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Chapter 72 ~ New Transfer Student

Chapter 72 ~ New Transfer Student

Monday has arrived once more. 

It was the start of yet another week-long school days. And many would’ve tried counting how many more days it would be until their summer holidays or even their next weekend arrived as they groggily made their way to their school and classroom, still recovering from the terrible sleep schedule they’ve managed to achieve in just two days during their weekend holidays. 

Raku yawned as he made his way to his class. He had woken up super early to cook a large amount of food for all of his family members in his household, which included all of his father’s subordinates. But that wasn’t the reason why he was so sleepy. After all, he had gotten used to waking up early to cook breakfast for them. 

The reason was because the party his father held in the house to celebrate his recovery from his degrading health. 

It was all thanks to the doctor Yuuji’s mother, Mira, introduced them to; Doctor Nijou Aki. Thanks to her brilliance, her father managed to recover and became fit to lead their Yakuza family for years to come once again. 

Aki-sensei unfortunately refused to stay for long since she still has to tend to her clinic. However, it didn’t deter his father and his subordinates from partying late into the night. And of course, the one who had to cook the food they’re going to eat was Raku. 

Thus, he was forced into labor until late at night before he could go to sleep and wake up early for school. 

“Good morning’.”

He greeted casually in between yawns as he opened the door to his class. It was a custom for Japanese people to greet everyone upon entering the room. And normally, they would receive a reply from those who were already in the room. But this time, he didn’t. 

Raku didn’t mind. After all, it was simply a custom. And those who greeted him back would normally only be his friends who were particularly close with him, like Yuuji, Shuu, Ai, Yotsuba, and Chitoge, who he was supposed to be “dating”. 

If the Goddess of Luck was smiling upon him that day, then perhaps even Onodera would also greet him with a cute and gentle “Good morning, Ichijou-kun~”. But that was an occasion that rarely happened because she would normally be talking with Ruri or going to feed the rabbits the school kept. 

This time, however, he sensed something different about the atmosphere in the class. It was the first day of the school week. The atmosphere wouldn’t have this kind of excitement and anticipation. It would’ve been the total opposite. 

“Oh, Raku! Come here!!!”

Shuu waved his hand excitedly at him as Raku made his way to his table. He noticed that Yuuji, who was sitting behind him, still hadn't arrived, while the stoic beauty Ai was silently reading a book in her seat, which was on Yuuji’s right, uninterested by the excitement in the room. 

He put his bag down, took a seat, and looked towards Shu, who had sitten facing him and resting his crossed arms on the backrest of his chair.

“Hey hey, have you heard about the exciting news?”

Shuu said with an excited smile.

“Exciting news?”

“That’s right! There’s apparently going to be a transfer student coming to our class! Moreover, she’s a foreigner and a beauty!!!”

Raku’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. He didn’t expect there to be a transfer student right now in the middle of the quarter semester.

But, after hearing that she was a foreigner, he began to understand why she would transfer in at such a strange time. 

“Heeeh, a foreigner huh?”

“That’s right! Ah~ I can’t wait to see her~ If the rumors were right, then we’ll be welcoming yet another foreign princess to our class~ I’m sure the boys in the other classes are super jealous right now!”

Raku laughed dryly as his eyes unintentionally shifted towards the “foreign princess” in their class right now.

Foreign princess… More like foreign tyrant…

He could still feel the aftermath of her unreasonableness… literally. He could still remember the pain he had to endure from all the beatings and abuse he suffered from the blonde-haired gorilla that he was supposed to be “dating”. 

“Is she from America too?”

“Hm… I don’t think so. I’m not 100% sure, but I think I’ve heard rumors that she’s from Germany.”

“Germany? That’s certainly rare…”

Although Japanese viewed Germans quite favorably, they rarely meet any Germans in Japan. After all, they were geographically far away. Even as tourists, very few Germans actually came to Japan, much less becoming a transfer student in a Japanese school. 

He can understand now why the class was full of anticipation and excitement. Though, the boys were most probably excited because she was rumored to be a beauty. 

Just then, the chattering noise within the class suddenly turned into gasps, shrieks, and excited greetings from the girls. 

And even without having to look up and see, they knew who just came into the class. It was the tell-tale sign of their friend’s arrival. 

“Yo. Good morning.”

As they expected, Yuuji had arrived and was greeting him and Shuu with a hand raised and a small smile. 

The impact of his appearance and his smile caused even Raku and Shuu, who were interested in girls, to helplessly fall into a daze for a moment.

“O-Oh, good morning.”

