Welcome to the Multiverse Group Chat!!!

Chapter 67 ~ Return

Chapter 67 ~ Return

Returning home from the military base and splitting up with Tatsuya, Yuuji and Aika immediately headed home. And just before they opened the entrance door into their mansion, Yuuji and Aika took out their phones to check on the notification they received the moment Tatsuya finished his final mission of annihilating the Great Asian Union Fleet. 

“Ah, Yuuji! Look! We did it~!!!”

“Yeah, we completed it!”


Congratulations for completing the mission!!!

World: [Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei]


  • Repel Blanche’s Attack on the First National Magic University Affiliated High School. [Completed]
  • Join the Nine Schools’ Competition. [Completed]
  • Become the Champion of the Nine Schools’ Competition. [Completed]
  • Eliminate all members of the No Head Dragon Japan Branch’s Board of Directors. [Completed]
  • Defend Yokohama from Foreign Invaders. [Completed]

For completing all five missions, you have been awarded 5000 Group Chat Points and a free 10+1x Draw Gacha Ticket! The power you have received during this mission will also be permanently available to you when you return! 

Your rewards will be given upon your return! You can choose to return whenever you wish within 7 days of the mission’s completion! If you have not returned by then, the Group Chat will return you back to your home world automatically!

Good work! Please await your next mission!


“Oooh~ We got 5000 points from this! And a 10+1x free gacha ticket!!!”

“Yeah! With this, I’ll be able to buy the super computer and make a communication app to talk with Mayumi, Erika, and Miyuki.”

“Uhn uhn~! Oh, and we still could stay for 7 days here before we have to return! This is great!”

Yuuji nodded with a smile.

“Mm. When you suggested it, I was a bit hesitant because I don’t know when we’ll be returned to our home world. Tatsuya also seemed to be having troubles with his aunt after what he did, so we’d have to delay it by at least a day or two. But thankfully, it seems like we’ll be able to go on this vacation and then return in time.”

Just like in the anime, Tatsuya got into trouble with his aunt when she found out about the Scorched Halloween incident. She wanted him to return to Yotsuba until things died down about the incident. But Tatsuya refused. And in the end, he was only forbidden to come into contact with Major Kazama. 

In the same light, Major Kazama also told him and Aika to stay low for now. They didn’t want Yuuji and Aika’s existence to be known to the world since they were unregistered Strategic Class magicians. So, he advised them to take a break from school and the military, and stay hidden for the foreseeable future, at least until things died down from the recent incident. 

In all honesty, it was an extremely convenient coincidence for Yuuji and Aika, since they would need to return to their home world after completing the mission. They could come and visit once in a while, but they certainly couldn’t stay in school, unlike Tatsuya. 

He didn’t know if it was the Group Chat who influenced Major Kazama’s decision or not, but either way, it was perfect for them, so they took the Major’s offer.

“Hey hey, Yuuji… Let’s tell Erika-chan and Mayumi-chan about this too. About the chat group. We should also invite one of them to the group chat if they want!”

Yuuji turned to Aika, who was hugging his left arm and looked at him with a bright, excited smile, and nodded.

“I’m thinking the same thing. Let’s tell them tonight.”


The two opened the door and entered. Announcing their return home as usual, Erika and Mayumi, dressed in their usual clothing of a tank top and short pants for the former and a one piece dress for the latter, came to the foyer to meet them and welcomed them home. 

This time, though, they looked a bit worried for them.

“Are you two alright?”

Erika asked, and Yuuji simply smiled at her and Mayumi.

“We’re fine. Don’t worry.”

“We’ve seen the news. That… Was that you, Yuuji-kun…?”

The annihilation of an entire fleet in a blink of an eye… That level of destruction, equivalent to that of a nuclear explosion. There were only two people Mayumi knew that could’ve done it. Yuuji and Tatsuya. 

And while it may sound selfish, she didn’t want it to be Yuuji. She didn’t want him, her beloved, to carry the burden of decimating and killing such a large number of people. And to her relief, Yuuji shook his head.

“No… It was Tatsuya.”

“I see…”

Although it was still shocking for her, Mayumi let out a small sigh of relief and hugged Yuuji. 

“You worried me… Both of you are.”

She let go of him for a bit and held Aika’s hand, looking at her with a helpless smile.

“I’m sorry for worrying you, Mayumi-chan. But we’re fine. Everything’s over now. Though, there’s something we wish to tell you.”

