Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 104: Chapter 104: The Party

Chapter 104: Chapter 104: The Party

[3rd POV]

Talia was naturally going to that party. The real question was, if the girls wanted to go with. But, they all simultaneously said no. Why? Because by there own words "We want to let you woo Kara without distractions" something she found a bit funny, but also something she thanked them for. Which, meant they'd be getting thoroughly rewarded later that night, that's for sure.

Talia had made sure to dress up somewhat nicely, but nothing too fancy. A simple dress suit thing, with a deep V-neck that would give her mate a very...alluring view.

She had made sure to cast a simple spell on herself, so that no one else would pay too much attention to her clothing, except the one she wanted to, aka Kara.

The party itself was to celebrate Cat's article on Supergirl, and it's release. A party that would be filled with wealthy douchebags that want more wealth and connections. Some of which she was going to have to deal with, now that she was a partial owner of the company, and her being a billionaire would soon be released to the world, through an article.

Walking into the party, she noticed a large poster/banner of the front cover of Cat's article. She also noticed that all the waiters were in Supergirl costumes...which were pretty badly made.

But the thing that caught her attention more than anything, was Kara, and the green dress she had on, that hugged her curves. It was a simple dress, but Talia thought it looked amazing on her.

[The pictures are awful, I know. But I couldn't find any better than these]

Gazing at her mate, she inwardly took in every inch from afar, before walking towards her.

"You look...gorgeous, Kara" Talia said, causing Kara to turn, only to blush brightly at the clothing Talia had on, and the way it gave Kara a very good look at the sides of her perfect breasts.

"Like what you see~?" Talia asked with a teasing grin, causing Kara to cough, trying to get rid of the bright blush that was refusing to go away.

"Wha-pfft, no!" Kara replied, trying not to glance at her cleavage. Her heart pounding rapidly at the sight of Talia in her dress (?)

"Oh, that's too bad. Because I certainly like what I see~" Talia said flirtatiously, her eyes shamelessly scanning over Kara's alluring form. Kara's blush deepened at this, as she shivered at Talia's gaze, trying to ignore how much she liked the way Talia looked at her.

Unlike James, Winn, and the others who have tried for her affection, Talia was...blunt with it. She was upfront, and made it obvious she was very attracted to her, and very interested. Something Kara was not used to, but was beginning to like.

Their conversation was cut off as Cat walked towards them and looked to Kara "You don't fool me. You're late. I noticed because there was no one mumbling and shuffling three paces behind me"

"A-sorry" Kara muttered, slightly embarrassed.

"Where are the magazines?"

"I believe she was up all night autographing the magazines with your name. Quite a good addition, if I might say so myself" Talia cut in, saving Kara from getting in trouble by Cat. Hearing this, Cat's eyes narrowed, obviously knowing Talia was lying to cover up for Kara. But, wanting to see the matchmaking opportunity through, she spoke "Ah, it's as if I made the idea myself. A good addition, Kiera" Cat said, before walking off.

'God I love matchmaking' Cat thought as she walked off.

"Oh my god you just totally saved my life. I owe you big time" Kara said as she let out a breath of relief, as Talia just smiled in response.

"Yes well, I don't think you deserve to get yelled at by Cat. And, if you truly do owe me, then why not repay me with a dance?" Talia asked, looking the Kryptonian in the eye as she blushed.

"S-Sure" She stuttered slightly, moving a strand of hair behind her ear.

'Thank you Cat, I am totally repaying you for this' Talia thought, knowing exactly what Cat was doing, and was very thankful for it.

"Well then come on love, let us dance" Talia said as she pulled her towards her, causing the woman to blush as Talia slowly placed her hands on her waist, with Kara's hands going to her shoulders.

They slowly weaved around with the music, dancing as Talia began to speak.

"You can ask, you know"

"Ask about what?" Kara responded, confused.

"About the heartbeats" Talia said, causing Kara's eyes to widen.

"Wha-ho" "Unlike others Kara, I can see you for who you are, and it's not hard to believe someone as amazing as you, could be a hero" Talia responded, cutting her off. She saw no reason to hide her knowledge of Kara being Supergirl, as it would only make her getting closer to her, harder. Plus, Kara was a good person, and wouldn't distrust/attack her just because she knew.

"I-you think I'm Supergirl?" Kara asked, trying ignore what Talia said.

"Of course. Besides the fact that those little glasses don't cover much, you also disappeared magically after I got you that coffee. Even if I had left the coffee shops a few seconds later, I still would have been able to see you, and yet you were gone with the wind" Talia answered, causing Kara to blink, as she inwardly groaned.

"God...I wasn't very good at hiding it, was I?" Kara sighed out, realizing she was busted.

