Transmigration as a Female Supporting Role Who Attempted Suicide

Chapter 107: I Sleep on the Couch

Chapter 107

Ji Nian's trembling hand pointed to the bedroom door and said, "In there..."

Yu Luobai walked over, Ji Nian fearfully followed behind him. He opened the bedroom door but saw nothing.

"There's nothing," Yu Luobai said, turning on his phone's flashlight to reveal the messy bedsheets. He looked around and noticed a slipper on the floor.

Yu Luobai shook his head and bent down to pick up the slipper, gently helping Ji Nian slip her foot back into it. "It seems you were quite startled, even forgot to put on both slippers."

Ji Nian finally came to her senses, realizing she had only worn one slipper. Feeling Yu Luobai's warm palm against her foot made her start, but she no longer felt as afraid.

"Where did you see it?" Yu Luobai asked with a smile.

"I wanted to close the curtains and passed by the full-length mirror..." Ji Nian said with a pitiful look.

Yu Luobai calmly shone his phone's light towards the mirror and beckoned her over.

Ji Nian hesitated for a moment before walking up to him. Seeing their two reflections in the mirror, she froze.

Yu Luobai chuckled and patted her head. "It's just us in the mirror."

Ji Nian blinked in disbelief, stepping closer to get a better look. Outside, the storm raged on, but she stared at the mirror, rendered utterly speechless.

"Damn it," Ji Nian blurted out, realizing she had spooked herself.

She tried recalling what had happened—perhaps the thunderclap woke her, and she was too dazed to recognize her own face, mistaking it for the original owner's visage.

Yu Luobai's eyes twinkled with amusement as he watched her fixated on the mirror. "Are you still afraid?" he asked.

Ji Nian's eyes were still moist with trepidation. She turned away in embarrassment. "Sorry, Yu Laoshi... I woke you up in the middle of the night..."

Yu Luobai laughed. "I didn't expect you to be such a scaredy-cat."

Ji Nian's face flushed. It wasn't that she was timid—that scene had been terrifying.

Yu Luobai patted her head. "Alright, it's late. Go back to sleep."

Ji Nian obediently nodded and climbed into bed, clutching a pillow as she looked at him with wide eyes.

Yu Luobai's gaze softened as he said, "I'll head back now."

"Good night, Yu Laoshi," Ji Nian replied.

Yu Luobai left the room, his smile broadening. The more he thought about it, the cuter he found her.

Ji Nian watched as the room fell silent, hearing the door close behind Yu Luobai. The room grew dark, only occasionally illuminated by flashes of lightning.

Oh no, she began feeling uneasy again. She knew she should believe in science, but this immersive experience felt too real. Her eyes darted around the room warily.

The more she dwelled on it, the more afraid she became. Trembling, she grabbed her phone, clutching a pillow without bothering to set it down. Terrified, she cried out and rushed out of the room again.

Yu Luobai had just returned to his place when he heard a knock on the door. Puzzled, he opened it.

Ji Nian stood there, looking pitiful on the verge of tears. "I can't do it, Yu Laoshi. That room is too scary! I feel like I'm being watched by a pair of eyes."

Yu Luobai was bemused, both amused and concerned by her plight.

"Yu Laoshi, can I sleep with you tonight?" Ji Nian asked, shuddering at the memory of the room. She definitely wasn't going back there tonight.

Yu Luobai felt a jolt at her words, his ears reddening as his mind went blank, hearing only "sleep with you."

Ji Nian peeked inside, eyeing the large sofa. "Yu Laoshi, I'll sleep on the couch. I promise I won't disturb you!"

Yu Luobai snapped out of his daze, realizing his misunderstanding, though his face still flushed.

"Xiao Nian," he said in a deep voice, looking exasperated, "you know it's dangerous for a woman to be at a man's place in the middle of the night."

Ji Nian shook her head vigorously. All she wanted was to stay somewhere with someone else. "Yu Laoshi, please help me out this once. I swear I won't bother you."

How could Yu Luobai refuse? His heart raced as her words echoed in his mind: "sleep with you..."

Ji Nian, oblivious to her poor word choice, looked pitiful. "I don't have to sleep. I can sit until morning..."

Yu Luobai swallowed hard, eyeing her cute pajamas, and nodded in agreement.

Joy lit up Ji Nian's eyes. Yu Luobai was still reliable in a pinch. She was so scared she nearly died!

Ji Nian scurried to the couch, kicking off her slippers and clutching a pillow as she sat cross-legged obediently.

"Yu Laoshi, don't mind me. You go sleep. I'll stay here," she said earnestly.

Yu Luobai's heart raced knowing she'd be spending the night. He felt elated but feigned nonchalance with a nod. "There's a guest room."

Ji Nian shook her head. "No need, it's too much trouble to set it up. Your couch is big enough. I'll make do."

Yu Luobai's gaze darkened slightly. "It's no trouble. I'll get it ready for you."

Ji Nian scurried over and ushered him into the bedroom. "Yu Laoshi, don't worry about me. I'm self-sufficient. You go to sleep."

Yu Luobai watched as she closed the door, his mind still wandering. Instead of leaving, he sat on the bed, needing a moment to collect himself.

Ji Nian turned off the living room lights. The rain had subsided, and the thunder stopped. She yawned.

No longer afraid, she felt safe at Yu Luobai's place. Rubbing her eyes, she hugged the pillow she'd brought, pulled a small blanket over herself on the couch, and quickly dozed off from sheer exhaustion.

When Yu Luobai emerged, he saw Ji Nian asleep on the couch, her soft breathing audible as he approached.

Yu Luobai gazed at her peaceful, sleeping face, so different from her lively demeanor. "Nian Nian, are you asleep?" he asked softly.

Ji Nian didn't answer, her only reply the patter of rain outside.

Yu Luobai gently tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, his expression tender.

Then, he carefully scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom, laying her on the bed and tucking her in.

"Good night," Yu Luobai whispered, gently pinching her cheek.

Ji Nian shifted restlessly, mumbling something before falling back into a deep slumber.

Yu Luobai watched her for a while longer, reluctantly leaving the room. His heart was no longer calm. How could he handle liking her even more now?

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