“Good morning, Yuuji! Hey hey, did you hear about the news?”

Yuuji went to his table, placed down his bag, and greeted his neighbor and good friend, Nanasaki Ai.

“Good morning, Ai.”

“M-Mm… Good morning.”

Her face blushed slightly, a detail he now noticed thanks to his sharp senses despite her trying to hide it behind the book she was reading. He appreciated her cuteness before turning towards his friends. 

“What news are you talking about?”

Yuuji didn’t realize the difference in atmosphere as Raku did. After all, every time he entered his class, many girls immediately became excited and greeted him enthusiastically. It didn’t matter if it was a Monday or a Friday. It was the same thing even in his sisters’ class. 

And because he had been experiencing such treatment in Tatsuya’s world as well, he had long forgotten how he was treated before his appearance changed.

“Apparently, there’s going to be a transfer student coming to our class. And she’s a foreign beauty to boot!”

“Oh, that? I already know about it.”


Shuu and Raku both froze at the same time as they looked at Yuuji with widened eyes. Ai, who had been secretly listening to their conversation the moment Yuuji came, also flinched and began trying to listen more. 

“How do you know?”

“Because I know her.”


Not only Shuu and Raku, but Ai, who had been listening secretly, also reacted in shock and looked at him with widened eyes.

“H-H-How do you know her?”

Ai tried to keep her calm, but her nervousness was still apparent through her shaking voice.

“She’s the daughter of my mother’s close friend from Germany. She came to our home and ate lunch together with our family yesterday.”

“I-I see…”

“Heeeeh~ Is that so~?”

Shuu’s eyes narrowed as a mischievous smile appeared on his face. It was a face Yuuji knew very well. The face Shuu would make when he found out something interesting.

“So~? How was she~? Is she cute~? Hey, come on~ Give a bro some info~”

Shuu came to Yuuji’s side and began nudging him. 

“Hah… You’ll see her soon. But she is a beauty.”

“Oooh~ Coming from you, who’s surrounded by beauties 24/7, she must be the real deal~!”

Shuu became very excited, and Raku and Ai were also surprised at Yuuji’s words. 

Just as Shuu said, if Yuuji said she’s a beauty, then the transfer student must be an incredible beauty. 

On the other hand, Yuuji couldn’t help but look at Shuu weirdly. 

It’s true that he lived with the most beautiful women in the world. But there were also plenty of beauties in this class as well. Ai, Chitoge, Onodera, and Yotsuba; they were all beauties. 

Even outside their class, there were also plenty of beauties, such as Morishima Haruka, Yotsuba’s siblings, and even amongst the teacher like Hiratsuka-sensei. 

These two were also constantly being surrounded by beauties, so Yuuji couldn’t understand why they would act like this. 

“Well, you can look forward to it. She’s a very nice girl. Although she just learnt Japanese, she’s already on a conversational level, so you can talk to her.”

Yuuji then turned towards Ai, who still seemed shocked.

“If you can, please get along with her. It’s her first time coming to Japan and she came here alone. So I hope she can make some friends in this class.”

“M-Mm… Sure. I don’t mind. Since she could speak Japanese, I think I can befriend her.”


Yuuji let out a sigh of relief inwardly, and secretly glanced towards Chitoge, who was chatting with her friends. 

He also hoped that Chitoge would get along with Viktoriya too since she could speak English fluently. 

“Alright, get back to your seats! Its homeroom time!”

Just then, the beautiful teacher Yuuji thought of before, Hirtatsuka-sensei entered the class and immediately settled the class down back to their seats. 

But then, to his confusion, Yuuji noticed her glancing towards him with narrowed eyes for a moment. 

Why did Hiratsuka sensei just glared at me…? I didn’t do anything wrong, right?

Meanwhile, Hiratsuka sighed deeply in her mind.

I can’t believe he had already put his hands on the transfer student before she even came to school… 

She shook her head as she recalled Viktoriya talking about how well she was treated by Yuuji yesterday with a bright smile. It was obviously the smile of a maiden in love. 

“As you all might’ve heard, we’ll be welcoming a transfer student into our class. She had just arrived here from Germany a few days ago and couldn’t join us from the start of the school year due to some problems with her visa. But please welcome her all the same. She could also speak Japanese quite well, so don’t hesitate to befriend her. Understand?”

““Yes, sensei!””

Hiratsuka nodded in satisfaction.

“Good. Then please enter, Serebryakov-san.”

“Yes. Please excuse me.”

A beautiful, soft, melodic voice resounded from behind the entrance door to their class. Even from her voice alone, they could all tell the extraordinary beauty she must have. 

