Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 86: Chapter 86: A short return, a Whole new World!

Chapter 86: Chapter 86: A short return, a Whole new World!

[3rd POV] [Tardis]

"Is-is it over?" Clary asked, as the Tardis stopped making it's vworp sound. It stilled and stopped shaking at all.

"Mmhmm, it's done. Simple, right?" Talia said with a smile, causing Clary and Isabelle to nod. The two were slightly nervous in the beginning, having not taken a trip in the Tardis before, but after actually taking it, they realized it was actually pretty quick and easy. The trip only taking a couple of minutes at most.

"So, where are we? Are we back in our room? Because if so...that's going to be really awkward" Hope said, looking to Talia who hummed and looked to the screen on the Tardis.

"Hmm, looks like we're in...New York? We're in NYC but in our world" Talia said with a blink of surprise at the information.

"So...roadtrip?" Isabelle asked, excitement in her eyes.

"Do you three want to go on a roadtrip back to Mystic Falls? If you want to, I'm fine with it. I've never gone on one before either. I've got a garage nearby that we can get a car from too" Talia said, not minding the idea. She imagined it to be kinda fun too, traveling with her little mates for a couple of days, from NYC to Mystic Falls.

"I think it'd be fun, so yeah!" Clary said with a nod, while Hope smiled and Said "That's fine with me. It'd be my first time having a proper roadtrip too"

"Roadtrip it is. Let's go get some snacks and stuff, and then we can go and get the car, alright?" Talia said, looking to the three, all of them nodding with smiles on their faces.

Opening the door of the Tardis, the four of them walked out into a rather familiar surroundings. With bustling streets full of people, and the day's sky beaming above.

Walking on the sidewalk, the group made their way to the nearby convenience store. The group had ended up buying a good bit of snacks, including an assortment of chips, drinks, and some other stuff.

Walking out of the store, the group smiled. Talia walked with two bags on her right hand, a sigh escaping her lips "Can we get back to my garage now? Or do you guys wanna continue shopping"

The trio of girls had taken...a bit longer than normal in terms of finding food and picking snacks out. And Talia had been set back nearly 150 dollars.

"Hmm, should we go shopping more? Or do we let her rest?" Hope asked Isabelle and Clary, the two glanced at eachother before smiling.

""We'll do shopping in the next world""

Talia just rolled her eyes in amusement, before snapping her fingers, teleporting the group to their target location, while making a small illusion over them, so no one would notice their disappearance.

The garage itself was pretty large, and had an assortment of vehicles. From old fashioned, to


"So, which one do you girls want?" Talia asked, turning the light on, revealing roughly 30 high end, very expensive vehicles.

Clary and Isabelle went wide eyed at the lines of cars, while Hope looked around "What about the Lamborghini SUV?"

"You told us you were rich, but not this rich!" Clary said in surprise.

"Darling, I'm worth more than entire countries, if I pleased at least. In terms of net worth in this world, I've got like 25 billion, give or take? I think so at least" Talia said with a shrug.

"You know, you're never not full of surprises" Isabelle said with a sigh.

"Thanks love" Talia said with a smirk.

"So, are you two okay with the Lambo? It should be fine for a drive, the drive itself will only be a day or two. Unless we want to see some sights before then" Talia said, looking to Isabelle and Clary, who both nodded with smiles.

"Great! Hop in" Talia said, walking to the car and getting into the drivers seat.

"Shotgun!" Clary yelled out, before the other two could.

"But I wanted to sit next to Talia" Hope said with a small pout.

"How about Clary starts there. And then after every stop you rotate?" Talia said, looking to them as they slowly climbed into the car.

"Hmm, fine. I'll go last then" Isabelle said with a small pout, having also wanted to sit next to Talia.

Talia just chuckled at her mates, before starting her car. The soft rumble of it's engine filling the garage as she slowly pulled out.

Driving out, she sighed and leaned back.

"So...how do we deal with my family and their freakout?" Hope asked, causing Talia to blink and sigh as she drove slowly through the streets of NYC.

