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Chapter 101 ~ Easy to Read

Chapter 101 ~ Easy to Read

The morning light that seeped through the curtains drawn behind the large windows overlooking the left wing courtyard of the Ashford Academy shone upon Yuuji’s face. 

His eyes twitched for a moment, scrunching up at the bright light. He blinked several times as his eyes adjusted to the light, and slowly opened. 

He looked down and saw a head with beautiful, long lime-green hair laying on his chest. His arm was still wrapped around her shoulder, keeping her close. But unlike last night, her arms and legs were wrapped around him, refusing to let go no matter what…

“...C.C. It’s morning.”

He hated waking her up like this, but if she didn’t… he wouldn’t be able to move. And he had plans on returning to the Black Knights’ base as soon as possible. 

But to his dismay, only a sleepy groan answered his plea. 



A sigh escaped his lips, and Yuuji began trying various ways to wake her up; nudging her arms, stroking her head, tapping her soft cheeks gently. But no matter what he did, she kept sleeping. 

In the end, he had no choice but to wait a bit and let her wake up naturally. 

And just like that, half an hour passed before she began to be roused awake. 

“Good morning, sleepy head.”

C.C groaned and pressed her face to his chest and took a deep breath. 

“Good morning…”

Her arms loosened from around his chest and her legs moved away from around his legs. 

“Didn’t know you were terrible with mornings.”

He smiled helplessly as he began to try and straighten her bed tossed hair with his fingers. 

But as he did, he felt C.C relaxing once again onto his body and returning to sleep.

“Hey… Why are you returning to sleep?”

“...Why? It’s not the first time you’ll be skipping school…”

“...I need to return to the base. I’ve been leaving things to them for quite a while now. I have a feeling Karen will beat me up if I don’t return today.”


A yawn escaped her light pink lips as she continued to snuggle against him. Then, she looked up to him with a smirk and a knowing look. 

“So you like her too, huh?”


Yuuji flinched and looked at her in surprise.


“You don’t need to play dumb. I’ve been watching, you know?”

C.C adjusted her position and rested her face on her hands as she held herself up with her elbow, overlooking Yuuji from above with a teasing smile.

“You two have been awfully close whenever you’re together. Some people in the black knights already noticed.”

She giggled softly before her expression slowly turned serious.

“Does she know you’re… Alexander?”


Yuuji shook his head as he sighed heavily. 

“Hm… Well, you better tell her soon. Or she’ll blow up at you even more the longer you hold off the truth.”

“...Yes, I know.”

“That’s good. Keep that in mind.”

C.C slowly rose up to sit on the bed and began stretching her arms. A sweet yawn escaped her lips as her figure basked in the radiant morning light of the sun. 

“And if you decide to take her too, then you better tell her about your “true self” too.”


Yuuji rubbed the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh as C.C got off the bed. 

She was right… If he really want to pursue a relationship with Karen, then he’ll not only need to reveal to her that he was “Alexander von Morningstar”, but that he was “Tsubakihara Yuuji” as well. 

Only then will he be worthy of receiving her love and affection… After all, he didn’t want to build a relationship based on lies and deceit, even if the truth would sound stranger than fiction. 

Well, before that, he’ll need to make sure if they share the same feelings first… 

As he thought deeply about this, the sound of zippers being opened brought him out of his contemplation. 

He rose up to a seat on the bed, and his eyes widened in shock when he saw C.C standing there in white panties with her skirt down to her ankle and unbuttoning her shirt.

“H-Hey, what are you doing?!”

C.C froze at that moment. Her eyes widened in surprise… Surprise at her own actions…! 

She… She didn’t think this through when she began stripping. Having lived alone for the longest time, she had developed a habit of simply stripping down to her underwear when she wanted to change clothes. And normally, she would be fine.

But now… with her brain still waking up from the most restful sleep she had ever had, her body simply moved automatically and stripped herself down even though her brain knew that Yuuji was there with her…

Her face blushed red. But… she kept unbuttoning her shirt.

“What are you so worked up about? The only thing I’ve not told you about me is my real name. You might as well have seen me naked. What’s wrong with this?”

“T-This and that are two different things!”

In truth, she was also incredibly embarrassed. After all, she was showing her skin to a man! And not only any man, the man she had sprouted feelings for!!!