Their imaginations went rampart from her voice. But when the door opened, their eyes all widened and their jaws dropped. 

Viktoriya shyly made her way towards the podium while holding her bag in front of her waist, wrote her name on the board in katakana, and bowed deeply towards the class.

“It’s a pleasure to meet everyone. My name is Viktoriya Ivanova Serebryakov. I’m from Germany, and I have transferred to this school due to my love for Japan and the Japanese culture. Please feel free to call me by my given name. And please excuse my bad Japanese. I will work hard on it and improve as much as possible. Thank you very much.”

Silence filled the entire class after the beautiful transfer student introduced herself in Japanese with a charming accent. 

It was grammatically perfect, and if it wasn’t for the slight accent she had, she could easily be mistaken as a native Japanese from her words alone. 

But that wasn’t the only thing that stunned them.

Her appearance was far beyond anything they'd imagined. Moreover, she has such a gentle and soft mannerism, which made her seem elegant and kind hearted. 

In other words, she went beyond everyone’s expectations. 


“She’s so beautiful!!!”

“So cute!!!”

“Viktoriya-chan, I love you!!!”

“Do you have a boyfriend?!”

“Your Japanese is so good!!!”

The class went wild as they cheered and excitedly welcomed yet another top-tier beauty into their class. 

Seeing their welcome, Viktoriya couldn’t help but smile brightly and bowed once again. 

“Thank you very much! Please take care of me!”

Her gratitude was received with yet another excited cheer that would’ve been heard by the other classes adjacent to them. 

“Alright alright, settle down. Thank you for your introduction, Serebryakov-san. Please take the seat right beside Ichijou-kun. Oi Ichijou, raise your hand.”


Raku raised her hand, a bit taken aback that the beautiful transfer student would be sitting next to him. 

And as she approached, even Raku, who only had Onodera in his heart, couldn’t help but be amazed by her beauty.

“Please take care of me, Ichijou-san.”

“Y-Yes! Likewise, Se-Serebryakov-san.”

“Ah, please just call me Viktoriya. I understand that my last name might be a bit too hard to pronounce.”

“T-Thank you. Then, Viktoriya-san.”


Raku nodded his head quickly, still a bit taken aback by her sheer beauty and charisma. 

And then, Viktoriya turned her gaze towards Yuuji and let out an even more beautiful smile than they’ve ever seen. 

(In German)

“Hello, Yuuji! I didn’t expect us to be seated this close to each other!”

“Mm, me too. Welcome to the class. I’m glad you’re here. Let’s work hard together.”

“Of course! I can’t wait to experience high school in Japan~!”

Everyone in the class immediately froze as they looked at them, eyes widened in shock. 

Since… Since when could Yuuji speak in German…?!


Lunch break quickly arrived. At least, it felt like it for everyone else except for Yuuji. 

Everyone was engrossed in looking at Viktoriya and him, back and forth. The guys were mainly looking at Viktoriya, admiring her beauty. And except for Raku, they also glared at him from time to time, cursing him under their breath and wondering about his relationship with Viktoriya.

On the other hand, the girls directed their gaze almost equally at both of them. They’re wondering what the beautiful transfer student’s relationship was with the super hunk of their class. 

Jealousy was of course running rampant, but without a clear understanding of their relationship, they were mostly curious. 

Viktoriya was mostly ignorant about these gazes as she was fully focused on the lessons. But they weighed greatly on Yuuji, who wasn’t ignorant of it. 

Or rather, it was impossible not to notice. After all, Ai, Yotsuba, and Chitoge were all intensely looking at him. Even if he didn’t have enhanced senses and was a blockhead, he’d still notice it…!

T-They hurt… They really do…

Yuuji tried his best to ignore it. But then, his name was called by Shizuka-sensei. 

“Oi, Tsubakihara. I’ve heard that you’re close with her right? You can also speak English fluently and apparently German as well. So you go guide her around the school during lunch. Got it?”

Shizuka looked at him with a tired expression, and perhaps, a bit of an annoyance as well, whether or not she realized it. After all, that guy kept attracting these innocent girls’ attention with that devilish face. 

She treated them so nicely, but he never seemed to do the same to her. She couldn’t help but feel irritated watching it. 

“Y-Yes! I understand, Hiratsuka-sensei. Actually, my sisters also planned on introducing her to the school after we ate lunch together.”

Her eyes widened for a moment, and a smile finally appeared on her face as she relaxed slightly.

“Good. Then, I won’t have to worry. I don’t think you’ll have the guts to seduce her in front of your sisters, after all.”

