Versatile System Online

Chapter 336 A Sacred Oath Bound By Blood

Chapter 336 A Sacred Oath Bound By Blood

"Let's move everyone, we go forward," The head nurse's shout reverberated in the air as she stood in front of everyone and observed their expressions.

"You there," She pointed at the man who held a double handed axe over his shoulder. Suddenly scared by the head nurse's shout, the man stumbled forward and appeared in front of the head nurse. His head down as he waited for the head nurse's orders.

"You will accompany a special team of three individuals," The head nurse ordered and then pointed at three people that stood on the very side of the whole team. Those three were Kashish, Aella and Noelle. The head nurse had also added Noelle to the duo because she considered her to be a valuable healer who might come handy in times of need.

The man with the axe stood in front of three girls as he observed them from top to bottom with a frown on his face, "Speak your mind," Kashish annoyedly said as she noticed the man's gaze fall upon her.

"I hate you," the man said before turning around in a huff and standing a bit far from the trio but close enough to be a part of the group.

"What's his problem?" Noelle asked, even more annoyed than Kashish as she hated the man's attitude.

"He can't stand the fact that he is on guard duty. Simple as it is, it hurt his ego," Aella replied nonchalantly, as if not caring a single bit about the man or anything around her.

"Yes, as simple as that," Kashish nodded with a smile as she liked the change in Aella's temperament. For Kashish, she didn't like those who were timid and soft and considering Aella's nature, she had always been like that but as the events around her progressed and the world changed, her attitude and temperament also changed. Within the short span of time, Aella had become bolder and more straight forward than before.

"Okay then, everyone move out!!!" The head nurse shouted as four teams left the camp in an organized manner. The four teams had different leaders as the head nurse lead one team personally while Zest lead another team. One more team was lead by a student of the regular classes who had recently stepped into the Magical Realm and as for the last team, it was the group of three girls and one boy, the group in which Aella and Kashish travelled.

Kashish took the lead for the group as she knew her way around the forest and hence provided everyone an easier passage to their destination.

Following the head nurse's instructions, Kashish had taken a longer route to the core of the forest and the route she had taken crossed with the territory of one of the forest lords. As their group travelled, they only encountered a few low level monsters that were easily dealt by them.

Actually, the girls didn't need to even move a muscle as the guy with the large axe dealt with everything. It seemed as if he was taking out the pent up anger and frustration on the monsters and no one minded it. He was doing his job very well and that was all that mattered. However, the situation didn't stay like that for long. The further they travelled the deeper they got into the forest and the monsters and beasts they faced started to change as well.

For starters, the beasts were stronger and more intelligent but also more rabid. As if being controlled by a marionette and lacking any will of their own. Their actions were suicidal and they attacked without care for themselves.

This caused a headache for the group as more and more injuries started to pile upon everyone and not only that but the number of beasts also increased as they started to attack in packs. Currently, one such pack had ambushed the group as they all stood over the tree trunks and looked down at the rabid beasts staring at them. The beasts were feline in nature and had three eyes with one singular eye on their forehead. Their eyes were bloodshot and saliva dripped down from their mouths. Their bodies were as big as a car and their claws sharp enough to tear through the strongest of metals.

The group of four had fought these before when they ventured into this area of the forest but the one they fought was alone and even for that they had to work together to take it down. After all, these beasts weren't just physically strong but also had magical prowess that made their attacks even deadlier. With air magic to increase their agility and attack speeds and earth magic to strengthen their attacks, the monsters were suited predators for this habitat. Not to mention the fact that when they travelled in packs, their attacks got deadlier and their combat awareness was further enhanced as they looked out for each other.

"They don't seem like monsters from any angle," Noelle stuttered as she looked down in fear. She was a healer and her fighting skills were not as sharp as others. So it was natural for her to feel scared especially when a pack of twenty strong monsters opened their jaws at her and looked at her as if she was their prey.

"They wont kill us, thats for sure," Kashish said as she observed the whole situation closely.

"And why is that?" Noelle asked, pointing at the mouths of the monsters that had saliva constantly dripping down from it, "Because from what i see, their mouths are ready to bite us down and have some fun savoring us,"

"Well, if they wanted to. They would have brought the trees down and pounced on us directly," It was Aella who spoke this time, "I have read about them. These monsters are called Wormacs and have superior magical powers and with their physical strengths, they can easily jump high enough to take us down. Right now, they have orders not to kill us and only to intimidate us. I'm sure the other teams are also going through the same,"

Just as Aella had finished her explanation, the sound of clapping was heard as right at that instant, the whole forest had gone silent and only the wind whistled.

"Look there," Kashish pointed ahead as a huge man that was around 7ft tall, stood leisurely with his arms crossed. His eyes seemed to pierce through the distance and look at the group perfectly as he stared at everyone from up to down.

The man walked forward as the group observed his sharp features and uncanny resemblance to the Wormacs that stood down below. The Wormacs had reddish brown fur and the man's hair had the same color. His eye color also matched their and so did the sharp shape of pupils a feline typically had.

From the man alone, they could feel a tremendously strong aura that was on par with that of the head nurse as the group gulped down in fear. They knew the aura and that it belonged to a being in the Celestial Realm.

"Welcome to my region in the forest, and sorry for my behavior," The man spoke in a thick accent and from the way it seemed, the man hadn't talked much before. Especially in the human tongue he hadn't as just from the difficulty he had in forming sentences, it was clear that the man in front of them was not a human but a monster in human skin.

The man waved his hands as the whole pack moved away and gave way for him while they left the whole group alone. Within a couple of minutes, only the group and the man remained.

"What do you want?" Kashish asked, a bit worried about why the Lord of a region had appeared in front of them.

"Well, i come in peace. So lets calm down first and you guys come down so i can have a chat with you; Peacefully," The man said as he made a peace sign with his fingers and smiled as best as he could. However, instead of looking calm; his smile and sign made him look comically eerie and made the three girl retch in cringe.

"Well, only if you do a blood oath not to kill or harm us," Aella said. She knew about the oath because it was one of the things Ray had taught her about when dealing with beasts with intelligent.

"Sighh, as you say," the man resigned in designation and raised his hand as claws extended out of his hand. The claws dug into the other hand as blood started to pour out of it.

He looked at the blood dripping down as his eyes lit up with mana. As he infused his mana into the blood, Aella did the same as she cut her palm and let the blood drip down from her hand. Then the blood flew towards the blood from the beast as both bloods got mixed together, forming a sacred oath that was bound by blood.

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