Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 216 Annexing The Exquisite Gang

Clang! Clang!

The metallic ringing sounds of weapons falling down reverberated.

Psychological warfare was part of war. Today, the originally strong and tenacious hearts of the Exquisite warriors was already broken so much that they now had a phobia for Rex, they literally now saw Rex as a god.

In all their lives, they've heard stories of powerful Super mystic warriors running riot through an army of tens of thousands of lesser mystic warriors.

,m They've also heard of Myth grade warriors doing the same.

What they have not heard of was a single Advanced mystic warrior running riot through an army of over 30,000 with 4 Advanced mystic warriors and thousands of intermediate mystic warriors, Rex's achievement was a miracle.

When his beasts held them for over 5 minutes, killing thousands of mystic warriors in that same time, they were intimidated but they kept on fighting.

When the 1st and 2nd Advanced mystic warrior was killed, they were even more intimidated but they kept on fighting despite all this.

All this was only possible because this was the Exquisite Army. They were renowned for their order, Dave trained his gang like a real military army, they were disciplined and orderly which was their greatest trait and strength.

Today though, this trait of theirs was unable to bail them from the tentacle of the living demon, Rex himself who singlehandedly broke them in pieces.

Once Dave their gang leader died, they were no longer simply intimidated, they were horrified and this was where they started seeing him as a god.

They were horrified, the penalty of defying a god was death.

When Rex finally cornered Tango, the 2nd in command of the army and he ordered them to drop their weapons, they were all ecstatic because this meant that they were given a chance to redeem themselves.

Rex giving them a chance of surrender in their opinion was him having mercy on them, none of them dared to hesitate as they dropped their weapons and kneeled in awe of this god that now walked among men.

Still on top Storm, Rex looked down upon his new army comprising of about 26,000 mystic warriors, he looked at his loot, at his achievement proudly.

After such an epic battle, his battle will was still burning hot like a burning furnace but this scene of the warriors' awe made his burning heart cool a bit.

Rex finally spoke. "Today, you are no longer the Exquisite Gang!"

"You are now part of the Berserk Gang!"

"All hail the Gang Leader!"


"All hail the Sword God!"


They didn't know who started it but once it started, it never stopped again as the tens of thousands of mystic warriors chanted Rex's new honorifics.

Once everything died down, Rex finally looked back down on his beasts. Like Storm, King and Grey were also injured after the incredible battle.

Only Ambition was still relatively clean, he was the assassin of the group.

As Rex looked down at them, a sense of pride rose in his heart. "Well-done". He appreciated them with all the sincerity that he could muster.

After this epic battle and the even more epic victory, he was finally able to gauge his strength as he was forced to fight at his best.

Through this battle, Rex was able to recognize how truly OP he was already. "I am indeed a one-man army".

His confidence already shot to the nine heavens but he was still able to keep a cool head as he directed Storm to walk towards Tango.

It was almost 4 hours already since he left the Blood Market region, leaving his outnumbered army to fight against the overwhelming army of the old Exquisite Gang. He didn't know how well they fared, but it was time to end the battle.

"Send an order to stop the war". Rex ordered Tango.

Tango respectfully received the order and proceeded to carry it out instantly. While he did that, Rex also sent a message to his subordinates.

He picked up the special communication device. "Aragorn, you can lift the virtual interference net now".

Instantly after Rex gave the order, the interference net created by Aragorn that was cutting off all communication between the headquarters of the Exquisite Gang and their army in the Blood Market region was finally deactivated.

All the messages started coming in like a flood and they had only 1 theme.

"It's been 30 minutes since Rex was last seen in battle".

"It's been an hour since Rex was last seen in the battlefield".

"Please tighten defense at the headquarters, there's a high chance that Rex embarked on an assassination mission".

"It's been 2 hours already since the war started, the Berserk Army is proving to be too strong a hurdle to overcome, they're barely budging".

"They have some strange bottles where they ingest some tonic. After that, they turn into powerful Minotaurs that are far stronger than us".

"We want headquarters to look into these beasts, deduce their origin, and the best way to kill them".

"It's been…"

Rex smiled as he listened to all the messages.

"Gang leader, the message has been sent". Tango finally came back after sending the message as he reported to his new gang leader respectfully.

"Good". Rex nodded. "Take me to the command center".

"Yes, sir".

On arriving at the command center, Rex addressed his new army. "I believe that Tango already informed all of you, I am your new gang leader".

"You all are no longer the Exquisite Army, you are now part of the Berserk Army. You shall no longer report to Commander Chase but to Commander Aragorn, follow every instruction that he gives".

After addressing his new warriors, Rex finally finished his broadcast and switched to a more personal and secure channel with Aragorn.

"Inform Cassandra to lead the other leaders to properly integrate our new members into the Berserk Army without problems".

"As for you, I want you and Ben to lead an army of 50,000 here".

"We need to ride the current momentum to take over the Southern region".

"News just came in, the Axe Gang already took over the East Region, there is no more Godzilla Gang, we can't afford to rest on our rails".

"Yes, gang leader".

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