Although she had lived for more than a century, she was still a woman who would be embarrassed to show her skin to the opposite sex. Especially when that person was the one she fell in love with. 

But… Seeing him acting flustered, C.C couldn’t help but be surprised. 

This was the first time she had ever seen him act this way. He looked quite cute when he’s flustered like this. 

“Oh~ What’s this~ Don’t tell me mister casanova here is so easily flustered by just seeing a girl’s skin~? You’re not that much of a virgin, are you~?”

C.C teased him with a smirk as she stood before him in just her pure white underwear, leaning slightly towards him and giving him a view of her beautiful, white valley. 

He was silent and was averting his eyes from her as he clenched his teeth, which C.C took as him being embarrassed.

But in reality… he was trying his best to hold back his libido. 

C.C was extremely beautiful. While she was not as curvaceous as Aika, C.C had a beautiful, white skin, a slim figure, and perfectly sized bosom. In addition to her beautiful golden eyes, charming and seductive countenance, and his feelings for her, he was just like a fish on a hot dessert yearning for water.

Try as he may, he couldn’t help but take a peek at her breast, which C.C noticed and made her blush even more.

And yet, despite her embarrassment, there was a sense of happiness and pride when she noticed that he was looking at her. 

She put her arms together in front of her, pushing her breasts together and deepening her cleavage. C.C would’ve never have done such a thing. But Yuuji’s reactions and her feelings for him made her forget about anything else but to see more of his cute reactions. 

But suddenly, she was pulled into a tight hug by him and felt him burying his face in her neck and breathing in deeply. 


She struggled out of shock for a moment. But soon… She began to enjoy it and began smelling in his scent too as she wrapped her arms around him. 

“I’m sorry… I couldn’t hold it back… You’re too beautiful, C.C…”

C.C felt a shiver of pleasure go down her spin when his husky voice, filled with desire and love, whispered right into her ears. She clenched onto his shirt tighter as she looked down to the ground, embarrassed. 

“...Seems like you’re not entirely a virgin if you can say that much.”

C.C snuggled even more into his embrace, rubbing her face against his chest. But as she was enjoying their embrace, Yuuji held her shoulders and pushed her back slightly. 

“C.C, there’s something I need to tell you about my… constitution…”

She looked up to him confusedly.


Yuuji nodded, and he began telling her about the side effects of his [Divine Physique]. 

C.C looked at him with eyes slightly widened in surprise at his story. She would’ve thought he was kidding, but having felt his body and seeing his physical capabilities last evening during their confrontation with Mao, she couldn’t not believe him.

She looked at him up and down, patted his chest, arms, shoulders, and abs, and felt the warm, rock hard, chiseled muscle underneath his jet-black shirt, brimming with vitality and power. 

She fell into a daze for a moment, before quickly shaking her head and looked up at him with a slight blush.

“...So your body is much stronger than normal humans. But in exchange… your libido is also much higher than normal?”


Yuuji nodded softly, his eyes dewed as he looked at her beautiful eyes with gentleness, love, and desire. He lifted up his hand towards her cheek and caressed it. 

“That’s why, you shouldn’t tempt me like this… Otherwise, I might not be able to hold back.”

“...I-I see. I guess it’s my fault…”

A moment of silence passed as C.C blushed and looked down to her feet shyly. 

“I-I might not be ready now… But… I’m not entirely… against it.”

She whispered softly, but Yuuji could hear it clearly, which made him blush. 

“Y-You… That’s unfair, C.C… If you say it so cutely like that… It’d just make it harder for me to hold back.”

Yuuji wrapped his arms around her once more, and this time, he did so as if he was afraid that she would disappear and, at the same time, ever so gently as if he was afraid he would break her. 

But as if to refute her fragility in his mind, C.C hugged him just as hard. 

The two stayed in each other's embrace for a while before Yuuji reluctantly separated himself from her.

“Sorry… I need to return now… There’s a lot of things I need to do. See you at the base.”


C.C nodded shyly, still averting her gaze from him, and Yuuji quickly made his way out of Lelouch’s home.

But now, instead of going straight to Black Knights’ base as he planned, he returned to his mansion first to take a cold bath to calm himself. 

Meanwhile, C.C laid back down to her bed, trying her best to calm herself down. 