"To others? Certainly. To me? No. Because while others only see an Assistant, I can see a truly amazing woman who does a lot of good. I can see the hero and they cannot, that is the difference. Plus, those cute dimples of yours are way to easy to identify" Talia said, causing Kara to blush, but smile.

She normally would be freaking out about this, but...she trusted Talia. She wasn't entirely sure why, but if the woman knew she was an alien, and Supergirl, for 2 weeks now, then she

didn't see why she wouldn't have already told people.

"S-So, you're an alien too?" Kara asked, looking at Talia.

"Amongst other things. But yes Kara, I am an alien" Talia answered, causing Kara to wonder what the "Other things" were.

"What species are you? I don't know of many that have two hearts like you do" Kara asked, causing Talia to softly smile.

"That would be because, as far as I know, I am one of the last of my kind. With only one, maybe two left out there" Talia responded, causing Kara's eyes to widen, as she thought 'Just

like me...'

"I'm sorry for bringing that up. I-um, I know what it feels like, to be the last remaining survivor of a species, or one of them at least" Kara said, her eyes soft as she gazed at Talia.

Chuckling, Talia just shook her head "I've long gotten over it love. I was but an infant when the rest of my kind died, similar to that cousin of yours. At least I've got their teachings with me, that alone is enough for me"

"What sort of teachings?" Kara asked, growing more and more interested in Talia, and her


"Ah, well. My species are incredibly adept at Space travel. To the point that we could travel anywhere in the universe, within seconds, all through our ships. Said ships were more than just ships though" Talia answered, causing Kara tilt her head slightly, as they continued to dance with one another.

"What was so special about them? That sort of technology is already way beyond anything there is on Earth. I'm not sure even Krypton is on that level" Kara asked, interested. "Those Ships, are also time machines. My species being the originator of Time travel, and the technology in which you do it through" Talia said, causing Kara's jaw to drop.

"You mean your species could time travel?!" Kara asked somewhat loudly, only to cringe at

the looks she was getting.

Chuckling, Talia nodded "Time travel was quite common for my species, as it was just

another piece of technology to us"

Hearing this, Kara found herself asking "What's the name of your species? I feel like I would have heard of such a powerful and technologically advanced civilization"

"Hmm, I do believe you already know the answer to that love. Aftereall, one of the other

survivors of my species, travels around in a certain Blue Box" Talia said, grinning as Kara

slowly came to a realization, her jaw dropping to the floor.

"You-You're a timelord?!" Kara whisper yelled, causing Talia to laugh out.

"I am" "Bu-But how? They're fictional!" Kara asked.

"The multiverse is a vast and large place, Kara. And there are things even larger than that. I simply...got lucky, and was transported out of my native universe, into a different one" Talia

replied with a shrug.

"So the Doctor, they're real?"

"Mmhmm, they are. Just as the Master is, Just as the Daleks are, and just as the Cybermen are" Talia replied, causing Kara to look like her brain just exploded.

"My brain hurts..." Kara groaned, as her mind was effectively blown.

"So does this mean my world is technically fiction to another too?" Kara asked, as Talia

paused. The other girls had realized this fact too, after Hope had shown them what their realm would have been, without Talia. But...it did cause a bit of a headache. Thankfully, they were all mentally strong, so it didn't break their minds or anything.

And in a world like this one, Talia supposed that Kara's world being fictional in another universe, wasn't too crazy, as it probably was, with how immensely large the Arrowverse was.

"Most likely. But, you shouldn't worry too much, as your fate is still your own. The lives they watch are potentially completely different than yours, and I doubt it shows anything too personal" Talia responded with a shrug, knowing it was the truth. The Supergirl show never showed anything too sexual, but it did show a LOT of very emotinal moments. Something Talia wouldn't tell her until she was ready, just as she did with the girls. "Wow...my mind is completely blown right now" Kara whispered, trying to come to terms with the fact that she was probably a fictional character to another universe. "Best not to think about it too much, Kara. As there's not anything you can do about it, besides move on and live your life how you want to" Talia said, causing Kara to nod. "So, any other mind blowing facts about yourself?" Kara asked, completely interested in the

woman now.

"Oh, quite a few, buuut, I'll keep those as surprises for later-"Talia teased, causing Kara to shudder at the tone, her blush returning as Talia teased her.

From afar, James Olsen watched in confusion as Kara danced with, and blushed around an unknown woman. A woman he had never met. At the sight, he frowned deeply.

"So does that mean you have the regeneration and all that, of a Timelord? If so, how old are

you?" Kara asked.

Chuckling, Talia responded "This is my second regeneration. Physically I believe I am like 19

or so. But mentally I am over 105 million years old"

Kara blinked several times at this "You're nineteen?"

"Hmm, not really. I'm immortal, and as said, my mind is far older than my body. So I guess it'd be more accurate to say I am an adult, and leave it at that" Talia responded, as her physical age wasn't really a factor in her life anymore. The girls were all immortal too, so it really didn't matter too much to her.

