True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 362 Battle Plan

"Ohh~ what's she doing here? Velian, don't tell me-" Daphnia took Aurora into her embrace and asked because she was looking at everything with a curious look.

She kept poking at the armour and tents trying to understand everything so, Juno and Lyra had to keep a close eye on her.

"She's going to fight with us, we can't keep this hidden other and she needs to experience what it feels like to kill someone," Velian was removing his sweaty clothes and washing his body with the water.

For some reason, Aurora's eyes were on his body and she had something hidden in her eyes but nobody thought she will look at Velian like that because everybody thought her obsession with Velian was nothing more than a father and daughter relationship.

"I guess it's fine then, but rumours are already going around about how you came with a little girl, I hope there won't be any weird ones,"

While patting Aurora's head, she muttered and asked Lyra to take care of her. Because she is the only none combatant, so she had more free time than others.

"How are we going to attack Veli? Are we going to breach the main gate? But it will be hard for us if civilians decide to interfere,"

Daphnia questioned as she wanted to know what was going to happen. She knew even at this moment, the parasitic cell users were going berserk on this land so they had to do it faster, so innocent people won't become prey to their vicious and vile power.

In the dimly lit war room, Lyra, the fearless strategist of the Kellearos forces, stood before Daphnia and Velian.

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as they prepared to discuss their audacious plan to attack the formidable Dukas Union.

Lyra's eyes gleamed with determination as she addressed her companions. "Velian, our time has come. The Dukas Union has terrorized our people for far too long. It's time to bring justice to their doorstep. Our plan is simple yet daring."

Daphnia leaned forward, her eyes sharp and calculating. "Tell us, Lyra. How do we breach the main gate? The Union has defences that would deter even the most skilled warriors."

She looked at Velianbfor a second knowing he might be the only one that won't be affected by it.

Lyra nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Velian, your powers will be our key to victory. You have shown us time and again the extent of your abilities. We need you to channel your energy into breaching the main gate. Daphnia's power can destabilize the Union's wards and barriers."

Velian's hands trembled slightly with the raw energy he possessed.

"I understand, Lyra. I'll give everything I have to break through their defences."

Lyra's voice resonated with confidence as she continued, "Excellent, Velian. While you focus on the gate, Juno and I will coordinate our forces to create chaos within their ranks. We will exploit their weaknesses and strike when they least expect it."

"Tell our army to use the stones, if the demonic cells appear, no ordinary weapon can beat them," Daphnia added some facts to her plan, to which she nodded furiously because it is a must.

Daphnia's mind whirled with strategic possibilities.

"We have scouted the area thoroughly, Lyra. The Union relies heavily on their elite infantry stationed near the gate. They are well-trained, but I believe we can exploit their overconfidence. We'll lure them away from the gate and create a diversion, allowing Velian to work his magic."

Lyra nodded approvingly. "Good, Mother. Our archers will provide cover fire from a distance, picking off their archers and ranged attackers. Our infantry will engage their forces head-on, drawing their attention away from the gate. Once Velian breaks through, we'll storm the breach with everything we have. Their command centre is our ultimate target."

"And we can enter the castle and capture their royal family which is guilty of everything that happened,"

Daphnia's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Lyra, with your leadership and our combined strengths, we can do this. The Dukas Union won't know what hit them."

Lyra's voice carried the weight of determination.

"Indeed, Mother. We fight not just for ourselves, but for our family,"

Velian clearly saw the effects of her unique skill by the way she acted when there was something serious and people relied on her.

But suddenly they heard two voices approaching their tent, which belonged to Juno and Lucy.

"Hey! Hey! Lyra, don't leave us, why are you discussing things without us," Juno said in a dissatisfied tone and took Aurora into her embrace like a doll and started showing her love to her.

"Juno, aren't you sweaty? Don't hug her," Daphnia said but none of them noticed Lucy's face, which was disfigured by the fear she felt.

"This feeling! This power! This aura!" She suddenly tried to run out of the tent, but Velian caught her by the tail.

"Lord Velian, let me go! What are you doing? Do you even know how that little girl is? She is a dra-dra-dragon, she's motherfucking dragon,"

Lucy shouted but looking at others' faces she knew they knew about it and still kept this dragon with them.

But suddenly Aurora came and look at Lucy with a cute look and held her tail with a mischievous look.

"Big sister, want to play a game?" She asked, but Lucy looked terrified because no matter how she thought about it playing with a dragon felt like the most absurd thing.

"Lucy, don't be afraid of her, she is my daughter, to be precise, our daughter, it's true she is a dragon, but Aurora is a good girl," Velian said and patted her head causing her to blush a little which went unnoticed by others.

"Your child? This is absurd, are you a dragon? Velian, you were a dragon?" At this point, she was on the verge of breaking down from the sheer amount of surprises she had.

"It's a long story, but for now, don't be afraid of her, look at her smile, isn't she the cutest," Everyone in the room nodded at Velian's words expert Lucy because the only thing she felt was her life flashing before her eyes.

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