Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 225 Who are you?

In the center of the room full of members from Black Dragon stood the well known supermodel. If one was to see this scene, one would think how out of place she looked.

No one spoke a word or dare to make a sound. Their eyes staring directly at the tall and mighty figure that resembles a ruler from ancient time. There was no sign of fear nor was there any hesitation from the person.

From behind Lu Tian, his assistant Xu Long gasped and quickly covers his mouth. Revealing only his widen shocked eyes. Li Wei shook his head in pity, for he already what was going to happen.

Lin Hui and Qi Li looked to the figure. Nodding their head at the same time, both men slowly lower their hand and put their gun away. Taking a step back, both men walked to stand by their boss.

The middle aged man was dumbfounded. He has lived his entire life in the underworld. Every gang there is, he knows about and he is never afraid of anyone from the underworld, except one person.

And at this very moment, that one person is standing right in front of him.

His mind drifted to the when he had visit Ti Lung in prison. The man’s words floated in his head and he couldn’t help but wonder if Ti Lung was feeling the same way he is right now.

The woman behind Chu Qiang’s eyes turned red. She is the righthand woman of Black Dragon’s leader, how can she be humiliated like this? Angry, she points at the new person.

"Who are you?! How dare you come here? Do you have any idea what Black Dragon can do to you?!"

Lin Hui stood next to the figure and when he heard the woman, his eyes darken murderously.

"Hey kid, watch your mouth or I’ll rip that tongue out for you."


The woman was at a loss for words. She grit her teeth with glaring eyes at the man. She had to admit, both Lin Hui and Qi Li were not what she had expected. She has been a part of Black Dragon for 6 years and she’s never seen anyone move as swiftly as them. Even more surprising was that the so called boss of these two men was none other than a woman.

A very different one too. Different as in, one who doesn’t seem to fit in the underworld.

Qi Li looks at the figure, "Boss, do you want us to—"

Lifting a hand, the figure stops Qi Li from finishing his words. Take a step forward, a mesmerizing arc cross the figures face. Those alluring lips parted and the angelic voice sounds the room again.

"Chu Qiang, is this how you train your people?"

The middle aged man name Chu Qiang, felt like his body had been frozen by cold ice. Yet, at the same time, he could feel beads of sweat forming on his forehead like he was standing next to a volcano. Lifting his trembling hand, he points to the figure.

"Y-You... why are you here?"

Hearing the fear in their leaders voice, everyone from Black Dragon frown in question. Their heads dart back and forth to their leader and the new uninvited person.

Just who in the world can make their notorious leader afraid?

The woman smiles at Chu Qiang, her eyes scan the people of Black Dragon then back to him, "To collect your brother’s fate."

Hearing this, Chu Qiang furrow his brows. He looks pass the woman to the man behind her, then back to her.

What did his brother do? Why did his brother have to go and offend two of the scariest people in the world?

He struggle to swallow his saliva. Without realizing, he stuttered in his words, "W-What did my b-brother do? M-May I k-know?"

He couldn’t help but think about the day he went to visit Ti Lung again. The man had crossed this person’s line by kidnapping one of her people. Everyone knows that this person values the people around.

Back then, a gang had beaten up one of her subordinates to death, the news of it flew like the wind in the underworld. Before anyone could question anything, that gang was destroyed that very same night, even the leader wasn’t spared. A gang that had been around when the underworld very first started was demolished all by one person.

And this person is the same person in this very room right now.

Looking at the man, one side of the figure’s shoulder shrug with a nonchalant look.

"He crossed my line."

Turning around, the figure walks to a chair to sit down.

"I can wait here until you give him up."

However, the moment the figure turned around, she was dumbfounded. Her eyes faltered for the first time since she stepped foot into this room.

Standing in front of her was the one person she didn’t expected to run into. The man’s tall figure stood like a shadow devouring her like a mouse.

She gulped and force a smile at the man.

"Heh heh, Tian... What are you doing here?"

Yue Ling’s voice turned nervous as she stare at the man now in front of her. From behind, Chu Qiang was even more dumbfounded. However, a sudden thought crossed his mind and every ounce of fear he had for the woman disappeared. Straightening himself he looks at Yue Ling.

"Do you know who this man is? Any false move and the both of us can go to prison. This man—"

Before he could finish his words, Lu Tian suddenly step forward. His expression was dark and cold as if he was going to kill the woman.

The woman and young man behind Chu Qiang both sneered. They could already see it coming. Everyone in Retro knows who Lu Tian is and no one dares to cross his path.

Unlike his right woman and left man, Chu Qiang felt the opposite. He knows the capabilities the man and the woman has, if they were to go to war against each other, no one can say who will win.

"Hmmf, seems like she is afraid of Mr. Lu. Look at her, everyone can see she’s nervous."

The woman spoke with an evil smirk as she stare at Yue Ling. How dare this woman come here and try to use her beauty to attract the bees here. Lu Tian is known is known for his cleanliness and hate for women. He would never fall for this woman even if she was the most beautiful in the world.

"Shut up!!"

Chu Qiang glares at his right hand woman, he wanted to send a bullet to her skull for speaking improperly. Quickly looking back at the situation in front of him, he stood from his seat.

"Mr. Lu... Please wait, let’s talk this out..."

He cannot let any misunderstandings come between these two people. As much as he is afraid of them, he is more afraid of the war that will break loose if something happens.

Ignoring the man, Lu Tian continue to walk forward until he stops in front of the woman. His dark eyes stare straight into those bluish green eyes with a cold expression. Lifting his hand, he touch the side of her face and his thumb caress her cheek. The cold expression he had was ripped off and he softened.

"Why are you here?"

’You’re pregnant, you shouldn’t even be here. Let alone a place like this.’

He spoke the remaining words in his mind and he sighed. Millions of question fill his mind, but he will save them for later.

Hearing the words of familiarity, Chu Qiang was even more dumbfounded. His brows furrow together and he stare at the two people.

He had thought of another scene unlike the one right now. Even the way the almighty business king had at this moment was one he’s never seen before.

"M-Mr. Lu, d-do you know each other?"

Lu Tian stare at his beautiful wife for a long second, tilting his head, his eyes landed on Chu Qian. In that moment, the soft expression he had was replaced with coldness again.

"She is my wife, is something wrong?"


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