Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 146 146 A griffin

Chapter 146 146 A griffin

[Eva's POV: ]

They were doing the summonings in a group of six and the first group that the lizardman instructor called had Lady Alquea among the other people.

Everyone got excited when this happened and was looking forward to seeing just what kind of being she summoned to be her familiar, and, I can tell from her expression that she was looking forward to it as well. Though, not as much as the others.

'It had almost felt like she wasn't much excited about this familiar summoning thing. As if there was nothing great about this whole thing, to begin with. But, things changed quickly when the summoning began.'

The summoning area of the Garden of Six Seasons contained a unique section devoted to this summoning circle, and even though I don't know too much about magic, I can tell this place that seemed to be carved out of a stone completely, was in fact made out of countless different ingredients that were making all the different elements of this magic circle.

The magic circle itself was a phenomenon. It was one and a half kilometers in radius and the carvings, or whatever they were that this circle was made of, were so beautiful, complex, attractive, and unique that even with my little knowledge of magic, I could tell this was not something just anyone could make by themselves.

It was unique and special.

And, when the six people gathered around it while standing at some distance and activated their summoning crystals, the crystals which were only some blue cubes, turned into a unique color and went into the magic circle, activating a certain section of the magic.

'The magic circle is divided into twelve parts equally, or at least the straight lines dividing them make them look that way but, the lights activated a certain area as soon as they had ventured inside the magic circle, I had no idea how it actually worked.

But, after those lights went inside the circle, a strange reaction happened inside it, and that certain section of the magic circle started glowing with the same color of light that had gone inside of it.

, soon after that, particles of a different unique light started appearing on the magic circle one by one as the people whom the lights had belonged to previously moved towards the area with these lights.

'Some of these particles that were starting to materialize were bright, some dark, some were big or had a unique characteristic to them, while some were just normal particles of light. However, one thing that I noticed about these things, was that all these lights, or particles, were unique from each other in some way or other.

None of them were the same so, perhaps, this was the indication of how every being that was being summoned here was different from the other in some way.

'It was pretty cool to look at though.'

The particles materialized into unique creatures, all different from the others. And, as soon as they appeared on the magic circle and saw their summoners standing before them, they all knew they were all looking at the person their souls resonated with the most.

Most of them looked happy to see their masters and from what I knew the people in the first group, I could also tell the creature they had summoned resembled them to a great extent.

'Even Lady Alquea's special summon resembled her a lot.'

When it was materializing, the particles of light took over the area beside the one they had started from as well so not one but two sections of the circle had glowed with the unique blue light that looked the same as her hair.

And then, surprisingly, even the second secretion didn't seem to be enough so, when the person beside her was done 'bonding' with their familiar bird, the particles of light also took over that place, and ultimately, four out of the twelve sections of the magic circle had glowed before a very unique creature that most of the people present here were familiar with had finished materializing.

'And, it was a ferocious beauty, I must say.'

It was a tiger but it was all blue. The stripes on its body were white as well. It had orange eyes that resembled the golden hours of the evening, and the thick fur all over its body, coupled with the fish-like gills gave the creature its signature style.

'An <AAA> rank aquatic species of very rare origin rarely ever seen on the tropical islands with large coral reefs, the [Azure Architic Panthra]. Something most of us had only ever seen in the photos or illustrations.'

It was fascinating seeing a creature like that in a place like this. And, from its size and the dull blue color of its whiskers, I can also tell it had yet to reach the full potential of its powers.

It was an adult already so that much was it, but, it could get even stronger, and perhaps, if she nurtures it well, it might also become a formidable power that would help her with her work and in the service of her master.

'It was pretty though, and, when it fully materialized, it even tried attacking Lady Alquea. But, she subdued the creature without even moving from her place, so, they finished their bonding, and the creature vanished inside the new 'mark' on her hand.'

It was quite a sight for all the people present, but, after that, nothing much special happened for a long time until the elf adventurer mister that I gave my summoning crystal to, ended up summoning another <AAA> ranked bird, [Royal crimson vulture].

It was a supppppppper pretty and cute bird that could shrink its size from six meters to a mere handful one. It was scary when it appeared at first but, cool too, but when it shrunk down in his hands, it became cuuuuuuuute~.

'My summoning crystal was definitely not wanted at all~. Hehe, now I can meet that cutie whenever I want~.'

It was very cute, and it smiled happily when looking at others, so, it was even more adorable~.

It was fun seeing it, and after that, some more time passed and it was Sir Fang's turn… and he summoned the first ever <S> rank creature of the day, a being that everyone knew and had seen in the empire, as well as in the other powerful countries.

'A draconian species that everyone knew about, a Wyvren. And, though the young one he summoned was one of the most common species of them, the fact that it was a draconian creature and a <S> ranked beast with the most potential among any other beings that had been summoned until now.'

It was also pretty… amazing. Just seeing that creature induced a unique kind of tension inside me.

It was, quite something… but, considering how unique person Sir Fang himself was, this was just a given.

'They were all amazing, but, before even I realized, it was my turn already… and, though I was among the last six people who were going to perform the summoning and knew most that could happen now, I was a little anxious.'

El and Lu… had said that the familiars are very important to anyone who wants to achieve something, anything in this Worldline. It is an important and inseparable part of someone who wants to become something or even has some kind of ambition to achieve something that Theo does not even think about in everyday life.

They were very excited to see just what kind of familiar they get themselves and they said that whatever kind of being I would have as my familiar will be very special, just like me.