She… She couldn’t remember how long it has been since she felt… so in love and… aroused. 

She buried her face on the pillow Yuuji used and took a deep breath.


She spent her time leisurely on her bed, enjoying the remaining scent of her beloved on her pillow. And only after she was satisfied did she showered, changed into a dress Yuuji bought for her, and met up with Lelouch to head together to the Black Knights’ base.


Having changed into his full body suit and mask, Yuuji arrived at the Black Knights’ base as “Mordred” where he was immediately welcomed by a lot of the members. 

“Ahahaha, it’s nice to see you guys again too. It’s been a few days, huh? How’s everything going?”

Yuujiro Kenji, an energetic man in his early twenties with sharp, spiky hair and thin eyes, answered first and loudly, drowning the others’ voices with his.

“It’s been going great! But we sure are glad to have you back, boss! We’ve been worried!”

Yuuji simply smiled helplessly and placed a hand on his shoulder. 

“Zero’s your boss, not me. But thanks for worrying. Well, I better head inside. I need to make up for my absence. You guys go back to work too!”


He waved his hand and headed inside. As he did, he met with Ohgi, Tamaki, Yoshitaka, Inoue, and the other older members of the black knights and shared a word or two.

Just like the others, they were worried for him during his absence. After all, despite their post and being one of the oldest members of the Black Knights, Zero never told them what Mordred’s secret mission was, which could only mean one thing. It was either extremely confidential, extremely dangerous, or worse… both. 

And for a group like them, who was going against a world superpower, the risk of undergoing such a mission was something they didn’t even dare imagine…

Thankfully, he had returned, and in one piece. 

After exchanging a few words, Yuuji excused himself and made his way inside their compound. He wanted to find either Tatsuya or Satoru first and tell them about what happened. 

But since he didn’t know where Satoru was, he decided to make his way to the hanger, where he knew Tatsuya would be in.

Although he called it a hangar, it was simply a small, empty warehouse which had been retrofitted to become a hangar with heavy duty machines, workbenches, tools, and knightmare frames. It was essentially a place for Tatsuya and the other mechanics and engineers in Black Knights to tinker, fix, and maintain their knightmare frames. 

But before he could reach it, a familiar voice called out his name and made him turn. 


He stopped and turned to look, and the figure he hadn’t seen and unknowingly missed was there before him. 

She was dressed sloppily in a super short tank top that revealed his slim, tight waist, a pair of hot pants, and a towel around her neck. Her beautiful crimson hair and white, healthy skin glistened from the sweat as she panted, having run around looking for him upon hearing of his return. 

A smile appeared on his face, though it was unseen by her due to his devil’s mask, and he waved a hand.

“Hey, long time no see.”

Karen didn’t even wait for him to finish before she made her way towards him in a slight jog, which caused her chest to bounce around… A detail that wasn’t that easy to miss, especially with her size and Yuuji’s ever rising libido. 

And as soon as she reached an arm’s length before him, she stopped and looked up at him. 

“...You’re back.”

Yuuji nodded. 


“...Are you hurt?”


“I see…”

There was a look of relief that immediately appeared on Karens’ face as soon as she heard his words. Although she couldn’t clarify the truth in his words since his body was fully covered with his suit, she was still relieved to at least hear that he’s doing fine from his own mouth. 

Meanwhile, Yuuji couldn't help but be reminded of his conversation with C.C this morning, about his feelings for Karen. 

He let out a sigh inwardly, and smiled helplessly. 

Before he knew it, this sexy tomboy before him had somehow made her way into his heart…

“I’m glad… So, what kind of things did you do in your mission?”

“Oh, would you like to know~? But I’m sorry. It’s a secret mission from Zero. And you don’t have the credentials to know about it, Ms. Second Ace~”

“Y-You-! H-Hey, get back here!”


Yuuji continued to dodge her punch and run away as she tried to catch him. 

And from a few distance away, slightly hiding herself behind a large container, C.C watched the two play around with a smirk present on her face.

“As expected. He’s really easy to read after all.”

Her eyes narrowed with a teasing smile before turning, and began making her way into the trailer, where there was AC and a couch she could lie on.

Perhaps later, after Yuuji had done his job and spent some time with Karen, she could have him be her pillow again, just like last night. 

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