"So your a grandma?" Kara asked with a small smirk, causing Talia's eyebrow to shoot up.

"Oh? A grandma huh? And perhaps this grandma should give a teasing brat a spanking" Talia said with a smirk, causing Kara to blush brightly.

"No-no that's okay" Kara squeaked out, as her imagination went...wild. She tried her best to

get rid of the thoughts of Talia bending her over her lap and spanking her, but she couldn't stop the slight warmth that pooled at her core.

Talia smirked at the sight, happy at the reaction she got. And the look of jealousy James's face

in the distance.

Their enjoyable conversation was cut off as the sound of glass shattering entered their ears,

and Reactron, a villain that used...well, nuclear energy through a specialized suit, landed onto the ground. The man had a rather ugly suit on, and was burnt across his face. "Where is Supergirl!?" Reactron roared, as she sent a singular blast of nuclear energy against a nearby banner of the cover of the article.

Talia's eyes glowed slightly in annoyance at being interrupted during her time with her

adorable mate, as Kara spoke "I'm going to slip into something more durable, please don't do anything stupid"

"I'm wounded you'd think I'd do anything dumb, darling" Talia said with a smirk, as Kara ran

off, in order to change into her supersuit. Watching her run off, Talia grinned 'Time to play


[3rd POV]

As she left the room, Talia grinned as she closed her eyes. Her clothing warped and changed

into a suit. She had decided to build her hero name around her Sun based powers. As her suit formed around her, golden and white, with a helmet covering her head.

[This but feminine]

Looking over her new armor, she grinned as she teleported off, disappearing with a flash of


As she reappeared, she blinked underneath her helmet, noticing the downed form of Kara, as Reactron moved closer and closer to her, his mask having long since fallen off his face. Opening her mouth, she spoke, her voice deep and distorted "It's rude to beat up on a lady,

you know" Her voice sounded out, and before Reactron (Or Kara for that matter) could evenn/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

react, she reappeared behind him, a glowing fist slamming directly into his chest, and tearing the power source of suit out.

Looking at the reactor in her hand, she hummed as she absorbed it with ease, before tossing it

to the side.

"Your power source is pretty shitty, by the way" she spoke, as she slammed another fist into him, this time, launching him far back, into a wall, and onto the ground. 'He's out' Talia thought, as she sensed him drop into unconsciousness. "You alright, Supergirl?" She asked, as she offered her hand to the woman, causing her to

groan but nod. Only to gasp as Talia imbued solar energy into her hand, causing Kara to feel a large burst of power, as her wounds healed.

Kara at this, looked to Talia, only to blink as she noticed something 'Two heartbeats..." "Ta-"



"My Superheroine name. Solaris. Catchy, right?" Talia asked with a smirk, causing Kara to

blink before making a so-so motion with her hand.

"It's okay, a little tacky though"

"Better than Supergirl" Talia retorted, causing Kara to gasp in mock exasperation.

Noticing the sound of sirens, and an incoming James, she looked to Kara and grinned.

"See you around, Supergirl" Talia said, as she teleported with a burst of fire, disappearing.

"Who the hell was that?" James asked as he ran up.

"A new superhero. She called herself...Solaris"

[3rd POV] [Morningstar Apartment Complex]

"Honey's I'm home!" Talia called out as she entered the apartment. She ended up getting a

couple of quests completed from that Reactron fight too. And she got a new power, or ability

from it as well.

[Hidden Quests Complete]

Defeat Reactron

Details ....Defeat Reactron.

Reward - 1 Level Become a Superhero

Details - Become a Hero of National City.

Reward - 3 levels.

[Due to divinity growing from worship, the user will grow their divinity the more people

they save, and the more well known they are as a hero]

A pretty neat reward, considering how easy the quests were, and how little effort it took to

defeat Reactron.

"Did the date go well?" Clary asked as Talia walked into the living room.

"Yep! I told her I'm an alien and a Timelord, blew her mind a few times. But also flirted a lot,

and I'm pretty sure I made her a wet at one point too~" Talia said with a happy grin, causing Clary to giggle. "And what about your hero debut?" Hope asked, causing Talia to smirk mysteriously, already having several plans on that. Especially in regards to using it to increase her divinity.

"You'll be seeing something on that very very soon"

And see something they did.

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That's the end of the chapter!

Not sure how well the ending was written, but I didn't really know where to end it so...yeah.

I ended up deciding to get the whole "Telling Kara she's an alien/timelord thing" out of the way quickly, as it would come up eventually either way. And Kara has seen a lot of weird

things, so this isn't entirely out of the norm for her.

It'll also bring up some funny moments in the future, especially during her appearances in

other worlds within Arrowverse.

Anyways, have a good day!

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