Welcome to the Multiverse Group Chat!!!

Chapter 69 ~ Revelations and Transformation

Chapter 69 ~ Revelations and Transformation

The moment Yuuji laid his eyes on Mira, time seemed to stop. 

The world around him changed instantly into that of a heavenly, moonlit garden as her flowery fragrance entered his nose. And at the center, a beautiful goddess, dressed in a thin, white nightgown. 

He was mesmerized. And before he knew it, his body had walked up towards her and pulled her into a tight embrace. 

“O-Oh my~ What’s wrong~? Why the sudden hug~? You looked as if we haven’t seen each other for months even though we just had a talk not too long ago. Not that I mind~”

Her gentle, melodic voice reverberated in his mind. Her breath tickled his ears and heart. But he kept her in his embrace a moment longer, tightening his arms around her. 

He had not seen the woman he loved since he was young for months. Now that he realized his feelings and made up his mind to pursue this love he had for his step-mother, the months-long separation created a fear within his heart. A fear of losing her. 

Simply thinking about not being able to see her for a long time or her being stolen by another man in his absence made him shudder and tightened his arms around her.

Even though he knew time wouldn’t pass in this world while he was on a mission, the irrational fear still brought chills down his spine. 

He kept embracing her tightly, yet unconsciously, his body embraced her very gently, as if he was afraid of breaking her. 

With his [Divine Physique], it wouldn’t be strange if Mira were to suffocate from being hugged in full strength by Yuuji. But she didn’t. 

Yuuji’s embrace was strong yet very gentle, and comforting. And as she was being embraced, Mira’s heart couldn’t help but thump rapidly. Her face and body grew hotter and hotter by the second.

She was very surprised by his sudden embrace. He had come to her room all of a sudden, even though they’ve just separated after talking with each other a few minutes ago. 

But, the shock was quickly replaced by embarrassment, nervousness, and happiness.

For as long as she could remember, Yuuji had never done such a thing before… Just a few days ago, he never even hugged her out of his own volition. And when she hugged him, he would stiffen up. 

The gesture was cute and adorable, but she too longed for him to embrace her like a man would to the woman he loves. 

But ever since his appearance changed… she found out that his appearance wasn’t the only thing that had changed. He had changed on the inside as well. 

He was… more proactive in showing his love for her. While he would stiffen and run away from the slight teasing she did to him in the past, he would now stay firm and flirt back with her. 

And at this moment… her dream of being embraced by him had come true.

He had wrapped his strong arms around her, embracing her so tightly yet ever so gently at the same time, as if afraid of losing his most precious person in the world. And before she knew it, she had melted into his embrace. 

She leaned onto his broad, hard chest, nuzzling her nose and taking a deep breath of his scent, and wrapped her arms around him. 

Silence filled Mira’s moonlit bedroom. But for them, their ears were filled by the loud, thumping sound of their heartbeat.

Mira fell into a daze as she enjoyed the warmth and comfort his embrace gave her. 

But a few… a bit more than a few, moments later, she snapped out of her daze. 

“Yuuji-kun…? What’s wrong…?”

Although she enjoyed this, worry began to fill her heart. She didn’t know why Yuuji would suddenly come to her room and embrace her as if she hadn’t seen her for months. 

They’ve just finished their conversation about Yuuji’s talent in investment and stock trading and returned to their respective rooms to rest. But now, he came to her room and did this. 

What happened to him in these few minutes that they were separated? Did something bad happen to him? Did he have a nightmare about losing her?

Mira’s voice brought Yuuji out of his daze as well. 

Yuuji had expected that he would embrace Mira for a few moments since he hadn’t seen her in months. But the moment he saw her beautiful figure once again, he found out that he had gravely underestimated his longing for her. And before he knew it, that few moments turned into minutes… 

It was only when Mira spoke again did he snap out of his daze.

“I’m sorry for surprising you… It’s just…”

Yuuji slowly let go of Mira and took a step back. They didn’t completely separate as he was still holding her arms, not ready to let go of her, and she was still doing the same, not wanting to lose his warmth and touch. But they were now far enough to see each other’s faces. 

Thanks to his keen vision and the moonlight that seeped through the curtains illuminating Mira’s bedroom, it was enough for him to see every single detial of her beautiful face. 