"You're probably going to have to explain that, love. They'll believe you about my...change more than me, someone who looks completely different than they did a few months ago" Talia replied, knowing that it would sound a lot better out of Hope's mouth than hers.

"I guess that's true...but it'll be annoying" Hope said with a groan, knowing her family was going to freak out.

"Families like that Hope, they're naturally annoying" Isabelle said, causing Hope to giggle. "True that" Clary added with a smile.

"How about some music?" Talia asked, causing them all to nod. Smiling, she turned on a roadtrip playlist, and listened as her mates began to sing along.

'I love my life'

'I hate my life'

Why? Because her little girlfriends decided to torture her.

"""Couuntry rooooad"""

"""Taaaaake me hooooome"""

Torture...pure torture. She was pretty sure they were doing it because they knew the type of punishments she gave, and Clary and Isabelle had learnt to take advantage of that fact.

Now Talia thoroughly enjoyed that part, but country road? Really?

They had been on the road for two days now, taking breaks here and there and doing some basic tourist stuff on their ways. But they were FINALLY close.

"Thank god it's over" Talia whispered as the song finished, a sigh of relief escaping her lips. Her girlfriends giggled at her expression, finding it funny.


"Nope! I choose the song this time. We're also almost there" Talia said instantly shaking her head. The three giggled but nodded as she picked the song.

They were not even five minutes away. And the three were noticeably excited, mostly Hope because she got to see her family after months. But the other two were excited because they'd finally see the school that Talia started out in, all those months ago.

Popping on a song she actually liked "Glorious" by Macklemore. The girls blinked at the song, before slowly singing along.

Pulling closer and closer to the school, Talia smiled at the sound of the three singing along.

As they got close, Talia flicked her wrist, as she slowly turned the car, while the large gate to "Salvatore Boarding School" pushed open.

'Finally home' Talia thought with a smile, as she noticed the students around stare at the unfamiliar car driving closer to the school.

She flexed her magic a bit, knowing that Freya was seemingly still at the school. Even the rest of the Mikaelsons were there at the moment, probably trying to find Hope. Pulling closer, she smiled at the sight of the Mikaelsons standing there, alongside Alaric, MG, Kaleb, Josie, Lizzie, and most of the other important figures within the school.

'Freya seems to have warned them of my arrival' Talia thought with a chuckle, knowing that they didn't know it was her. Her magic had changed quite a lot since the last time they had seen her, afterall. She was far stronger than she was when she left...many times so.

"Alright Hope, it's your time to shine" Talia said to Hope, who sighed and nodded. Breathing in, Hope pushed the door open slowly, causing a gasp to escape her aunts, as tears welled up in their eyes.

"Hope?" Freya whispered, as Hope smiled awkwardly.

"Hey Aunt Freya" Hope replied, before blinking as she was captured in a deep hug by Freya.

"Where the hell were you!? It's been five months! No calls, no texts, nothing! We couldn't even find you with magic!" Freya yelled, anger in her tone as she pulled back from the hug. "You have some serious explaining to do" Alaric added, looking at her with a sigh. Before moving forward and giving her a small hug as well.

"I'm glad your back, but you better explain what the hell happened" Kol whispered as he

pulled back from the hug.

After a round of hugs, Hope coughed.

"Um, well...would you believe me if I say it was an accident? Talia was messing around with a spell and sorta...stranded us..sorta?" Hope said, struggling to come up with a good excuse, as it was kind of hard to explain this sort of thing.

"Talia's also got some serious explaining to do" Alaric said with a deep frown.

"If I don't choke her first" Rebekah added.

"What sort of spell would make it impossible for us to track you?" Freya asked, not impressed

with the excuse.

"A teleportation spell. It sort of...malfunctioned? And sent us somewhere...far far away" Hope replied, glancing at MG, hoping he would be the one to figure it out, as he was a comic


"Far away..." MG muttered, as a thought came to his mind.