Mayumi tilted her head, confused, as she listened to Aika. Erika was similarly confused. But a moment later, a realization came to her.

“Is it about the secret… The other secret you were still hiding from us?”

Mayumi turned to Erika in shock, turned her gaze back at Yuuji, and saw him nod with a smile.

“Yes… It’s time for us to tell you everything about us.”


After taking a shower and eating the dinner Yuuji made, the four went to the master bedroom and sat on Yuuji’s bed.

Well… At the very least, Yuuji, Erika, and Mayumi did.

“Weeee~! *Poof* Mmm~ It’s Yuuji’s smell~”

“Hah… What are you, a grade schooler?”

Yuuji shook his head tiredly as he watched Aika jump onto the bed and bury her face in his head pillow. From either of his sides, Erika and Mayumi also watched her with helpless smiles before they all climbed up the bed, crawled to the center, and took a seat. 

“Eh~? But it’s fun~ And where in the world could you find a grade schooler this sexy~?”

“...Alright, come now. We’re going to have a serious talk, right?”


Aika rose up and leaned her head on Yuuji’s shoulder as Erika and Mayumi sat in front of them with a look of seriousness. 

Seeing their look, Yuuji let out a soft, gentle smile, trying to calm them down, before he began. 

“Erika, Mayumi. First of all, on the behalf of both of us, I would like to apologize for hiding such an important thing about us from the two of you. I’m sorry.”

Yuuji lowered his head, and Aika let her usual cheerful demeanor drop and smiled apologetically towards them as well. 

“Yuuji-kun… Aika-chan…”

Yuuji raised his head and let out an apologetic smile as well. But before long, a look of utter seriousness appeared on his face.

“The things we are about to tell you… I hope you won’t share it with anyone. Not even your family or any one else, no matter how trustworthy they are. Do you understand?”

“...I understand.”

“Mm. I promise too.”

Mayumi and Erika both nodded, and Yuuji nodded as well. 

“Then… Here it is. Mayumi, Erika. Aika and I are not from this world.”

Their eyes instantly widened in shock and confusion at his words, almost doubting their ears if they were hearing what he just said correctly.

“Eh? W-What do you mean?”

“It’s true, Erika-chan, Mayumi-chan. Yuuji and I are not from this world.”


Silence fell upon the room as Erika and Mayumi sat there, looking at them in disbelief, speechlessly. 

And then, the two started telling them all about their Multiverse Group Chat, what kind of world they originated from, how their worlds were works of fiction as well in other worlds, and why they are here.

“Wait… But if you’re not from this world before enrolling into the academy, then how are you two part of the military…?”

Erika asked.

“The group chat gives us a background in this world upon coming here. We were given memories about our “past” according to the background and it seems it was able to give relevant memories to those who were supposed to be connected to us as well.”

“That’s… unbelievable…”

“Yeah… We knew about this world and the kind of troubles that would come up beforehand after watching the anime that is based on this world, but we also didn’t expect to be a part of the military.”

“Uhn uhn! And trust us, we’re super shocked and a bit traumatized as well when we receive memories about our “supposed” past! Thankfully they’re just memories.”

“I see… That makes sense.”

Erika fell into silence, trying to process everything they just said, while Mayumi spoke up with a question.

“So you came to… this “world”, because of a mission?”

“Yes. We received a mission from the group chat to repel Blanche’s attack on First High school, join and win the Nine Schools Competition, eliminate all members of the No Head Dragon Japan Branch’s board of directors, and defend Yokohama. And thankfully, with our knowledge about the anime, we could prepare and warn people beforehand.”

“I see… That’s why I felt like you two are looking into the future… It makes sense now.”

“Hehe~ I’m sorry, Mayumi-chan.”

Mayumi smiled helplessly at Aika. Then, Erika snapped out of her own thoughts and began asking again.

“By the way, what do you get by completing these missions?”

“We receive points that we could use to buy… well, virtually anything, from the chat group’s shop. And the power we were given temporarily to help us with the missions also becomes permanent.”

“We also get free gacha tickets to pull on the gacha section of the group chat! We can get free stuff from there!!!”

“Gacha- Wait. More importantly, what do you mean by power given to you? Do you mean… That magic?”

Yuuji nodded at Erika and smiled.