There was a look of confusion on it, but in addition to the slight blush on her cheeks, it only made her look cuter. And the dangerous combination of cuteness and mature beauty only served to rouse his love for her even more.

If it was him before he went to the Mahouka world, he would’ve been too mesmerized and became incoherent. He might even lose all reason and attack his beloved mother due to the immense amount of libido that came with his [Divine Physique].

But now, he was mature and experienced enough to at least hold back his horniness and focus on his primary objective of coming here. 

“There is something I need to tell you… Mom.”

The look of seriousness and the tone of his voice surprised Mira for a moment. He didn’t come here just to hug her after all. 

“I see. I wonder what it could be. Please feel free to tell me, Yuuji-kun.”

Her lips curled into a soft, gentle smile and she patted his arms, comforting him. Judging by his expression and the tone of his voice, it must be incredibly important and pretty difficult for him to tell her. So she tried her best to be as comforting and welcoming as possible. 

But, to her surprise, he suddenly took out his phone. The incredibly modern and advanced phone that she didn’t know how he got. And then, he showed her a screen.

On it was a group chat room with several messages. And when she saw the names, she somehow felt like she had seen a few of them from somewhere…

“Mom, this is the Multiverse Group Chat. Every one that is in this group are from different worlds which might be a work of fiction in our world.”


Yuuji then began explaining to her about the chat group. Who the members were and where she might’ve heard them from. The amazing powers, skills, and things that transcended the world available to them. And how this group connected people from different worlds in different universes together. 

But as he explained it, Mira’s shock slowly turned into doubt.

“...Are you serious, Yuuji? Are you sure they’re not simply people on the internet role playing as these characters…?”

Yuuji smiled softly. He had expected this kind of reaction in response to him telling Mira about the chat group. 

He shook his head to her question.

“They are real, mom. I can guarantee it. After all, up until a few minutes ago, I was in Tatsuya’s world. The world of Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, the anime Yuna, Nina, and I watched in the past.”


He then began telling her about the mission. How it allowed them to go to another world to complete missions in exchange for rewards. How he went to Tatsuya’s world, met Aika, Erika, and Mayumi, who became his girlfriends. And how he got incredible rewards upon his return. 

As he was explaining them, Mira began to pout when Yuuji began telling her about Aika, who was actually the super beautiful cosplaying girl in the photo he showed her, Erika, and Mayumi. 

He looked so in love and happy when he talked about them. 

And she became even more shocked when he told them he had lost his first time with Aika. 

She had accepted the inevitability of him having a harem, since she knew he would devour her twin daughters, her little sister, and herself. Even if he didn’t, she would be the one to push him to do just that. 

But… She didn’t expect him to already lose his first time and established a harem himself. She wanted to be his first, teach him how to please a woman, and then have him devour her little sister and her daughters afterward, so she couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed.

Her jealousy, however, quickly disappeared when Yuuji began telling her about the magic he had used in that world.

“If what you said is true… Then… you can use magic?”

Yuuji nodded and decided to use his space curvature manipulation magic to prove that everything he said was true. 

Without even lifting a finger, both Yuuji and Mira suddenly floated up into the air, just a few centimeters off the ground.

“Kyaaaa! W-What’s happening?!”

In her shock, Mira quickly wrapped her arms around Yuuji. Her heart skipped a beat when she suddenly lost footing on the ground and began floating. WhileYuuji’s heart skipped a beat as well, but because Mira suddenly pressed her two, massive, heavenly mounts that are barely covered by the thin silk of her lingerie, onto his chest.

He quickly calmed down and wrapped his arms around her again, patting her back softly. 

“Calm down, mom. It’s fine. I’m the one making us float. This is one of the magic I got from going there.”

“Eh…? I-Is this real…? Am I not dreaming…?”

“It’s real… I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s real. My change in appearance is also because of this… I got an extremely rare prize as a welcoming gift when I first entered. It’s called [Divine Physique].”

Yuuji then explained the details of [Divine Physique], and Mira finally understood the reason behind his sudden change in appearance and aura. 

“I see… then, could your investment skills also come from there…? And the diamond jewelry…?”

Yuuji nodded. 

