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Chapter 108 ~ Mordred vs Tohdoh

Chapter 108 ~ Mordred vs Tohdoh

Mordred stood silently at the center of an empty space within the massive warehouse the Black Knights have set their base in temporarily. 

It was once filled with several burais. But after their operations in the port of Yokosuka, some of them were damaged, and they were now ongoing repairs in another area. Thus, the space became emptier than usual. 

He stood with a wooden sword in each hand, waiting for Tohdoh to finish changing from his military uniform into a kendogi. 

Meanwhile, standing on the sidelines, the Four Holy Swords and Karen waited as well as they observed the silently standing Mordred. 

Will he be okay, Karen thought in her mind. She had no doubt in Mordred’s skill with the sword when he’s piloting a knightmare. But this was different… 

His physique might be the best she had ever seen. And… she knew how compact, hard, and strong those muscles were after having unintentionally touched them. Mordred had also shown how strong he was compared to everyone in the black knights from how much more weight he could carry when they’re moving stuff. 

But… Would he be skilled with a real sword as well? 

He might be stronger than Tohdoh physically, but swordsmanship required more than just physical strength. If he’s only slightly above mediocre in terms of technique, then he wouldn’t be Tohdoh’s opponent. 

“Is he skilled with the sword?”

Karen snapped out of her daze and glanced to her side. 

Chiba Nagisa, one of the four holy swords and the only woman in it, had just asked her a question with narrowed eyes. 

She had a stoic and composed… or cold appearance, and the tone of her voice reflected it well. 

But, it was understandable for Karen. She must have unbreakable faith in her leader, who was famous and known to be a great swordsman.

Having him go against Mordred, whose skills were unknown, must’ve seemed like a waste of time to her. Or worse, an insult to her leader. 

When she asked that question, Karen couldn’t help but think of it as her asking if “Mordred was worth Tohdoh’s time”. 

Honestly, she was upset at her for looking down at Mordred. But, she herself didn’t know the answer to that question. So, she couldn’t defend Mordred as well as she wanted. 

“He’s peerless with the sword when he pilots Excalibur. But… I’ve never seen him use a real sword.”

“I see.”

Karen clenched her fists and narrowed her eyes at the black-haired woman when she heard Nagisa snorted. Or at the very least, that’s what Karen imagined she did when she turned her face away from her. 

“Now now, there’s no need to be this tense over a friendly spar, right? In the end, this is just for a bit of fun! And Tohdoh-san seemed to be enjoying it too!”

Ashina Shogo, the man with the spectacle and another of the Four Holy Swords, said with a cheery voice, trying to erase the tense air between Nagisa and Karen. 

“Umu. It is just a friendly spar. There is no need to be so serious.”

Senba Ryoga, the large, slightly rotund older gentleman with white hair, nodded solemnly as he continued observing the young man with the devil’s mask in the distance. 

Mordred’s physique was excellent. That much was obvious from just a glance. But he too wondered about the young man’s experience with a real sword. Would his physique reflect his skills? Or would he simply take advantage of his incredible physical capabilities to try and win? 

If it was the latter… Then he would be a bit disappointed.

“That’s right. I, for one, am pretty excited to see how well that youngster does. I wonder if he’d be able to give Tohdoh-san a good time.”

Urabe Kosetsu, the man with spiky hair and the final member of the Four Holy Sword, commented casually as he put his hands behind his head. 

At first, he was actually quite surprised that Tohdoh would want to spar with the kid. After all, although he was the Grim Reaper of the Black Knights, that didn’t mean he could use the sword like he did with his knightmare. 

At most, he might just understand some sword techniques and apply it to his swordsmanship with the knightmare. Then, his knightmare, which was most definitely much more advanced than any other knightmare he had seen, would do the rest and give him the illusion of being extremely skilled with the sword. 

At least, that’s what he assumed from the rumors surrounding the Grim Reaper of the Black Knights. 

“Oh, there he is.”

Everyone turned their attention back towards the center of the area where Tohdoh, donned in his white kendogi and jet-black hakama, approached Mordred. 

Mordred gave one of the wooden swords to him respectfully, with both hands, which Tohdoh received with both hands in return for his courtesy.

They then turned away from each other, walked a few steps, and turned around, having created a bit of distance between them. 

“Let us have a good match.”

“Likewise. Please take care of me.”

The two bowed respectfully towards each other, and went into their stance. 

Tohdoh stood with his right leg forward and held his wooden sword straight before him with both hands. It was a standard kendo stance called Seigan no Kamae. It was a stance which pointed the tip of the sword right at the enemy’s eyes. 

Mordred took on a similar stance, and the two came to a stand off. 

There was a pregnant silence that fell upon the area, and the four holy swords immediately felt the tenseness of a raging battle on their skin. 

Their eyes widened, not expecting such heaviness from the atmosphere alone when their leader was just going against some youngster whose skill with the sword was unknown. They could all feel the air tingle for some reason as Tohdoh and Mordred’s aura began to flare, causing goosebumps to all the spectators. 

Tohdoh narrowed his eyes as his lips splitted into a grin. While he did expect something from the youngster, he truly didn’t expect him to put on such a display. 

Then, all of a sudden, without a signal, the two launched towards each other and clashed their wooden swords. Its sound reverberated throughout the entire area. 

Gasps erupted from Karen and the Four Holy Swords, but none got the chance to catch their breath as Tohdoh and Mordred continued exchanging flurries of blows. 

Attacking. Defending. Blocking. Slashing. Deflecting. Striking. Parrying. Each blow shook the air with the sheer intensity behind them. 

And as they continued to exchange strikes, their movements became faster, stronger, and more intense as the four holy swords quickly became unable to follow their movements. 


