Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 5 (6/8)

Book 3: Chapter 5 (6/8)

Hearing such an insane request, Gwenn appeared to be worried and was about to reject Arthur from visiting Kain. But before Gwenn could say anything, Noe smiled and said, I don't see any problem with that. You arent weak anymore. Judging by the inner magical energy that you have, I believe you have no problem escaping from Kain Bersk if shit hits the wind, is that right?

Since Noe already said there is no problem, Gwenn wouldn't want to reject Arthur's request. She turned to look at Arthur to see how he would respond to Noe's question.

Arthur said, Your Grace, there is much more useful in Creation Magic that I haven't told you yet. For example, I can also hide inside my planet if needed. Besides me, no one will be able to access that planet at all which means the planet will become my fortress when I want to retreat just like the turtle withdraws back into its shell every time it faces dangers. More importantly, because every minute passed in Toria Continents equals one year passed there, I can take one second to rest on that planet and my depleted mana pool will be fully charged again. About healing my wounds, I have a powerful creature that possesses an Angelic Soul as my Soul-Bound Creature who I have encountered inside of the Timeless Dungeon. I will never have to worry about dying or reaching mana depletion in battle ever again.

Noe asked, "Hoh? I thought you already have a Soul-Bound Creature. The Phantom Knight from the Nivin Tribe. What was her name again?"

Arwen, her name is Arwen, Your Grace. Unfortunately, she was killed in the battle between the Nivin Tribe and the Nalto Tribe in the realm of Phantom Knights.

Ah... And how did you know about the war between the Nivin Tribe and the Nalto Tribe? Noe suspiciously asked.

The reason Noe was being suspicious of Arthur was that the Soul-Bound Contract was considered an equal contract to bind a living creature whether it's a human, magical beast, or magical creature from another realm. Any Conjurer Mage killed his/her Soul-Bound Creature to have the opportunity to bind another creature to his/her Conjurer Soul is considered scum and should never be trusted.

Arthur truthfully answered without thinking much about why Noe asked him such a question, Arwen told me the day before the Nivin Tribe was having an all-out war with the Nalto Tribe. The war between those two tribes lasted for only ten days in the realm of the Phantom Knights but it lasted for more than fourteen thousand years inside the Timeless Dungeon. I actually forgot about their war until the permanent abyss link chained between Arwen and I was broken. That was how I knew Arwen was killed during the war.

Noe paid careful attention to observing Arthurs facial expression when he was speaking of Arwen. After making sure Arthur didnt lie, Noe said, Im sorry for your loss, Arthur.

After ten seconds of silence, Gwenn asked, Arthur, would you tell me more about your new Soul-Bound Creature?

Arthur shook off the good memory he had with Arwen when he heard Gwenn ask about his new Soul-Bound Creature. Arthur put on his smiley face back and said, Of course, Holy Mage. Her name is Isia. Like us, she is a human. However, she was born in Norelf Continents.

Both Noe and Gwenn were disappointed to hear that. Norelf Continents is a planet that famous for having great warrior arts while its magic system is pretty inefficient when comparing to Toria Continents. Because of that, Arwen would have been much stronger if comparing Isia since Phantom Knights of the Nivin Tribe can fight in close combat, ranged combat, and heal themselves in battle using abilities such as [Self Recovery].

Without realizing how Noe and Gwenn were disappointed, Arthur continued, Isia is different compared to other magic casters from that planet. She never neglected her training even after reaching Saint-tier. I have fought her and she wasnt any weaker comparing to any other level 100 Light Mage that came from Toria Continents.

Pretended to be amazed, Gwenn asked, Has she reached level 100 yet?

Yes, she reached level 100 long before I did. For whatever reason, Isia was teleported into the Timeless Dungeon when I was finishing the Second Stage. This may sound ridiculous, but Isia told me Watcher Zorim appeared in her dream and asked if she wanted to join the Timeless Dungeon. After she agreed to, she woke up and saw that she was teleported there. We worked together to complete the Third Stage then she parted ways with me because each of us was teleported to different Fourth Stages. I didn't see Isia again until I reached the Tenth Stage. To my surprise, Isia was my enemy in the last stage inside of the Timeless Dungeon. She agreed to be my Soul-Bound Creature as it was one of the final rewards I received for completed that Timeless Dungeon.

Noe and Gwenn looked at each other after hearing Arthur talked about Isia. They have concluded that Isia wasnt as weak as they thought she was. If a Light Mage from Norelf Continents was chosen to participate in the Timeless Dungeon by Watcher Zorim, then that Light Mage must be uncommonly strong in some ways.

After carefully analyzing what Arthur just said, Noe nodded his head in satisfaction knowing Arthur has found another great Soul-Bound Creature. Noe asked, Isia sounded amazing, I can't wait to see you call for her help in battle. Now, let's go back to that tiny planet of yours. What if someone destroys your planet while you are hiding inside? Will you die when that happens? You mentioned the turtle shell when talking about your planet. Does that mean the planet can somehow shield you from incoming damages as well?

Arthur respectfully answered, Your Grace, there are four powerful auras of fire, ice, lightning, and earthen that actively protect my planet. By the time someone could break through all four auras, I would have already recovered my mana pool and got out of the planet to continue the fight while the auras protecting the planet regenerate. Additionally, I wouldnt leave my planet unprotected. I can conjure as many powerful creatures as I want to protect my planet then go in there for one second to recharge my mana pool and come right out after that to continue to battle. Even if someone could destroy all of my creatures, somehow get through those four protection auras and attack my planet in less than a second, I can still escape the moment my planet starts to crumble. The only sad thing when that happens is I will have to recreate a new planet including all the civilizations within it and patiently wait for it to develop again.

Noe thought to himself, "In a way when comparing to my Necromancer Soul, Arthur's Ethereal Soul sounded more powerful as he can rest for days before continue fighting as it only took one second passed in real life."

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