Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 327 - Keyra's Refused

Keenan took Jasmine back to the apartment before they had their wedding which was to be held next week. Luna wanted the marriage to take place immediately because she was afraid that Keenan would lose control and would have sex before marriage. Besides, Luna also feels sorry for Jasmine if she is alone all the time.

The fact that Jasmine turned out to be the daughter of a pimp didn't even make the Keenan family hate her. But instead, she sympathizes and cares for her.

Keenan and Jasmine walked down the corridor of a magnificent apartment building hand in hand. Sometimes the man smiled glancing at the girl who immediately blushed and turned her face away. Oh, they are in love and will soon be married. Their love seems to be hotter than Ethan and Luna.

Arriving at the elevator, Keenan pressed the button to the 25th floor and the elevator closed. He pulled Jasmine so that their chests touched even though they were still covered by their clothes.

"Can't wait to get married," said Keenan, staring intensely at Jasmine.

"I still feel like it's a dream to marry a perfect man like you," said Jasmine, looking down in shame.

Keenan touched Jasmine's chin and looked up. "Let this short story be woven into our long journey as a legal couple because I have fallen in love at first sight."

"And you ... you ... ah you are the only man who wants to love me and make me comfortable," said Jasmine, stammering nervously.

Keenan immediately pulled Jasmine until their faces tilted and their lips together for a moment and the elevator opened, making Jasmine surprised because several people were waiting for her and Keenan to come out soon.

"That's a shame, they must have seen us," Jasmine grumbled as she walked towards Keenan's apartment unit.

"Just forgot it," Keenan said casually as he walked towards Jasmine.

Until arriving at the intended apartment unit, Jasmine immediately took out a card to access the door then put it in its place.

The door opened, Jasmine immediately entered followed by Keenan who then closed the door again.

"What do you want to drink?".Jasmine asked as she looked at Keenan who was sitting on the living room sofa.

"Hot chocolate," said Keenan.

"Okay, I'll make it for you." Jasmine immediately walked to the kitchen which was about ten meters from the living room across the living room.

Arriving at the apartment's minimalist kitchen but equipped with complete furniture and modern furniture, Jasmine immediately boiled water and then poured a few tablespoons of cocoa powder into two cream-colored ceramic glasses with a warm drink on them.

while waiting for the water to boil, Jasmine also took some bread and snacks and put them on the plate. After the water boiled, the girl immediately brewed the chocolate with boiling water not too full and then stirred until well mixed.

Jasmine arranged the two hot chocolate glasses on a tray along with the snacks and cake on the plate, then took them to the living room where Keenan was waiting while lying on the sofa.

"Orders are coming," Jasmine said as she placed two glasses of hot chocolate and side dishes on the table.

"Thank you," replied Keenan with a smile.

"Then I'll go to my room for a moment," said Jasmine with a stiff smile.

"Yes, Honey," replied Keenan.

Jasmine immediately blushed, feeling the heat on her cheeks from getting a new call from Keenan. Uh, he rushed to the room with his face red like boiled crab ready to eat.


It's eight o'clock at night. Aaron and Keyra are watching a romance film at a famous cinema in Jakarta. The two of them sat side by side in the crowd in the dim atmosphere. While eating popcorn, the two of them focused on watching a movie called "The perfect date".

"Keyra," Aaron called.

"What?" Keyra asked without turning her head, she was still busy eating popcorn with her right hand.

Aaron held Keyra's left hand, then his left hand took the popcorn that Keyra was about to eat.

"Why take my popcorn?" Keyra asked with a frown.

"I want us to have an important talk," Aaron replied then held Keyra's hands so that they were currently sitting sideways facing each other.

"What are you talking about, Aaron? Can't it be later? There's a lot of people here." Keyra looked uncomfortable even though many people around her only focused on watching movies.

"Okay then, I'm not forcing it," Aaron exclaimed then released his grip on Keyra, then returned to focus on watching the movie.

Keyra felt bad because Aaron immediately looked away and didn't say a word. By nine o'clock at night and the film was over, Aaron was still.

"Let's go home," said Keyra as she got up from the chair.

"Wouldn't you like to have a quick dinner?" asked Aaron as he got up from the chair.

"Next time, I want to get home soon to sleep," said Keyra languidly. Okay, maybe she was sleepy because she didn't have time to take a nap when Jasmine was around.

Aaron and Keyra immediately walked out of the place to watch the movie, they immediately returned to Aaron's car which was parked not far from the position of the main building. Arriving in the car, Aaron immediately invited Keyra to get in and drive her home.

"Àaron," Keyra called while glancing at Aaron who was focused on driving.

"Yeah," Aaron said without turning his head.

"Are you angry?" Keyra asked as she kept glancing at Aaron.

"No," said Aaron.

Keyra breathed a sigh of relief, then she was curious about what the man beside her would talk about in the cinema earlier.

"Anyway, what did you want to talk about?" asked Keyra courageously.

Aaron smiled slightly at Keyra. "It's nothing, it doesn't matter to you either."

"Just say it, Aaron, I know it was important, don't avoid the conversation you're about to start," cried Keyra, who doesn't like people who beat around the bush.

.instead of speaking, Aaron pulled his car over to a quiet side street, then glanced at Keyra who looked surprised because Aaron suddenly stopped.

"Why stop?" Keyra asked with a strange look at Aaron.

"I want to talk important," Aaron said then changed his position to face Keyra.

"What are you talking about?" Keyra asked turning her face away because Aaron was looking at her so seriously.

Aaron grabbed both of Keyra's hands gently, then touched Keyra's chin to make Keyra's face turn to look at him.

"Keyra, maybe this is too soon, but can I just say it now? Because I can't hold it in anymore."

"Just say it," said Keira in a very low voice.

"I like you, Keyra," Aaron said with a look so intense on Keyra.

For a moment Keyra was silent and looked at Aaron strangely. How could the man say he likes her when they've only known each other for three days? Keyra is not a person who believes in love at first sight, she immediately pulled her hand from Aaron's grip.

"Don't joke, Aaron. We even just met three days ago, you can't possibly like me," said Keyra, turning her face away.

"The truth is that I already like you, Keyra," Aaron replied confidently.

"And I can't accept you right now," Keyra confirmed.

Aaron sighed, looking disappointedly at Keyra who rejected him. "It's okay, I'll be patiently waiting."

Keyra is just silent without responding. Aaron immediately drove his car back to Ethan's house, he stared ahead with a sharp gaze with emotion, but he tried to hold it in, or all his charades would be exposed in vain without hurting Keyra in the slightest. .

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