Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 207 Committed suicide


Lu Tian sat behind his desk and his expression indifferent. Nodding his head, he assures his assistant that he said it correctly.

"Mm. One trillion yuan."

One trillion yuan may be a lot, but for him it didn’t mean anything. He is known for being a multi billionaire, but that is just words to keep the press from knowing too much. At first, he wanted to be listed as a multi millionaire, so others won’t try to scheme against him but things took another turn.

Besides, L’amour de ma vie is a one of a kind ring. It’s the only one that exist in the world. Even if H International’s CEO plans to donate it to him, he will return the generous favor.

His wife is the love of his life, if she wanted the world, he will give it to her.

Thinking till there, he remembers something and looks at his dumbfounded assistant.

"Have you found what I asked?"

Hearing this, Xu Long straighten his posture and nod his head.

"I have. Those men are from the gang called Black Dragon."

He scoffs and continue his words.

"From the information I found, they are connected to the demolished Ghost gang. Five years ago, Ghost Gang’s leader Ti Lung swore an oath in brotherhood with a man and that man is the leader of Black Dragon."


Lu Tian nod his head. He has dealt with the underworld ever since he was young. He’s even encountered Black Dragon’s leader a few times, but the man is not one to take action without reason. The man may be from the underworld, but his ways in handling things are no different from law enforcements. Why would he....

Xu Long glance at his boss and continues his report. "The men from last night belongs to Black Dragon’s leader’s younger brother."

Hearing his assistant words, Lu Tian arch a brow. So the men that followed them last night wasn’t from the actual leader, but the younger brother. In his thoughts, Xu Long’s voice continue to speak.

"The younger brother and Ti Lung are good friends. One is involved in trafficking, while the other is involved in money scheming."

Remembering something, Xu Long looks at his boss.

"Boss... there’s something else..."

Lu Tian’s dark eyes remained on his assistant. Noticing the hesitation in the man, he knows that Xu Long found something else.


"It’s.." Xu Long hesitated for a second, then he reports what he remembered. "Last night, Chief Zhou called, Ti Lung committed suicide in his ceil."

Lu Tian furrow his brows, "Suicide?"

Xu Long: "Yes. Chief Zhou reported that Ti Lung bit his own tongue and ended his life. However...."

He frown and scratched his head in confusion, "Chief Zhou also reported that, ever since Ti Lung was put behind bars, the man had gone insane. He’d constantly yell out that someone is coming for him. Even when he’s asleep, he will wake up and say the same thing."

Lu Tian did not show a change in his expression. He nod his head at his assistant’s report. So, that criminal committed suicide. Was it out of guilt or fear of being being bars?

Suddenly, the mysterious man from before appears in his head. Thinking of it, he frowns. There’s no way Grandfather Ji will allow his men to take action. Definitely not in this way.

"Did Chief Zhou mention what Ti Lung said?"

Xu Long nod his head in response, "He did. It seems Ti Lung would repeat the line, ’Mami is here to collect my fate.’"

Mami is here to collect my fate?

Lu Tian frown at the line. Mami? Is it a person or a gang?

"Have you investigated the name?"

"I did, however I couldn’t find anything. The name exist around Asia, but not the person Ti Lung seemed to be afraid of. Not only that, Black Dragon’s leader paid Ti Lung a visit the day before he committed suicide."

Lu Tian’s frown deepens. So, it seems Ti Ling’s death is what triggered the younger brother of Black Dragon’s leader to take lowly actions. Then, did something happen that day when Black Dragon’s leader visit Ti Lung?

Since it was him, who put Ti Lung behind bars, that means he is the target now.

Thinking of the dangers ahead, his demeanor turned deadly dangerous. He glance at his personal phone on the desk. Saved as his screen saver is a picture he had secretly took of his wife when she was sleeping.

"Notify Manager Luo, tell him to tighten the security at Jade Condos. After, commence members of Wolf Team to secretly guard Yue Ling."

Hearing the order, Xu Long nod his head and his aura turned serious. Completely different from the goofball that he always is.

"Yes, Boss!"

Turning to leave, he clench his fists tightly. Not only is his boss a target, even his lady boss can be a target.

’Black Dragon, you chose the wrong people to target. Don’t think because we are not in the same world as you, we don’t have our own way of handling things.’

Sitting in his chair, Lu Tian hears the door to his office close. Glancing at the door, he grab his phone and stood from his chair. He dials a number and put the phone to his ear.

After two rings, someone answers from the other line. A cheerfully voice greets Lu Tian.

["Bro, did flowers bloom in season? Why are you suddenly calling me? Did ma—"]

Not waiting for the person to finish, Lu Tian’s cold voice cuts in.

"Han, commence your team for preparations."

["Eh? You need my team? What happened?"]

"We’re going to pay someone a visit."

Not waiting for a response from his younger brother, Lu Tian ends the call. Taking a cigarette out, he lights it and stare out to the brightly lit vast sky.

He cannot say that he is not worried, because he is worried. His wife and unborn child is put into a dangerous situation because of him.

However, he will never let anything happen to them. As long as he is still breathing in this world, he will make sure no harm comes to them.


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