Transmigration as a Female Supporting Role Who Attempted Suicide

Chapter 84: Occupational Disease

Chapter 84

After the IV drip was finished, the doctor also notified Ji Nian that she could go home, and also instructed her to eat more foods that nourish the blood and qi, as well as precautions to take in daily life.

As the doctor spoke, he also cast an odd glance towards the man beside her, saying: "It's normal for couples to have conflicts, but you're both adults now. Don't joke around with your lives and do anything rash."

Ji Nian was stunned, was this a misunderstanding? She hurriedly shook her head and said, "No, doctor..."

"Alright, we'll be careful." Before the woman could finish speaking, Pei Yuchen cut her off, appearing to listen seriously to the doctor's advice.

Ji Nian stared blankly as the doctor finished giving instructions and left. She turned to the anti-hero and said, "Dr. Pei... what I wanted to explain earlier..."

Pei Yuchen smiled at her and said, "What's the use of explaining? Besides, the doctor is right, we're all adults, don't joke around with your life."

Ji Nian heard the implication in his words and was surprised. Was he trying to counsel her?

Strange, could it be because the anti-hero hadn't turned evil yet, so he was considered a good person now?

"Heh heh." Ji Nian nodded awkwardly, then changed the subject and asked, "How did Dr. Pei end up at Mingzhu Garden?"

Pei Yuchen raised an eyebrow and said, "I should be the one asking you that."

Ji Nian blinked her big innocent eyes and answered, "I just moved in today."

Pei Yuchen's eyes flashed with surprise, then he smiled, "Me too."

"Oh, is that so." Ji Nian nodded absent-mindedly, then her whole body went stiff as she asked in disbelief, "You said what? You too!"

"I own many properties," Pei Yuchen saw the woman's shocked expression and his lips curved up into a smile as he said, "Mingzhu Garden is closer to the company."

After hearing the anti-hero's words, Ji Nian's mind raced as she tried hard to recall the plot from the book, but to be honest, she had forgotten most of it. A company? Wasn't he a doctor?

That's right, later on the anti-hero turned evil because he couldn't get the female lead.

Combined with the pressure from his family, he then inherited the company and started causing trouble, even almost bankrupting the male lead's family. Was the plot progressing ahead of schedule?

No way, he hadn't even met Shen Shuyao many times yet, was he already in love with her? That clearly didn't make much sense.

"So... has Dr. Pei changed careers?" Ji Nian asked tentatively.

Pei Yuchen smiled and said, "Something like that."

Ji Nian was inwardly startled. Should she probe the anti-hero to see if he liked the female lead? Or should she go ask Shen Shuyao first...

"Let's go, I'll give you a ride home," Pei Yuchen said.

Ji Nian came back to her senses, realizing that she didn't have her phone or any money on her. Even if she didn't want to take his car, she couldn't, so she obediently replied, "Thanks again for the trouble, Dr. Pei."

"It's on the way," Pei Yuchen smiled.

When they got in the car, Ji Nian made sure to fasten her seatbelt first, then tried her best to keep a low profile. She felt more and more puzzled about how the plot was developing.

Putting aside the anti-hero's matters for now, since he would inevitably be no match for the main character anyway. But this original owner's experience was also a mystery. Ji Nian wanted to investigate, but didn't know where to start.

If anyone knew Ji Xiaonian the best, it would definitely be He Yi. He Yi would certainly have some clues, but Ji Nian didn't dare ask, afraid of giving herself away and having trouble explaining.

"Sigh, what a hassle," Ji Nian murmured absentmindedly, her thoughts a jumbled mess.

As Pei Yuchen drove, he heard the woman beside him mumbling and smiled, "Does Miss Ji have something on her mind?"

Ji Nian turned to look at him. The evening sun shone through the car window, casting a glow on the man's profile. He was already elegant in his demeanor, but seen this way, it was as if his whole being was bathed in a golden light, making him seem even more gentle.

"Why are you staring at me?" After a while of Ji Nian not saying anything, Pei Yuchen turned his head and asked with a smile.

