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Chapter 97 ~ Gift

Chapter 97 ~ Gift

After spending a few more minutes talking with C.C, Lelouch and Yuuji excused themselves from her room. 

He planned on returning home today and checking on the stock market to make some money. But after seeing C.C still dressed in her white straight jacket, he decided to take a detour to some shopping places. 

As they walked past the dining room, the two saw Nunnally and Sayoko sitting together, focusing on folding origami papers. They were doing it when Lelouch returned and introduced Yuuji to them, and they’re still doing it now. 

“Nunnally, Sayoko-san, I will be going now. Please excuse me.”

“Ah! Alexander onii-san! Yes. Please be careful and come visit often~”

“Of course. I would love to, and I might be visiting quite often from now on.”

“That’s great~ Please take care of my big brother as well and continue being his friend.”

Yuuji smiled and approached the wheelchaired girl. He knelt before her and took her hand in his.

“Of course. Although I’ve only known your big brother for a short time, I have already considered him my dear friend. So don’t worry. I will keep an eye on him for you.”

Nunnally smiled softly and held the warm, gentle hands holding her tightly.

“Thank you very much, Alexander onii-san.”

“Mm. And I hope you would allow me to be friends with you as well. If you do, I will bring you cakes and cookies the next time I visit~”

Yuuji said with a teasing tone, which caused Nunnally to chuckle.

“Fufufu~ I would be happy to~ My brother’s friends are also my friends~”

“I’m glad. Then, you can look forward to some delicious cakes and cookies in the future, okay?”


Yuuji tightened his hold on her hands ever so slightly and used some of his healing powers to rejuvenate the body of his dear friend’s little sister. 

In that moment, Nunnally felt an indescribable warmth washing over her body. And then, she felt extremely reinvigorated and full of energy. 

Her head turned slightly towards Yuuji, wondering if he did something. But before she could ask, Yuuji had rose up to his feet.

“Sayoko-san, it is a pleasure to meet you as well. Please continue to take care of Nunnally and keep Lelouch in line.”

Sayoko raised from her seat, straightened her maid outfit, and bowed courteously towards Yuuji.

“Of course, Kyrielight-sama.”

She let out a small smile as Yuuji bowed her head towards her as well.

“Well then, I shall be excusing myself now. Thank you very much for your hospitality.”

“Yes~ Come and visit again soon, Alexander onii-sama~”

“Of course.”

Lelouch then saw Yuuji off until the entrance to the Student Government Clubhouse’s entrance.

“I’ll come here again tomorrow for a bit. Is that okay?”

“Hm? Of course, but what are you going to do?”

“Just dropping off some stuff for C.C and Nunnally. I can’t stay for too long though. I’ve already promised Karen to help her configure her Guren’s system. She said some of the current configuration didn’t feel right.”

“Alright. I’ll be going to the base as soon as school finishes, so you can just ask Sayoko to lead you inside.”

“Sure. Then, see you.”

“Mm. See you later.”

Lelouch returned inside and went to sit with Nunnally and Sayoko.

“Ah, big brother. Has Alexnader onii-sama left?”

“Mm. He’s gone.”

“I see. Fufu~ I’m so happy for you, big brother. You’ve made such a nice friend.”

Lelouch smiled softly and patted his little sister’s head ever so gently.

“Mm. He is a very nice and trustworthy friend. Oh, and I’ve also made a few other friends. They’re a bit busy now, but I’ll introduce them to you as soon as possible, okay?”

“Really~? That’s great~! I’ll look forward to it~!”

A warmth washed over Lelouch’s heart as he watched her sister’s pure, brilliant smile. 

This was the smile he wanted to protect. This was the smile that drove him to fight against the world and change it. 

If it was before he became a member of the Group Chat, his future might as well be similar to the “future” he had seen from the anime. A future where he created a world that his little sister could smile in exchange for his life. A future where Nunnally still shed tears in the end.

But now… He won’t let it happen. He will carve a new future. A future where Shirley and Euphemia live. A future where he could still be with her little sister. A future where he would be able to live happily with his little sister, Shirley, and his dearest friends. 

This time… Surely.


The next day Yuuji returned to Lelouch’s residence as promised. 

In his hands, he held a beautiful white box with a handle on top, decorated charmingly with a golden bow. Written in elegant, golden cursive at the front of the box was the word “Le Patisserie”, the name of the most famous and high-end bakery in this Tokyo Settlement.

He knocked on the door, and a few minutes later, Sayoko came to open it, greeting him with a warm, courteous smile.

“Welcome, Kyrielight-sama. We have been expecting you after the young master’s notice.”

“Good afternoon, Sayoko-san. Thank you very much for welcoming me so warmly.”

