It isn’t a purely defensive product. However, it holds a certain degree of defensive capabilities. Mr. Chen, the signal on my side seems to be fluctuating. I can’t continue conv—”]

[Chen Yu: “Who do you think you’re fooling?!”]

“The higher my access level is, the more disrespectful this woman becomes. Just wait for my complaint.”

After muttering a small complaint, Chen Yu stood up and tossed his phone back to his room. He then disconnected the spatial link and altered the portal’s appearance to the metal arch tens of millions of people were familiar with.

“Put on your mask. The livestream’s going to start soon.”

Okay!” Little Peach pulled out her mask from her chest and put it on.

“How did you stuff it in?”

Tapping on the curved mask, Little Peach said, “The shape is just right! Is there a problem?”


Time passed by, second after second.

When Chen Yu saw the time displayed on his watch ticking to 8:55, he activated the livestream rooms without hesitation.

[Advertising livestream rooms are being activated...]

[All webcasting platforms worldwide connected!]

.64 million people.

.91 million people.

.77 million people...

The thousands of livestream rooms available worldwide simultaneously welcomed IP addresses from all over the world.

The livestream’s total viewer count broke past 100 million instantly...

“Are you kidding me...”

Chen Yu felt his scalp going numb.

Although he had known that today’s livestream would see a massive spike in viewership, he did not expect to see 100 million people to watch his stream.

Sure enough, once the restrictions were lifted, the “infectiousness” of public opinion was quite terrifying.

Meanwhile, this drastic increase in viewer count also proved that the various governments’ information ban had thoroughly lost its effectiveness.

The era of Transdimensional Review setting off a worldwide frenzy was officially here!

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