Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 20

C20 – Niu Li’s Surprise

While Guo Xiu was getting Ye Hao’s scores, Niu Li, a teacher from No.3 High School, received them as well.

The sight of Ye Hao’s impressive 928-point score left Niu Li astounded.

Her initial reaction was disbelief. However, after verifying multiple times, she was filled with overwhelming excitement.

Niu Li never entertained the thought that Ye Hao might have cheated despite his remarkably high score.

If Niu Li could bring Ye Hao to No.3 High School, it might pave the way for her to become the grade director.

The more she contemplated it, the more achievable it seemed to her.

Given Ye Hao’s performance, gaining admission to one of the top six universities shouldn’t be an issue.

If a student from No.3 High School got into one of the prestigious Six Great Universities, it would undoubtedly boost enrollments. And with such a significant accomplishment, the school might promote her to grade head.

With these thoughts, Niu Li quickly changed her outfit.

Zhou Zhong gazed at Niu Li, puzzled, and queried, “Where are you heading?”

“I’m on my way to Guo Xiu’s residence.”

“For what purpose?”

“I’m striving for a better future,” Niu Li responded, grabbing her bag before departing.

Eating was the last thing on Guo Xiu and Ye Zhiguo’s minds.

As they were deliberating on which top six university Ye Hao should choose, Niu Li made her appearance.

“Kudos,” Niu Li greeted upon entering.

“For what reason are you congratulating me?” Guo Xiu feigned ignorance.

“With Hao’s 928 points, did you assume I was unaware?” Niu Li remarked, setting down her belongings, adding, “I’ve brought some supplements for Hao.”

Ye Zhiguo glanced at the items and his face revealed a subtle change. “These are quite pricey.”

Ye Zhiguo was well aware. The cost of these supplements exceeded three thousand yuan.

Niu Li remarked with a hint of displeasure, “Is it wrong for me to buy supplements for my eldest nephew?”

“Okay!” Guo Xiu decided not to linger on the topic. She beckoned Niu Li to sit beside her and gestured for Ye Hao to prepare tea.

Niu Li, looking at Guo Xiu enviously, said, “It’s been three years since anyone from Jiangnan City made it to one of the Six Premier Universities. This fact embarrasses the heads of the Jiangnan City Education Department. So, the Director pledged that if a school produces a student who enters one of these top universities, that school’s funds will rise by 20%, and the student will get a cash reward of 100,000 yuan.”

Guo Xiu’s eyes widened. “100,000 yuan?”

Historically, students who entered the six elite universities were given a cash prize of fifty thousand yuan.

Niu Li added, “The Provincial Education Department offers cash prizes too, but only for those ranking in the top ten. Given Hao’s performance, he’s likely to be in that bracket. Plus, his school will present an additional bonus.”

Guo Xiu and Ye Zhiguo exchanged thrilled glances.

The potential reward from the Provincial Department of Education was secondary. If Ye Hao could secure the 100,000 yuan from the City’s department, that would be significant. While this wouldn’t clear all their debts, it would substantially lessen the burden.

Ye Hao inquired, “Auntie Niu, if I were to join No.3 High School now, what benefits would they offer?”

Niu Li, taken aback, responded joyfully, “Hao, are you considering a transfer to No.3 High School?”

Given Ye Hao’s exceptional results, even the esteemed No.1 High School would court him. Niu Li had visited with only the slimmest hope.

Yet, Ye Hao’s query hinted at his inclination.

“Should you choose No.3 High School, we’d offer unmatched support, even more than what No.1 or No.2 High School might provide,” Niu Li confidently asserted.

No.3 High School didn’t have the same reputation or standards as No.1 or No.2 High School.

Hence, if No.3 couldn’t propose a more enticing package than the other two schools, why would anyone choose them?

“Then I’ll leave this matter to you,” Ye Hao said softly.

Niu Li inhaled deeply and earnestly expressed, “Hao, this isn’t a matter to be taken lightly.”

“Regardless of the offer from No.3 High School, I’m set on attending,” Ye Hao declared with conviction.

Niu Li pivoted to address Ye Zhiguo and Guo Xiu, questioning, “Do both of you feel the same way?”

“We stand by Hao’s choice,” affirmed Ye Zhiguo, the family patriarch.

“I’ll handle this. Trust that I’ll advocate for your family’s best interests,” Niu Li assured, rising and making her exit.

Once Niu Li departed, Guo Xiu gently inquired, “Hao, have you considered this thoroughly? Remember, No.1 High School is keen on having you too.”

“Actually, my choice of No.3 High School is influenced by two main factors,” Ye Hao explained gravely. “During my illness, Auntie Niu’s family was incredibly supportive. My decision will likely benefit her in some way.”

Ye Hao’s rationale stunned Guo Xiu, who hadn’t realized the depth of his thought process.

“Furthermore, I’m turning eighteen,” Ye Hao added, “I need to shoulder some family responsibilities. I’m aware of our financial situation. Neither No.1 nor No.2 High School offers monetary incentives. I believe No.3 High School will compensate generously once I secure a spot in one of the top six universities.”

Guo Xiu was visibly moved by Ye Hao’s words, struggling to contain her emotions.

Tears welled up in Ye Zhiguo’s eyes, though he fought to keep them at bay.

“Dad, you can leave that strenuous job at the construction site,” Ye Hao said earnestly, locking eyes with Ye Zhiguo.

“What are you talking about?” Ye Zhiguo exclaimed, rising from his seat.

“I’m well aware of your late-night ventures,” Ye Hao softly revealed.

“If you’re informed, then there’s no point in keeping it from you,” Ye Zhiguo admitted, pausing before sharing, “We’re still in debt by 680,000 yuan.”

Ye Zhiguo left his statement hanging, but Ye Hao caught the underlying implication.

“I’m not just chasing the city or provincial rewards,” Ye Hao said, flashing a reassuring smile.

Ye Zhiguo was stunned.

“Ever since my coma, I sense a heightened intelligence. However, there’s much room to elevate my grades,” Ye Hao stated with assurance, “My goal is to be among the country’s top three scholars.”

C Country’s prestigious top three ranks include Top Scholar, Second-prize Scholar, and Third-prize Scholar.

Beyond the immense honor, the top three scholars also receive significant monetary rewards.

Ye Hao was aware that his father worked at a construction site. Yet, he felt he lacked the authority to intervene.

But now, Ye Hao was qualified to say that.

Even securing the Third-prize Scholar position would enable Ye Hao to settle his family’s financial obligations.

Historically, the award for the Third-prize Scholar has consistently been a million.

“Hao, are you serious?” An overwhelmed Guo Xiu nearly stumbled over her words in her excitement.

“I think I can do it.” Ye Hao nodded.

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