Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 96.3: One Place Chaotic, One Place Harmonious

Chapter 96.3: One Place Chaotic, One Place Harmonious

The feeling of being distrusted by one’s own son was truly unpleasant, but he couldn’t get angry at this son either. “Yi Lin, you need to be careful. Your eldest brother’s wings have fully grown, and now, he’s also become deranged. I’m worried he might try to kill you again without qualms.”

“There’s still his Majesty and the Empress. Since he already has power in hand, he naturally won’t be stupid enough to go to the extreme. Right now, he further wants to see me become a tail-wagging stray dog begging for pity. Give him the memorandum, and then do as he says, properly maintain yourself. As for the remaining matters, just hand over to me to handle. There’s plenty of people that want our Ding Duke to fight amongst ourselves, and it’s not a certain person’s one word that decides all. I won’t be alone and without support, moreover………….” Moreover, there was still Li Hong Yuan, that dangerous individual hibernating in the dark. He wasn’t sure whether Sun Yi Bin walking to this step today had his handiwork. In fact, he didn’t know whether the internal structures of the Sun clan have already been collapsed by him or not. If this really was the case, then right now, regardless of what he does, it’ll all be futile.

This kind of feeling was just like as if Li Hong Yuan had already spread out a large net, and everyone were all just the fish in his net. Each and every one looked to be cheerful and lively, but who knows if it was just another kind of struggle before death. And what was scarier was that these fish themselves didn’t have the least bit of awareness. And as the only fish that knew a bit of the truth, he couldn’t even describe it to others.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Sun Yi Jia arrived at the Luo Manor. After Jing Wan learned the news, she smilingly waited outside the second gate for her.

Sun Yi Jia looked to the Jing Wan who was no different than usual, not knowing what to say.

Towards the things happening outside, those in power all knew, just it still hasn’t spread to the inner manor. As a result, Jing Wan actually still didn’t know yet, but she figured big sister Jia must have found out about her engagement. Else, she wouldn’t have come to the Luo Manor at this time. She coiled around Sun Yi Jia’s arm, “Big sister Jia, let’s talk inside.”

In the Elegant Haitang Residence, the servant girls already prepared tea and dessert. In her own territory, there was no need to be reserved and adhere to etiquette, so Jing Wan let Sun Yi Jia directly remove her veil. The reason why Sun Yi Jia wore a veil rather wasn’t to cover up her embarrassment, nor was it because she cared about other people’s gazes either, but purely because she didn’t want to frighten anyone. Constantly having people getting frightened and startled was truly annoying. And here, she naturally didn’t have any misgivings.

Jing Wan looked over her wound. It seemed to have recovered quite nicely. In the future, once it has completely healed up, it’ll probably will be a bit protruding, and the color perhaps a little whiter than the normal skin color, but using a bit of foundation to cover up, or perhaps along the wound, draw a special ‘coiling branch pattern’ with makeup, perhaps can still make her entire person become stunning, or even popularize a special kind of makeup.

Seeing Jing Wan being very careful towards her wound, Sun Yi Jia suddenly felt, this little sister Wan perhaps also had a heartless side. “Little sister Wan, you purposefully kept me in the dark, right? In the last few days, it’s not like I didn’t send you any letters. Little sister Wan, even if you were to just randomly mention once in your reply, then I wouldn’t have…….learned from someone else’s mouth the matter of your engagement.”

Jing Wan calmly smiled, “You all don’t need to serve us, all can withdraw, I going to have a private talk with big sister Jia for a bit.”

Even Sun Yi Jia’s servants all respectfully bowed and then methodically retreated out.

“Since I know big sister Jia’s thoughts, I naturally need to guard against big sister Jia from stirring up trouble, no?” Jing Wan somewhat mischievously smiled.

“Then you also know my fifth brother’s feelings, right?” Sun Yi Jia stubbornly pursued, unwilling to let go.

“Know what, big sister Jia really isn’t the least bit likable.”

Facing this kind of Jing Wan, Sun Yi Jia was somewhat powerless. However, she still decided to say it as it is. If one were to still beat around the bush at this time, then it really would harm their relationship, “Little sister Wan, since you know, why didn’t you choose my fifth brother? Could it be that he can’t compare to your current fiancee? He was in the middle of making preparations in order to propose to you, yet you gave him such a blow on the head. And don’t use words like ‘by the order of the parents and words of the matchmaker’ to brush me off either. I can tell, based on Luo Old Madam’s love towards you, if you’re not willing, she would’t force you.”