“Yes. I got a lot of skills and things from the gacha, and upon returning here, I got another 10+1x gacha draw which gave me even more things.”

He tapped his phone screen a few times and showed her the inventory page, where all of his items and rewards were stored. 

And as Mira looked at the contents one by one, she couldn’t help but gasp. 

“This is… amazing… I’m sorry, I’m still having a hard time believing it. But after all the proof you showed me… It’s hard to deny it too…”

“It’s okay. I understand. It is a lot to process. So what about I give you something that would make it easier for you to understand?”


Yuuji pressed something on his screen, and in the next moment, a beautiful, crystal vial in the shape of a heart with a heart-shaped lid on the top appeared in his hand. 

“This is called the “Potion of Eternal Beauty”. It is one of the items I got as a reward after finishing my mission in Tatsuya’s world. As the name suggested, it is an item that rejuvenates and makes you eternally beautiful. I think it would be easier for you to believe it if you experience this yourself.”

Mira looked at the heart-shaped vial for a moment in silence. 

She still held a little bit of doubt in her heart. Not because she didn’t trust Yuuji's words, but because of the sheer absurdity of them. 

But… it was indeed hard to deny when she’s floating in the air. 

She listened to Yuuji’s explanation of the item before her, and she couldn’t help but be surprised. 

If what he said is true, then this would be a dream come true for any woman in the world. To be eternally beautiful… who wouldn’t want such a thing?

But then, she realized something… Did Yuuji offer this to her because… she’s not beautiful? 

“You’re already extremely beautiful, mom. Even without this, you are already the most beautiful woman in the world to me. But I got this from the gacha, and I have no one else to give this to aside from you, Nina, Yuna, or Aunt Aika.”

Aika was already extremely beautiful. And in the future, she might become even more beautiful when she gets other items from the gacha or from the shop. The same with Erika. So, she had no one else to give it to aside from Mira, NInya, Yuna, his aunt Aika, or Mayumi. And since he had planned on giving his mom first, he did just that. 

Hearing Yuuji’s words, the question she hadn’t even uttered was answered. Her heart also fluttered when she heard how beautiful she was to Yuuji. 

It seemed like he had learned not only magic, but also how to be this good with women during his trip. 

She looked at the potion for a moment before looking up straight into his eyes. 



“Do you love me?”

Yuuji’s eyes widened for a moment. But it was quickly replaced by a look of determination and resolved. He had made up his mind. 

“Yes. I love you.”

“As a woman?”

“Uhn… As a woman. I love you very much, mom- No… Mira.”

Her cheeks blushed redly. Tears threatened to fall from the corner of her eyes. And a beautiful, wide smile appeared on her face. 

“Ufufufu~ It seems like it’s true that you spent quite a bit of time in that other world, huh? If it was you before, you wouldn’t have answered me so seriously.”


Yuuji nodded shyly because her words struck too close to home. As she said, if it was the old him, then he wouldn't even have the determination or the courage to say such a thing. He might even be annoying and deny it or run away. 

But he was done with that now. He wanted Mira. He wanted to love her and he wanted her to love him as well. He wanted them to be lovers. 

Mira giggled, not missing the adorable shy nod he just did. Even though he’s a man now who could make such a manly expression that managed to make her heart skip a beat, there’s still the adorable little Yuuji she knew and loved inside there.

She cupped his cheeks with her hands and looked at him with the brightest smile. 

“Then, I’ll drink it~ After all, I want to be my most beautiful self for my beloved son and lover~”


Yuuji was surprised by her answer. But just as quickly, he became overwhelmed in happiness and kissed her. 

The two of them closed their eyes as their lips finally touched. 

They’ve finally shared their first kiss, and never had she ever expected that it would be under the moonlight while they’re floating in the air. 

It was a magical moment… Almost to the point that Mira doubted the reality of the situation. But his warmth, his touch, and his kiss… They were all real. And her heart was filled to the brim with her love for him. 

“I love you… Mira.”

“Mm… I love you too, Yuuji~”

Mira giggled and returned to hugging Yuuji, placing her ear to his chest to listen to his rapidly beating heart.

Yuuji slowly dropped them back onto the ground. And after a few minutes spent in silence, she drank the Potion of Eternal Beauty.

