Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Huge thanks to Devon for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[Location: Mansion, Outside Mystic Falls] [3rd POV]

*Sigh* "That took way less time than the first part of the dungeon, but that still took forever" Talia said with a sigh, as she flopped onto her couch, a cup of cocoa in her hand.

"System, claim two of the 7 levels from the zombie dungeon completion reward, and claim the rest of those rewards" Said Talia, deciding to get her class to level 100 before claiming the rest of her rewards.

[Level Up x2]

[Goblin Dungeon - Unlocked: 1 week, 6 days, 23 hours]

[Prestige Zombie Dungeon - Unlocked: 6 days, 23 hours]

[Zombie Virus Immunity - Claimed]

"Damn an entire week for the prestige mode and two for the goblin one? That is rather annoying, but I guess it's for the best. As I need to practice my spells more" Said Talia with a slightly irked expression on her face.


- Talia Morningstar |-

[Class - Wizard]

[Level - 100/100]

[Species - Wizard?]


[Items - Cloak of Invisibility, Deluminator, Wand]

[Equipped Items - Ring of Magic, Ring of Instant Death Resistance]

[Wealth - 75 Billion USD]

[Books Consumed - 40]

[Spells Learnt - 100+]

[Current Universe - Legacies]


[Please select a new class]

[Tier Mage Based off Overlord]





"I choose Tier mage" Talia said, without even the slightest bit of hesitation. This class was far stronger than the other ones, just off of name alone. If it's what she was expecting, then this would be arguably stronger than her current class. She also might be able to use the Elder Wand on it, as it doesn't say anything about boosting only Harry Potter magic.

[Tier Mage - Every level increases the overall magical capabilities of this class, from magical power and magical reserves, to making spells cheaper to cast, and easier to cast. Also grants heightened comprehension in spells from the Overlord universe. The user can use the next tier of magic for every 10 levels, once at level 100, the user will be able to use Super-Tier magic, but it will still be rather draining. This class is truly monstrous, due to the fact that it is more than just a simple mage. If the user chooses a class that would make them an "undead" then the user will remain alive, but simply have the bonuses of the class. Should a specific racial class have prior evolutions, or abilities given to that entire species, such as specific undead bonuses, then the user will receive them, while not receiving the negatives, such as weakness to holy magic]

[The rewards from quests while using this class are almost solely going to be from Overlord. The user will not receive stats or anything of the like. The user may also select one singular racial class, this class will still be put under the limits as usual. Such as the overlord racial class being limited to 5. This racial class will level once for every 10 normal levels]

"This...this is way better than it should be. System, for my racial class I choose overlord. It is literally the only racial class that I know of that is actually good" Talia said, leaning back with the cocoa in her hand.

[Racial Class - Overlord: Selected]

[Abilities granted due to being an undead + overlord]

Ability Damage IV, Acid Immunity, Arcane Vision/See Invisibility, Black Halo

Create High Tier Undead (4/day), Create Middle Tier Undead (12/day)

Create Low Tier Undead (20/day)

Dark Soul, Dark Wisdom

Despair I, Despair II, Despair III, Despair IV, Despair V

Electric Immunity, Ice Immunity

High Tier Magic Immunity III, High Tier Physical Immunity III

Negative Energy Touch/Touch of Undeath, Negative Protection

Speak Evil Tongues, Status Damage IV

Slashing Damage Resistance V, Piercing Damage Resistance V

Turn Resistance III, Undead Blessing, Unholy Protection, Dark Vision

Biological Penalties' Resistance, Critical Hit Immunity, Disease Immunity

Eating, Drinking, and sleeping are unnecessary

Energy Drain Immunity, Mind-Affecting Immunity, Necromancy Resistance

Paralysis Immunity, Physical Penalty Resistance, Poisoning Immunity

Recover by negative energy, Sleep immunity

[Tier Mage Starter Pack]

All Zero Tier Spells

All First Tier Spells

All Metamagic Enhancement Spells

The Goal of All Life is Death - It strengthens the instant death effect of magic and skills to the point of bypassing any immunity or resistance and killing their targets after a certain amount of time has passed. The cooldown of this special skill is 100 hours duration. It's not possible to resist death spells enhanced by this special skill unless one uses a resurrection effect on themselves within 12 seconds.

"Christ that is a lot. System, claim all the abilities from the overlord class, and the rewards from the starter pack" Talia said, wanting to absorb them now, and then get the rest of her

rewards from her Wizard class.

