Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 118: Mob Mentality (2)

Chapter 118: Mob Mentality (2)

As soon as Gu Yi said 'begin', all the students around him began to move.

The aroma of the food in the cafeteria wafted into his nostrils, making his mouth water.

Holding his tray, Gu Yi didn't rush to move. Instead, he closed his eyes and began to deduce the situation.

(Deduction begins!)

(You hold the tray, feel your clothes, and find a fountain pen in a hidden pocket on your chest pocket.)

(You place the pen where it can be easily reached.)

(You follow the line slowly.)

(You look around the cafeteria to see if there are any hint notes or math problems to solve when ordering food.)

(You discover it's just a very ordinary university cafeteria.)

(You continue to follow the line and casually select some food.)

(You return to your seat.)

(A girl suddenly approaches and blocks your way.)

(Girl: Why did you touch my butt?)

(You: When did I touch you?)

(Girl: Just now, you pervert.)

(You: I didn't. Both my hands were holding the tray. How could I have touched you?)

(Girl: You did touch me. Typical pervert. Disgusting!)

(The girl mutters and walks away, taking a couple of pictures of you.)

(You frown and sit down.)

(You feel the ink pen in your pocket getting hot and take it out.)

(A third of the ink has disappeared.)

(You blink, and suddenly it's evening.)

(You enter your dormitory. Your roommates point at you and whisper.)

(Roommate A: Never expected this from you. So, you're a pervert now?)

(Roommate B: Gross. Don't hang out with us anymore.)

(Roommate C: You can never truly know someone.)

(You: I didn't do anything wrong. Who told you this?)

(Roommate A: It's all over the forum.)

(You turn on your computer and log into the university's forum.)

(You find your photos posted at the top of the forum. The comments below are all accusations and insults aimed at you.)

(Men are all the same.)

(I suggest the university establishes separate cafeterias for men and women.)

(Why do we even admit such scum into our university?)

(You ponder for a moment and then start to post on the forum.)

(You: Please don't just listen to one side of the story. I never had any physical contact with this female classmate. And as everyone saw, I was getting food in the cafeteria at the time, holding a tray. How could I have harassed anyone?)

(After you posted, you received a bunch of replies.)

(Look at this guy, even holding a tray he can't help himself.)


(Scumbag, get out of our university.)

(You realized that defending yourself was futile.)

(The pen in your hand became hot again, and you noticed that another third of the ink had disappeared.)

(You've figured out the rules of the dream simulation. When you face challenges in the dream, no matter what actions you take, it consumes ink. Once the ink is completely used up, you will lose the qualification to take the test.)

(But what does it mean to answer with "fresh blood"? You hadn't quite figured that out.)

(You still have a third of the ink left, and you need to find a stronger countermeasure.)

(You went to the university's security room and requested the CCTV footage.)

(You found the footage from the daytime.)

(The footage clearly showed that there was no physical contact between you and the female student.)

(You quickly posted the footage on the university forum to prove your innocence.)

(You: This is the surveillance video I borrowed from the university. It clearly shows that I did not have any physical contact with that female student. She slandered me. I request you to delete your post and apologize publicly on the forum, or I won't let this go.)

(After a while, your post became the top one.)

(Don't blow things out of proportion, it's just a misunderstanding.)

(She wronged you, just let her apologize privately. Why make her apologize publicly on the forum? She's a girl and has her pride.)

(Exactly, don't make a mountain out of a molehill, why make such a big fuss?)

(You read through the comments, feeling a mix of frustration and amusement.)

(Finally, the female student who accused you spoke up.)

(Why don't you show the full video instead of clipping parts of it? There are blind spots in that surveillance footage. Don't I know whether I was touched or not? Are you in cahoots with the university's leadership? Using a fake video to deceive people? You're a liar, a pervert, and a total thug!)

(Shortly after, a group of students commented below the post.)

(So, it's a clipped video? The poster sure knows how to play.)

(Ladies, stay away from men like this. He acts without admitting, blatantly harasses and then deflects the blame on the victim?)

(@universityLeadership: Expel this scum from the university immediately!)

(Your pen became hot again.)

(You took a look and saw the ink had run dry.)

(The voice of the invigilator echoed in your ear.)

(Invigilator: The test is over. Your final scores are - Emotionality: 3 points, Rationality: 5 points.)

(Your vision became hazy.)

(The simulation ended!)

"What the hell, is this a university forum or a trashy novel?"

Gu Yi bit his lip.

In this extremely biased public opinion environment, winning an argument seemed impossible. The opponent was a master manipulator of emotions. Once everyone's emotions were stirred up, nobody would care about the truth.

What would happen if he somehow "skipped accusation" and avoided the girl?

Gu Yi closed his eyes again.

(The deduction begins!)

(You're holding a tray, scanning through the crowd, quickly locating the female student.)

(You used a psychological suggestion on her.)

(She paused for a moment in line before immediately turning and leaving the cafeteria.)

(You stopped lining up, placed down your tray, and left the cafeteria in the opposite direction, trying to avoid the female student.)

(Just as you reached the exit, another female student stopped you.)

(Girl: Don't leave.)

(You: What do you want?)

(Girl: I lost my wallet. I saw you acting suspiciously in the crowd. I suspect you stole it.)

(You realized what was happening.)

(Even if you escaped the harassment accusation, the system would immediately conjure a theft allegation. The "skipping accusation" approach was flawed.)

(You: If you lost your wallet, you should report it to the police, not accuse me.)

(Girl: I lost my wallet at the cafeteria entrance, and only you passed by me at that time. You are the only one who could steal my wallet.)

(You: Don't make accusations without evidence.)

(You dialed the police in front of her.)

(You: Let's wait for the police to sort this out. I won't say anything until they arrive.)

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