“How do you feel?”

Mira looked around at her body, trying to see or feel if there were any differences.

“Hm… I feel a bit warm… But aside from that, I don’t feel anything…”

“I see. Perhaps, it will show its effect in time. There’s no need to worry.”


Mira fell back into his embrace and enjoyed the warm sensation coming from within her body and Yuuji. And after a while, she looked up to him once again. 

“Yuuji, do you love Yuna, Ninya, and Aika as well?”

“Yes, I love them as well.”

This time as well, Yuuji nodded without hesitation.

“Ufufufu~ What a naughty boy~”

Mira giggled once again. 

“But I will support you. So you must work hard to love them and give them happiness, okay?”

“Of course. I’ve determined myself to make this family… My family, happy.”

“Good~! Then, to celebrate us becoming lovers, how about… we sleep together~?”

Mira glanced seductively at Yuuji, fully utilizing both of her weapons, face and breasts, to tease him. 

And as she expected, Yuuji was flustered from the sudden double attack in addition to her words. 

But his shock only lasted for a moment. And instead of becoming nervous and embarrassed, a look of determination and anticipation appeared on his face. 

And that’s not all… He now looked like a hungry predator, ready to eat her whole… 

Seeing this manly expression, Mira immediately felt her womb tightened and her body growing hotter. An urge to feel how it would be to be “eaten” by her step-son filled her heart. But she quickly reigned in her arousal and stopped teasing him.

“W-Wait! L-Let’s just sleep for tonight, okay…? I-I want to do it with you as well, but we need to wake up early tomorrow… Viktoriya will be coming, so we need to prepare a welcome for her.”

She quickly explained as her face reddened in embarrassment. 

“And also… I think it’d be better if we tell everyone else first about this before we do it, okay?”


Yuuji smiled and nodded in agreement. He would be lying if he wasn’t a bit disappointed, but he knew it would be the right thing to do towards Yuna, Nina, and Aika. So, he tried his best to keep it from showing on his expression.

Unfortunately, as the son-con who had been paying attention to every little detail of Yuuji ever since he was little that she was, she saw through him and saw the disappointment in his eyes. She couldn’t help but giggle at how cute he was and happy that he yearned for her just as much as she yearned for him.

“Aww, don’t be disappointed, baby. We can’t do it now, but…”

Mira let go of his arms, turned around and walked to her bed. She then lifted up her blanket, laid down, and patted the space beside her.

“My bed is open for you. How about we spend the night cuddling~?”

“Mm. I would love that.”

He entered her bed, and for the rest of the night, they spent their first night together with cuddles and kisses. 


Yuuji slowly awakened as the soft light of the morning sun seeping through the seams of the curtains hit his face.

And upon waking up, the first thing he felt was the warmth enveloping him, the softness,  and the weight. 

He immediately recalled last night’s events. And without even having to open his eyes, he knew what it was and immediately tightened his arms around her. 


Hearing the familiar, beautiful, melodic moan, his lips curled into a smile. He then lowered his head and kissed the top of her head. 

And just then, he noticed something…

She… smells amazing… What…?

Mira had always smelled amazing to him. It wasn’t only because of her shampoo and soap that made her smell nice, but because of her natural body scent as well. But no matter how clean and well kept someone was, they would still have the natural odor of a human, especially upon waking up if they didn’t have [Divine Physique] like Yuuji or the [Full Body Potential Unlock] like Aika. 

But now, after smelling Mira’s scent, all he could smell was the scent of a field of flowers.

He focused on his senses more to make sure, and he wasn’t wrong. In fact, he could smell her fragrant scent even better. 

And now that he thought about it… Her body also seemed a bit different.

The two heavenly mounts pressed on his chest felt softer and… bigger than last night. Her waist had also gotten slightly smaller and more firm. And her hips had widened…

Yuuji finally opened his eyes, and when he looked at the face of his sleeping mother, his heart skipped a beat.

She’s even more beautiful than before…

Her beautiful light brown hair had become more full and glossy. All the slight imperfections in the shape of her face had disappeared, making her already beautiful face even more mesmerizing. Her eyes, her nose, her pink, luscious lips… They’ve all become slightly more pronounced to the perfect degree, enhancing her beauty to an otherworldly level. 