Jing Wan restrained her smile, “Before your fifth brother came to find me today, I didn’t know he held feelings for me either. But even if I knew, I still wouldn’t have picked him. It’s not that he’s not good, but rather it’s the Ding Duke Manor that’s not good. How muddy the waters of the Ding Duke Manor are, you grew up there, so you should know best.”

“But, you’re not the same as me. If you marry into the Ding Duke Manor, then naturally my fifth brother will wholeheartedly protect you and won’t let anyone harm you.”

“Big sister Jia, you must remember, the rear manor is ruled by women. Even if it’s like as you say, would he be able to stay at my side at all times? If he cares about me, then I will become his weakness, and the people opposing him will naturally actively plot to harm me. Even if they can’t move him, they will still think of a way to threaten him. If it really is just conspiracies and schemes, I perhaps can still contend, but there’s also a kind of situation called ‘one person of great strength can defeat ten martial artists’. If one were to find a loophole, using the simplest and roughest method to deal with me, in that place, even if I cry to the heavens, the heavens all won’t respond.”

Sun Yi Jia bit her lip, “Little sister Wan, aren’t you thinking too much? It’s not like our home is a dragon’s lair, tiger’s den.”

“Because the son is too good to the daughter-in-law, the mother will want to eliminate the daughter-in-law. This kind of thing isn’t without precedent either.”

Sun Yi Jia understood her meaning. With how much her mother cares about her fifth brother, she really might do something like this. Even if right now, she appears to have compromised, and let little sister Wan marry into the family, as time goes on, she perhaps will find her increasingly unpleasant to the eyes, and then just, just……….Sun Yi Jia weakly smiled, “Which family’s rear court doesn’t have some troublesome matters? Is little sister Wan certain that by marrying into another family, you’ll be able to live out your life smoothly?”

“At least, it won’t be worse than the Ding Duke Manor. In reality, I very much hate fighting and scheming. The reason why I’m able to live unrestrained and carefreely in the Luo family rear court isn’t because of how capable I am, but rather because I have the one with the highest authority in this manor doting on me and shielding me. If you constantly let me sink into the battles of the rear court, then I probably will be driven insane.”

“Isn’t it said that if you really hold someone in your heart, you’re willing to change for him, endure for him, and do anything for him?”

Jing Wan strangely glanced at Sun Yi Jia, “But it’s not like I admire your fifth brother, so why should I hold him in my heart? Moreover, marriage isn’t just two people’s business, but rather for the benefit of two families. Right now is currently the most intense period of the battle for the throne. For the Luo family to be able to stand neutral, do you understand how difficult it is? How can I drag the Luo family into that muddy whirlpool?”

(T/N: Another layer to marrying SYL would be that it might end up forcing the Luo family into Kang Wang’s faction due to the connection.)

Jing Wan not having the least bit of interest in her fifth brother was actually the most irritating thing. Sun Yi Jia felt dejected.

Jing Wan reached out and poked her face, “What, are you angry at me?”

Sun Yi Jia puffily glared at her, “I thought little sister Wan was the most gentle and the most considerate, but in actuality, this heart was the coldest, and even terrifyingly rational. Really want to see, if one day, you fall for a man, what kinds of things you will do.”

“That, I won’t know. Perhaps, anything can happen, or perhaps, nothing will happen. I won’t know until the time comes.”

“Fine, whatever, just seeing this indifferent look of yours really irritates me. This matter, I’m not going to bother with anymore. My fifth brother’s a grown man, it’s not like he’ll throw a tantrum.”

Jing Wan laughed once again, making Sun Yi Jia’s anger soar into the skies, and then instantly was extinguished completely, like having gotten splashed by a basin of water.

“It’s getting windy. This wound of yours, for the time being, best hide from the wind. Come sit inside.”

After entering inside, Sun Yi Jia saw the drawing displayed on the table. “Oh my, what drawing style is this? This realistic, and also feels especially beautiful.”

“It’s the gongbi style my older brother came up with, only having gradually taken form recently. I’m also learning it. These drawings were all sent over by him, letting me help him mull over it as well, and see if we’re able to further perfect it.” Jing Wan lied with a straight face.

Sun Yi Jia recalled that brief encounter once outside the Elegant Haitang Residence, and also that straightforward charm from that time on the way to the White Dragon Temple. Her eyes slightly lit up, “Never thought that your older brother, who seems like a carefree and laid-back person, is actually also a very meticulous person with rich emotions.[1]

Jing Wan was speechless. Having rich emotions was likely, but as for being meticulous, forget it!

[1] The original phrase literally translates to ‘someone among emotions’; the phrase is used to describe someone who follows their instinct, has their emotions exposed on the outside, and is straightforward.

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