"How far? We used even the most powerful tracking spells that would locate you even if you were across the globe" Davina said, confusion in her eyes.

"Unless...you weren't on Earth. Or this Earth at least" MG said, walking forward.


"Well, there's this thing called the multiverse. You know, with alternate universes and stuff?"

MG replied to Lizzie who looked confused.

Hope just looked to MG silently.

"That was it, wasn't it! You guys weren't even in this universe! Which is why no matter how

hard they tried, they couldn't find you, because not even the strongest spells can do something like giving you the location of someone in another universe!" MG said, causing the entire group to look to him and then Hope, who smiled slightly.

"Talia did say you'd be the one to find it out first" Hope said with a small smile.

"You don't seriously want us to believe you were in an alternate universe, do you?" Lizzie

asked, disbelief in her tone.

"We literally fought dragons, a mud monster, a mummy, and all sorts of monsters. Hell,

we've got people ho can use magic, and turn into wolves. And that's what you deem as

impossible?" Hope asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I...fair enough I guess. But still, why were you gone for 5 months?" Lizzie asked, what pretty

much the entire group was wondering now.

"Uh...we were roped into some...things. But we're back now, isn't that all that matters?" Hope asked, looking to her family, practically begging with her eyes to drop this.

"Hmm, fine. Where's Talia then? I'd like to have a conversation with her...a very thorough

one" Freya said with a fake smile on her face. "Ah that's...another thing" Hope said, cringing slightly.

Hearing these words, Talia chuckled inside the car "We can get out now" She said, looking to Clary and Isabelle, both nodded and slowly opened their doors, climbing out.

"So she might have gone through a sort of...transformation of sorts? She looks different, but

it's still her, trust me" Hope said, as Talia slowly climbed out last. The groups eyes widened

at the sight of her new...form.

"Life is so fucking unfair. How did she go from super hot, to even hotter?" Lizzie groaned in annoyance, while most of the rest of the group looked at her in disbelief.

"Talia, is that you?" Kaleb asked with a blink of surprise.

"Yep, I look cool right? Although the change was a bit of a bitch to get used to" Talia said with

a chuckle as she walked towards the group.

"Prove you're her" Alaric said, looking to her with slight distrust in her eyes.

"Well besides the fact that Hope just said I'm me. I guess I'll prove it. For one, I once punched

you because you were being a douche. Josie totally had a crush on me at one point. MG has a

stuffed animal of batman that he called "Bats", Kaleb-" "Alright, its you!" MG cut her off, causing Kaleb to sigh in appreciation.

"What the hell happened to you? This is a...big change" Kaleb asked, looking to his friend.

"Oh that, I did a lot. You know, killed a few people, died once, killed a crazy genocidal maniac, an-" "You died?!"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I died, for a little while. A nigh-omnipotent entity got me killed so I'd unlock a hidden part of myself. You know, the usual" Talia said with a shrug.

""Explain!"'" The entire group practically yelled, causing Talia to huff.

"Fine, fine. No need to be rude about it"

"And that's about it" Talia said with a shrug, the group having been moved to Alaric's office.

Talia just got finished explaining some of what happened in the Shadowhunter world,

keeping certain things out of course.

The group just silently mulled over what she said, before Alaric spoke "I really need a drink right about now"

"I'd like some as well" Emma added after hearing Talia's...story. "Alright, you've explained what happened in this other world. But who are these two? Are

they friends of yours?" Rebekah asked, looking to Isabelle and Clary, who blinked at this.

"You know how I'm connected to Hope? The bond we have?" Talia asked, causing the Mikaelsons to nod.

"Well I've got that same bond with Clary and Isabelle" Talia continued, causing the group to

blink in immense confusion.

"Damn...you got three girlfriends? Good for you man!" Kaleb said with a laugh, putting his hand up for a high five, which Talia promptly gave him.

"And this is consentual? Hope is okay with this?" Freya asked, wanting to be angry, but she

and the rest of the Mikaelsons have all seen weirder relationships.

