Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 7 (2/9)

Book 3: Chapter 7 (2/9)

Kain smirked and didnt bother to reply to Eviennes question. He turned toward Imreia and asked, "Imreia, do you think you can fight her alone?"

Imreia was always confident in herself, but she wasn't stupid to not know the big gap between her physical strength and Evienne's strength. A regular Devil Warrior was already too strong for Imreia, a powerful Devil Warrior such as Evienne isn't someone Imreia dared to mess with.

Imreia honestly answered Kain's question, "Definitely not."

As an asshole as always, Kain smiled and said, "Good. I will leave her to you then. Worry not, I will conjure you back every time you die."


"Just because."

Kain then gave the commands for his hundred thousand Ancient Vampires to fight against the five Devil Warriors and attempted to get closer to Anwyn while Lazela was casting the [Wind Walk] spell on Imreia to help her fly. Per Kain's command, Imreia had no other option but to attack Evienne. Imreia shot six astral arrows toward Evienne using her glowing astral bow then violently flew toward to attack using her astral sword.

Evienne was annoyed that Kain dared to send a weak Phantom Knight of the Nivin Tribe to fight against a mighty Devil Warrior such as herself. Evienne didn't dodge the astral arrows shot by Imreia but allowed it to hit her armor. As expected, those astral arrows bounced away from Evienne's armor before it faded away. Evienne then used the fiery sword on her left hand to block Imreia's sword strike while using the fiery sword on her right hand to slash Imreia, cutting down her left arm. Staring directly into Imreia's eyes, Evienne spitted on her face before throwing a powerful kick, crushed Imreia's stomach, and blasted her from the sky down ten feet below the ground.

Kain thought Imreia got killed by that attack and was about to conjure her back by using the [Conjure Imreia] spell. But he quickly noticed Imreia was still alive and surprisingly thought to himself, "Imreia is tougher than I thought. To be able to survive against two attacks from that bitch isn't something anyone can do."

Flew up from ten feet below the ground, the one-arm Imreia crazily stared at Evienne and loudly shouted, "Stupid bitch! I'm gonna f*cking kill you!" Imreia then flew toward Evienne and attempted to attack using the glowing astral sword on her right hand.

Imreia didn't bother to activate her self-healing ability to cure the major wounds she received from Evienne's attacks. It was because Imreia knew one more attack from Evienne would surely end her life regardless if she activates the [Self Recovery] ability or not. Just like what Imreia had foreseen, Evienne was too fast for her. The moment Imreia swung her astral sword, it only hit Evienne's shadow as Evienne's left sword stabbed through Imreia's stomach while Evienne's right sword cut Imreia's head off.

Immediately after Imreia's corpse was transported back to the realm of Phantom Knights, Kain happily grinned, then casted [Conjure Imreia] spell to conjure her back. Without Kain's guidance, Lazela casted [Wind Walk] spell to help Imreia to fly again.

The fully-recovered Imreia flew up fast toward the direction where Evienne was flying while professionally informed her, "As I have said before, I'm gonna f*cking kill you!"

Just four attacks from Evienne and Imreia were killed again. Like before, fully-recovered Imreia was conjured back to battle using Kain's Conjuration Magic. This repeated over two thousand times until Evienne was wearied and didn't want to fight Imreia anymore. But Imreia wasn't the type that will let Evienne get away that easily.

Imreia chased after Evienne and begged, "Bitch, kill me again! I am f*cking dare you! Kill me!"

"So annoying!" Evienne angrily swung both of her fiery swords and killed Imreia once again for the two-thousand-two-hundred-twenty-two time.

Just like before, Kain conjured Imreia back as Lazela casted [Wind Walk] spell on her. Lazela wasn't afraid of being out of mana because of the Ethereal Angels that Kain conjured and instructed them to actively recover her mana pool. Kain laughed out loud after seeing Imreia crazily chased after Evienne and begged to be killed again. Evienne was too busy killing Imreia repeatedly and didn't check on her fellow Devils. By the time she looked around, Evienne could see that the Devil-Kain had killed at least seven Devils including four Devil Warriors and three Devil Mages.

Seeing Imreia continued to madly chase after her, Evienne frustratedly shouted out loud, "Overlord, please wake up!" Waking up Anwyn was the only best option to stop Kain from killing all the Devil Guards of this castle. Evienne fought with Kain inside the Timeless Dungeon, she knew how long Kain could last using his Magical Blood Equipment. If it wasn't because of her ability to open the Hell Gates at that time, Evienne couldn't last that long against Devil-Kain and the black-hair Kain teamed up together. The ability to open the Hell Gates can only be used in other realms, not at the Hell Realm including inside the Devils' Planet.

Inside the imaginative battle between Anwyn and Finwe. Anwyn started to be annoyed as all of her powerful attacks kept on missing and didn't hit Finwe. She turned around and saw Devil-Kain was still fighting strongly against her guards. Anwyn noticed seven of her guards were killed and immediately pointed her Magical Staff toward their corpses and commanded, "Revive them." Per Anwyn's commands, one of the white-colored Magical Stones embedded on the staff flashed once then it released a light beam toward the corpses and revived the dead Devils.

Anwyn turned to look at Finwe and asked, "I can revive them as many times as needed. What about you? How long until your mana pool reaches depletion?"

Finwe replied, "My mana pool is large enough for me to keep you busy. As soon as Kain kills all of your guards, we will team up to defeat you."

"Didn't you hear what I have just said? I can revive my guards as many times as I want."

"Yeah, but how can you revive others when your mana pool reaches depletion?"

"That won't happen, because my Magical Staff can cast magic spells without channeling into my mana pool." Anwyn had no problem revealing it to Finwe since knowing it wouldnt benefit him in any way.

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