Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 131 131 Questions and birds

Chapter 131 131 Questions and birds

[Eva's POV: ]

"Alnyaight, last questionya. What are the nyeames of three major isotopes of Mana crystals, their nyeames, properties, and functionyas?"

Major isotopes of Mana crystals, names, and functions. Alright.


I quickly raised my hand just like the previous twenty times after they told me to not start saying it out like the other people present here. And perhaps it was because I strangely knew answers to most of the questions, but, the way I answer, the way they taught me to answer with full confidence, didn't seem to go well with the other people present here.

'I don't know why but, perhaps they don't like the fact that I know the answers to these simple questions. The two of them knew things like these ever since they were ten years old though.'

Perhaps even before then but they started teaching me things when they were around that age. And yes their questions were a little tough, but they were very straightforward compared to the questions El used to ask me. So, these were far better.

"Nyo one other thayan these two agaiyan? Haaaa… alright. Since Alquea anyaswered the last tyime, you can anyaswer this one Eva."

It wasn't like their questions were too difficult or anything. They were mostly just related to the things that we would be working with, the geography of the world, and basic knowledge that many people here already knew about.

But some of the things like the questions the white cat instructor was asking this time were a little on the tougher side so only a few of us were able to answer them.

And even in that, Sir Fang was mostly knowledgeable about the geographic questions and the political things, Lady Alquea had knowledge of the things related to the magical things and magic itself, and that Elf mercenary sir knew a lot of stuff related to the adventurers since he used to be one of the high ranking ones in the past.

Their knowledge was greater than mine when it came to applied practices and experience-based things, that much was true. But perhaps my theoretical knowledge was a little bit better thanks to all of El's efforts to stuff those things in my mind.

I could at least answer questions of this difficulty.

"Speaking from the globally known perspective, the three 'major' isotopes of Mana crystals are Aether [n(Ark)z] crystals, Protion [n(Pk)z] mineral, and Oreium [n(Ut)z]. Unlike the Mana crystals, all three of them hold relatively unstable energies so… and their major properties include… while they are mostly used in the creation of artifacts and various magic tools, their individual uses include…

My knowledge is limited to that much only, at least. However, the new research happening on the other isotopes of Mana crystals might change the world we live in depending on future discoveries… or so my master says. But I'm still learning these things from her so, I don't know much about this just yet. "

El's knowledge when it came to theoretical, artistic, and mathematical things was incomparable to anything else in this world, and the same was true for Lu's applied, practical, and worldly knowledge. They were amazing.

"Good, good, good. Veryyy good. I did nyot expect such a proper anyaswer. Good~.

Alright thenyen. With this, we will end the seconyend part. Nyand for the last part of the first test, Brownie will take over from here~."

People around me were surprised, Sir Fang had another impressed look on his face while Lady Alquea glanced at me for a moment with a strange smile that resembled El's smile of excitement. I didn't understand the other's surprise over such simple questions but they were not negative as they were at the start of this Q&A.

I didn't deserve this but most of them were impressed and even looked up to me now.

They were certainly surprised even still by this last answer of mine, but, there were no negative feelings anymore. So, this was fine.

"Alnyait. For the last part, you all just have to do one simple thing."

The white kitty stepped aside and the brown one with a cute eyepatch took her place at the center of the stage, without waiting for long, he snapped his finger, and as soon as he did, just some distance away from us, a large area was enclosed with a tall wooden fence. And inside of it, with a brownish-orange light, some unique creatures I had only seen in El's illustrations appeared out of nowhere.

"Most of you myaight nyot know them but they are creatures called (Spectral Crowned Threetails). They myight look translucent for nyaow, sinyece they only reveal their true forms after befrenyeding someone, so, your work inye this energy beast hanyadling test is simple. Make at least nyone of them reveal their true forms in anya way you wantya.

You can use skills, magic, words, musicya, food, force, even artifacts if you wantya. As long as at least nyone of them reveals their true form, you will get a passing grade.

The method used, your actions, as well as the form of the creatures you befriend would play a role inya the scorinyags. So… go start."

He looked more serious than he had been during the first part of the test, and it was almost intimidating when he was looking down over all of us from that high stage.

But it was cute.

I liked how he could be so chubby-cutesy-googly at one time and so professional when doing his work. He certainly was a fun one.

'I want to play with those chubby cheeks as well, haaa.'

He was chubby, the white one was perfect in all proportions and the black one was a little, not too much that it was visible, but just a little thinner than the other two.

For most parts, all three looked pretty similar so if one doesn't observe them closely, they wouldn't even be able to tell this small difference. Not at least until they wanted to play with their cheeks like I did.