Alaric and them on the otherhand...were looking at her in disbelief, with only MG and Josie

shrugging it off. Mostly at least.

"I am. We talked about it beforehand" Hope answered with a small smile, before continuing

"I've got a bond with them too, just like they have one with me. Not romantic like with Talia, but more...sisterly? I guess it'd be best to just say we're sort of sisters now" "Sisters huh...I can't say I'm entirely happy that you've got 3 more lovers, Talia. But...I'm glad

you at least talked with Hope about this beforehand" Freya said after thinking for a few


"4" Talia replied.


"I've got 4 more lovers, besides Hope. 5 of these "bonds" in total. I thought I only had one

more mate after Isabelle and Clary, but it would seem that I've got one more out there" Talia said, stopping them.

"Damn...you sure you can handle 5 chicks?" Kaleb asked with a raised eyebrow. Snorting in response, Talia just glanced at the three of them "I'm pretty sure it's them that

can barely handle me" Talia said with a small smirk, causing the three to blush.

"Oh!...EW! Tmi, tmi!" Lizzie shrieked, not even wanting to imagine that. "Yeah let's not talk about that anymore...please" Freya said, cringing slightly. "Alright alright" Talia said with a chuckle. "So...where are the other two?" Alaric asked.

"Somewhere out there in the multiverse" Talia said with a shrug.

"Meaning you're going to have to travel again, aren't you?" Marcel asked, realizing the way

this conversation was heading.

Looking to Hope, she sighed "We plan on only staying for a few days, before traveling again"

"You just got back though!" "You can't just leave again"

Rebekah and Freya both sounded out, with other voices of dislike at the idea sounding out.

"We already have it all planned out. And none of you will stop it. I plan on traveling with

Talia, because I enjoy it...the adventure is so...amazing. It's what I enjoy, and I want to continue doing it...for a long long time. Also, I'm immortal, a few decades of traveling is nothing" Hope said, stopping their arguments against Talia.

"But what about us?"

"Only a maximum of 1 year will pass, no matter how long we are gone" Talia added, causing

them to blink and look to her.

"Trust me, we'll make sure to come back here after every adventure to check in. This is our

home, afterall" Talia continued with a small smile, looking to them. Grumbling, Rebekah spoke "Fine! Fine! But I swear to Odin, if Hope is harme-" "I've said it before Rebekah. I'd rather die than let Hope-any of my mates, get harmed" Talia cut her off, a serious glint in her eyes as she stared Rebekah in the eyes.

"So...do we still have our room?" Hope asked, deciding to redirect this conversation now that

it was basically over.

'That was annoying as hell'

The next few days were as well.

For the next few days, the Mikaelsons had talked with Talia...in length...a lot about the whole

"Traveling" thing. And she had to basically swear to keep Hope safe like...twenty times before they left her alone about it.

But after they finally got enough confirmation that she'd be safe, they ended up setting up a

dinner again like they did before, but this time, with Clary and Isabelle. More so, so that they'd get to meet the other mates of the one their niece was in love with.

The dinner went...surprisingly well. With Rebekah and Isabelle getting along great, and Clary

was well liked by Freya. With Hope also helping, the Mikaelsons had warmed up quite a bit to

the two of them.

Alaric and them were much easier to deal with. As Kaleb and MG were both pretty accepting of

it, while Josie took a bit longer. Lizzie didn't seem to care after the first day, and Alaric

himself got over it after seeing how happy Hope was.

Speaking of MG and Kaleb, Talia ended up extending the invitation of joining her pack to


Both of them joined readily after finding out it would eliminate their weakness to the sun, and a lot of other weaknesses they had.

With the two of them joining, her strength doubled. The two had quickly gotten used to their

new lives as hybrids, and both swore to hide it until Talia was ready to extend the invitation to

more people.

Besides that, not much else had went down, besides Talia improving the wards around the school, making it pretty much impenetrable. She had also went on a date with Clary and

Isabelle during this time, showing off more of Mystic Falls to them.

