Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 806 Tsuchigumo And Jorogumo [III]

What the heck is going on? I am sure it doesn't have any Break Line that indicates that it will go berserk or activate any power if the HP falls down that threshold. It was like it activated after realizing it cannot win against us and decided to use their trump cards to fight back.

"Atlas, I don't know what is going on but be ready anytime. Retreat if you get damaged or hit badly. Don't risk your tankiness against her as she might be more of a debuff-oriented enemy. Whatever the gimmick of this woman is, we have to keep ourselves careful."

"Yes, Master."

I have faced countless Jorogumo in the past timeline as they are not that rare to meet here in Kamikaze Continent but this particular Jorogumo is not even a Jorogumo in the first place, it was a human before it succumbed to corruption and begin to change into a monster. And since this Jorogumo still seems to retain a bit of its head and memories from when she was still human, not to mention that her upper half is still a human form due to being a Jorogumo which has a half-human, half-spider form, her special gimmick might be already in effect and I just didn't realize it.

The Jorogumo seems to have finished what it was doing and faced us, grinning from ear to ear, no longer retaining her normal face. It was like a stuff seen in nightmares and if I get easily scared that face will haunt my dreams.

"Haaaaa...I felt powered up... Now, I can tear you all apart!"

She then released a web all over her surroundings. We have to dodge so that we don't get caught up in the web. After that, the white web she released suddenly turned violet, and the grass that the webs landed on suddenly corroded and died, and even the soil suddenly got darker as well.

"Corrosive Poison..." I grit my teeth. That only means she can now melt metal and armor.

"Atlas, be careful. The enemy can now use corrosive poison. We have to fight against her very carefully with our armor on. One spit or one of those corrosive webs and our armors are done for. We needed to ensure that this woman gets defeated immediately."

"How about a range attack Master?"

"Projectiles don't work against Jorogumo, their body might lack armor but they easily deflect them for some reason, but it's a different thing if it is a magic projectile."

I then changed my weapon into a Staff and immediately fired off [Fireball] into the Jorogumo. The Jorogumo didn't like that she had to dodge every fireball I sent to her.

Seeing that range magic seems to work, Atlas held out his hands, and a ball of dark energy ball appeared on his hands. It was something I didn't see before that he used so the moment I saw it appear on his hands, I frowned. He then fired it at the Jorogumo and the latter didn't like it either as she dodge it but the moment she dodge, the energy ball suddenly changed direction and blasted her behind, catching the spider off-guard.

"GAAAAAHHHH! Blasted f*ckers! I will rip all of your bodies and eat your flesh!"

The Jorogumo screamed at the top of her lungs before she disappeared and appeared behind Atlas and used her blade-like legs to attack him. I immediately noticed her movements so I quickly blocked it but it seems she knew what I will be doing and decided to use it as a feint and immediately strike an attack at me with it, prompting me to immediately react by sacrificing one of my bracers to fully guard against her swipe and even that did not easily nullify the damage in exchange of my bracers, it manages to fully penetrate and scratch my skin and make me receive a [Bleed(Moderate)] upon hit.

"Aha~ the sweet taste of blood... More... I need more!"

The two of us retreated at a safe distance for a bit to allow me to recover from my wound and also to change the bracer I am wearing. The bracer I previously wore cannot be repaired as it was torn to pieces by the Jorogumo. It was even one of the best bracers I made and it was immediately destroyed in one strike.

Atlas is keeping her at bay while I patch up as well.

"Hey, Big Boy~ You can ditch that master of yours and serve me. What do you think?"

I wasn't even paying attention to that but the moment I feel bloodlust directed at me and a huge shadow is about to hit me, I immediately retreated and rolled away, dodging Atlas's attack.

"Atlas? What the f*ck are you doing?!"

"GRAAAAAAAHHHH!" He started swinging indiscriminately and seems to be out of his mind right now. I have to keep dodging his attacks as he was trying to cut me down.

"Oy, stop! What the heck?! Snap out of it!"

Suspecting that the Jorogumo did something, I checked the status windows of Atlas and realized why he was doing this all of a sudden. He received the debuff [Charmed] and [Controlled] causing him to turn into me and fight against me.

"There's no helping it," I took advantage that Atlas is moving slowly and attacking without finesse and expertise like he usually does, I immediately disarmed him and put my palm on his armor.

"[Paralyzing Lightning Strike]!"


Atlas shook as the electricity coming out from my palm struck like lightning to his body. He passed out as a result of that and I have to use a Splash Full Restore to severe the [Charmed] and [Controlled] debuff on him. Because he is out of commission as a result, I decided to just go and solo her, that way, this woman does not try to do that sh*t again.

"Hey, hey. That's not nice of you to hit your own comrade. Shouldn't you be ashamed of yourself?"

I didn't try to communicate with her. Instead, I just run in circles around her, to catch a chance to strike on her.

"Come on, wolf head guy. Say something..."

But I didn't say anything and clashed against her feet and try to sever them in close combat.

"Why are you so quiet?! You must be fun at the parties, right?"

I still didn't say anything and just break one of the armor on her legs. I made sure to focus my attacks on one particular spot of the leg armor and just grind that out until the armor gives in. With the armor gone from that spot, I tried to cut it down using my Versatile Weapon but the Jorogumo is not liking what I did and blocked my attack to injure the leg. However, the Jorogumo seems to be mistaken.


One gunshot causes the leg of the spider previously attached to her body suddenly got detached the moment the gunshot occurred. As I mentioned earlier,  she is immune to projectiles just like the bullets coming from the Pain deliver, but that changes the moment the armor breaks, allowing for a small chance to attack that area and deal direct damage against her and that includes the guns that she was previously immune with.

I repeated all of the actions I did to her and because she is slowly getting annoyed by how I was able to just brush off her and continue with what I am doing, the Jorogumo decided to throw something for me to rise and deal with the whoopsies.

"Young man~ I think it should be time you give and make yourself fine inside this home," she mutters as she slowly approaches me who is waiting for the right moment.

When the Jorogumo is very close, I took action and activated my attack and destroy one of the armor covering her legs immediately after doing so, I shoot at the legs of the Jorogumo, which in return, forces the Jorogumo to become a cripple.

"Why?! Why?! Why do my seduction and ability not work?! It should have worked and he should be under my spell now as well?! How come he is not affected at all?"

I turned over to the Jorogumo and started flexing, "That's because it's due to mad skills, yeah."

After that, I cut off the remaining limbs of the Jorogumo, even her arms didn't get wasted and it was cut as well. Although the Jorogumo was no longer able to move well due to this, it also leaves the chances of Bladeheart to also have a chance of respite after the battle before heading towards where Queen Tanya and the Tsuchigumo are fighting.

With the Jorogumo secured, the next target to be secured and executed should be the two but seeing how the matters of the Jorogumo were taken, I can see why he will be doing it and I think I also wanted him to see it succeed man.

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