“It is my honor. Please, come in. The young master and lady Nunnally are currently in the dining room.”

“Thank you, then please excuse me.”

Yuuji entered and was led to the dining room where he saw Lelouch sitting side by side with his little sister, folding origamis together.

“Ah, you’re here.”

“Alexander onii-sama~ You came~”

Yuuji smiled and knelt down beside Nunnally.

“Mm. I’ve returned as promised. But unfortunately, I can’t stay for long.”

“Eh? Is that so…”

He smiled softly and placed his hand on the dispirited girl’s hand softly.

“I’m sorry. But, I didn’t go back on my promise yesterday.”

He held up the box of cake and placed it on Nunnally’s lap, surprising the little girl for a moment. Then, she began to placed her hands all over it, trying to feel out its shape and guess what it was.”

“Is this… a cake box?”

“Mm. It’s a strawberry cake from “Le Patissiere”.”

“E-Eh?! I-Isn’t that a super fancy bakery? I-I heard even a small slice of cake there could cost more than 1200 yen? A cake this size… I-It should be around 20,000 yen!”

Sayoko’s eyes widened in surprise at her lady’s words. The moment she saw the box of cake in the handsome young man’s hand, she knew it would be expensive. But she didn’t think it’d be that expensive!

Even Lelouch was slightly surprised at the price. Although he knew how rich Yuuji was, he didn’t expect him to bring them such an expensive gift.

“Nothing is too expensive if it’s a gift for you, Nunnally. I hope you’ll like it.”

“I-Is this really okay, A-Alexander onii-sama?”

“Of course. Please enjoy it along with your brother and Sayoko-san, okay?”

“Y-Yes! Thank you very much!”

Yuuji smiled and raised up to his feet. 

“Then, I’ll leave you for a bit, okay? I want to talk with your brother about something related to the student council.”


Yuuji gestured towards the second floor with his chin and the two began making their way up the stairs.

Once they’re a safe distance away from Nunnally and Sayoko, Yuuji began with a whisper.

“I’m also here to give some stuff for C.C.”

“I see. Let’s go, then.”

Yuuji nodded and followed Lelouch to C.C’s room. As they walked, Yuuji began taking out clothes, pants, skirts, dresses, glasses, hats, ribbons, jewelries, as well as a box of pepperoni pizza from C.C’s favorite pizza place from his inventory.

When Lelouch saw him take out an entire wardrobe from his Inventory, he couldn’t help but look at him weirdly.

“...What are you doing…?”

“A-Ahahaha… I planned on buying just a few things for her yesterday… But one thing led to another… and I just bought anything that I think would look good on her.”

“...Alright. Sure. I won’t ask you anymore…”


They arrived in front of C.C’s room and Lelouch knocked on the door. And when it opened, C.C’s eyes immediately widened in shock as she froze before the mountain of fashion items and a box of pizza in front of her.

“... What is… this?”

“It’s Alexander… Can we enter and let him put them down somewhere…?”

C.C nodded dazedly and moved to the side, allowing Yuuji to enter. 

He placed the box of pizza on her table, and laid the clothes, dresses, skirts, jewelries, etc. on her bed.

“Alexander… What in the world…?”

“They’re for you. I bought them yesterday, thinking of giving you some clothes you can use as a disguise. And well… As you can see, I got a little carried away…”

With eyes still widened in disbelief, C.C looked at the dresses, each and every one more beautiful than anything she deserved to wear. Each and every one of them must’ve been extremely expensive, evident by their quality and beauty. 

She looked up towards Yuuji, her lips quivering as she stared at him in disbelief.

“...Why? Why did you…”

A soft, genuine smile appeared on Yuuji’s face.

“I just wanted to give you even a tiny bit of happiness. I hope you like them and wear them from time to time.”

He turned his head towards the clock and turned back towards Lelouch.

“Lelouch, I’ll be going now. I’ll see you later at the base.”

“Sure. You go wait for me in the dining room. I’ll catch up.”


Yuuji left, and C.C silently stared at his receding back in a daze. 

She then turned her eyes back towards the beautiful dresses, clothes, skirts, shimmering jewelries, and the box of pizza.

“Why don’t you wear them the next time he comes to visit?”

C.C looked at Lelouch with eyes still filled with hesitance. 

“I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you in them. He bought them thinking it’d look beautiful on you.”

Her eyes widened slightly as her heart skipped a bit. A light blush coloring her cheeks as she looked back down at the clothes shyly.

“Is it… Really fine for me to take them? These must be expensive…”

She leaned down and slid her hand across the silken surface of the beautiful, shoulderless light green dress. 

“He’s rich beyond belief, so this much stuff is nothing for him. And, he did buy them for you, so not using it would be rude to him.”