After the few days passed, it was finally time for them to leave. They'd gathered some

minerals, mainly Talia grabbing a good bit of gold and other expensive crap, as it would be

good to sell in the next world.

Looking to the large group that was gathered, Talia smiled, her mates alongside her.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"You better come back, you hear us?" Rebekah said, giving her niece one more hug, which Hope returned with a smile. "I promise. And when I get back, I'll be stronger than ever before" Hope replied, knowing

exactly where they were going. A perfect world to train in, and one that would have...a LOT of potential for the future.

"I'll protect her, I swear" Talia said, causing Rebekah to look her in the eye before nodding.

"We'll miss you bro" Kaleb said, giving her a pat on the back, with MG giving her one soon


Chuckling Talia replied "Me too, me too. And make sure not to cause too much mischief with

that gift I gave you, will you?" Talia said with a smirk, causing them to nod.

"We'll try" MG replied.

Talia just smiled before moving forward to her mates. "You three ready?"

The trio nodded, smiles on their faces as she softly smiled. 'System...begin multiverse travel'

[Beginning multiverse travel...target universe found...have fun!]

As the system spoke those words, light beamed around the four, and they promptly

disappeared from the opening.

[POV: Talia Morningstar]

"Fuck that sucked" I groaned out, having not experience a sensation like that before. It

was...like being sucked through a very very narrow tube. So not exactly pleasant, to say the


Looking to my mates, I chuckled at their expressions "Seems you guys didn't like that either, did you?"

"Never *pant* again" Clary panted out. Obviously not liking it, seems it had a worse effect on

them than me...probably because my physiology is stronger than theirs.. Giving them a few moments to breath, I smiled and followed my instincts. I could quite literally feel the magic humming in the air...this world had FAR more magic than either of the

past worlds...like dozens of times the magic.

Slowly walking through the large forest we appeared in, I led my mates to where we needed to


Slowly, we exited the forest, as the target was revealed, and our new home for the foreseeable feature was shown. A giant tower as high as the clouds above. Large, and surrounded by high

walls, with lines of people ready to enter.

Looking to them, I smiled at my mates and spoke.

"Girls, welcome to..."







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That's the end of the chapter! Boom! How many of you guessed it? A lot of you probably, lol. This has been my plan for the next world for...a long long time. The chapter was sort of rushed

towards the end, as I didn't really want to keep her in TVD for very long. Now that she's in a world like Danmachi, give me some ideas for skills for Hope, Isabelle,

Clary, and Talia! They can't be too OP though!

Which God should they connect to? Hestia is kind of...cliche tbh. Freya (The goddess) is a fat

NO. Loki (Loki's a woman in this universe)...woudn't be too bad...and then there's Hephaestus

(who's also a woman in this universe/Danmacahi). It's probably between Loki and Hephaestus, I'm just not sure which one to pick... Talia would do it if she could, but she doesn't have a vital part that allows them to give a Falna (A sort of blessing that allows adventurers that are a part of their familia (family/guild) to "level up" and gain "Excellia" which is basically XP, which is then used on "Stats" to gain


As said before, there are beings in this universe that are stronger than Talia, some of them drastically so. The Gods for one, are roughly on her level, with the Chief Gods (Zeus, Odin, etc) being stronger. Then there's the Primordials, Titans, etc. The Primordials are MUCH stronger than her, as they are highest ranking beings in Mythology, being the biggest embodiment of

their different element, force, etc.

She might gain her own Falna, but we'll see. Should I make it so that her falna will instead be handled through the system itself? Her leveling will be rather...useless for the most part lol. It grants power, but not enough to be crazy good for her. She might not even gain falna, which

will allow for some crazy shenanigans, as the Gods try to figure out what the hell she even is.

Next chapter will be shorter, as this chapter is like 4k words lol.

I plan on doing the same mass upload with the Gwen fic eventually, probably not tomorrow


Anyways, have a good day, see you tomorrow!

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