Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 11 (8/11)

Book 3: Chapter 11 (8/11)

Etgar turned to look at Adrik and saw Adriks eyes were opened more widely compared to when Kain was first killed by Noe. Etgar thought to himself, I don't blame Sir Volsky for being surprised like that. While it took Noe Clerico nearly a day to kill Kain, it only took this Arthur Castillon guy one second. This is something no one else can do even when Kain didn't have any Blood Equipment with him. Isnt Kain supposed to have four health pools and eight blood pools inside his stomach? How can he die in just one second? If he can kill Kain in an instant like that, how can other Blood Mages stand against him?

Etgar softly whispered into Adrik's ear and asked, "Sir Volsky, what shall we do?"

Adrik quickly calmed himself down and said, Etgar, you and your Blood Mages have to rescue Kains corpse and revive him as soon as possible. It seems like Arthur didn't want to completely destroy Kain's body so we still have a chance to rescue him. I will lead the Rogue Mages to attack the Mages Council hoping to create a distraction. After you rescue Kain, leave this island immediately."

"What about you, Sir Volsky?"

"I have to hold the Mages Council back from chasing after you. Never in my life have I seen such a powerful magic caster that can kill a mighty person like Kain Bersk in just a second. Because Kain was killed by that Arthur guy, Kain may figure out a way to counter him in the future. Kain is the only chance we have to defeat the Mages Council. If my death today allows you the successful chance of rescuing Kain, then it will be worth it."

Etgar was about to say some useless shits but then quickly nodded his head as he said, "I have understood."

Many people in the Mages Council stared at Arthur and wondered how he could defeat Kain that easily, but Arthur completely ignored their astonishment as he told Isia, Isia, please go and revive Lord Clerico then bring him back here.

After Isia flew toward Noes finger to retrieve it, Arthur casted [Soul Extraction] spell on Kain and attempted to extract Kains Elemental Souls. Two red energy balls circling each other popped out of Kains corpse. Then an energy ball mixed with purple, blue, and black colors slowly popped out of Kains corpse. Arthur grabbed those three energy balls and thought to himself, Twin Soul and Devil Soul. Twin Soul is evil so I wont use it for any creation on my planet. But this Devil Soul... I can find a strong Magical Beast possessing a Demonic Soul then give this Devil Soul to it for an upgrade. I wonder how much stronger... Hmm? What is happening?

Arthur was surprised as he saw the Twin Soul and the Devil Soul started to evade his grasp then flew back inside Kains corpse. Arthur indignantly asked himself, Tainted Souls? Why are those souls tainted? Kain, what have you done with your souls?

Isia revived Noe Clerico then carried him back in front of Arthur. Noe saw Kains corpse lying on the ground then turned to look at Arthur and nodded his head in satisfaction. Noe said, I dont know how Kain could kill me after I turned him into a minion. More importantly, how did he revive himself after killing me? As a minion, he was supposed to be dead if I was killed. Did you have a chance to ask him that?

Right when Arthur was about to answer, Adrik Volsky led the Rogue Mages to attack Gwenn Bigham, Lords of the Colors, powerful Executioners, and Members of the Colors. Etgar Revenmar also led his Blood Mages to start attacking Arthur, hoping to rescue Kain's corpse from him. Arthur didnt want to fight them and told Isia to have her hundred Sixteen Wings Angel Warriors form a circle barrier around him, preventing any Blood Mage from making it through. Arthurs mind was occupied with why Kains Elemental Souls were tainted but he still summarised the battle between him and Kain. Of course, Arthur didn't reveal the secret of his [Isolation] spell.

Meanwhile, in the secret underground bunker that Jaane and her children were hiding in. Liliana and Zander saw that Iviss was broken again. In bewilderment, Liliana asked, Mother, did that mean father was killed once again? Zander stayed quiet and was just looking at Jaane, waiting for her to answer.

Jaane saw Iviss was broken and knew Kain was killed again, but she wasnt overwhelmed knowing Kain has many tricks under his sleeves and wouldnt just die like that. If Kain could revive himself once, he would be able to do it again. Jaane quickly shook away that thinking because Kain had never told her that he could die twice during this battle. Even so, Kain wasnt alone in Linkeep Island. He came to that island with Adrik Volsky, Etgar Revenmar, powerful Blood Mages, and Rogue Mages. There was no way they would let him die without trying to rescue his corpse to revive him. The fact that Iviss was broken but didn't fade away indicated Kain was killed but his corpse wasn't destroyed.

Jaane knew what she had to do. She turned toward Liliana and Zander then said, This could be another trick your father has. Finwe told us to stay here until he comes back to get us. Your father is the strongest, bravest, and smartest person I have known throughout my lifetime. We dont have to worry much about this, okay? Jaane said so to calm her children. Deep down in her heart, Jaane was very worried about Kain.

Liliana and Zander's minds were eased to hear that, they smiled and said, Yes, mother.

Handed the Magical Portal Key Kain had given her to Liliana, Jaane said, Liliana, if I dont come back within a week, use this key to open a portal to another realm. Once you step into the portal, you and your brother must never come back to Toria Continents.

Hearing that, Zander surprisingly asked, Mother, what do you mean?

I have to go find your father, just in case he needs my help. You and your sister have advanced into tenth-tier warriors. It doesnt matter what realm you are going to go to, your lives should not be in danger as long as you keep your head down and stay low. However, you should go to the realms that have blonde hair humans. Never let people know your real name to avoid being tracked down by the Mages Council, do you understand?

Holding the Magical Portal Key in her right hand, Liliana asked, What about you, mother?

I am a Saint-tier Druid Earth Mage. With Reana by my side, I have no problem surviving. But if I dont come back within a week, you both must follow my advice and travel to another realm, okay?

Liliana and Zander werent young and naive, they both knew what they should do in case Jaane couldn't come back to the secret underground bunker. Liliana warmly said, Mother, we will be waiting for your return with father. But if a week passes and we don't hear from either of you, then we will travel to another realm and never come back.

Nodded and smiling in agreement, Jaane gave Zander the Magical Storage Ring belonging to Kain and said, If your father and I dont make it back, you can become the new owner of this Storage Ring. Share all the usable items in this ring with your sister and slowly sell the rest for money by that way you wouldnt have to worry about food and shelter for a while. Never let anyone know about the Magical Blood Equipment in this Storage Ring, understand?

Yes, mother.

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