Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 186 Meeting

Ye Kai decided to explain the situation in this place first before he would go home. 

So it took a day for Shao Ren, Yang Guifei, and Miyu to wake up, and when they did they were surprised to see they were in a deserted place, very far away from their home. 

The even more shocking thing for them was that they have their cultivation, and they didn't lose it, after understanding that it was Ye Kai who brought back their cultivation, they were too shocked, but getting calmed down they were in the room. 

This room was clean and plain, with white walls and a grey tiled floor. The furniture was sparse; a plain wooden table in the center with seven chairs surrounding it. The chairs were made of light-colored wood, with straight backs and no extra ornamentation. The table was sturdy and unadorned too, giving off an air of simplicity and austerity. 

In those seven chairs, seven people were sitting, these seven people were Shao Ren, Fraz, Yang Guifei, Miyu, Kirin, Lily, and Ye Kai. 

Today they gathered here to discuss what to do in the future. 

"Okay, first thing first, Lilly you can go and find your sister, but I gave you a mark and with that mark I can transport here anytime I want, but don't worry, I won't call you until I think it's emergency, so you can go ahead," Ye Kai said with a smile. 

"Huh? Really?" Lilly asked in disbelief as she thought she would be a slave to him forever, and how did he know about her sister? 

"Really, so go," Ye Kai said. 

"Ahh... this... okay," Lilly said. Although she had some questions she decided it wasn't as important as her sister. 

She disappeared from the room. 

"How did this succubus become your slave, tell me I also want to make Miyu my slave," Kirin jumped from her seat and asked as her eyes were gleaming. 

"Just seat down, you moron," Miyu smacked Kirin's head and said. 

"Ouch, I was fool to think it wouldn't be fun if you lose your cultivation, shit if you didn't had cultivation then I might beating you as much I want," Kirin muttered under her breath. 

"What did you say?" Miyu grabbed Kirin's head with her palm and asked. 

"Just saying that I should have beat you up when you were unconscious," Kirin said with a wide smile. 

"Oh, I see," Miyu nodded and her grip on Kirin's head started getting tight. 

"Miyu," Kirin called her. 


"Please have mercy, i might lose my brain." 

"You don't have brain, so don't worry." 

"Oh... you gripping it even more tightly, is this a way of showing your unreasonable love."

"Right, this my way of showing my unreasonable love, dear Kirin." 

"Oh, Oo, mammy and daddy, i think I'm about meet you two very soon, everyone i might die today, so please give those 100,000 gold coins I hide in my panty to my lovely daughter, I will be greatfull if you do that." Kirin said with wide smile. 

"Kirin, it's time say goodbye." Miyu said. 

"Goodbye." Kirin's eyes were closed and she said with a smile. 

Next a cracking voice echoed and Kirin's face fall on the table. 

"Kai, did you potion or anything to wake her up, I just knock her out," Miyu said. 

"Yeah, I have," Ye Kai tossed perfume with a smile. It was fun to see these girls.

After the revivals of Kirin, the meeting started. 

"Okay, second thing I want to say was that from now on Fraz will be in our te-" Ye Kai stopped and frowned, then he looked at Shao Ren, "Ren, I will also like to be in your team." 

"You did so much for us so i can't say no, Shao Ren said, he looked at Ye Kai and said, "Your in team." 

Before Ye Kai wasn't a permanent member of the team, but only a temporary member, now he become a permanent member. 

"Wait a minute, till now Ye Kai wasn't member of team?" Fraz felt shocked as he said. 

"Well, I had friendship with Ren, and our relationship was like helping each other if other party want," Ye Kai said. 

"Anyway, since I'm member of team, and also someone who knew most of situation as well as what course of future we should take, I like to say things and what all of you should do, if you agree then great if you don't then it fine as well." 

"Well, since we have our choice, we don't have problem hearing it," Shao Ren said and looked at everyone who nodded and then looked at Ye Kai. 

"Great, first Fraz is also joining the team, is there any problem?" Ye Kai asked. 

"We don't know him, there is no trust, so I don't want him in team," Miyu said. 

"I don't like Miyu, so we should just kick her out of team," Kirin said seriously but was ignored by everyone. 

"Like Miyu said, it's tough to join him in team," Shao Ren said and looked at Fraz. 

"Okay hear me out then all of you decide," Ye Kai said, "First, Charles man is after us, Seven of us, that including Fraz, so instead of kicking him out, we should use his ability, not mention we all are here for very long time, so it's better to get along than make him drift away." 

"Long time, how long and why we have to stay here?" Miyu frowned and asked. 

"Hm..." Ye Kai thought and asked, "How many of you know about Spiritual Artists?" 

"I know," Fraz said. 

"I also know," Miyu nodded, and then after everyone nodded beside Kirin, she jumped on her chair and said, "Hahaha, I don't know, so you all explain this to me." 

"You don't have brain, so there is no need for you to know, just eat shit and sleep all day, that is ideal way of your life," Miyu nodded as she said and thought she said something profound.

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