Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 149: Your Own Freedom (2)

Chapter 149: Your Own Freedom (2)

According to what Jin Xin once said,

"The host draws weird energy from the weird world. The more adventurers who die in the weird world they manage, the stronger their weird power becomes.

Adventurers are like slaves to the weird world, venturing and overcoming challenges, creating programs to the directors' liking. When an adventurer dies in a dungeon, they become nourishment for the hosts and the director.

The weird world is like a parasite in the universe, devouring one world before moving on to the next parallel world.

'No challenge is certain death, this is the fundamental rule of the weird world, and this time is no exception.'

Gu Yi comforted himself and used his talent again.

(Deduction begins!)

(The jailers handcuff and shackle you, leading you to the quarry.)

(You work peacefully, while carefully observing the environment.)

(There is a fence around the quarry, and beyond the fence is a void.)

(With your current physical condition, a second in the void would turn you to ash.)

(You have memorized the formula for the magic potion of void walking. Perhaps you can concoct it here and leave the void.)

(Your work is done.)

(The jailers take you to the cafeteria, where you are tied by the neck and made to sit in front of a pig trough to eat. The food consists of messy leftovers, some of which are even spoiled.)

(You can't swallow it, and a jailer forces your head down into the trough.)

(You almost choke to death.)

(After lunch, you are taken back to the quarry.)

(Suddenly, another slave collapses on the ground. The jailer, without a glance, declares the slave dead.)

(You, being closest to the deceased, are tasked with carrying the body to the trash bin.)

(Your handcuffs are removed, and you, along with another slave, carry the body, following the jailer.)

(The so-called trash bin is actually a crematorium.)

(You throw the body into the furnace. Soon, the soul of the deceased floats out of the chimney, and a slave captures it with a big fork.)

(Taking advantage of the jailer's distraction, you use psychological suggestions on yourself.)

(You grab the jailer by the neck and twist it with force.)

(To your surprise, you find that you have unknowingly learned the technique of killing.)

(You speculate that during your last exam, playing the role of a soldier, you physically memorized these skills through multiple deductions.)

(You don't have time to ponder.)

(Seeing you kill the jailer, your fellow slave starts to scream.)

(You can't worry about that now. You take the keys from the jailer's body and unlock your shackles.)

(More jailers rush over.)

(Like a headless fly, you run wildly, but thanks to your excellent physical condition, you manage to escape the jailers' pursuit.)

(As the effect of the psychological suggestion skill wears off, you are tackled to the ground by the arriving jailers.)

(However, through this action, you have gained a clear understanding of the prison's layout.)

(You are immediately thrown into the trash bin, turning into a ghost.)

(With seven or eight locks added to you, you completely lose your freedom.)

(Your exam time is over.)

(The voice of the invigilator echoes in your ears.)

(invigilator: Reckless behavior, Emotionality: 4, Rationality: 3.")

(You stop the deduction!)

Gu Yi remained silent for a moment.

He didn't expect his scores to be getting lower?

The jailers hurried over, pulling Gu Yi and the others back to work in the quarry.

On the way, nothing special happened. Gu Yi knew that trying to escape forcibly during work would only lead to a bad end.

He dared not engage in deduction while working. If he dared to stand still for even a second, he would be whipped by the supervisor.

At that moment, a slave slipped, scattering the stones he was carrying. The jailer cursed him loudly, and the slave, almost instinctively, talked back.

"I didn't do it on purpose..."

"Oh? Talking back, are you? You didn't do it on purpose, so I did?"

Seeing this, Gu Yi secretly used psychological suggestions on the slave, making him more impulsive.

However, the slave was so frightened that he did not react excessively. He knelt on the ground, crying and shouting, "I'm sorry, sir, I shouldn't have talked back!"

The slave was beaten by the jailers until his head was bloody and then dragged to the solitary confinement room.

Gu Yi shook his head. These slaves had obedience ingrained in their bones; even his psychological suggestions couldn't make them act decisively.

After the quarry work was done, the slaves were taken for a meal.

Gu Yi put his head in the trough and closed his eyes, seizing the opportunity.

(The deduction begins!)

(You finish eating and continue working in the quarry.)

(You follow a slave, silently waiting for him to suddenly die.)

(As before, you go to the trash bin.)

(The jailer is busy working.)

(You use psychological suggestion on yourself, first knocking out the slave with a palm strike, then quickly killing the jailer.)

(You stealthily take the keys, unlock your shackles, and steal everything useful from the jailer, including a lighter and a phone.)

(You sneak out of the room.)

(Having familiarized yourself with the prison layout, you easily evade all the guards.)

(You arrive at the processing workshop.)

(You climb in through a window.)

(You ascend to a beam, carefully observing the workshop from above.)

(All the workers in the workshop are slaves, with jailers overseeing them as usual. The slightest distraction from a slave invites a whipping.)

(You narrow your eyes, observing closely.)

(You notice that the production line is actually creating dream fragments.)

(After a brief observation,)

(You move to the upstream part of the production line, where you find many flammable materials.)

(You jump down from the beam and light the lighter.)

(Your actions attract the jailers' attention.)

(They try to apprehend you, but the fire spreads rapidly.)

(The jailers order the slaves to line up and leave in an orderly fashion. You throw some inflammable objects into the crowd, instantly creating chaos.)

(The jailers pull out a stun gun and shoot at you.)

(You hide in the chaotic crowd, stealing a few dream fragments before escaping.)

(You dash through the crowd and soon vanish among the people.)

(You take out the shackles, and while no one is looking, you put them on yourself and blend into the crowd.)

(The jailers temporarily give up chasing you and turn to extinguish the fire.)

(The slaves from the production line are escorted by the jailers outside to the square for a search.)

(You swallow the dream fragments you took.)

(The jailers use a special detection tool and quickly locate your position.)

(You are exposed.)

(Several jailers restrain you and take you to the trash bin.)

(Your body is burned to ashes.)

(You become a ghost.)

(The jailers find the intact dream fragments in your ashes.)

(You are sent to endure eternal slavery.)

(The voice of the invigilator reaches your ears.)

(Invigilator: Overly clever for your own good. Emotionality: 1, Rationality: 2.)

(You end the deduction!)

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