“Yes. I’m just a normal human before without any power. Then, when I got the group chat, I got [Divine Physique] from the welcoming package that gives me superhuman and mythical capabilities, as well as enhancing my appearance. And when I come here, I’m given “Gravity” which lets me manipulate the concept and curvature of space, elemental sight, and immense Psion count.”

“Me too~ I was a normal human until I got an item that unlocks my full potential from the gacha! Then, when I come here, I got “Heal” and a bunch of other stuff like elemental sight and immense Psion count~”


“T-This… This is really a lot to process…”

“Yes… This is… a bit too much…”

Erika let out a sigh as Mayumi held her head with her hand.

“I’m sorry to spring this up to you all at once…”

Yuuji apologized and held both of their hands, rubbing them with his thumb softly.

“No… It’s fine. I just need a few moments to process this…”

He nodded and gave the two some silence to process the whole situation. 

Then, Erika began once more.

“Alright… I have a few questions… First, you said you were given this power by the group chat, and then you also said that you can buy them with Points or get them from the Gacha, right? Just what kind of things can you get?”

“You can get anything! I mean, there’s magic power, luxurious items, you can also buy “proficiencies” that will give you absolute proficiency in a skill~! Then, you can also buy birth control skill that will allow you to control whether or not you can get pregnant or get someone pregnant or not~!”

Erika’s eyes widened in shock before she turned towards Yuuji, narrowing her eyes at him, while Mayumi blushed redly.

“...That sounds overly specific. Did you…”

Yuuji raised his hands in surrender.

“W-Well… I-I do have that.”

“Uhn~ I was the one who had him buy that~! After all, we’re not ready for kids, but I want to have sex with him~”

This time, both of them blushed redly.

“Y-You two! H-How could you do such things! Y-You’re still in high school!”

“Eeeeeh~? But a lot of high schoolers in our world have sex too, right Yuuji?”

“Well… that’s true. But I agree that it is a bit early. It’s just that… Well, I really love Aika, and it’s hard to control myself when she’s in front of me. Especially when my [Divine Physique] increases… my libido.”

“Fufufu~ And you can’t blame me for wanting to eat Yuuji~ After all… He looks delish, doesn’t he~?”


Aika winked, and her words made the two virgin maidens blushed even redder. 

Mayumi was a lady from a prominent family. Although she was not completely clueless about the sexual relationship that might develop between a couple in love, she was largely sheltered from such things due to her family’s education. She might love to tease someone, but once she was approached aggressively, she would immediately buckle and blush instead, just like she did with Yuuji. In her core, she’s an innocent and pure lady. 

On the other hand, while Erika had done various sexual things with Yuuji, she still hadn’t lost her virginity to him. After all, losing her virginity would be a large step for her, and at the moment, her heart wasn’t ready yet, no matter how in love she was with him. Yuuji also understood where she was coming from. After all, this world seems to have a… more virtuous and moral outlook when it comes to sex. At least, on the outside. 

So compared to Yuuji and especially Aika, they were much more innocent when it comes to those topics. 

“M-M-Moving on! Next question! I-I want to ask you, who else is in the group! From the way you tell us this story, it doesn’t seem like you two are the only ones in this group, right?”

Aika nodded in response to Erika’s question.

“Uhn~ Tatsuya is in the group as well~! And then there’s Satoru-san and Lelouch!”

“Satoru and Lelouch… Wait, from Overlord and Code Geas?!?! The anime we’ve been watching?”

“Uhn~! That’s right~!”

“I-I can’t believe it…”

This time, the silence stretched for much longer as the two tried their best to process the unbelievable and absurd information they’ve just received…

Erika and Mayumi… truly didn’t know how to feel about this. On one side, they couldn’t believe it. After all, it’s just simply too absurd. Different worlds… Them being characters in a fictional work from another world… They all sound impossible.

But on the other side… They can’t deny it either. Not after the mounting evidence that Yuuji and Aika had presented to them. 

And in the end, all they could do was accept it as the truth…

“Uhm... Actually, there’s one more thing I’d like to ask…”

“...What is it?”

Yuuji looked at Aika, nodded at each other, and turned back towards the two, who were now looking at him questioningly, once again.

“I’d like to invite one of you to our group.”


“Invite us… You mean, one of us could join the chat group and… go to other worlds too?”