“I-I won’t do that! What are you saying to your students, sensei!”

“Yes yes. Then, dismissed. You guys can go have your lunch now.”

“Rise. Bow. Thank you very much, sensei!”

The students all raised and bowed as Shizuka casually left the classroom with hands in her coat pocket, leaving Yuuji even more drained than before. 

He then turned towards Viktoriya and spoke to her in German.

“Let’s go meet up with Yuna and Nina, Viktoria. We can wait for them outside of their class.”

“Uhn! Let’s go!”

Viktoriya rose from her seat in excitement. She couldn’t wait to go to the cafeteria, taste Japanese School’s food, and explore a Japanese school!

Yuuji nodded and turned towards Raku, Shuu, and Ai.

“Then, we’ll be going first. Are you guys going to the cafeteria as well?”

“Yes yes! I will be!”

“W-Well, yes. I didn’t have time to make my own packed lunch today.”

“Y-Yes… Me too…”

“Then let’s go together!”

Viktoriya suggested. Her eyes sparkling and beaming with excitement. This would be her first lunch with her new friends!

“Yahoo!!! Let’s go!!!”

“A-Ah! I want to come as well!!!”

“M-Me too!”

Suddenly, Yotsuba and Chitoge arrived right before them with eyes brimming with determination.

Yuuji was quite surprised by their enthusiasm. They must’ve been very interested in Viktoriya after all. 

“Mm. Then let’s go together.”

The group then exited the class and headed towards Class 1-B, the class next to them where Yuna and Nina were. 

“Ah, Yuu-kun, Viktoriya~! Everyone’s here too~!”

Yuna waved excitedly while Nina nodded towards them with a small smile, and the girls greeted them in return. 

“They’ll be joining us for lunch. Will that be okay?”

“Of course! The more the merrier! Let’s go quickly! Otherwise we won’t have a table!”


The girls quickly made their way to the cafeteria as Yuuji followed them from behind along with Shuu and Raku. 

With Yuna and Nina becoming the intermediary between Viktoriya and the rest of the girls, they were able to chat smoothly along the way and quickly got along. 

Upon reaching the cafeteria, they quickly became the center of attention, as usual. 

After all, it was the first time they could see the rumored beauty foreign transfer student. And Yuna, Nina, Chitoge, and Yotsuba were well known beauties in their school. Ai also had her small group of fans due to how cute she was and the talent she showed in the swimming club. And of course, Yuuji was flashy no matter where he goes. 

A lot of people, who saw them walking to the cafeteria, followed them. So, the cafeteria quickly became crowded. 

But fortunately, Shuu and Raku were able to reserve a place for them while they ordered their meal after Yuuji took their order. So, they managed to get a table and ate their meal in the cafeteria. 

“How was your day, Visha~?”

“It was very nice~ I’m still having a bit of difficulty following the history lesson and reading the textbooks, but Yuuji and everyone are helping me a lot!”

“That’s great~! If you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask us, okay?”

“Mm. You can ask for our help any time.”

“Thank you, Yuna, Nina!”

“You can ask me for help as well. I’m pretty fluent in Japanese, so I can help you translate the stuff you don’t understand.”

“Uhn! Thank you, Kirisaki-san.”

“Just call me Chitoge!”

“Uhm… I’m not good in English, but please don’t hesitate to ask for my help as well. I will do my best.”

“Mm. Thank you, Nanasaki-san.”

A sense of relief filled his heart as he watched the girls chat silently. Although he had only met her yesterday, he was able to instantly tell Viktoriya’s true nature with his [Insight Proficiency]. 

She was an honest and innocent girl who's genuinely kind-hearted and friendly. That is why he felt very happy that she could be close friends with Yuna and Nina. 

“Hm~ Spring has finally arrived for us, huh gents~? To think we’d be able to appreciate such beautiful flowers from up close.”

“You… Don’t do anything weird, okay?”

“That’s right. If you dare do anything weird to my sisters and their friends, I’ll seriously kill you socially.”

“Of course I won’t~ I’ll simply be appreciating it~ Even I will be scared of the King’s punishment, after all~”

Yuuji scrunched his eyebrows and looked at Shuu with a frown.

“...Now you’re saying nonsense. What’s with “King”?”

“Oh, it’s what the girls call you now~ King of Bonyari, Tsubakihara Yuuji!”

“Hah… Please stop with that. It’s cringe for me…”



After finishing their lunch, Yuuji, Yuna, and Nina brought Viktoriya around to see the facilities in the school, while Shuu, Raku, Chitoge, Yotsuba, and Ai returned to their class.