[Overlord + Undead Abilities Assimilated]

[All Zero Tier Spells. All First Tier Spells. All Metamagic Enhancement Spells. The goal of all life is death Consumed]

"ARgh, FUAckk that hurts!" Talia cursed out as she nearly dropped her beloved hot cocoa. Putting it on the side, she sat and grit her teeth as she felt immense pain in every inch of her body. Mentally she was fine, but physically? She felt a hell of a lot more pain than what she

was expecting.

After a few minutes she had fully consumed the knowledge, and assimilated her new skills and abilities. Talia grunted in annoyance as the pain finally ceased. After getting over her annoyance, she grinned, noticing the new burst of magical power she felt, and the heightened physical strength, even if only a little.

None of the spells were all that strong, but they were pretty decent in their own ways. She also assumes that she can use her elder wand in tandem with the spells in order to boost them to

another level.

Now that she had gotten all her new abilities, gotten her new class, and all that. She decided

on finally claiming the remaining bits of her rewards that she needed.

"System, claim the rest of my rewards from all my completed quests"

[Level Up x40]

[Overlord Racial Class - Level Up x4]

[Two Abilities - Parseltongue and Animagus form]

[Random Item - Sword of Gryffindor]

[All the knowledge a Hogwart student would gather in their 7 years at the school (includes electives, extra-curricular subjects, advanced classes, etc) consumed] [Resurrection Stone - Allows the user to bring back the spirit of others in a ghostlike form.

Due to possessing the other two hallows, thus being the master of death, the full effects of this stone has been revealed. Allows the user to resurrect from death as long as this item is on their person (if taken off the person then these effects will not apply to the user), with no damage to their psyche or anything else. Grants the user lordship over certain undead creatures, and certain dark creatures. Grants the user immunity to attacks against their soul. This stone/ring is completely indestructible]

[Elder Wand - Due being the master of death, and possessing the other two hallows, the full effects of this wand has been revealed. Multiplies the power of all spells cast through this wand by 900% (10x), cheapens the usage of magic by 90%, makes magic 90% easier to cast while using this wand. Allows the user to use spells to their full potential, and spells that aren't normally possible to cast nonverbally, nonverbally. Allows the user to even do things like repair another wand, and other seemingly impossible tasks. Allows the user to now cast multiple spells at the same time with this single wand, with one incantation/nonverbally. This wand is now unbreakable. All death related spells are strengthened even further than normal spells, by an additional 200%. Applies to all forms of magic used with this wand, including ones from other universes]

[Cloak of Invisibility - While worn the user is completely undetectable. Due to the user being the master of death the full effects of this cloak have been revealed. This cloak also conceals the user from all forms of detection, be it spells, wards, and otherwise while worn. Only those with immense, borderline Nigh-Omnipotent levels of power would be able to see through the concealing effects of this cloak. Also blocks magical attacks below a certain level, and blocks against instant death attacks. This cloak is completely indestructible, and can now change its form to suit the user's needs. While worn all of the users physical capabilities are doubled]

[Due to the user possessing the three hallows, the user is now the "Master of Death". These hallows cannot be used by anyone but the user. These hallows will teleport back to the user if ever lost. If someone attempts to touch these hallows besides the user, then they will be burnt (this burning hurts, but can be fought through if they are trying to take something off the

users physical form). The user is now immune to the negative effects of using dark/black


[Would the host like to equip the Resurrection Stone? It will come in the form of a ring, that the user may choose to have appear on their physical form, or through the system like the

users other two rings]

[Please select an Animagus form. Due to the users unique existence, the user may have one magical, and non magical form, with the possibility to gain access to more in the future]n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

[Parseltongue ability assimilated]

Talia who was sitting, sat and closed her eyes, as literally 7 years worth of Hogwarts knowledge flooded her brain. It was almost as if she was there in person, as if she was "taught" 7 years worth of subjects, including electives, advanced classes, and more. While not truly needed, it did definitely prove helpful, in a few ways at that.

'That wasn't nearly as painful as I was expecting. Now that I have parseltongue, I should theoretically be able to use parseltongue to cast spells, perhaps to strengthen them? I'll have to test that in the future. Selecting two animagus forms will be rather easy. These master of

death bonuses are truly overpowered, a 10x increase in magical power of spells cast through the elder wand? That is just straight up overkill'

"System, I choose Tiger and Phoenix as my animagus forms. And yes, please equip the resurrection stone, and also bring out the cloak for me" Said Talia. She chose the tiger due to it being one of the strongest animals out there, and it being her second favorite non fantasy

animal, just behind lions. She chose phoenix for obvious reasons, their resurrection, apparition, beautiful singing, immunity to instant death gazes, phoenix tears, and what she anticipates to be resistance or downright immunity to fire.

