Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 10 (3/10)

Book 3: Chapter 10 (3/10)

Noe conjured a total of thirty-seven unique creatures all with different shapes and features about them. Out of those thirty-seven unique creatures, six creatures reached level 100 in magical power and the other thirty-one creatures have reached Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior in physical strength. Noe then attempted to thoroughly introduce his creatures to Kain to see his reaction.

Noe pointed his right finger at a Wind Walker and said, This is Lidiaz. Just like your Lazela, she is a level 100 Wind Walker.

He then pointed at a Mutated Ice Gargoyle and said, This is Erezar. Not only has he advanced into level 100 of Ice Magic training, but his physical strength also reached Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior. Unlike Alereth the Ice Gargoyle Empress, Ezerar cant heal himself or recover his mana pool so no worry. As you can see for yourself, Erezar is a Mutated Ice Gargoyle, that was why he was six times taller and bigger compared to a regular Ice Gargoyle.

Noe pointed to another creature and said, This is-

Kain angrily interrupted Noe as he yelled, Shut the f*ck up! Do I look like I have time to care knowing about those weak-ass creatures? Enough bullshit and just send them to attack me.

Seeing Kains intention, Noe smiled and thought to himself, Kain, your idiocy helped me to see straight through your plan. You wanted me to send all of my powerful creatures to attack you. You then appear to be powerless by continuously healing yourself using Blood Magic such as [Life Drain] and [Abyssal Flesh]. Seeing how you are struggling against my powerful creatures, I will get too confident and lower my guard. By that time I will fall into another Delusion Magic spell of that Evolved Thunder Eagle. Such a simple plan and you dared to fool me? No worry though, I will continue to play with you.

Noe pretended to be angry by Kain's taunting and sent forty-seven unique creatures including ten unique creatures he conjured earlier to attack him while leaving himself vulnerable by standing alone. Standing a thousand feet away hidden in plain sight of everybody including Kain by using his [Invisibility Cloak] spell, Finwe was happy to see Kains success in taunting Noe.

Using the temporary abyss link chained between them, Finwe told Kain, I will come closer to Noe Clerico and find a good opportunity to use the [Delusion World] spell on him. Because you will be busy fighting with his creatures, using the [Delusion World] spell would allow me to kill him as soon as he is trapped inside it. I have to make sure it wasnt his [Shadow Clone] before moving to attack or the chance would go to waste.

Approximately four minutes later, Kain was still fighting strongly against Noes conjured creatures while Finwe slowly moved closer to Noe. Finwe used his powerful Magical Penetration rate and carefully analyzed Noe Clerico to make sure it wasnt just a shadow clone. After verifying it wasnt a shadow clone by sensing how high Noes Magical Resistance rate was, Finwe patiently waited for Noe to lowered his guard. About another two minutes passed, Noe deactivated [Magic Mantras] ability to get his Magical Resistance rate back to normal to reserve his mana pool after seeing Kain was struggling against his creatures and there was no way Kain could get closer to him. Finwe took this opportunity to casted the [Delusion World] spell and Noe once again fell into his Delusion Magic.

Realizing his plan was successfully executed, Finwe teleported behind Noe using [Teleportation] spell, then used his long sword to strike Noe from behind his back, penetrating into his heart. Not done yet, Finwe casted [Storm Sword] spell toward Noe and attempted to electrocute him to death just in case he survived the sneak attack. Feeling that still wasnt enough, Finwe activated [Mana Infusion] then casted [Thunder Cage], the Saint-tier Thunder Magic spell that he had created. [Thunder Cage] works similarly to [Storm Sword], but has the ability to prevent the enemy from escaping by locking a single targeted enemy inside it. A cage made out of thunder approximately a thousand square feet large appeared and locked Noe inside in all directions. The thunder cage then slowly gets smaller and smaller, squeezing Noe while electrocuting him inside it.

Didn't hear any painful scream from Noe, Finwe happily thought to himself believing Noe was still trapped inside his [Delusion World] spell, If Noe Clerico revives himself after getting killed by my [Storm Sword], then [Thunder Cage] will repeatedly kill him until its effect end. I hope my [Delusion World] spell managed to keep him trapped inside his mind long enough for him not to be able to activate his [Unlimited Life] spell.

Huh? What is this? Finwe confusedly asked himself when he saw it was a Skeleton Warrior that was being locked inside the [Thunder Cage] instead of Noe Clerico. "Impossible. I stabbed his heart from the back. It was Noe Clerico, not a Skeleton Warrior." Finwe continued asking himself using a confused tone.

Appeared ten feet away, Noe mockingly asked, Wasted your entire mana pool to kill a Skeleton Warrior, how does it feel? Pretty stupid, isnt it?

Finwe could no longer remain calm, he stared into Noe's eyes and angrily said, I knew you have fallen into my [Delusion World] spell, no doubt about that!

Indeed I did... not. Ah, let me explain more carefully. I intended to fall into your [Delusion World] spell to see what you would do. Just like I have expected, you stabbed me from the back before casting some Thunder Magic spells thinking it would kill me. I allowed you to succeed so you can figure out that it is useless to assassinate me. Even when I dont use the [Unlimited Life] spell, you still cant kill me. Im tired of telling you and Kain this over and over, but I am an immortal. There is simply someone you can never kill, and that someone is me.

[Warp Infusion]? Did you somehow get out of my [Delusion World] early and use [Warp Infusion] spell to switch places with your Skeleton Warrior? No not possible. My [Thunder Cage] would have stunned and electrocuted you until death. I sensed your Magical Resistance rate was much lower compared to my Magical Penetration rate. There is no way you can resist my [Thunder Cage] spell especially after I have [Mana Infusion] activated.

Little Bird, you have answered your own question. Of course, it wasn't the [Warp Infusion] spell that I have used.

Then what is it?

You are not worthy to know about it, Little Bird.

[Substitution] spell is the Saint-tier Conjuration Magic spell Noe had created using the idea of [Shadow Clone], [Conjure Skeleton Warrior], and [Warp Infusion] spells. A simple explanation would be that the [Substitution] spell helped Noe become invisible, created a Shadow Clone using a Skeleton Warrior ten feet away, and then switched Noes place with that Skeleton Warrior. A more detailed explanation would be at the time the Skeleton Warrior summoned by [Substitution] spell appeared, it cloned Skeleton Warriors appearance to match with Noe while granting Noe invisibility for ten seconds. Noe can increase the duration time for the [Substitution] spell which meant keeping the Skeleton Warrior's appearance to match him and continuously maintaining his invisibility by infusing more mana into it. Unlike [Shadow Clone] that can be killed in one simple attack, [Substitution] can dodge, parry, and block attacks. It can even fight back enemies using Monk Warrior's abilities since it possessed the physical strength and Magical Resistance rate on par with Noe Clerico to simply fool the enemies better. However, that Skeleton Warrior still can't cast any magic spells. Upon being killed, [Substitution] would reveal its true form of being just a Skeleton Warrior.

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