She was on par, if not, even more beautiful than Aika now thanks to her mature charm. 

His gaze then naturally went down, and just like what he felt before, her chest had become even bigger than before. And her hips were rounded and more pronounced than before. 

Simply looking at her now could arouse any man in existence. And Yuuji was no exception, especially with the increased libido thanks to his [Divine Physique].

His “dragon rod”, as Aika lovingly referred to it as, was already at its peak erect condition, ready to make love and impregnate the woman before him. 

But Yuuji remembered their conversation yesterday and quickly tried his best to distract himself. 

It was then that he realized some dark liquid on Mira’s nightgown.

“Hm? What is this stuff…?”

Yuuji took a closer look. There was a few jet-black dark liquid sticking on his mother’s skin and nightgown. And upon closer look, Yuuji finally realized what it was.

It was the same dark liquid that he expelled when he first gained his [Divine Physique]. They were the body’s impurities, and Mira must’ve also expelled them after the Potion of Eternal Beauty’s effect took place. 

Though… There were significantly less than what Yuuji expelled. [Divine Physique] expelled more impurities from his body because it literally transformed his body into a divine one. But, it was still significantly more compared to the few dark liquid patches on his mother’s skin and nightgown. 

If that’s not the entire reason, then… It must be because Mira only needed to expel a few impurities from her body to become the most beautiful woman in the world because she was already that beautiful in the first place. 

It might sound far-fetched, but Yuuji wholeheartedly believed that the second reason was the truth. 

“Mira… Mira, wake up.”


Mira groaned and slowly opened her eyes. 

The moment she saw Yuuji, her eyes opened wide for a moment, before a beautiful, teasing smile appeared on her face as she tightened her hug around him.

“Good morning, dear~”

“Good morning, Mira.”

Yuuji smiled and gave her a soft, gentle kiss, which she welcomed with opened arms. 

Then, after enjoying a few minutes of kissing that included a little bit of tongue, Yuuji separated and began patting her head.

“Mira, you need to go and wash up. The potion you drank yesterday had taken effect, and you’ve become even more beautiful than before. But, you’ve also expelled some impurities from your body that you need to clean up.”


Mira looked down, and pooled at her cleavage was a small puddle of dark liquid. She also noticed some dark liquid on her nightgown and some parts of her skin.

“It worked…? It really worked…?”

“Mm. You should go to the bathroom and take a look at yourself after washing up. I’m sure you’ll be surprised.”

Mira’s eyes began to sparkle, just like an excited child would, and immediately went to the bathroom to wash up. 

Yuuji watched her go with a smile. He then went back to his room to check on the twin slimes he just got. 

They seemed to still be sleeping on his pillow, so he only petted both of them lightly, and went out of his room to not disturb them. 

He waited for Mira in front of the bathroom. And after half an hour, she finally opened the door with only a towel wrapped around her sinful body.

“It’s real… It’s really… real…”

Mira stood there, still in shock. She had actually finished washing up 20 minutes before. But she kept staring at the mirror in disbelief after seeing her new appearance.

“My face has become even more beautiful… My skin is super smooth, smoother than ever. My breasts don’t sage in the least even though they’ve become even bigger. My stomach is even slimmer than it was when I was in high school. And my butt also became bigger and softer. And… And my hair… my legs… Everything…”

Yuuji smiled softly and stepped forward to his beloved mother, and pulled her into his embrace.

“Congratulations, Mira… From this point on, this beauty you have will be for eternity…”


Mira pressed her face against his chest and wrapped her arms around him as well, hugging him as strongly as she could. 

She had achieved the dream any woman would have only dreamed of… And it’s all because of him… her son. And her beloved.

“Ufufufu… Ufufufufu~”


A confused expression appeared on Yuuji’s face when she heard her suddenly giggling. And then, he felt her arms loosening around him, and he looked down to see what’s going on. 

In that moment, his entire body froze as he saw the most beautiful sight in the world that would carve itself into his mind for all eternity. 

“Ufufufu~ Aren’t you happy too, my dear~ Now you have the most beautiful woman in the world as your wife~”

Yuuji could only nod dumbly as he was mesmerized by her smile. 

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