Versatile System Online

Chapter 382 A Forest Of Predators

Chapter 382 A Forest Of Predators

"So it's like that," the dean muttered, rubbing his chin he looked up and saw that everyone present was feeling very nervous about the current situation.

"So what do you say we do?" The dean asked the Oracle. After all, it was the Oracle who had saved them and currently only he was the one with the authority to make decisions that would actually matter.

"We wait," the Oracle replied, taking up his staff he started walking back outside, "You all stay here and leave those old fogies to me. I will deal with them, till then update our visitors with knowledge of this word. Also don't worry about food and everything, this whole underground place is having everything. The map is with Loid and so he will help you with it," saying those words, the Oracle disappeared.

He had walked back to the surface and would probably meet the others and discuss with them eberything. Maybe delay them to some extent and might even supply them with false information.

"What now?" Laura asked Loid. Loid was the leader of the group and he and the dean had talked with the Oracle for long enough now before the Oracle told some stuff to everyone but one thing was clear that there were things that Oracle had told to Loid and Dean that others weren't told.

however, no one said a thing about this. They trusted the Oracle and Loid and assumed they had their reasons for it. Same for the fact that they both were trusting a complete stranger and so, they all felt that the two new comers had integrated into their team quite well.

"We eat and rest," Loid said and smiled.

He had been quite tense all the time but now that the Oracle had told him about the dean, he felt quite at ease and finally felt that he could atleast have some rest and eat peacefully.

"by the way, Prometheus, wanna have some taste of my cooking? Im quite good of a cook myself," Loid suggested as he started walking further inside the place.

"Sure, why not. Its been quite some time since had some good food," the dean said, only to be glared at by Amanda the very next moment. After all, for the past few week, it had been Amanda who made food for them and fed him with different dishes she tried with whatever ingredients she had on her hand.

Seeing this, the dean felt a premonition even worse than death and suddenly paused as he changed his words right away, "AHemm, I meant that it had been quite some time since i had the cuisine of a new world and would love to try what your cuisine," as the dean spoke, the glared decreased by a bit but the dean surely knew that he was in quite some trouble but he couldn't do anything now. The ship had sailed and he could only gulp and wait for what was to come.

On the other side, Laura looked at the exchange and nodded with understanding, seemingly thinking of something as if she had gained some sort of inspiration from their exchange.

Seeing Laura act like that, it only made Loid feel a tinge of fear as he hurriedly walked forward, not wanting to get into an unwanted situation while the dean hurriedly followed behind him.

"Brother, my advice; stay away from women," the other men told each other as they saw the two strongest people of the group scurrying away like scared rodents.

While everyone nodded and made their way to explore the place they would stay in for the coming few days, the settlement wasn't peaceful at all.

Everyone had earlier noticed that a tense atmosphere hung around the settlement while a few rumors started spread around.

"You know, I heard at the butcher's place that some cattle were found shriveled up a few days ago, all their blood was sucked away," a man said to another as he stood in an alleyway, discussing the rumors going around.

"Don't tell me, is it true?" The other man asked, his face noticeably getting paler by the moment.

"Yes, I heard its getting more and more frequent. Even the butcher was afraid. He said that he had already put all his cattle under surveillance so nothing goes wrong," The man replied as he kept on talking.

While the two scared men discussed with one another, they talked about the rumors, not noticing that the alleyway they stood in had some strange movement going around.

A few moments later, a hand crept out of the darkness and shook the shoulder of the man,

"what?!!! Who is it?" The man shouted in shock, fear covering his senses as his felt all the blood in his body run dry.

"Dude what happened?" The voice called out as a man appeared form within the darkness. Dressed in a black suit with one of his hands holding a gold plated cane, the man smiled at both of the discussing men amiably and said,

"I overheard you both discussing about some stuff so I thought maybe I should join in and get informed as well,"

"Oh, so that was it," both of them appeared to be relieved as they sighed in relief and spoke, "So brother, what do you want to know? Though, I haven't seen you around here, perhaps you came from another part of the settlement,"

"Oh yes, I work at the elder's office and just changed houses. My house is around the end of the street," the man replied with a smile. His smile was the contagious sort, making the two men instantly feel at ease as they visibly calmed down.

"Oh so that was it, brother really has some connections. Working for an elder," the men who had been sharing the rumors spoke.

"You exaggerate brother, just a small time employee. Nothing special," the man in coat spoke and then added, "So brother what were you talking about earlier?"

"Oh yes, it's about the rumors. Brother recently rumors had started to spread that 'they' have infiltrated the settlement," the man said with a tinge of fear, visibly shaking at the mention of 'they'.

"Who 'they'?" The man in coat asked.

"Brother, 'They', those who drink blood and take humans as cattle's," the other man said, his body shuddering at the thought of those entities.

"So you mean Vampires, am I right?" The man in coat said, tapping his cane on the ground, seemingly unfazed of the mention of vampires while the other two had their bodies shaking at the mention of the word Vampires. Their faces paled as they said in response,

"Brother please don't call out their names, they are a very scary bunch who feat upon our blood,"

"Hmm, that is true. They do feast on blood and surely are a very scary bunch and you know what?" The man in coat said as he leaned in closer to both of them.

"What brother?" The other two asked, clearly shuddering in fear to the point that their whole bodies were pale from fear.

"You should be scared of them and be like that for the rest of your lives because they are way above your existence," the man in coat said and as he did so, his eyes changed. They turned a shade darker while his mouth opened up, revealing two sharp fangs that made both men freeze in their place.

"Now become my food," the man in coat screamed and leapt forward, grabbing one of the two and holding onto his neck as he bit down on it with all his force,

'Crunchh!!' The voice came his fangs dug deep into the man's neck, breaking a few bones before the man turned limp. His body losing all his vitality, meaning that the man was now dead.

The man in coat pulled his mouth out of the man's neck, muttering to himself, "Tsk, died so easily. At least some resistance would have made it more fun,"

With that said, the man in coat glanced at the other man, only to see that the guy had frozen in shock and was only looking back at him with eyes filled with dread.

"Humph, such cowards," the man in coat spoke and walked forward, his cane tapping the ground while the man in coat himself appeared to be very calm and happy.

"Im in a good mood so I will make sure to savor you. For a lowlife like you, it should be an honor," the man in coat said as he grabbed the man's neck and plunged his mouth into the man's neck, savoring the blood, exhaling sighs of pleasure and soon enough the man had turned limp as well, losing all signatures of life.

"Such people are only fit to be our servants and to act as our cattle," the man in coat said, fixing the long hat above his head before walking deep within the alley before saying into the darkness,

"Clean this mess, I don't want problems later on," As the man said this, he disappeared while other figures appeared from within the apocalypse and cleared everything.

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