“I-I didn’t expect this…”



Karen was similarly shocked at the unexpected intensity of the battle. But, as she watched Mordred fight so amazingly with the sword, she couldn't help but feel excitement and proudness rising from within her chest. 


The exchange of blows and stalemate continued for a few while. But soon, Karen and and the Four Holy Swords noticed something that shocked them to the very core.

“T-This is impossible…! No, there’s simply no way…!”

“T-Tohdoh-san is… being pushed back…?”

“Is this real…? T-That Tohdoh-san is being… pushed back… in a clash of swords?”

“...I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Slowly but surely, Mordred began to gain the upper hand as he began pushing back on Tohdoh. 

Tohdoh felt his body reaching his limits. His hand began to numb after receiving all of Mordred’s blows, each heavier than the last. 

He quickly realized how much more superior Mordred was in terms of physical abilities from the moment they exchanged their first blow. Thus, Tohdoh decided to try and with by using the techniques and skills he had honed and perfected over the years. 

But… He couldn’t find an opening. Every single one of his strikes were blocked. Every single one of his feints were seen through. And every single one of his blocks were slowly becoming weaker and weaker, unable to stand against such powerful strikes over and over. 

On the other hand, he could barely deflect and defend against Mordred’s attack. And while his eyes and instinct might’ve told him about a feint, he was barely able to react in time and defend against it. 

In just several exchanges of blows, he quickly realized that he was completely outclassed in every single aspect. 

But… he didn’t stop. No, why would he stop? 

This was the most fun he had for years! Even if he was losing, who would stop during such an exhilarating match?!

His grin grew larger and larger as he continued being pushed back, stepping back one step at a time, as his arms slowly turned numb, his shoulder tensing uncomfortably, and his muscles aching. 

Before he knew it, he was at his wits end, and a loud crack resounded throughout the space. 

The tip of Mordred’s wooden sword rested right before his throat, and his own wooden sword was left only with its handle. Its other half, down on the ground, snapped. 

If it was silent before the match started, it was a vacuum now. Karen and the Four Holy Swords were speechless from the match they’ve seen. And Tohdoh were similarly shocked at the results. 

But, soon after, a loud laughter filled the entire space. 

“Ahahahaha! What a good fight! This was the best fight I’ve had in years, perhaps even ever!”

Tohdoh laughed out loud, and Mordred lowered his sword. 

“I lost. You were far more impressive with the sword than I expected.”

Mordred lowered his head slightly in a bow and responded.

“Thank you very much for your praise. And I would like to say the same thing. Your legend seemed to have been true after all.”

“Ahahaha, stop that. Most were exaggerated. If they’re true, then I would’ve been able to enjoy such an exhilarating fight a few seconds longer.”

Tohdoh patted Mordred on the shoulder and began to talk with him with a clear, happy smile on his usually stoic, stern face. 

And as they did, Nagisa and the rest of the four holy swords were still frozen in shock at the scene.

They… They’ve never seen their leader smile so much before. And its towards someone they’ve known for only a few hours. 

They feel like they’re dreaming right now. 

“Well then, Kyoshiro-san, I’ll need to return to my task now, so please excuse me. It has been a pleasure.”

“Oh, of course. Thank you for accompanying me. And please do forgive me for taking so much of your time.”

Mordred shook his head.

“It’s not a waste at all. I enjoyed it as well, Kyoshiro-san. Then, please excuse me.”

Tohdoh nodded with a smile as Mordred bowed towards him and walked towards Karen. 

He gave a brief nod towards the four holy swords and turned towards Karen.

“You know, if you keep your mouth open for that long, a fly’s bound to get in.”

Karen quickly snapped out of her daze and shut her mouth instinctively. And only then did she realize the teasing tone in his voice and narrowed her eyes at him as she blushed. 

Mordred snorted, turned, and walked off towards the hangar part of the warehouse, where the Excalibur and Guren were kept.

“Come on.”

“Y-You bastard…!”

She gritted her teeth and quickly followed after him, leaving the four holy swords and Tohdoh, who watched them leave, behind. 

As they walked, Karen silently stared at him, wondering what else she hadn’t known about him yet. 

There was a heavy feeling in her chest when she came to a realization. A realization that the longer she knew him, the more she seemed to not actually know anything about him

“What? Are you that mad about that little teasing?”

“...No. It’s just…”

Mordred turned his head and saw Karen looking slightly downwards with a look of… subtle sadness on her face. And… Loneliness?

“We’ve known each other for quite a bit. But… I never knew you were that good with the sword. And… It feels like the longer we know each other, the more I don’t know about you.”

Karen stopped in her tracks, and Mordred stopped as well after taking a few more steps after her, and turned around. 

She looked up to him, her eyes gazing right at the eyes of the devil’s mask of Mordred’s full body armor suit, trying to see through it. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t… And the fact caused her eyes to redden and became slightly wet with tears. 

“I don’t even know what you look like… Or even your real name. What more do I not know about you… Mordred? 

There was silence as the two continued to stare at each other. 

And then… a soft sigh.

“I’m sorry… I can’t tell you now…”


Karen clenched her fists and teeth, and looked down to her feet. 

“I can’t tell you now… But I promise. I will tell you soon.”

She raised her head and looked up to him once more, her eyes widened as a sense of hope filled her chest.


Mordred nodded.

“Yes. At that time… I hope you won’t be angry.”

Karen looked at him weirdly and snorted. 

“I would be angrier if you never told me.”

She let out a deep sigh and began walking once again, going around Mordred who stood before her.

“Come on. We don’t have all day.”

Mordred turned towards Karen, who had already walked away with her back towards him, and shook his head.

“I should just bite the bullet…”

He took a deep breath, and followed after karen while thinking to himself how to best break the news. That Mordred was Alexander all along… And that none of those were his “true” name. 

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