Welcome to the Multiverse Group Chat!!!

Chapter 49 ~ Revelation: First Step

Chapter 49 ~ Revelation: First Step

“I just heard from No. 17. Our targets in both the first and second match made it to the finals. I believe we are past the point of being selective about our methods, especially when the security has been unusually high…”

The heavy and tense air filled the room as the five board members of the Japan branch’s No Head Dragon weighed their options after witnessing the results of the Mirage Bat event in the Nine Schools’ Competition. 

“What do you suggest we do?”

“Have them call off the tournament itself. Using a Generator to indiscriminately kill a hundred or so of the audience should suffice.”


“Will No. 17 be enough manpower for the job?”

“He wasn’t able to bring his weapons in, but if we remove his limiter, he can kill a hundred or two with his bare hands.”

“Won’t the audience start making a racket? Those weapon brokers are going to be a pain in the ass, never mind our colleagues. Those guys are tight with various governments-”

“We can figure out an excuse for our clients later! Right now, our main concern should be the organization’s sanctions!”

“...No objections, then?”

Silence filled the room once again. None expressed denial, but no one could also voice their agreement to a massacre. No matter how ruthless of a businessman they were. 

With nothing else they could do, they could only show pity by letting out a sigh.

“Then, I am removing the limiter.”

In the stadium, a pale-skinned muscular man in jet-black shirt and black spectacle began to walk out into the light. 

Loud cheers resounded from all around him as he flexed his muscles. And as soon as he took his first step into the venue, a tall, short haired man with sharp, narrow eyes and solid build walked past before him. 

Without hesitation, the pale-skinned Generator activated his magic and swung at the back of the neck of the tall man. 

But suddenly, his arm was stopped by the man and his vision began to spin rapidly. And before he knew it, he had been thrown high into the sky and out of the stadium. 

He cast reinforcement magic on his own body and slammed onto the ground, tumbling a few distance away before stopping. He raised his head and saw the man who had just thrown him land on the ground on his two feet.

“All the way from the stairs… I’ll give you props for making it in time.”

The tall, short-haired man in black shirt, Captain Yanagi Muraji said with a hand on his hips as he stood casually before the Generator. 

“Who are you? No, nevermind. You probably can’t answer anyway. That athleticism of yours… It’s not just magic. An enhanced human, huh?”

His eyes narrowed dangerously, but there was no killing intent. Wariness and curiosity filled his voice as he observed the Generator intensely. 

“It seems like it’s as they said, huh?”

From behind the Generator, another man appeared dressed in a dark-red cotton sweater shirt. His eyes also eyeing the Generator with interest and wariness. But a moment later, he turned his gaze towards his fellow captain and smiled helplessly.

“And besides, being that you landed on your own feet from the same height, he probably doesn’t want to hear that from you, right?”


Captain Sanada Shigeru shook his head as Yanagi snorted. 

Just then, the Generator rose to his feet and charged, dashing towards Yanagi at great speed. 

Yanagi raised his hand and assumed a stance, and the moment his hand touched the Generator’s face, the Generator was sent flying back as if hit by a tremendous force, tumbling away on the ground. 

“I wasn’t expecting an answer. I was just thinking out loud.”

“Ahahaha, sure. But still, I have to say it’s always a sight to see. Did you just use Revolution just now?”

“I’ve told you repeatedly. It’s not Revolution, it’s Flip. Now enough with the small talk and help me bring this guy down!”

Suddenly, three long metal needles pierced through the Generator’s body and burst into sparks of electricity, electrocuting the Generator into fainting. 

“Alright, sure… But it seems that Fujibayashi has him in custody already thanks to Thunder Needle.”

A beautiful woman with jet-black hair tied into a ponytail and dressed in a beautiful light yellow, long-sleeved shirt with ribbon around her neck and a blue skirt appeared from the woods. 

“You two really are close, aren’t you now?”

“Fujibayashi, I thought you had good eyesight.”

“I think it’s her sensitivity, not her eyesight that’s questionable? Want me to refer you to a good counselor?”

“See, you two are totally in sync! It’s just as Miko-chan said!”



The dim, yellowish light coming from a bed-side desk lamp illuminated the dimly lit hotel room. 

On the bed, Yuuji rested with his body fully naked under the covers along with Aika and Erika, who were both dressed similarly in their birthday suits. 