They went to the courtyard, the gym building, the swimming pool, introduced her to the clubs in the school, and finally, they reached the nurse’s office / infirmary, which was at the end of the hall on the first floor, right beside the main staircase. It was their last destination before returning to their class. 

“Shizuka-chan-sensei, please excuse us! It’s Tsubakihara Yuna. May we enter?”

Yuna knocked on the door to the nurse’s office and introduced herself. She and her twin sister had become acquainted with the nurse after they helped her carry some stuff to the infirmary. Since then, they’ve become close enough to exchange a few words whenever they’d meet each other in the hallway. 

That’s why, Yuna expected her to welcome them in after she introduced herself. But strangely, there were no answers.

“Hm…? Is she out?”

Yuuji shook his head. He could hear slight shufflings and thumps in the room. It was very slight and difficult to hear normally, but he was able to notice it with his keen senses. 

“Hm… Sensei, we’ll be entering! Please excuse us!”

Yuna decided to slide open the door, and when they entered, Yuuji and Viktoriya froze midstep as their eyes widened in shock. 

Standing on a stool, a beautiful… extremely voluptuous golden-haired woman in a doctor’s coat, a laced white shirt that looked too tight around her massive chest, and a knee-length, tight, pencil skirt was struggling to reach a bottle of alcohol she put on the top shelf of a cupboard.


“Eh? K-Kyaaah!”


Surprised by their sudden appearance, the woman lost her balance and was about to fall down the stool. 

But fortunately, Yuuji snapped out of his shock in time and dashed towards her, catching her in time. 

“Are you okay, sensei…?”



“A-Are you okay?!”

One by one, Yuna, Nina, and Viktoriya snapped out of their shock and approached her as Marikawa Shizuka, the nurse of Bonyari High school, slowly opened her eyes. 

Her beautiful golden brown eyes met Yuuji’s and widened. And before long, her eyes began to sparkle and her cheeks reddened as her lips curled into a wide smile.

“Oh~ Are you my prince on a white horse~?"

She blinked with eyes full of innocence and anticipation. 

It was… a very pure gaze that Yuuji couldn’t help but become stupefied. How does a woman older than him, with a body even more voluptuous than Aika and Mira, have such an innocent gaze…?

If it wasn’t for his [Insight Proficiency], he would’ve believed she was acting. But no… She was truly just innocent… So Yuuji couldn’t help but answer her question.

“I-I’m not a prince, nor do I have a white horse. Uhm… My name is Tsubakihara Yuuji, a first year student.”

“Oh~ I really thought you are a prince~ Yuu-chan is sooooooooo handsome, after all~ It’s so nice to meet you~ I am Marikawa Shizuka~ Call me Shizuka-chan, okay~"

"T-Thank you…"

Yuuji’s brain malfunctioned the moment Shizuka began to wrap her arms around his neck while he was still lifting her in a princess carry. 

Her gigantic breasts, that were most likely a size or two bigger than Aika and Mira, were pressing against him. But that wasn’t the only reason why his brain froze. It was that in combination with her innocence.

He was experienced in dealing with beauties who love to tease. But it was his first time dealing with an innocent, air-headed beauty. 

And to make it worse, his sharp senses were assaulted by her heavenly softness, flowery fragrance, and beautiful appearance. It was enough to make even Yuuji, who had walked up the staircase to adulthood with Aika, froze and unable to react. 

“Ah!!! S-Shizuka-chan-sensei!!!! Please get off of him!!!”

“Are~? Ah, hello Yuna-chan~ Oh, Nina-chan is here too~ And who is this girl~?”

“She is a transfer student from Germany. Her name is Viktoria Ivanova Serebryakov- Wait, that’s not the point here right now!! Please get away from Yuuji, Shizuka-sensei!!!”

"Eh~ But I like being carried by him… He’s such a strong boy~ And his chest is very hard. He also smells so good~”


Yuna and Nina quickly ripped Yuuji away from Shizuka and brought the air-head busy nurse to seat on one of the beds in the infirmary. 

And as they did, Viktoriya, who was still taken aback by the situation, couldn’t help but watch in shock.

(In German)

I-I-Is this how japanese school nurses normally act towards their students?!”

“...No. I think she has a problem in particular.”

Yuuji shook his head and let out a deep sigh. He was also shocked by the sudden, shocking turns of events. 

But before he could fully recover from his surprise, a message came to his smartphone, and he once again fell into a state of shock. 

Kiryuu Aika: “Rias’s peerage is calling me to their HQ again…”

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