Lelouch nodded and left, leaving the lime green-haired beauty alone as she stared at the beautiful clothes and accessories in silence. 

“Such beautiful things…”

It had been so long since she had the chance to wear such beautiful clothes and jewelry, or even seen such a thing. 

They’re so beautiful and shiny… Would it even fit someone so ugly like her…?

“He bought them thinking it’d look beautiful on you.”

A light blush appeared on her face once again before she picked up the white lacy top and a long, dark red, checkered skirt. 

“This is the first time… anyone ever gave me such things…”

She clenched her hands onto the fabric as she brought them close to her chest. She held them tightly, hugging them so preciously, as if fearing that it would disappear from her grasp like everything else she had ever held dear before. 

“Thank you…”

She whispered her gratitude. The gratitude she failed to tell “Alexander” when he was here.

But vowed to tell her the next chance she could meet him. 

Though it might be trivial in his eyes, these gifts were everything for her… So she will never forget his kindness for all her immortal life.

Unbeknownst to C.C right now, these would only be the start of the many gifts she would receive from Yuuji. And she would receive not only material things, but also the things she had given up hope of obtaining. 

This moment would mark the start of her immortal life filled with happiness. 


Leaving Lelouch’s home, Yuuji made his way to a secluded part of the building, cast invisibility, and flew off to the Black Knights’ base. 

Mid-flight, he then equipped his full body, magically enhanced suit of armor that Tatsuya developed back in his world, turning into “Mordred”. 

Upon arriving, he undid his invisibility. And the moment he entered the hidden compound that served as the Black Knights’ secret base, he saw Karen sitting on a wooden crate.

“Ah, you finally came! I’ve been waiting for ages!”

She immediately stood up with a wide smile on her face the moment she saw him enter, and a teasing smile appeared on Yuuji’s face.

“Oh? I didn’t know you miss me that much?”

The crimson haired girl froze for a moment, a blush coloring her cheeks. Then, she let out a scowl and bit back.

“W-Who’s waiting for you! You’re such a narcist!”

Karen hit him on his shoulder, which hurt her much more than it hurt him. 


“Hah… You never learn, huh? How many times do I have to tell you to stop hitting me? I won’t feel it at all. You’re the only one who’ll get hurt.”

“Hmph. That armor is unfair! You should take it off!”

“Oh my God! Karen, are you trying to strip me naked? Oi Ohgi, Tamaki, Silver, Karen is trying to strip me na-”

“AAAHHHH!!! STOP IT! Fine, you win!!!”

Yuuji smirked smugly in victory as Karen tried to cover his mouth. And though she couldn’t see through his devil mask, she just knew that he was smirking victoriously, which irked her even more.

“Uggh… Let’s go, already! We need to finish configuring the Guren as soon as possible so we can be ready for any mission!”

“Yes yes, lead the way.”

The wild little crimson haired kitty huffed and turned around, making her way deeper into the base and towards the hangar, and Yuuji followed suit. 

As soon as they arrived before the Guren, the two spared no more time and immediately went to work.

They spent a few hours in Guren’s cockpit, tinkering with the configurations and controls and fine tuning them to Karen’s liking. 

At first, they were absolutely absorbed with their task. But after a while, both began to realize their position.

Most knightmare frame cockpits were designed to fit only one person; its pilot. And the Guren was particularly special. The “seat” where the pilot was supposed to be wasn’t in the shape of a chair, but rather, a sports bike’s seat. So, most of the time, Karen was leaning towards the front in a position that accentuated her bust and hips. 

Meanwhile, Yuuji was using some of the ridges and surfaces to keep himself from falling onto her when he leaned in to reach the controls. 

And when they realized their position… they couldn’t focus on their task anymore.

Kuh… I just realized the position we’re in… We’re so close together…

Her eyes were no longer focusing on the screens and controls of her knightmare. Instead, she’d catch herself glancing at Mordred’s body and abs more than a few times in a span of a few minutes. 

Meanwhile, Yuuji also had a hard time focusing as he tried his best to calm his “little brother” down after seeing Karen’s… extremely accentuated… butt. 

He had long since realized that Karen had an extremely curvy body and a very voluptuous rear. And now… they’re accentuated even more by her suit and her pose. 

It looked… beyond sexy.

Kuh… This is bad… 

It had been… quite a while since he was able to release his pent up lust, which had been amplified due to his [Divine Physique]. Without his lovers in this world, he was forced to hold back and tried his best to satisfy himself by “using” Aika and Erika’s sexy pictures that they gave him. 

And he had been doing quite well for a while… Until now.

I might be having… a long night ahead of me.

He let out a sigh inwardly as he tried his best to distract himself from Karen’s butt…

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