When the Doctor Uses A Hack

Chapter 206: 207: Deep Brotherhood! (Request for Monthly Votes)

Chapter 206: Chapter 207: Deep Brotherhood! (Request for Monthly Votes)

Chen Cang and Wang Yong switched shifts.

There was an opening ceremony on Wednesday, and Chen Cang wanted to go, but Wednesday happened to be his day shift.

Wang Yong had the night shift tonight, and after some thought, Chen Cang swapped with him and took over the night shift for him.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yong naturally was happy to accept.

When it was a little past ten and things had quieted down outside, Chen Cang didn’t go back to the on-call room but instead laid down across several chairs in the office to doze off.

In his drowsy state, Chen Cang suddenly felt a presence standing beside him!

Startled, he rolled over and stood up.

Because he saw a woman with disheveled hair standing right beside him, staring straight at Chen Cang without saying a word.

To tell the truth, this really scared Chen Cang quite a bit!

Chen Cang was terrified! He clutched at his chest and took a couple of deep breaths.

Chen Cang observed the woman, noticing her patient’s gown and hair which was likely messed up from lying down; she just stood there, staring at Chen Cang with questioning eyes.

Chen Cang felt a shiver run down his spine just thinking about it, God knows how long she had been standing there! If something serious had happened to her, he thought, today would have been his reckoning.

Chen Cang looked at the woman, who seemed vaguely familiar, probably from the emergency ward, but… why on earth was she in the office instead of sleeping in the middle of the night?

Thinking this, Chen Cang sighed, “Do you… need something?”

The woman kept her gaze fixed on Chen Cang, “Why are you sleeping?”

Chen Cang was taken aback, “Yeah, I was tired. What else should I do if not sleep?”

This was just absurd…

The woman’s expression changed and she accused, “You are on duty and you’re actually sleeping? Are you even a doctor? How can you be so irresponsible? What if something happens to a patient!”

Seeing the woman was somewhat angry, Chen Cang tried to hold back his temper and patiently explained, “It’s permissible to sleep during a night shift, but if something comes up, a nurse will come and wake me promptly, so it won’t affect my work.”

After hearing his explanation, the woman didn’t say anything for a while, then she just uttered, “Oh,” and added, “I saw you sleeping and came in to check on you, no worries, I’m leaving, you can continue sleeping.”

With that, the woman got up and left.

Leaving Chen Cang utterly confused.

What the hell was that all about?

Chen Cang sighed helplessly, sat in the chair for a long while, and still couldn’t recover from the shock, truly frightening.

It seemed that he should avoid sleeping in the office from now on, and when going back to sleep in the on-call room, he had to make sure to lock the door!

Otherwise, if he encountered someone emotionally distressed again, Chen Cang couldn’t guarantee that something wouldn’t happen today!

After such a commotion, Chen Cang couldn’t fall back asleep.

He checked the time, it was only twelve, it looked to be another sleepless night.

Picking up a random book from the desk in the emergency office, he began to read.

About ten minutes later, a nurse rushed in with a panicked expression on her face.

“Doctor Chen, you better come quick!”

Chen Cang hurriedly followed her outside.

At the door of the emergency room stood a group of young troublemakers, neither entering nor leaving, just blocking the entrance, all engaged in some argument.

Chen Cang didn’t venture out, from a distance of seven or eight meters, the smell of alcohol hit him.

Upon closer inspection, they were all young men, lively lads, dressed quite… jolly.

Chen Cang sighed, another case of post-drinking disorderliness, the disorderliness of character!

It was just a group of people who drank too much, lost track of who they were, and whose characters drastically changed, leading to them causing trouble from nothing.

Finally, Chen Cang saw a group of people supporting a man as they walked in.

Upon closer inspection, Chen Cang saw the man’s head covered in blood and his face immediately changed, “Lele, get the stretcher!”

Lele, seeing the man’s bloody face, had already hurriedly pushed over a bed.

Chen Cang quickly called out to the crowd, “Lift the patient onto the bed!”

The group of young lads, upon seeing Chen Cang, let go of the man one by one, and no one even bothered to support him anymore, leaving Chen Cang stupefied.

How the hell am I supposed to move him by myself?

It would be tough even for two people, let alone one. An unconscious person is a dead weight and extremely heavy; Chen Cang simply couldn’t move him.

Seeing the situation, two young nurses hurried over to help.

With great difficulty, they managed to get him onto the bed, and suddenly the group started making a fuss.

“Take good care of him! He’s my brother, got hit on the head with a bottle today and passed out! You better treat him properly,” one shouted.

“Yeah, hurry up, get to surgery, don’t delay my brother’s condition!” another exclaimed.

“Right, if you can’t cure him, we won’t let you off easy today!” threatened another.

Watching the crowd’s clamor, as if they were indignant and would butcher Chen Cang the moment he made a wrong move, he couldn’t help but glance at them. Such deep brotherly love, they couldn’t even be bothered to help lift him onto the bed.

When the crowd noticed Chen Cang looking at them, they immediately glared back with furrowed brows, each flaunting their various ‘badass’ accessories—necklaces, large rings, earrings, ear studs, and tattoos!

“What are you looking at? Get on with the treatment! Can you take responsibility if something goes wrong?” one barked.

“Exactly, hurry up, quit dawdling, or we’ll shave you bald!” said another.

Meanwhile, to seem more intimidating, one of the lads started smoking, spitting phlegm with a snap, crackle, and pop, threatening to teach Chen Cang a lesson.

Seeing what the crowd looked like, the nurses suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

This group wasn’t scary.

With time spent in the ER, one would realize that these types were actually the easiest to deal with.

Going along with it, Chen Cang said to Lele, “Let’s start with monitoring.”

Then announced, “The patient’s condition is quite serious, we need to monitor him.”

After an examination, it turned out there was barely any issue, the patient was even talking in his sleep…

Chen Cang understood, this guy was just drunk, but the wound on his head still needed stitching.

However, looking at that group outside, Chen Cang sighed, walked out, and said gravely, “The patient is in danger and needs resuscitation, who is in charge here?”

Upon hearing this, they responded, “We’re all brothers, stop talking nonsense, just treat him properly!”

“Right! If anything happens to our brother because of your babbling, you won’t be able to take the responsibility!” they insisted.

Chen Cang nodded, “Right, right, I understand, but the patient’s situation is very serious now, and he requires emergency treatment, so you guys need to pay some money, not much, just a deposit of twenty thousand yuan, you can all chip in!”

Hearing this, one snorted coldly, “Fine! It’s just money, we can spend however much is needed, just make sure to save him, I’ll go make a call to get the money.”

After speaking, the man pulled out a phone, pointed at Chen Cang, and said, “You wait, treat him well, I’m going to get the money!”

Having said that, the man seemed to forget to dial, picked up the phone, and said, “Hello, hello, hello, yes, send me that money, alright, I’m on my way to get it now!”

The other lads also tried to act honorable, each making gestures at Chen Cang while fumbling for their phones without even dialing, or just pretended to dial a number and then went out to ‘borrow money’.

As the noises of the phone calls grew fainter, in the time it took to smoke a cigarette, Chen Cang stepped out to check and saw that everyone had gone!

Chen Cang sighed, what deep brotherhood!

ps: There will be three updates tonight and two more at noon tomorrow, because… brotherly love is as deep as the sea!

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