Erika was asleep and was resting her head on Yuuji’s chest with her arm and legs wrapped around his chest and legs. She was exhausted after receiving plenty of love from Yuuji and Erika that caused her to orgasm numerous times. 

She hadn’t crossed the final line with Yuuji yet, but the two had plenty of ways to tease, edge, and bring her over the edge. 

And while she was sleeping, Yuuji and Aika made love with each other until just a few minutes ago. 

“Fufu~ So how does it feel to hold a flower in each hand, handsome~?”

Aika teased him, poking his cheek with her finger as she grinned widely. 

“It’s amazing. I never thought I could hold both of the girls I love together like this.”


Yuuji pulled both closer into his embrace, eliciting a naughty moan from Aika and a real moan from the sleeping Erika. 

“Hehe~ When you return, you’ll have four women in your bed~ And you can have them all every night too since you all live together~ Ah, I wish I could be there too~”

Yuuji smiled helplessly and began stroking her hair.

“I don’t know if that will immediately happen, but I have decided to pursue them seriously.”

“Hehe~ That’s great~!”

“And it’s all thanks to the courage you give me. Thank you.”

Yuuji pulled her closer and kissed her forehead softly.

“Mm~ Leave it to me~! If you want any help, just contact me! Oh, and I’ll also be looking forward to their cosplay pictures~”

“Alright alright.”

The two giggled before settling down in each others’ embrace once again. Aika closed her eyes, enjoying her beloved’s warmth while Yuuji looked up into the ceiling in a daze.

“Oh, I’m also thinking of telling them about the group chat… What do you think?”

“Hm~? I think it’s fine~ You’re already very powerful by your original world’s standards, right? You also have a lot of money, and when you return, you’ll be even stronger and richer from the rewards. I think it’ll be fine~”

Aika opened her eyes, raised her head, and looked at him with a soft smile.

“Also, if they don’t know about the group chat, it’ll be difficult for you to introduce us to them, right~?”

“Mm… That’s actually the main reason why I want to tell them.”

Yuuji nodded and continued.

“As time passes, we’ll receive more and more things from the group chat, and it’ll be more and more difficult to explain it to them. Especially since I don’t want to hide anything from them. So…”

“Nn~ Then tell them~ I don’t mind~ I think Tatsuya is also struggling to keep it a secret from Miyuki, so he might also suggest it once the mission is over~”

“You might be right… This might be the first time he had ever done something like this to his sister.”

“I bet it is. After all, he’s a total siscon. Not as much as you yet, but still a massive siscon!”

“...I can’t deny it.”


“Then how about Erika…? When should we tell her?”

Yuuji glanced down to his left and looked at the red-orange haired tomboy in his embrace. 

They had been hiding about their “background” as soldiers and about the group chat all this time, even after she became Yuuji’s girlfriend. And despite knowing that they’re hiding secrets, Erika still believed in them and gave them the freedom to reveal it to her when they’re ready. 

But as time passed by, especially with the recent “incidents” that happened during the Nine School Tournament, the urge to tell her grew within Yuuji. 

His and Aika’s identity as Akatsuki Shin and Tsukino Miko were extremely confidential, even within the military. They were just like Tatsuya, who has an identity as the strategic class magician Ooguro Ryuuya within the military. 

But even so… he wished to tell her the truth on his own terms. He didn’t want Erika to know about him from Major Kazama during the Yokohoama Disturbance. 

“Hm… If it’s about the military, then I think it’ll be fine to tell her now. After all, Erika’s not that unfamiliar with that world. But for the group chat… Maybe after we finished our last mission.”

“...Alright. We’ll tell her then. And also, Mayumi-senpai.”

Aika looked up at him in surprise, before her lips curled into a bright smile.

“Alright~ But before that, you need to hurry up and make her your girlfriend first!”

“I know…”

Just then a notification came to both Yuuji and Aika’s devices, earning their attention. 

Aika rolled over and grabbed both of their communication devices, the ones they received from the military, and handed Yuuji his. 

They both opened the notification and saw an encrypted message, which they could read thanks to the memories and knowledge given to them along with their “Background” by the group chat. 

“...Seems like they really sent a Generator.”

“Nn… But thankfully, it’s taken care of.”

The news about the Generator appearing within one of the Nine Schools Competition venues was worrying. But just like in the anime, they’ve been taken care of by Yanagi, Sanada, and Kyouko. 

At this moment, Tatsuya must’ve also received the same message. 