[Animagus forms selected, transformation beginning. Due to the user being a special existence, the capabilities of a phoenix will remain while in human form. This will apply to all

future magical animagus forms]

"Wait wha-" Talia couldn't continue her words as she abruptly jumped off the couch and

began to change forms.

After only a few moments, where Talia previously stood, a large white tiger. This was Talia's

tiger animagus form.

'This is certainly an experience' thought Talia, as she began to walk on her now four feline

legs. She noticed that her senses were drastically higher than her human form, and she could hear a lot more than she used too.

Not wanting to stay in this form for too long, Talia focused and began to transform into her other animagus form. The one she was far more excited about, and was arguably more helpful.

A soft melodic chirp escaped her phoenix form as she flashed out of her home in a burst of


Reappearing in the skies about her home, Talia inwardly was having the time of her life 'HAHA this is amazing! Who knew flying was so fun!'

Diving down, Talia began to dive and weave between trees, thoroughly enjoying her phoenix escapades. Occasional song-like sounds escaped her form, even her simple chirps were melodic, perhaps due to her phoenix song being meant to be beautiful and comforting? Flying back up towards her home, she flashed back into her living room. Flapping her wings in mid air, she focused, and slowly transitioned back into her human form. "Damn that was fun. Who knew flying around as a flaming magical bird was so fun? I do wonder why my phoenix form looked so different though, maybe because of my other class? Or perhaps from me being the master of death? Eh whatever it doesn't really matter. Time to

look at this cloak" Talia said, walking towards the couch, which now had a long cloak laying

on it.

"Wow this thing is ugly. Definitely changing it into a sweater or something" After saying this

Talia watched as it turned into a comfortable looking jacket.

(Top one)

Sliding on the jacket Talia hummed out "This is a hell of a lot more comfortable than I expected from the cloak of death itself. Looks like I won't have to worry about comfort when this thing is involved. System, show me my status"


- | Talia Morningstar | - | Master of Death | -

[Class - Tier Mage]


[Racial Class - Overlord | Level]

[Level 41/100] [Species - Wizard, Overlord?]

[Items - Deluminator, Wand, Sword of Gryffindor]

[Equipped Items - Ring of Magic, Ring of Instant Death Resistance, Resurrection Stone, Cloak

of Invisibility]

[Wealth - 75 Billion USD]

[Books Consumed - 40]

[Spells Learnt - 100+] [Maxed Classes - Wizard]

[Current Universe - Legacies]

[Dungeons - Prestige Zombie, Goblin]

"Master of death...guess that's my official title now isn't it? Quite the starter title. Welp...now

that I have nothing to do, I guess it's time to binge watch some kitchen nightmares"

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three

dollars a month!


(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

That's that. Next chapter is going to have a time skip, and will have Talia's first interaction

with a canon character (You probably know who).

Now that she has a class maxed out, and her second one is already almost halfway there, she

will slow down on the grinding by a drastic margin. She will still go to the dungeon before canon begins, but only a few times.

The prestige zombie dungeon is basically just the normal zombie dungeon, but the zombies

are stronger. All it gives as rewards are levels, and that is it. She has to go into the goblin one to gain access to new items and such. The prestige zombie dungeon gets stronger after each completion, allowing her to get a good amount of xp each and every time.

I plan on placing a limiter on how many times she can do it though, probably 3 times and then

she can't repeat it anymore. After a while the wait time for doing the dungeon again would

get longer and longer. This would make it so that while she has crazy fast growth in the beginning, it would slow down after a certain point. In this case, roughly after she completes the Goblin dungeon, is when it will slow down by a lot.

There are also new quests she can gain in the real world, but they are far less common, and less rewarding...usually. They are also usually easier than the ones done inside the dungeon. These quests can range from simple stuff like killing a certain person, or interacting with

canon, to something else. These quests CAN be denied, none of them have any sort of backlash for not completing them.

As you can assume, Talia is far stronger than needed, but I did this mainly for the future universes she's going to. She will be going to universes with drastically stronger individuals (like strong enough to make Hope look like a bug) She might also go to the past of this universe as well, or an alternate universe at least. She is also physically still fairly weak, a vampire that is fast enough could theoretically break her neck, not that it would kill her for long. But if that time is used properly, then they could theoretically find a way to seal her, or something else. I am planning on her having the tier mage maxed out after episode 3 or 4. After that she will probably get the Witch class, and maybe a class like Obscurus/Obscurial? Something unique. Those classes will take drastically longer to level, as she won't be able to just go into dungeons willy nilly, and will have to wait longer before being able to enter them again.

So for those worrying about her being too overpowered, don't be. She will actually be rather

weak in some of the future worlds, especially the ones with literal cosmic deities that can destroy worlds with ease.

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