Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 744 The Possessed Queen Bee And Cotton's Ability

My meticulous way of putting all of the remote-controlled bombs is not easy. Despite the effects of [Deep Sleep Powder] and the effects of the skill [Deafening Noise], there is still a chance to trigger their awakening if I did it wrong. One wrong step I make will also reflect on me, so I am trying my best to keep myself quiet as I put all the bombs around them.

I didn't get a good close-up of the next boss to confirm it but now that I am close, it is indeed the Queen Bee. From the looks of it, the Queen Bee is still slumbering not due to the powder that Tina released but due to the parasite burrowing in her body. It causes her body to fall asleep as a defense mechanism as a means to combat the burrowing parasite. Of course, it was useless as the parasite is more than capable of invading the systems of the Queen Bee before it can be stopped.

Right now, the Queen Bee is still suppressing the parasite which is why it remained asleep but that won't take long once the parasite has taken over and that could be anytime now which is why I needed to make sure that the Queen Bee is killed before it awakens and the explosives placed on its nest is a good way to make the queen cripple or straight up incinerating it.

Making the bombs are easy but placing them is hard. There are lots of eggs around the queen bee and one wrong move and they will start hatching and that will be a really bad thing for me as that will be total chaos as well.

The bombs are now placed and the only thing I needed to do is get out. However, when I was now on my way back to go out of the nest, the [Deafening Noise] buff has ended and I am still inside the nest. I was too busy putting the bombs and going in slowly so as to not wake up the eggs, which as a result, ending up the buff I had.

I inwardly cursed my luck but it can't be helped as the buff duration is not that long and I took my time putting the bombs so it's natural that it will run out before I can even go out. All is not lost though. Activating [Stealth], I blended into the environment once more. However, [Stealth] is a much weaker version of [Deafening Noise] as the noises I make will still make a sound even in [Stealth] whereas the former skill does that plus putting you in stealth status as a bonus.

Casting [Stealth] multiple times is possible for me and I can take my time doing so, but that doesn't mean the queen bee will remain asleep for that long either. I needed to get out of there as fast but as quietly as possible.

Everyone is looking at me outside and Cath Palug is already bored with my slow movements but he didn't complain and waited with that disappointed look on his face. As for the others, they are already cheering me silently as I continue to walk out of the nest.

Only a few steps left when my left foot suddenly trips on one of the eggs that I didn't notice, causing me to trigger the eggs and they are starting to hatch.

"F*ck going stealth," I groaned as I darted out of the nest as fast as I could without bothering to look at what is happening behind me. If they are hatching, there is no point staying still and watching everything unfold.

As soon as I managed to jump out of the nest, I immediately grab the detonator and immediately pushed the button while shouting at the other. " GET DOWN!"


Multiple explosions go off as the explosives I planted activated and chained their detonation to the other bombs as well. As the explosion happened, the logs on my kills are being updated so fast as the explosions continue to decimate all of the life forms inside the nest. Even Cotton is leveling fast and her level is rising as the monsters inside the nest die one by one from the explosion and the aftermath.

As for Cath Palug, seeing the guts and flesh of the insects torn to pieces after the explosion, he is thrilled at the result.


The bloodlust on him is clearly troublesome but I guess that is his nature and as everything turned to chaos, his behavior shows it.

Just as I thought the explosions have already destroyed every single thing inside the nest, the final raid boss appeared and screams while its skin is melting from the explosion. It has already been damaged to the point it is no longer recovering but it still retains HP which is why it remains alive.

"Ah crap, this nugget still refuses to die."

Everyone assumed a combat stance but I stopped them. I started the fight, I end this fight on my own as well.

The Queen Bee is twitching as it started making a grotesque sound of flesh melting around it. But now that the protective shell present on its body has been broken and burned to the point of melting, defeating this thing is an easy thing.

Rushing through the boss with my Versatile Weapon, I turned it into a bow and arrow as I get closer and started releasing one arrow at a time.

The queen tried to cut a few of them but because of its burnt body, being fast is hard enough for the queen so even though it blocked a few arrows, most of my shots immediately pierced through her flesh.

Circling around it, I changed my weapon once more into a bo staff and used it to immediately make my way to the Queen Bee before leaping up high as I bring down the blunt weapon to the queen bee's head as hard as I can. The queen bee didn't like that one bit but I do and used that chance to immediately switch to the dagger and immediately started stabbing its neck multiple times and creating a big wound on it to inflict [Bleed(Severe)] to it before changing to a katana and used the skill [Decapitation] to end it.

But the queen bee is clearly not going to die so easily just like that as the moment I used [Decapitation], it immediately blocked the attack by sacrificing one of her remaining hands. Seeing my final kill blow fail, I backed off and changed it to a cannon and shot it with [Grapeshot]. It would have been fine if I shoot it with a normal cannonball but knowing how tenacious the queen bee is, it's more likely gonna dodge the cannonball or perhaps survive the impact. The [Grapeshot] guarantees that the boss will receive a little ammo and get damaged.

The queen bee didn't like my attacks and despite having a hard time moving, it started spewing out poison darts multiple times and still managed to release precise shots that I have to dodge to completely avoid them.

Now that the Queen Bee is on her last legs, I suddenly noticed something moved out of her abdomen. It's wriggling out of it and it is digging out of the burnt flesh of the Queen Bee. When I saw it poke out of the burnt flesh, I immediately knew what it was.

Instead of focusing on the Queen Bee, I shifted my focus to the one that escaped from the abdomen of the queen bee which is none other than the parasite. Since the Parasite emerged from the Queen Bee's abdomen, it was clear that it failed to reach the Queen Bee's head when the bombs exploded, which in turn, made the host of the parasite already dying from its wounds. Although not dead, the host is clearly not in a good condition and sooner or later, the queen bee will die without any hope of survival. Not wanting to share the same fate as its host, the parasite decided to vacate and escape to find a new host to latch on to.

Changing my Versatile Weapon into a hammer, I jumped into the air once more and slammed down on the fleeing parasite. My quick action immediately killed the main culprit of the insect monsters from rampaging.

Still, even with the Parasite dead, that doesn't mean the Queen Bee will stop attacking now. In the first place, the Queen Bee is the one retaliating and not the parasite which is why I will have to deal with the queen bee this time around.

But before I can continue my attack, Lina and Tina are calling me, stopping me from doing so.

"Master! Stop! Cotton is coming!" the two shouted as Cotton walked towards the Queen Bee. I was about to stop Cotton but the former looked at me and shakes her head as she comes close to the queen bee and started healing her up.

All of the wounds that are inflicted by the bomb as well as the damage I have dealt to her body have disappeared as well. I didn't know what is going on but I am quite sure that Cotton never had a healing skill before. Now, she is using it like nothing.

Once the healing was done, the queen bee marveled that all of her wounds are gone. I thought she will attack so I immediately assumed a combat stance but what happened next surprised me.

"I pay respects to the Insect Queen, welcome back, Your Majesty."

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