Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 114

Chapter 114 - Drink a Cup of Wine

The Divine Weapon Spell was a form of swordsmanship that the black dragon had discovered within a hidden cave. Despite the black dragon's discerning taste, it couldn't deny the sword technique's brilliance and fearsomeness.


A radiant sword light burst forth from the bronze dagger wielded by Ye Hao, carrying with it an overwhelming divine presence as it descended upon the world.

The Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden screamed in agony as both of her arms were severed.

“What kind of swordsmanship is this?” Xiao Ming's eyes widened in disbelief.

Ye Hao remained silent, collapsing to the ground, exhausted.

Realizing the gravity of her situation, the Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden knew she had to act quickly or face certain death. A determined glint appeared in her eyes as she released two Fatewovens from within her. One charged towards the formation while the other enveloped her.

Xiao Ming was taken aback but quickly grasped the situation. The Fatewoven that had targeted the formation detonated the Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden's body, shattering the Eight Trigrams Tactics Xiao Ming had arranged. The formidable blast radiated outward, threatening to engulf everything in its path, including the Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden at the heart of the formation.

However, she had preemptively shielded herself with an energy barrier from her Fatewoven, sparing her from the worst of the blast.

Xiao Ming swiftly pulled Ye Hao out of harm's way, and as the turbulent energy subsided, the Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden vanished from sight.

“She managed to escape,” Ye Hao murmured with a hint of resignation.

“The Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden has sustained severe injuries. She won't be able to recover any time soon,” Xiao Ming said, his voice tinged with relief. “By then, we'll likely have advanced to the Blood Refining Stage.”

Once Xiao Ming reached the Blood Refining Stage, he would have access to an array of new techniques. Even if the Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden returned to her peak strength, she would be no match for them.

“Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden is targeting Zhang Lan,” Ye Hao stated gravely.

“I drew this protective talisman a few days ago,” Xiao Ming said thoughtfully, producing the talisman.

“Are you certain this will work?”

“I can only say it's effective for now,” Xiao Ming whispered.

“Alright then.” Ye Hao also realized that they were indeed short on viable options at the moment.

As Ye Hao and Xiao Ming prepared to depart, they simultaneously halted in their tracks.

The sound of crows filled the air.

The crow has long been a symbol of ill omen, and such beliefs have persisted for good reason.

“Gentlemen, why not come to my abode for a refreshing drink?” As the elderly voice echoed, a massive tombstone shifted aside, revealing a white-haired crone with a dragon-headed cane, emerging with a retinue of young girls.

Xiao Ming's pupils narrowed.

“You seem to have recognized who I am,” the white-haired crone said, smiling.

“Weren't you in the Northeast?” Xiao Ming's voice quivered as he spoke.

The woman's level of cultivation had reached that of a terrestrial immortal!

Such individuals were virtually unheard of within the Keepers of Forbidden Lore.

Xiao Ming was convinced that even his own master would be no match for her.

They simply weren't in the same league.

“I grew bored of the Northeast,” the white-haired crone stated, extending her invitation once more. “Won't you grant me this courtesy?”

Xiao Ming remained silent.

After a brief contemplation, Ye Hao replied, “You jest, but of course we'll join you.”

Ye Hao had gleaned from Xiao Ming's reaction that the elderly woman was none other than the Fox Immortal.

She could dispatch them in the blink of an eye if she wished.

Therefore, they had no choice but to comply with the Fox Immortal's requests.

Realizing they were at her mercy, Xiao Ming and Ye Hao made their way toward the cave dwelling.

As they stepped inside, the door shut behind them, but the path was lined with vibrant lanterns.

“What's your name?” Fox Immortal inquired, turning her gaze to Ye Hao.

“Ye Hao.”

“You possess more bravery than this young one,” Fox Immortal remarked, gesturing towards her two granddaughters who stood by her side. “Choose whichever one you fancy and take her home as your wife.”

It was undeniable that both of Fox Immortal's granddaughters were stunningly beautiful.

Yet, discerning the true motives of the Fox Immortal was another matter entirely.

Ye Hao hesitated for a moment before admitting, “I am not their equal.”

“You don't fancy my two granddaughters?” the Fox Immortal teased with a chuckle. “No matter, I have many granddaughters for you to choose from.”

Ye Hao and Xiao Ming exchanged a bewildered glance.

What was happening here?

Had the Fox Immortal invited them in with the intention of arranging marriages with her granddaughters?

Upon entering the living room, Ye Hao and Xiao Ming were greeted by a lively scene of beautiful young women playfully chasing and frolicking.

Each girl was unique in appearance, yet all were strikingly attractive.

“Girls, come over here,” the Fox Immortal beckoned with a warm smile, clapping her hands.

The previously playful girls quickly lined up in a neat row, standing attentively.

They eyed Ye Hao and Xiao Ming with curiosity.

“They're quite unattractive.”

“I think the one on the left is worse.”

“The one on the right is slightly uglier than the one on the left.”

Ye Hao and Xiao Ming's faces darkened at the comments.

“What nonsense are you spouting?” the Fox Immortal chided them, still smiling.

The girls fell silent at once.

“Gentlemen, have any of you caught your eye?” the Fox Immortal inquired, looking at Ye Hao and Xiao Ming.

“Senior, please speak plainly if there's something on your mind,” Ye Hao urged.

“Why don't you choose first?” the Fox Immortal suggested, still smiling.

“I already have a girlfriend,” Ye Hao felt compelled to reveal.

Hearing this, the Fox Immortal turned her attention to Xiao Ming.

“I have a girlfriend as well,” Xiao Ming quickly added.

Realizing their hesitation, the Fox Immortal understood they would not accept her proposition without a full explanation.

“Very well, I'll get to the point,” the Fox Immortal said after a pause. “An old adversary of mine has resurfaced, and I'm not sure I can defeat him.”

“Senior, is this adversary the Wolf Immortal?” Ye Hao asked.

The Fox Immortal nodded, her expression grave. “I have a premonition that I may not survive this encounter.”



“Grandmother!” The young women gathered around, tears welling in their eyes.

“In my life, I've never committed a heinous act, and my granddaughters have never harmed a soul. Therefore, I implore you to offer them your protection in the future.”

As soon as the Fox Immortal finished speaking, a woman clad in green interjected, “Grandmother, they couldn't even handle the Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden together. Are you sure it's wise to entrust us to their care?”

“Qingqing, you may be the most gifted in our fox spirit clan, but you must not underestimate these two,” the Fox Immortal said gravely.

“Their future achievements will exceed yours.”

“Grandmother, I have the potential to become a Fox Immortal myself.”

“They will rise above even the Earth Immortal.”

“That's impossible.”

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