“Yes. When we get a mission, there’s a possibility that you may go to another world to complete those missions. You will also get rewards and all the benefits of joining the group, like using the Gacha feature and buying things from the shop.”

“That’s… That does sound interesting…”

Erika muttered as she began imagining going to other worlds, doing missions there, and then getting interesting items or power from her rewards. It would certainly be super interesting to do what Aika and Yuuji are doing right now. 

“Hm… It does sound interesting, but in all honesty, I’m not quite interested in fighting.”

Mayumi smiled wryly. She’s already busy enough with her role as the heiress of the Saegusa family. She doesn’t really want to worry about other things, such as going on a different world and doing things that might be dangerous for her. 

“As long as we can still communicate with each other, or have you two return to this world once in a while, it will be enough for me.”

Yuuji nodded and smiled, holding her hand stronger.

“Don’t worry. I’m working on a communication app that would work across worlds. And I will also come and visit this world once in a while. I promise.”

“Uhn~! I’ll also come and visit!”

“That’s great~ How about you, Erika-san?”

“E-Eh? M-Me?”

Erika pointed at herself, her cheeks blushing in embarrassment as if she was caught being excited like a child over something.

“W-What about Tatsuya? He’s also in your group, right? What does he think? Wouldn’t he want to invite Miyuki into the group?”

Yuuji shook his head.

“No. Tatsuya doesn't want to invite Miyuki and expose her to danger in worlds he might know nothing about. And he doesn’t have anyone he trusts with this kind of information as well, so he left the decision to us.”

“T-That… makes sense…”

Erika began to fidget… She was really excited and interested to join the group, but she was… hesitant. Such a great opportunity… She really wanted, but at the same time, she wonders if she’s worthy for it.

“Fufufu~ Erika-chan, don’t be shy~ We know you want to join~ Just accept it already!”

“Wha- W-Well… Can I…?”

Erika looked up shyly at Yuuji and Aika, and the two smiled brightly.

“Of course~”

“Mm. Welcome to the Multiverse Chat Group, Erika.”

“Hehe… Thanks.”

“Great~!!! Now that the talk is over, let’s start planning for our trip~!!!”

Erika and Mayumi tilted their heads in unison.


Thus, with Mayumi helping them make up an excuse to the school for missing an entire week of class, Yuuji, Aika, Erika, Tatsuya, Miyuki, and her went on a week long trip to Gunma prefecture, which was known as having a few of the best hot spring resorts in Japan, to enjoy the steaming hot baths. 

And after they finished enjoying their relaxation trip, Yuuji and Aika returned to their home world. 


Yuuji slowly opened his eyes and found himself exactly where he was a few months ago. Or at least, a few months ago according to him. 

In his original world, no time would’ve passed while he was doing his missions in Tatsuya’s world. 

He was still in his bed in the dead of night with the soft moonlight coming in from his bed-side windows. If he remembered correctly, he had just finished talking with Mira. 

Yuuji took a look at his phone and saw the date. It was still the same date as when he left for the mission. 

Just then, he saw a message notification in the chat group and quickly checked it out. 

Kiryuu Aika: “Guys~ We’re baaaack~! And we got a new friend~!”

Suzuki Satoru: “Eh?! You’re back already?! You just went like not even a second ago!”

Lelouch Lamperouge: “Hm… So time really doens’t only stop in your world, but ours too while you’re on a mission.”

Shiba Tatsuya: “It seems so.”

Shiba Tatsuya: “Anyway, our new friend is still exploring the group chat. She’ll introduce herself in a moment.”

Shiba Tatsuya: “In the meantime, there is something I wish to tell the group.”

Suzuki Satoru: “What is it, Tatsuya-kun?”

Shiba tatsuya: “I’ve told my sister about the group chat. I hope you don’t mind.”

Lelouch Lamperouge: “I see… I don’t mind. I’ve expected you to inform your sister about this sooner or later. Just remind her not to tell it to anyone else.”

Suzuki Satoru: “Mm. I don’t mind either.”

Shiba tatsuya: “Of course. Thank you for understanding.”

Seeing the opportunity after reading the messages in the group chat, Yuuji decided to join in the conversation.

Tsubakihara Yuuji: “Hello everyone. I’m back. I’m sorry for having just send a message after this long. I was reading the messages, and there is also something I wish to ask you.”

Suzuki Satoru: “Ah, welcome back, Yuuji-kun. What is it that you wish to ask?”