“Hm…? A Generator?”

Yuuji and Aika both snapped their heads and looked at Erika in shock as she rubbed her eyes into awakening.

“...What are you guys talking about?”

The two looked at each other and smiled helplessly. They didn’t expect the time to tell her about their “background” to come this fast…


Aika looked at them with eyes wide and jaws slackened in shock and disbelief from what his boyfriend and his “sister” just explained.

She was still feeling drowsy when they first started their explanation. But now… she was completely awake and shocked by the revelation.

“So… So you’re telling me… That both of you… are a part of a special magic battalion in the military… and are… strategic-class magicians…?”

“Yes… I’ve been meaning to tell you this ever since we got into a relationship, but it’s technically a military secret… So it’s pretty difficult for us to do so.”

“No, I understand that but… It’s a lot to process…”

Yuuji and Aika stayed silent and let her process what had happened. It was… a lot. 

She knew that both of them were special. Their power was just too abnormal compared to the rest of the students enrolled in their school. 

But she never expected them to be from the military or strategic-class magicians!!!

She raised her upper body, supporting herself with her elbow, and looked at the two with peering eyes. 

“...Is this the secret you’ve been meaning to tell me all this time?”


Yuuji looked at her awkwardly, unsure by how he should answer her. 

He will definitely reveal it to her because she was one of the two people he wanted to invite to the Group Chat. 

But revealing that they’re not even from this world, that this world was fiction in their world, and the existence of the mysterious mobile app that brought these groups of people from different worlds together was… much more difficult. 

But at the same time, he didn’t want to hurt her by still keeping a secret from her…

What should I do…

Just then, Aika sat up from Yuuji’s side, causing the covers to drop down and revealing her naked chest, and bowed at Erika. 

“I’m sorry, Erika-chan! But we promise to tell you the other part in the near future!!!”

“Mm… I’m sorry, Erika. We promise we will tell you about it soon.”

Yuuji also raised up and lowered his head to her in apology. 

In the end, this was all he could do for now.

Erika looked at them for a few moments before she let out a sigh. 

“Alright, I can wait. Rather, I don’t think I can handle two big revelations in one night.”

She laid back down, pulling Yuuji down with her so she could use his chest as a pillow once again, and also pulled up the covers to cover Aika’s body.

“Hehe~ Thank you, Erika-chan~”

“You’re welcome. So? You said something about a Generator. What is that?”

“They’re reconstructed magicians that had been created to become tools using surgery and some magically crafted medicinal herbs. They have no emotions, free will, or any other thoughts aside from their orders and magic activations. They’re also physically stronger.”

“Uhn uhn! And one of them appeared in the venue!”

“Eh?! Seriously?”

“Mm! But don’t worry, Erika-chan. Our comrades from the military had taken care of them.”

“I see…”

A sigh of relief escaped Erika’s lips. But right after, a question came to her mind.

“...Who sent them? And for what? Do you two know?”

Yuuji and Aika looked at each other once again, nodded, and began explaining to her about the No Head Dragon and their involvement in the “incidents” that had been happening to their school during the competition. 

“What? So they’re the ones behind this?!”

“Yes. And because their plans have been foiled thus far, they became desperate and tried to use a Generator to… massacre the audience and cancel the tournament.”

Erika’s eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

“Unbelievable… They’re lunatics! I can’t believe they planned a massacre just for that…”

Yuuji pulled her closer to him and began stroking her head to calm her down.

“It’s not surprising. They’re cowards and money hungry pigs who could only think about their own well being and wallet. The worst kind of people…”

“Uhn uhn! That’s why we’ve been trying so hard to prevent it!”

Erika let out a sigh and nuzzled more into Yuuji’s neck. At this point, she needed to be as close as possible to him to keep her head calm. 

“I see… And I’m guessing Tatsuya’s also involved in this, right?”


Yuuji and Aika turned to her with widened eyes and looked at her speechlessly, earning a giggle from Erika.

“It’s not that difficult to connect the dots, you know? You two are super close with Tatsuya, and I also noticed that he had been helping you with your investigation.”

“Ah… I guess so. Hah…”

“Erika-chan, please don’t tell him that you know! We don’t know if he wanted anyone else to know about him being in the military! He just wanted to live a normal highschool life with Miyuki!”

“I know I know, you don’t need to worry~ My mouth is shut.”

Erika giggled before letting out a deep sigh.

