Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 169 Wreaked Havoc At Underground Basement

'He healed Miyu, so he doesn't want us dead but alive, but for what reasons he need us?' Ye Kai thought.

They were in a horse and carriage, the kind used to transport heavy loads. Ropes bound their hands together. The arches of their backs ached from the position they had been forced into for hours. Miyu was just inches away from him, whimpering softly.

Miyu's black cloak was soaked in blood, after getting unconscious from that attack she didn't wake up again, although her breathing was normal right now, and she doesn't seem in a bad situation, who know what pill that man gave her.

Ye Kai sighed as the urge to use the system to get out of this situation and rescue all of them was too strong in his heart, but he resist all of this urge just so he could find what he was capable of without the system and it just seemed interesting.

Ye Kai faked his unconscious when that man punched him because Ye Kai wanted to know the motive behind the man's action, and also how many other people were with this man.

At first, Ye Kai thought of catching the man and interrogating him but he realized that he didn't have that ability, so he went to the method of getting caught by the man and hope the man brought him to his hideout.

Ye Kai was in the carriage, getting bored as too much time passed but the carriage was still going on and going on.

"How far does his hideout is?" Ye Kai asked, but no one was there to answer him.

Ye Kai sighed but luck was on his side to end his boredom. The carriage stopped and Ye Kai heard the voice of footsteps walking to the carriage backdoor.

In some moments, the carriage backdoor opened and Sunlight streamed in and Ye Kai shut his eyes, hoping that the men would overlook him but he could still sense them and Ye Kai determined that there were three men.

Two men stepped inside; one carried Miyu, her petite frame limp in his arms, while the other scooped Ye Kai into his arms.

Ye Kai although inside the carriage, knew where the carriage was going, and from the way the carriage was going, Ye Kai determine he was near Dark Sky City.

When the man was walking while carrying Ye Kai, Ye Kai tracked the man's direction, and Ye Kai find that there going underground by stairs.

'Underground huh?' Ye Kai felt amusement as one burly man dragged him to a corner of the room. His wrists and ankles were yanked behind his back and he was thrown down on hard, cold ground. He heard the clinking sound of shackles being clasped around his limbs, followed by a thud that cemented them in place, leaving Ye Kai unable to move.

Then Ye Kai felt his mouth forced open as the strange liquid poured down his mouth, but Ye Kai stopped the liquid before it fully went down his throat.

There wasn't much liquid, so Ye Kai was able to hold it in his throat. The technique he learned in his childhood came in handy today.

Ye Kai remained motionless there, When he was certain they had gone, he slowly opened his eyes and surveyed his surroundings. He could see nothing but darkness in all directions. His throat burned and a warm liquid surged from within and through his lips, spilling onto the cobblestones below.

"It was gross," Ye Kai said as his tongue held outside for a while before he examined the thick, rusty chains that bound him. He took a deep breath before exerting all his strength to pull against them. After several tense moments of struggling, there was a loud metallic clang as the chains finally snapped.

Then he looked around The small, closed basement was dank and dark. The walls were made of rough-hewn stone, and moisture seeped in through cracks in the ceiling. There was a musty smell emanating from the damp floor and the corners of the room were filled with cobwebs. In the center of the room were thick, rusty chains that have been used to bind someone. The only light in the room comes from a small window at the top of one wall, allowing a thin ray of illumination to peek through the dismal gloom.

Then he saw Miyu, She had been bound to a set of heavy iron chains, and that man had pulled off her mask. What lay beneath was a face so badly damaged by acid or some other caustic substance that it was unrecognizable.

It was disgusting to look at it, her face was distorted, and the skin melted away like wax in a furnace, revealing exposed and splintered bones. Her lips were a charred, gaping hole that remained where one side of her face should have been.

"Horibble, just who did this?" Ye Kai said as he got disappointed since he thought behind the mask was a beautiful goddess, not an ugly one.

"Well, forget it," Ye Kai shook his head and said, then he turned his attention to the iron door that locked them here.

"Now, is this door strong enough to withstand my attack?" Ye Kai said as he got near the door and touched its surface.

"Hmmm... it isn't too strong," Ye Kai said. He slowly turned around, taking measured strides toward Miyu. His movements were almost graceful as he crouched down and placed his hand gently on her neck.

"Alive but unconscious, not sure when she will wake up," Ye Kai said and he sighed.

"I can't let her alone... what should I do?" Ye Kai was in trouble now, he didn't want to use the system, and he also didn't want to leave Miyu alone here when he went out and wreaked havoc outside.

"Well, I don't have choice," Ye Kai said and the tips of his fingers tingled as he gently laid a hand on Miyu's forehead. An intricate swirl of symbols lit up in an ethereal blue, the glowing tracing out a delicate pattern onto her skin.

"With this, you be safe," Ye Kai said, "I don't want to use system but well... it doesn't matter much." Ye Kai stand up and then turned behind and looked at the iron door.

"Let's start," Ye Kai smiled and he sprinted towards the iron door and slammed his shoulder into it with all of his might. The hinges ripped apart, walls cracked, and splinters flew through the air as the door swung open.

"Quite easy," Ye Kai chuckled and looked at himself into the underground tunnel. He looked ahead and behind, and after a short thought process, he ran ahead.

"Where would be Shao Ren and other two? It's troublesome to find them," Ye Kai scratch his hair as he ran ahead and looked around.


"Oh~~ Oh~~ this is~~ this is beautiful world filled with monster~~~ monster look like human~~ oh," Shao Ren strode confidently down the street, his long white hair swaying behind him. He sang and experimented with the newly acquired sword in his hand, slicing the air as he walked.

Shao Ren was in an underground tunnel that light by small torches, he walked and a turn came ahead of him.

"Oh, who will be this time," Shao Ren smiled and said, as he heard the footstep of someone walking here, the footstep was light, and jumping happily as Shao Ren saw a man come in front of him.

"Ooooohhhhhh... Renu how did you escape from those chains?" The man shouted.

The man was wearing a bright and colorful costume with ruffles and polka-dot patterns. His face was painted in exaggerated makeup with a wide red smile and rosy cheeks. He had on a tall, floppy hat, and he was carrying a large, inflated balloon with him. His shoes were oversized, bright yellow clown shoes and he had on an array of colorful jewelry around his neck.

"Great, I really want to meet you and hack you into thousands pieces," Shao Ren suddenly burst into laughter, and as it echoed around the room a strange phenomenon occurred. His body was transformed in an instant and a black pattern appeared on his skin, while the sword he held transformed to a glossy ebony shade. He swung the blade with fierce determination at the clown-like figure in front of him.

The clown man laughed maniacally as he ignored the black slash that was coming at him, the moment the black slash touched him, the black slash disappeared.

"Huh?" Shao Ren noticed this and his eyes widened, then he felt something behind him, he looked behind and saw the same black slash he throw at the clown man come at him.

Before the black slash hit Shao Ren, he dodges it. Shao Ren looked at the clown man and a smile appeared on his face, "Power of Space Element, your chosen one aren't you."

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