Lelouch lamperouge: “Are you also going to tell your family about the group?”

Yuuji smiled helplessly upon reading Lelouch’s message.

Tsubakihara Yuuji: “As expected of you. You’re completely right. Will you mind?”

Lelouch lamperouge: “Just like with Tatsuya, I don’t mind as long as they will keep it a secret.”

Suzuki Satoru: “Me too. Just tell them not to tell anyone for their own safety.”

Tsubakihara Yuuji: “Of course. Thank you very much.”

Red-Haired Tomboy Swordsman: “Hey, everyone! I’m sorry for having just greeted you now! I was caught up in exploring the app!

Red-Haired Tomboy Swordsman: “My name’s Chiba Erika! Well, you guys must’ve already known me if you’ve seen the anime my world is apparently based on.”

Red-Haired Tomboy Swordsman: “Wait a minute! Why is my name like this?!”

Suzuki Satoru: “It’s nice to meet you as well, Chiba Erika-san. My name is Suzuki Satoru, or perhaps you may know me as Momonga or Ainz Ooal Gown if you’ve seen Overlord.”

Lelouch lamperouge: “My name is Lelouch Lamperouge. You may also know me if you’ve watched Code Geass.”

Lelouch lamperouge: “If you wish to change your name, you can simply go to your profile and change it there.”

Chiba Erika: “Ah! There we go!”

Chiba Erika: “Yes, I’ve seen all the anime you’ve mentioned. Yuuji and Aika watched it often when they’re in my world, so I've seen it as well.”

Kiryuu Aika: “That’s right~ We watched it together in Yuuji’s bed~ And after that, we had some adult fun afterwards until dawn~!”


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “Aika, what are you saying so suddenly?!”

Chiba Erika: “What the hell are you saying?!?!?!?!”

Suzuki Satoru: “E-Eh? S-So you’ve done… All that?”

Lelouch Lamperouge: “... I didn’t expect this to happen.”

Tsubakihara Yuuji: “W-Wait! It’s true that Aika and I have confirmed each other’s feelings and… lost our first time to each other. I’ve also decided to be in a relationship with Erika at the same time, but we haven’t done it!”

Suzuki Satoru: “A-As expected of the harem hentai protagonist…”

Lelouch Lamperouge: “... You sure move quick, Yuuji.”

Shiba Tatsuya: “I was surprised as well when I first heard of this…”

Kiryuu Aika: “Hehehe~ He was suuuuper good~ He can even make Erika and I cum at the same time using those divine fingers~”

Chiba Erika: “Aika, just shut up already!!!”

Yuuji wanted to slam the phone to the ground after seeing what Aika had said. He was blushing to his ears. He couldn’t believe she shared such intimate moment with all of their friends!

Tsubakihara Yuuji: “Anyway! S-Shouldn’t we start opening up our rewards? Aika and I got a 10+1x Gacha ticket, and I want to see what I get!”

Chiba Erika: “T-That’s right! I got a welcoming gift as well!! It said it contains a guaranteed SSR, so I can’t wait to open it!!!”

Suzuki Satoru: “Y-Yes, that’s a good idea. I’m also curious what kind of rewards you’ll get.”

Lelouch Lamperouge: “Of course. Please share it with us as well if you’re comfortable with it.”

Shiba Tatsuya: “Good luck.”

Tsubakihara Yuuji: “Thanks.”

With a few taps on his phone, Yuuji quickly arrived at the Gacha screen of the chat group. Unlike the other menus, which were elegant and minimalistic, the Gacha screen displayed a myriad of items, from foods and sweets, to home appliances, electrical devices, weapons with fantasy-esque appearances that shines brilliantly, to sparkling magic circles, all in a grandiose manner with two buttons at the bottom with the label [1x Draw] and [10 + 1x Draw] button. But this time, there was a “free” label on the 10+1x draw button.

He took a deep breath, prayed to whatever God was watching. He really wished he could get some amazing items, especially the MCGX Supercomputer so that he doesn't have to buy it from the shop. Although he had the “Lucky” trait from his [Divine Physique] that would give him a chance to redraw a 10+1x pull once, the chance of getting a specific SR was still extremely low. 

Thus, he truly needed to be lucky to get it. 

With one last deep breath, Yuuji looked at the [10 + 1x Draw] button and pressed it.

“Congratulations~! You have received: …”

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