“Hah… I feel tired already even though I just woke up…”

“You can sleep more. Aika’s match is still in a few hours.”

“Mm… Wake me up when you’re about to go. I want to take a quick shower first before I’m going to watch.”

Erika wrapped her arms around Yuuji and snuggled close to him. 

“Okay~! Sleep well, Erika-chan~”

“And if you want to make l-love, please do it on the other bed… And be as quiet as you can…”

“Hehe~ Don’t worry, Erika-chan. I can have sex with Yuuji and get my womb-full of his seed in the changing room before my match~!”


Silence hung in the room for a few moments as Yuuji looked at his perverted girlfriend in disbelief. Meanwhile Erika, exhausted after everything that had happened, could only blush and closed her eyes with a sigh. She had no more energy to retort and tell her off.

“...You’re so mischievous.”

“Hehe~ And you love this mischievous pervert, right~?”

Yuuji let out a sigh and shook his head with a helpless smile as Aika giggled and nuzzled back into his embrace.

He had no response to her words, because it was completely true. He loved this beautiful, perverted, and playful girl from the bottom of his heart. 


August 11th. Main Event Mirage Bat Finals. 

The moment the match started, Aika soared into the sky, hitting multiple orbs of light with her staff as she did, before stopping at the top and assessing the locations of the other orbs and the other participants by looking around. 

And as she expected, the other participants were also using Tatsuya and Yuuji’s flying magic and were quickly racking up points, much faster than before. 

Wow~ It looks so magical~ It feels like I’m surrounded by fairies~

Aika thought as she watched the cute, hard working girls dressed in beautiful magical girl outfits and wielding a staff, flying through the air that was filled with glowing colored orbs. 

It was a truly magical sight! She wished she could’ve taken pictures of them as they flew. And perhaps, some panty flashes too if she was lucky~

Oh wait! I’m still competing! This is not the time to admire their cuteness!

Aika shook her head and began flying through the air at incredible speeds, passing through the other participants and hitting orb after orb in quick successions. 

Meanwhile, back on the bench, Yuuji, Tatsuya, Miyuki, Mayumi, and Azusa watched the match as the last two looked at the scene in shock. 

“Flying magic? T-The other schools too?”

Azusa exclaimed in shock and confusion. The flying magic Yuuji and Aika used was developed by Yuuji and Tatsuya, and unless they gave the magic sequence to them, which was highly unlikely, other schools shouldn’t be able to use it as well. 

But now, every single participant of the Mirage Bat Finals was using it! How could the other participants from other schools use it too?

Yuuji turned to Azusa and smiled helplessly.

“It couldn’t be helped, Azusa-senpai. Despite everything that had happened, the tournament committee “asked” me to submit Aika’s CAD for testing under the suspicions of cheating put forth by the other schools after that second round. And it seems like to appease the other schools, the committee leaked the magic sequence to the other schools.”

“That’s unbelievable… That’s not a spell just anyone can master without any practice. That’s beyond reckless.”

Mayumi said in disbelief. She was a bit upset that their school’s greatest advantage against other schools was simply negated by the committee giving it to them. But even more than that, she was worried for their safety. 

Flying magic was incredibly draining if they were to be used for an extended period of time or if they were to use it at great outputs. The reason why Yuuji, Aika, and Miyuki managed to use it without showing any problems was only because they’re psion counts were far above average and because they have trained with it. 

If other students without proper training were to use it, then the danger of using such magic would be amplified exponentially.

“You don’t have to worry, Mayumi-senpai. It shouldn’t be a problem, right Tatsuya?”

Yuuji turned to Tatsuya, who nodded with a small smile.

“Yes. If they’re using Silver’s sequence as is, the safety device should be activated the moment something goes wrong.”

Aika continued to soar through the sky, flying past all the other participants at great speeds and stealing the orbs left and right from the others. 

And after a while, many of the athletes began to feel tired after a prolonged and extensive use of the flying magic. 

Then suddenly, a bright yellow magic sequence appeared around one of the participants, stopping her in mid air and slowly bringing her down from the height she was in.

“Looks like the safety device is functioning as it should.”

One by one, the safety mechanism Tatsuya implemented in the spell that would bring the caster back to the ground after they’ve drained themselves began activating. 

And when the horn signaling the end of the match resounded, Aika floated above the rest with her bright, glimmering wings of colors as the entire stadium burst into a deafening cheer and applause for her complete and utter victory. 

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