'They call me special even though I am nothing special, they call me talented even though there is nothing I can do as well as they do. All I have are some simple cooking skills and a little bit of what they had given me, aside from that, I'm nothing out of the ordinary.

I have told them the same many times but they had always argued back just how special I am… haaaaaa.'

I don't know why I'm anxious. But I am anxious.

What if I don't have a familiar that matches their expectations? What if my familiar is just like me, ordinary? What would happen if the creature I summon doesn't accept me as their master?

Many thoughts were clouding my mind as I stood before the summoning circles.

I was uncertain, I didn't know what to expect or even expect anything in the first place.

I didn't know… they said to not worry about anything but, after seeing everyone getting disappointed at their own weak familiars and enviously praising someone else's familiar, I didn't know what to do anymore.


The last of us activated our summoning crystals and mine glowed with a soft green light, somewhat similar to my hair, but a lot purer than theirs before flying away to the summoning area before me.


The other five people beside me also did that and, with the same process and the magic circle lighting up, the creatures, their familiars, were summoned before them.

However, not mine.

My partner, my dear cutie whom I was at least looking forward to meeting, wasn't here yet.

The magic circle that my summoning crystal's lights had gone to was still shining with the green light when everyone else had finished with their bonding process.

It was strange, but, since it was happening this way, we thought the magic circle would start glowing in the other parts as well.

Just like some other times when the magic circle had glowed with our unique lights in multiple sections to summon some special creatures, we believed the same would happen to mine as well.


I was happy for a moment that my partner would at least be a unique creature that would, hopefully, be special enough to be helpful to them.

I was happy… but, something strange happened.

Instead of a few more areas lighting up beside the original one where my crystal's light had fallen, the entire summoning circle, all twelve sections of the summoning circle, glowed up with an intense light so suddenly that it almost blinded some of the people close to the magic circle.


And then, for some reason, Luel returned to her original state and started reacting and glowing with the same color as the magic circle.

'What the…!'


The green light suddenly became even more intense, so intense that even I was blinded for a moment.

"What is happening!"

"What the hell!"

"What did she…!"

"Please calm down everyone!"

"Oh lord…! What is happening!"

Large gusts of winds so strong that some of the people surrounding the summoning circle were thrown back a few meters appeared after that, and in a matter of moments, these winds became so strong that even the tall trees were shaking violently.

'What's happening here?!'

Even I didn't understand what was happening right now, but something was up with the summoning circle and, the reason for that was me. That much everyone had guessed already.

But, what was happening here was unclear to everyone. Even the lizardman instructor was confused about what was happening and was seriously looking out for any major problems.


The winds soon became even more intense and, green particles of light started materializing on the magic circle.

Something was materializing in this place, something that was the cause of this entire phenomenon. Some people had already been hurt because of the winds and others were helping them.

It was a dangerous situation, but, the instructor was still doing nothing and was just watching everything unfolding from his previous place.

Even I was barely holding my ground with Luel as a support.


The winds became even stronger and sharper at one point and the instructor had to take action and cover all of us with a strong protective shield, which was strong enough to protect all of us from this level of winds.

It was becoming more and more dangerous, but… the winds calmed down a little at one point, and I was right before the summoning circle, so, I knew that whatever was being manifested in this place, had finished its materialization.


[ Who was the one that summoned me to this land?! ]

An ear-piercing scream rang all throughout the Garden of six seasons and a powerful voice spoken with Mana voice was heard right after that.

We all heard that, but before people could look up at the one who had said those words, the gust of winds returned, this time, with even more intensity.


[ Speak! Who summoned me? ]

The sound of wings fluttering was heard throughout the area and an overbearing presence overwhelmed everyone else as well.

The voice that was speaking this, was angry… actually, it felt more like the voice was annoyed but, well, it was spoken with a great power behind those words.

It felt like something was threatening my life. It was dreadful. I didn't know what to do… I didn't know what to say to this angry voice.

I summoned it? I did it? How was I supposed to say those words to something that seemed to be after my life?

There was no killing intent but that anger and annoyance alone were deadly enough that I didn't even want to know just this creature's anger felt like.


My mind went blank for a moment. All thoughts vanished and I fell to my knees.

I didn't know what to do or say, and, a moment passed like that…

[ I will not ask again! ]

There was only the sound of strong winds present in the area until the creature warned for the last time, but, just after it said that a familiar voice rang in my ears.


"Why are you like that?"

They were here. Both of them were here. It was their voice. They were here!

"It's pathetic, you know?"

"There's nothing to be afraid about, Eva. Get up."

El was cursing at me, just like she does. Lucy's voice was warm, just like it always is…

They were here. They were telling me to stand up. But before these strong winds… hmmm?

"See dummy? If you had just thought about this for a moment you would have figured it out a while ago. Dummy dum-dum."

"She means there was nothing to worry about in the first place Eva. These strong winds… they belong to you. Don't fear what is already yours. That griffin included."


What did he mean by that?

Why was he calling the name of a legendary creature out of nowhere?

What did he mean the winds belonged… to me?

These winds were strong, and the voice that was speaking was strong too. They were certainly stronger than me. But, they were saying… these things were mine?

They belonged to… me?


[ So… you are the one who summoned me. ]

[ "Yup~. She's the one." ]

[ Hmmmm… ]

Now El was telling that creature I summoned it!

What was happening right now?!

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