But that wasn't what I should be thinking right now.

The last part of the basic evaluation. Finishing this perfectly would decide the people who would be doing the summoning test. And, I knew these creatures pretty well, so, this shouldn't be that difficult actually.

'And, they are pretty cute birds even though they are a little prideful.'

The Spectral Crowned Threetails are a very rare species of <D> rank energy beasts but depending on their life and growths, they might even achieve strength comparable to <B> rank monsters.

They mostly stayed in their translucent forms so they all looked exactly the same and transparent but, they are some of the few creatures who possess the powers of elementals.

After a week of their birth, these creatures obtain an elemental power that suits them the most, and as they grow up, the crown-like crest on their heads grows with them, strengthening their powers and increasing their overall abilities.

Therefore, the size of their crown shows their age, and the vibrancy of colors that the crowns possess shows the strength of their elemental powers.

They are omnivorous creatures so they could eat anything they come across, but all of one's that the brown kitty instructor had summoned were tamed creatures, so they at least won't eat us even if we do something that upsets them.

They are all strong, so, it was obvious that they would either walk away from us if they didn't like us or they might also just attack us if we did something wrong.

'They are one of Lu's favorites, and since he likes few creatures to call them his favorite, El knows perhaps more about them than Lu himself.'

She taught me many things, especially things that they liked and disliked. So, I knew about these creatures pretty well.

'Perhaps this is luck that they chose these creatures out of everything else.'

Lu had mentioned that during the energy beast handling test, the creatures that they summon are always random so even they didn't know what we would have to deal with, but, now that I knew I had to deal with these cute birdies, things became easier.

And, they would have been a little easier to deal with if I had the ingredients to make their favorite dish, but they were rare so El mostly carried them.

It was fine either way. I just had to befriend them. It wasn't that difficult of a task. So…


We all were standing in the place with the birds now and many people were already getting ignored by the birds or were getting beaten up by their magic and strong beaks.

They were going easy on everyone, the birds I mean, so no one would be seriously hurt but, even the professionals like Sir Fang and others were observing the situation from the back.

These creatures were rare so perhaps not all of the people here would know about them, but, I knew them, and their ways, so, I walked forward, found the one that felt the most attractive to me, and stood before 'her'.

They were creatures as tall as me, perhaps taller if they extended their long necks a little, but, since they were in their translucent state, they weren't clearly visible to all of us.

We could faintly figure out their outline and somewhat of the facial features but, that was it.

If someone had an appraisal skill, they were able to see their status windows, which must be terrifying, of course, but even they were limited to that one status window.

None of us could see how they really looked, but that will change soon.

[ "Hello." ]

Standing before the tall creature and bowing gracefully to her, I greeted her using Mana speech, something they understood pretty well.

They were pretty intelligent creatures so El said having a full conversation with them was also possible if one could understand them and use Mana speech for a longer time.

But, I can't do it as well as those two, especially El. She was a genius at Mana manipulation.

"Gurrruok? Gurrrruok."

The one before me seemed to be interested in me as well since she had been looking at me ever since I approached her after I bowed to her with my greeting. She bowed to me as well.

[ "I… am not very good at this, so pardon me pretty miss." ]

There were many ways to befriend these noble creatures, but one of the simplest ones was to show them something pretty. So pretty that they couldn't help but be impressed.

And though not the area of my expertise, I have watched El create arts far beyond what any master could. I have picked up a thing or two from her as well.

And, I have Luel, so this would be easier…


First, I molded Luel into a net-like outline and gave it a rough shape. Then I covered it with a thin layer of Mana to give it a form, and when the Mana had surrounded the outline, I changed Luel in a way that it expended and created an attractive Mana structure that resembled a star-shaped jar with many pretty lights dancing inside of it.

'It was also entirely made of Mana and I had used some different techniques to materialize that Mana and light it in different colors.'

It was bright as well, and Luel still supported it so it didn't crumble away even after I stopped supplying Mana.


And this cute birdy before me saw all the things happening attentively, which obviously impressed it, and it shouted with a joyous voice.

[ "Seems like you liked this, hehe. I can show you more of it so, will you be my friend?" ]

"Gurrrrruok~. Gurrruok! Guuuuu~!"

It really liked this a lot, so much that it moved its face close to it and inspected it from all sides, finding it pretty and attractive from all angles.

She was happy, and she liked me thanks to this little art, so, her translucent body glowed, and her true form, the majestic form that attracted all the eyes around us, was revealed before all of us for the very first time…

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