Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 8 (5/9)

Book 3: Chapter 8 (5/9)

After Enye was escorted out of Benil city by the Demi-Human city guards of Benil city, she casted [Hover Ignition] spell and started flying back toward the direction of her ship located at Gondeneadra city. Enye still couldnt figure out how Kain prohibited her from casting magic because she saw he didnt do anything at all. Enye carefully analyzed everything that happened the moment when Kain was walking down from the throne chair until he turned his back away from her and walked toward the throne chair again. A few hours later, Enye gave up on figuring out how Kain prevented her from casting magic and finally admitted to herself, He could have easily killed me if he wanted to. Kain Bersk was right. I am nothing but a worm when standing in front of him.

A year later. On Linkeep Island.

On the Mages Council side. Noe Clerico, Arthur Castillon, Gwenn Bigham, Kath Donoghan, Oleos Fosnes, Gerda Mork, Dasha Vaelbe, Larissa Krasnaia, Bohdan Brish, Wrenn Fasketel, Powerful Solo-Executioners including Enye Selmer, and the rising superstar of the Mages Council, Githa Bersk (real name was Azura Kreel, Saint-tier Blood and Earth Magic Caster), was the first group to arrived at Linkeep Island using a big ship. No Champion of the Mages Council was allowed to come because Noe Clerico hated them and refused to let them watch him fight. The Champions werent scared of Noe, but they didnt want to cause an unnecessary quarrel with him and decided not to come after all.

World leaders included:

Pope Alain Hayward from Bifjorkian Theocracy. And his son, Great General Brandis Hayward.

Emperor Selcar Ellarian of the Cloudia Empire.

King Variel Eroth, and Quen Sariel Eloetin of the Kingdom of Qarte.

President Arden Haell of the Republic of Yfari.

King Luther Blitzen and Queen Herlinde Haintz of the Kingdom of Winhardia.

King Anton Hirsh and Queen Hilda Midden of the Kingdom of Ronia.

Renowned Castle Lords and Ladies around the world were also invited.

Each world leader could only bring ten bodyguards with them. That was why the weakest bodyguards they have brought were at least First Stage Saint Warrior. Renowned Castle Lords and Ladies didnt have the privilege of having Saint Warriors to serve them, that was why they brought tenth-tier warriors instead.

World leaders arrived at Linkeep Island between five to ten days after the Mages Councils ship.

The Dryardian Empires ship carrying Kain Bersk, Jaane Almos, Liliana Bersk, Zander Bersk, Adrik Volsky, Etgar Revenmar, Andrella Whistler, Lucius Flavonius Acilianus, Ateia Ordia, Zemelda Edhilda Acilianus, Powerful Rogue Mages, Masters of Blood Mages Guild, Kings, and Queens of Dryardian Empire was the last to arrive at Linkeep Island.

Based on the agreement between Noe Clerico and Kain Bersk, no army or navy could be brought to Linkeep Island.

Landed on Linkeep Island, Kain laughed after knowing the Mages Council and the world leaders had arrived days before he had. Standing in front of the Mages Council and the world leaders, Kain jokingly said, The main character will always come last. Those side characters knew how to carry out their jobs properly by coming here first and preparing for the main character such as myself to enter.

Kain could feel the angry stare the Mages Council and the world leaders were giving him, he ignored them and said out loud, Noe Clerico, lets get this over with!

Instead of receiving a reply from Noe as expected, Arthur was the one that answered, Lord Clerico isnt here. He told me to tell you that the duel will start three days from now. This is to give you enough time to prepare and have no excuse when he defeats and kills you.

Hahaha Weakling, tell Noe that he will be the one to lose his life. I have brought my wife and kids with me to witness the glorious moment when I killed Noe Clerico, the strongest Conjurer Mage ever lived in Toria Continents!

Kain, just shut up and chill for three days. Alright? Arthur angrily advised Kain. Lord Clerico was being kind-hearted by giving Kain three more days to live, Kain should treasure it.

Kain didnt want to rest because he wanted to fight right away and get this battle over with. But after hearing Arthur angrily advise him to relax, Kain bitterly nodded and said, Tell Noe Clerico that I will allow him to live three more days. Weakling, I thank you for being here.

Arthur wanted to say something else, but he then decided it was best to remain silent. The promise he made to Kain when they were lying next to each other after the friendly spar between them will be kept. Kain asked Arthur to be here to help protect his wife and kids from the Mages Council, the Blood Mages Guild, the Dryardian Empire, the world leaders, and the Rogue Mages just in case if Kain gets killed by Noe Clerico. Kain had done so many things to upset many powerful people. He had no real ally, but plenty of enemies. Arthur Castillon was the only person Kain could count on to protect his family if he died.

Seeing Kain, the Blood Mages, the Rogue Mages, and the rest of the Dryardian Empire walking toward the mansion that was reserved for them, Arthur sighed heavily and thought to himself, If Kain defeats Lord Clerico, then the battle to the death between him and I cant be avoided. But if Lord Clerico defeats Kain, then I will risk having the world as my enemies to protect his wife and kids. Kain, sometimes I wished we remained as arch-enemies instead of being friends because it would make my life much easier. Worry not, I will keep my promise.

Adrik Volsky and Gwenn Bigham finally saw each other again. Gwenn had her guard up despite Adrik showing no intention of attacking her. After knowing Kain couldnt kill Noe Clerico when they fought last time, Adrik realized his power was nowhere enough to defeat the Mages Council while Noe Clerico still remained as the Saint-tier. Even though Noe could revive himself without limit, that doesnt mean he was strong enough to capture or kill Adrik. Adrik believed he, the Rogue Mages, and the Blood Mages Guild could escape from Linkeep Island if Kain dies. There was an agreement between Kain and Noe to guarantee the safety of the audiences. Regardless if Noe or Kain dies, the audiences could still leave the island alive. But Adrik wasn't silly enough to believe the Mages Council would honor that agreement. It doesnt matter what other people think, Adrik knew how wicked the Holy Mage Gwenn Bigham truly was.

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