Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 46: Chapter 46: Jarod Joins The Team

The air was thick with anticipation, a prelude to the night's enchantments. Aric, the striking young heir with an aura of confidence, stood at the center of this intoxicating atmosphere, flanked by Mia and Ulsa. The two women radiated beauty, their playful spirits drawing him in like moths to a flame.

With a swift motion, Aric pulled Mia closer, his fingers grazing her waist with a possessive yet gentle grip. "You're incredible," she gasped, her eyes bright with admiration. Every brush of his skin against hers sent shivers cascading down her spine. The warmth of his body, so close to hers, ignited a fire that coursed through her veins.

Ulsa, watching them, felt her breath hitch as Aric turned his attention toward her. He stepped deliberately toward her, and the air shifted. "We've never felt anything like this," she breathed, her voice catching in her throat. The thrill of being desired by him wrapped around her like a soft blanket.

Aric's smile revealed a depth of triumph, his dominance evident in the way he cornered them with his very presence. He began to trace his fingers along the delicate curve of Ulsa's neck, his touch transforming from gentle caresses to bold claims of passion. Each kiss tasted like honey, sweet and intoxicating, setting off fireworks between them.

Mia took a step closer, compelled by a magnetic pull. She slid her hand over Aric's bicep, feeling his strength. With a provocative look, she leaned in and pressed her lips against his, deepening the connection that sparked like kindling igniting into a fire. As their kiss deepened, Ulsa joined, her lips finding Aric's cheek.

In that moment, they formed a constellation of shared desires, each star shining with longing.

Edmond, Aric's father, stood quietly in the shadows, observing this intimate whirlwind. Pride swelled within him, tangled with an unfamiliar feeling of humiliation. He had always wanted to be a force, a master in his own right, yet here was his son—everything he had aspired to become, and more.

As the night wore on, they drifted into a realm of rhythmic breathing and whispers, their shared connection growing more profound. The space around them was transformed, becoming a sanctuary where love reigned. Aric, more confident than ever, led them to the expanse of the balcony, where the city lights twinkled like stars waiting for wishes to be made.

"Out here," he beckoned, and they followed, their hearts racing with pure exhilaration. The night air was cool, but the heat between them surged brightly. They found themselves lost in each other's eyes, a silent agreement passing between them, igniting deeper desires.

As the stars began to twinkle, Aric guided them into a passionate embrace. With skilled hands, he explored the contours of Mia and Ulsa, their bodies fitting against his with an intoxicating harmony. Each kiss burned with urgency, each touch left a mark that spoke of promises unbroken.

And so they surrendered fully, guided by his steady hands and tender whispers. With every caress, they danced on the edge of ecstasy, lost in fantasies that felt tangible, vibrant, and real. Their bodies moved together, creating a symphony of sighs, gasps, and laughter that echoed into the night.

By the time dawn cast its first light through the curtains, casting a golden glow upon the three intertwined figures, the passion of the night had woven a tapestry of love and connection. They lay entwined, limbs tangled together in a warm embrace, flushed and satisfied, whispering words of love and adoration.

"You are really strong, Aric," Mia said softly, her voice tinged with emotion as she nestled closer to him.

Ulsa chimed in, her eyes shimmering like the dawn, "You filled me up, completely"

Aric's gaze was soft yet confident as he cocooned them within his arms. "You haven't seen my full strength, yet" he said, his voice a low growl filled with both authority and affection.

Edmond finally stepped into the light, his heart heavy but acceptance settling within him. He bowed his head, acknowledging his son—a true master, not just of power, but of hearts. He knew that he would do whatever it took to support this new order.

The night had become a testament to love and power entwined, and the future glimmered brilliantly ahead—a canvas ready for their shared destiny.

The morning sun cast its first rays across the Lei estate, illuminating Jarod's brooding figure as he paced back and forth. He had recently learned about the team preparing to explore the secret ruin, a chance to uncover hidden secrets and techniques that could alter his destiny forever. But something weighed heavily on his mind.

"Jarod, this ruin might hold ancient techniques that could completely change your path," Ryan Chen, his once most trusted advisor and mentor, said, his tone urgent.

Jarod's brow furrowed, mistrust evident in his eyes. "And why should I believe you, Master? You've led me astray before, manipulated me for your own gain. How do I know this isn't another one of Aric's schemes?"

Ryan's face tightened with hurt and frustration. "You must understand, Jarod, I've always had your best interests at heart. This opportunity is too great to pass up."

Jarod's eyes narrowed. "Always had my best interests? Or Aric's? I've seen the way you bend to his will. I'm not a pawn in your games anymore."

Ryan sighed deeply, sensing the growing chasm between them. "I know you have reasons to distrust me, but this is different. This ruin could be the key to unlocking your true potential. You have to believe me."

Ryan crossed his arms, his expression hard. "You should travel alone if you want to gain the maximum advantage. Others might attack you if they sense your true potential. You have to keep hidden and divert yourself from the group when you travel."

Jarod's gaze softened slightly, the logic of Ryan's words seeping in despite his mistrust. "I understand," he said curtly, turning away.

Ryan nodded, a serious expression on his face. "You must not draw too much attention to yourself. The others might see you as a threat and act against you."

The next morning, Jarod made his way to the patriarch's villa. He needed permission to join the expedition, and only his father, Edmond, could grant it.

"Father, I also want to explore the secret ruins," Jarod said, his voice steady but laced with urgency.

Edmond looked at him with concern. "But you have been injured in the fight recently," he said, his tone paternal and cautious.

Jarod shook his head. "Most of my wounds have healed, Father. I'm ready to get stronger, and this trip might be an opportunity for me," he insisted.

Edmond sighed, contemplating his son's request. He knew how determined Jarod was, but he also feared for his safety. "You must understand, Jarod, that this journey is fraught with danger. The ruins are unpredictable, and Aric's leadership is not to be questioned."

Jarod clenched his fists, his pride stinging at the thought of serving under his brother. But he knew he had no choice. "Alright, Father. I will join under Aric's leadership," he agreed reluctantly.

Unbeknownst to Jarod, Aric had already orchestrated this scenario. The previous night, he had commanded Edmond to ensure that Jarod joined the expedition. Aric felt that the protagonist's halo had weakened significantly, making this the perfect opportunity to eliminate Jarod once and for all.

Although he was aware that this might trigger another plot, he believed that keeping Jarod alive would only slow down his own progress.

Edmond sighed, his eyes filled with both concern and resignation. "Very well, Jarod. But you must be cautious. The secret ruins are known to be treacherous, and you will face many dangers there."

Jarod nodded, his determination unwavering. "I understand, Father. I am prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead."

Edmond placed a hand on Jarod's shoulder, his expression serious. "Remember, Jarod, this expedition is not just about finding ancient techniques or treasures. It's also about survival. Trust no one completely, not even those you consider allies. Keep your wits about you at all times."

Jarod's expression hardened, the weight of his father's words sinking in. "I will, Father. I won't let my guard down."

As they continued to discuss the details of the expedition, Edmond's concern for his son was evident. "The team will depart at dawn tomorrow. Make sure you are well-rested and ready. Aric will lead the group, and you must follow his instructions closely. But remember, your safety is paramount. If things become too dangerous, do not hesitate to retreat."

Jarod's jaw tightened at the mention of Aric's leadership, but he nodded in agreement. "Understood, Father."

The atmosphere between them was tense, a mixture of familial concern and the harsh realities of their world. Jarod knew that this expedition could be a turning point for him, a chance to prove himself and perhaps find a way to break free from Aric's shadow.

It was time for the final showdown between Aric and Jarod.

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