Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 112: Polite and Proper, Logical and Justified

Chapter 112: Polite and Proper, Logical and Justified

Gu Yi sat on the chair.

In about fifteen minutes, a bullying incident will occur in the restroom. Although he saw two tall guys beating up the monkey, he didn't see why they were beating him.

Now, Gu Yi still has a lot of mental energy left, so he decided to investigate further.

(The deduction begins!)

(You greet Chen Zeyu and leave the dormitory.)

(You arrive near Monkey's dormitory, hiding at the corner of the staircase to avoid others' gazes.)

(Monkey exits his dorm, looking around sneakily.)

(You quickly hide behind a wall corner.)

(Sure enough, Monkey is up to no good.)

(You hear footsteps coming from the corridor.)

(Peeking out, you see Monkey heading to the dormitory across the hall, Room 406.)

(The door of 406 isn't locked; he pushes it open.)

(You pull out your phone and capture Monkey in the act.)

(At that moment, the tall brothers, Gao Da and Gao Qiang, who were out, are heading back to their dormitory.)

(Monkey hastily tries to exit the room.)

(Gao Da stands in the corridor looking at monkey, scratching his head, while Gao Qiang who entered the dormitory keeps swearing.)

(Gao Qiang: That little punk stole my wallet.)

(Gao Da: Monkey?)

(Gao Qiang: Don't let him get away!)

(Monkey tries to retreat to his dorm but is caught by Gao Da and Gao Qiang. They drag him into the restroom.)

(You hear shouting from the restroom.)

(You immediately enter.)

(Monkey pleads to you for help.)

(The brothers are furious.)

(Using your skill, you soothe Gao Da's emotions.)

(You: Stop fighting. Remember the school rules. Do you want to be expelled?)

(Gao Qiang: Mind your own business! Get out of here.)

(Gao Da: Calm down.)

(Gao Da holds back Gao Qiang.)

(Monkey quickly takes refuge behind you.)

(You grip Monkey's wrist, pulling him in front of you.)

(Monkey: What are you doing?)

(You: Did you steal something just now?)

(Monkey: What did I steal?)

(You: I'm giving you a chance. Admit your wrongdoing, return what you've stolen, and I'll let you go. But if you play dumb, I won't hesitate to take you to the discipline office.)

(Monkey: You're slandering me! You're bullying me!)

(Gao Qiang: Today, I'll show you what bullying really is, you little twerp!)

(You: Gao Qiang, hitting someone also violates the school rules. Calm down.)

(Gao Qiang: What's it to you?)

(Gao Da: Calm down, Ah Qiang. This classmate is right. Our parents worked hard to send us to this school. Don't waste this opportunity.)

(You realize that in the eyes of these students, Wapeng High School holds significant importance.)

(Hearing these words, Gao Qiang immediately cools down.)

(Monkey breaks free from you.)

(Monkey: I get it now. You're in cahoots with them, you trash!)

(You take out your phone and show the video of Monkey stealing.)

(Monkey immediately backs down, begging for forgiveness from you, Gao Da, and Gao Qiang.)

(You: I've given you a chance already. Come with me to see the dorm supervisor.)

(Gao Da and Gao Qiang, respecting you, help bring Monkey to the dorm supervisor.)

(The dorm supervisor checks your phone and then sends Monkey to the discipline office.)

(You hear the voice of the exam invigilator in your mind.)

(Invigilator: Mannered and rational, your rationality score increases by one point, and your emotionality score increases by one point.)

(You have a pleasant conversation with the two brothers.)

(Gao Da: Are you free tonight?)

(You: Of course.)

(Gao Da: Let's earn some credits tonight by working at the school library.)

(You: Sure.)

(Gao Da hands you a letter of recommendation and tucks it into your pocket.)

(You return to your dorm, and the night passes uneventfully.)

(The void passage outside the dormitory opens again.)

(You, along with the brothers Gao Da and Gao Qiang, head to the library.)

(There's a void before your eyes.)

(You end the deduction!)

Gu Yi opened his eyes.

As expected, once he left one building to head to another, the deduction no longer worked. The system's malicious targeting was far too obvious.

The rules once mentioned that choices would influence the subsequent development of the plot, but such effects weren't immediate. It would take a while to see the changes.

Gu Yi could only foresee the near future within a very limited scope; he couldn't discern the long-term development at all.

To understand the impact of choices on the plot, Gu Yi had only one method: to quickly advance the exploration of the story, gain opportunities to communicate with the real world, and infer the impact of choices by understanding the development of other adventurers' plots.

The unknown dangers and the feeling of losing control over the plot of the dungeon made Gu Yi feel extremely uneasy.

"Let's top overthinking and deal with the matter at hand."

Gu Yi stood up and left the dormitory.

Chen Zeyu watched Gu Yi, scratching his head in curiosity, "Is this kid mentally ill?"


In the real world.

Apart from the adventurer from the "Kimchi Country" who initially suffered a mental breakdown and was expelled from the school, all other adventurers had successfully settled in the dormitory.

Upon entering the dormitory, two progress bars appeared above the head of every adventurer.

One represented the Rationality score, and the other the Emotionality score.

Many rookie adventurers, after entering the dormitory, simply stayed in their rooms, not daring to wander around, while some braver souls had already scurried around the corridors.

After pondering for a while in his room, Gu Yi left immediately, hiding around the corner of the staircase, using his phone to capture something.

"Look! Gu Yi is on the move."

"He must have foreseen some plot developments, right?"

"Look at Chris, he seems to be moving too."

Chris sat in his dormitory, staring intently at the ceiling, probably receiving some sort of hint from his intuitive powers. However, unlike Gu Yi, he just lay comfortably on his bed and slept.

Before long, Monkey made a move.

Gu Yi captured the entire process of Monkey stealing, and then smoothly resolved the conflict between Monkey and the Gao brothers.

"Look, the progress bars on Gu Yi's head have increased."

"That's right, and both bars increased equally."

"Chris' bars have increased too."

"Look closely. Only Chris' rationality bar increased. His emotionality bar actually decreased."

"What do these two progress bars actually mean?"

Chris was lying in his dorm room, having heard the ruckus from the restroom for a while, but he remained unmoved, just lying on his bed with an indifferent expression.

The noise from the fight in the restroom grew louder, and Chris even leaned against the doorframe to watch, seemingly taking pleasure in others' misfortune.

Chris's emotionality score decreased once again.

Dragon Country Strategy Team.

Qu Kangping was staring intently at the monitor when Ah Jian came up to him to report.

"Leader, arrangements for Gu Yi's family have been made."

"Mm, have the details on Chris been collected?"

"Yes," Ah Jian frowned, "This kid... he's nothing but scum."

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