Utopian System

Chapter 156: Chapter 156: System's Arrangements - 2

"Come in," Elio called, grateful for the interruption.

Tarec entered, followed by his wife and children. The kids immediately joined Elio's younger siblings, filling the room with laughter and animated chatter.

"Thank you for inviting us, Von Elio," said Tarec's wife, clearly honored by the invitation, her salamander glowing softly.

"Please, just Elio is fine," he responded with a warm smile. "And thank you for coming. I'm glad we can share this evening together."

As the families mingled, Elio took the opportunity to speak privately with Tarec, their invocations hovering nearby.

"Tarec," he began, his voice low but earnest, "I've been thinking about your role in training the new recruits. You've shown a natural talent for leadership and persuasion."

The older man nodded, listening attentively, his rabbit's ears twitching with interest.

"We need more leaders," Elio continued. "Selene, Lucien, and Micah are overloaded, and with so many new level 3 summoners, the situation is becoming difficult to manage. I was wondering if you'd be interested in taking on a more official role in the command structure."

Tarec seemed surprised by the offer, his invocation mirroring his expression. "I... I'm honored, Elio. But are you sure? There are many more qualified than me."

Elio shook his head, Ember chirping in agreement. "Qualification isn't just measured in levels or power, Tarec. Your ability to connect with people, to inspire and guide them, is invaluable. It's exactly what we need now... Besides, I've heard that the level 3 soldiers have become quite arrogant," Elio commented.

Tarec nodded, a frown creasing his brow. "That's right. Many believe that having a level 3 invocation means they no longer need to follow orders or work as a team."

Elio reflected on this, his expression grave. The situation was worrying, especially considering the recent problems with the barrier. They needed strong defenders, yes, but also disciplined ones capable of working together.

"I'll tell you again... Your ability to convince and lead is exactly what I need."

Tarec was silent for a moment, considering the proposal, his rabbit nudging him encouragingly. Finally, he nodded. "If you think I can help, I'm willing to try."

Elio smiled, feeling at least one of his concerns ease a little. "Excellent. We'll talk more about the details tomorrow. For now, let's enjoy dinner."

They returned to the families, who were already preparing the table for dinner. Elio watched with amazement and a touch of guilt as his mother and Tarec's wife pulled plates full of food from the exchange statue.

The table was soon filled with foods that, not long ago, would have been an unattainable luxury: fresh and juicy fruits, tender and well-seasoned meat, bread that filled the room with its tempting aroma.

As everyone sat down, Elio couldn't help but feel a mixture of pride and melancholy. Seeing his family and Tarec's enjoying this abundance reminded him of how much they had achieved, but also how much was at stake.

Tarec, noticing Elio's thoughtful expression and remembering today's problem with the barrier, raised his glass in an attempt to distract him. "I propose a toast," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "To Von Elio, the man who has given us this opportunity. To the leader who is changing our lives for the better."

Everyone raised their glasses, repeating the toast enthusiastically. Elio felt a lump in his throat, overwhelmed by the moment, Ember nuzzling his cheek comfortingly.

As the night progressed, Elio found himself observing each person at the table.

His mother, whose silent strength had always inspired him.

His sisters and brother, growing up in a world very different from the one he had known at their age.

Tarec and his family, whose lives were changing thanks to his efforts, their gratitude evident in every gesture.

At that moment, Elio silently renewed his promise. He would do whatever necessary to protect this future they were building. The risks he would face… everything was worth it for moments like this.


When the meal was coming to an end, Elio cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. Ember sat up straighter on his shoulder, sensing the importance of the moment.

"There's something I need to tell you," he began, his voice serious. "The city faces new challenges, and we need to take drastic measures to face them..."

"In the coming days, I'll undertake a dangerous mission. I'm going to enter the sea of monsters."

A stunned silence fell over the room. Lena was the first to break it, her salamander dimming in response to her distress.

"Elio," she said, her voice trembling, "why so soon? It's too dangerous. Weren't you supposed to train more with your new abilities?"

Elio took his mother's hand. "I know, Mom. But the situation has become more urgent than we thought, it's necessary. We need more cores, more power to defend the city. And I have to find a way to cross the sea of monsters... I must reach some places that could be crucial for our future."

He briefly explained about the recent problems with the barrier, about overcoming level 6 that no one has ever attempted, about the need to find solutions before it was too late.

When he finished, silence fell over the room again. Everyone processed the information, the weight of the situation evident on their faces, their invocations huddling closer as if seeking comfort.

Finally, Lena spoke. Her voice was soft, but firm, her salamander glowing with a steady light. "I'm scared, Elio. Terrified of losing you like I lost your father. But I'm also incredibly proud. Because I know you're fighting for something bigger than us.

I understand, son. I don't like it, but I understand why you must do it."

Elio felt a weight lift from his shoulders. His mother's support meant more than he could express.

Elio nodded, grateful for his mother's understanding. "Thank you, Mom. I know it's dangerous, but..."

"But it's necessary," Lena completed. "You're going to enter that sea of monsters, you're going to face that challenge that no one has overcome before, and you're going to come back to us... Promise me you..."

"I promise," Elio interrupted, Ember chirping in affirmation.

Tarec cleared his throat, his rabbit standing at attention. "Von Elio, you can count on us to keep things in order while you're away. We won't let you down."

Elio's siblings, though clearly worried, also expressed their support. Even little Rian...

"Come back soon, okay?" he pleaded, with big, imploring eyes.

Elio ruffled his younger brother's hair. "I'll do my best, little one."

Moved by the support of his family and friends, Elio felt his determination strengthen. He knew the challenges he would face would be enormous, but with people like these backing him, he felt he could overcome any obstacle.

The conversation continued late into the night, discussing plans and sharing concerns. When Tarec's family finally said goodbye, Elio stayed a moment longer with his mother and siblings.

Lena hugged him once more as she whispered in his ear: "We're proud of you. And we'll be here waiting for you, always."

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