Ji Nian snapped out of it and answered, "No, I just felt bad for taking up Dr. Pei's entire afternoon."

This level of looks was deadly, Ji Nian couldn't help but admire. His appearance was completely her type - scholarly and restrained, with a gentle and refined temperament. It was just that hidden yandere attribute that made people apprehensive about getting too close.

"It was indeed an imposition." An hint of mischief flashed through Pei Yuchen's eyes as the corners of his mouth curved up slightly, "Just as I entered Mingzhu Garden, before even getting to the elevator, I had to turn back out again."

Ji Nian felt awkward, blinking her big eyes. Surely the anti-hero wouldn't hold a grudge over something so trivial?

"It's six o'clock now, are you hungry?" Pei Yuchen asked with a smile.

Ji Nian was taken aback, but before she could answer, her stomach let out a loud growl, breaking the tranquility in the car.

Pei Yuchen burst out laughing, somehow finding this woman's naivety quite amusing.

"Um... I am a little hungry..." Ji Nian didn't feel too embarrassed, just a bit surprised that the anti-hero could be so considerate.

"I'm hungry too, let's go eat something." After saying that, Pei Yuchen turned the car in a different direction.

Throughout the drive, Ji Nian was in a daze, wondering if she had misunderstood. Why did she get the feeling that this man didn't seem dangerous at all right now?

When they arrived at the restaurant, a flash of surprise showed in Ji Nian's eyes. She had expected wealthy people to prefer Western restaurants, but he actually brought her to a Chinese restaurant.

Ji Nian walked in and saw an interior filled with an old-fashioned charm. The overall vibe was very tranquil, with a traditional Chinese layout that exuded simplicity and classical elegance. It wasn't overly flamboyant, yet felt unique and refined.

They entered a private room, and when ordering, Ji Nian watched as the man casually pointed to a few dishes on the menu. After seeing this, the server simply gave a slight bow and left.

Ji Nian blinked her innocent wide eyes and asked, "What dishes did Dr. Pei order?"

Pei Yuchen smiled at the woman across from him and answered, "I ordered some light dishes. Your body still needs to recover, so you shouldn't go on a diet. Eat something more nourishing."

"Actually, I'm quite healthy..." Ji Nian felt awkward.

"You were lucky this time that I got you to the hospital." Pei Yuchen picked up the teapot on the table and poured her a cup, saying, "If you had fainted somewhere else next time, no one might be able to help you."

Ji Nian's face showed utter bewilderment as she asked cautiously, "Dr. Pei... are you... concerned about me?"

Pei Yuchen raised an eyebrow, looking at the woman whose complexion had recovered, her fair skin now tinged with a rosy glow, nothing like her appearance that afternoon in the hospital.

"Occupational habit," Pei Yuchen smiled.

At this time, the servers knocked on the door and entered, pushing a service cart to orderly place all the dishes on the table.

It had been a long time since Ji Nian had eaten a proper meal. Previously, she had only been eating salads, boiled eggs, chicken breast - food with hardly any taste, just enough to sustain her daily life.

Seeing the steaming hot dishes on the table, their aroma continuously wafting into her nose, Ji Nian couldn't help but swallow. For someone who had been eating grass for so long, this spread seemed too sumptuous.

Not only were there main dishes on the table, but also several plates of small bites and desserts, exquisitely presented under special serving dishes.

Seeing the woman's hungry expression, a hint of amusement flashed through Pei Yuchen's eyes. He spooned some chicken soup into a bowl and handed it to her with a smile, "Have some soup first to start your appetite."

Ji Nian accepted the bowl the man passed to her, feeling somewhat overwhelmed. The anti-hero really knew how to take care of people - first sending her home, then taking her out for a meal, and now serving her chicken soup.

Wuwuwu, how gentlemanly, what should she do... Ji Nian was almost smitten, momentarily forgetting that this was the anti-hero who would eventually turn evil, with a yandere character setting.

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