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18 hours ago
This is a reincarnation/isekai story, about Matt (later TreeTree), an overpowered tree in a fantasy... Read more This is a reincarnation/isekai story, about Matt (later TreeTree), an overpowered tree in a fantasy world that serves as the battlefield for an ongoing conflict between demons and the heroes summoned to oppose them.At first a bystander, over a long period of time, TreeTree will learn all sorts of skills, gain levels, and in doing so, build up a forest, train young subordinates, protect a village, and more. Collapse LitRPG, Game Elements, Kingdom Building, Magic Beasts, Non-human Protagonist, Non-humanoid Protagonist, Overpowered Protagonist, Reincarnated as a Monster, Reincarnated as an Object, Reincarnated into Another World, World Tree, Time Skip I didn't really have great hopes for this one, as I've read several books before on non-human MCs, and they were all lacking - with the sole exception of Chrysalis. To my surprise, I enjoyed this novel a lot.The summary explained how the MC was reincarnated into a tree, he through the years experienced being a curiosity, moved forcibly a few times, and worshipped as an ancestor spirit. He gains choices (this is a LitRPG) regarding his evolution options. He gets older, gains power, to eventually dominate worlds.It was a good story, like a slice of life with moments of action. The story is not aimless - worlds are fighting between "the gods" and "the demons" for influence, with the gods summoning heroes to confront demons who invade regularly until they die, then new heroes are sent. The MC was too old and unfit to be a hero, and was a casualty of the action that brought heroes to his world, he was randomly assigned to be a tree. Even early in the story, the heroes sought his help to fight demonic invasions, and he eventually became the primary force.There is a larger plot that is going on in the later chapters, involving multiple worlds that Aeon finds himself immersed in, then the nature of godhood. The novel is unfinished, and this is now being explored.Good characters all around, politics on his world, different factions and motives, a little kingdom building, and all in all a good book. This isn't an "edge of your seat" book, for the story is told at a moderate pace - slice of life, remember? I'd still rate a definite 4, close to a 5 in quality in my opinion. Review written at ch 276 Only 20 chapters in 4 months Author has written another novel it's on sciblehub this world, story, history, and background would make an amazing dnd scenario for those who haven't read this story Have been a fan of this book for a while, and I don't mean to advertise the yt channel or the game mentioned, but I just found that a game where you grow a tree is in the make, saw it in this video: they'll add much more to what's already in the demo tbh. After 21 f**King days Can anyone tell me which chapter the two parasites left? I’m having hard time continuing without being annoyed by these two Never mind. It is in chapter SpoilerChopped Off (P70) ARE YOU GAY OR NOT? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUTYOU’RE GAY shit Can't wait for the update One of my favorite novels ever. Cannot believe how good this is.Obsessed with the puns.