Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 8 (3/9)

Book 3: Chapter 8 (3/9)

A few hours later. Brandis woke up on his bed seeing all of his injuries were fully healed. Sitting on a chair inside his room was his father, Pope Alain Hayward, who was disappointedly looking at him. Pope Hayward calmly asked, I couldnt find the Magical Portal Key on you, what happened to it?

Thinking about how Lazela defeated him, Brandis got tremendous irritation and wanted to scream out loud to release his anger. But doing so would attract other people, that was why Brandis swallowed his rage and softly answered, Im sorry, father. She deceived me. She played me from the very beginning. I failed the task you have given me.

I dont care about that. What happened to my key!? Pope Hayward started raising his voice.

She must have stolen it from me when I was unconscious.

You imbecile! How can you recklessly carry the most precious magical item like that to another realm? What did I tell you about giving the key to the most trusted henchman you have to guard it for you while you were on the other side of the portal?

Im sorry, father. I didn't know things would turn out this way.

Shut up!

Pope Hayward delivered a loving slap to Brandis's face for his mistake. That slap was powerful enough to knock one of Brandis's teeth out. It wasn't a big deal anyway since it could be healed using the [Minor Healing] spell of Light Magic.

After yelling at Brandis for another two minutes, Pope Hayward sat down on the chair again for at least five minutes to calm himself down before standing up and said, Make sure no one else knows about this. Pretend like the Magical Portal Key was still in my possession. If anyone else knew that I gave you the key and you lost it to a Wind Walker, my position as the Pope wont be secured.

I understand, father.

Pope Hayward walked away in anger while Brandis angrily made a promise to himself, Lazela, if I ever have a chance to kill you, I will make sure you will die painfully!

Meanwhile, in the realm of the Wind Walkers, Lazela carefully observed the Magical Portal Key while smiling and thought, A hundred years from now, I can free myself from Kains Conjuration Magic at any time by going to another planet or even another realm. I am no longer just a Wind Walker but an adventurer. I can attend Magical Dungeons including Timeless Dungeon if possible. The possibility I have with this key is endless

Five months later. The Mages Council sent one of the strongest Executioners they had to the Dryardian Empire as a messenger to deliver a handwritten letter by Lord Noe Clerico of the Gray to the Supreme Leader of the Dryardian Empire, Kain Bersk. Unlike Noe Clerico who could have reached the Dryardian Empire through conjuring a Wind Walker and commanded it to cast [Wind Walk] spell on him, Executioner Enye Selmer couldnt fly but she could keep herself in mid-air for several seconds using [Hover Ignition], a Saint-tier Fire Magic spell that she had created. [Hover Ignition] wasnt created for fighting, but to keep Enye float in mid-air similar to flying. However, Enye couldnt freely control her movement in mid-air while using [Hover Ignition] compared to [Wind Walk] spell. But because Enye didn't have a mana pool as large as Noe, it would be impossible for her to fly from Flumen city to Benil city.

Enye Selmer was one of the Solo-Executioners that have reached level 100. If compared to Lord Wrenn Fasketel of the red, Enye wasnt as strong as him because her talent in creating Saint-tier Fire Magic was much worse compared to him. Despite already reaching level 100, Enye had only created two Saint-tier Fire Magic spells. One of them was the useless [Hover Ignition] spell that couldn't even help her fly as great as a level 11 [Wind Walk] spell of Wind Magic. Notwithstanding that, Enye was still considered to be one of the strongest Solo-Executioners of the Mages Council because of the level she had reached. Once a magic caster steps into Saint-tier, it will only be a matter of time before that magic caster reaches level 100. The real talent of the magic caster doesnt rely on his/her level, but the ability to create as many powerful Saint-tier magic spells as possible.

Enye had a boat trip from Flumen city to Losward city of the Bifjorkian Theocracy. From Losward city, a large ship was prepared for her by the Mages Council with over five thousand warriors and archers commanded by one of the Heroes of Bifjorkian Theocracy, Madam Ana Calaudra, a Third Stage Saint Warrior. After twenty days at sea, the ship of Executioner Enye Selmer reached the seaway territory of the Dryardian Empire. Kain already gave the order for the Navy of his nation to allow any ship bearing the flag of the Mages Council to gain entry. That was why Executioner Selmers ship had no problem reaching Gondeneadra city of the Dryardian Empire.

At Gondeneadra city, Enye requested for Madam Calaudra to stay and guard the ship together with the five thousand warriors and archers on that ship while she went to Benil city by herself using [Hover Ignition] spell. The one thing [Hover Ignition] spell was better than [Wind Walk] spell was the speed. Regardless of being unable to maintain balance as well as [Wind Walk], [Hover Ignition] can blast Enye from one location to the next much faster. If skipping from using the main road which has eight cities along the way, from Gondeneadra city to Benil city was more than three hundred eighty miles crossing through three different forests, but it only took Enye five hours to get there using her [Hover Ignition] spell.

Landed on the ground at the East Gate of Benil city, Enye introduced herself to the Demi-Human city guards and was about to request permission to enter the city to deliver a hand-written letter from Noe Clerico to their Supreme Leader, Kain Bersk. Enye didnt have to wait as expected, the Demi-Humans immediately escorted her to meet with Kain without waiting for any type of approval. This was because Kain already knew the Mages Council was going to send a messenger to deliver the message to him after he received the news that the arena the Bifjorkian Theocracy was building on Linkeep Island had been completed.

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