Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 244 Test.

After returning to her private table, Zhou Liying again started to drink, against her conscience.

After having a heart-to-heart talk with Kris, she wanted to get drunk, without caring about the consequences. Drinks were always her weakness from the age of seventeen. She hated it but could not avoid it.

So many times, she had wished to stop drinking but always ended up getting drunk. If only she had someone to help her out from her addiction.

"And someone was saying that she will not get drunk." Zhou Bingbing teased with a roll of her eyes. "You my girl can never change. Drinks are made for you and you are made to enjoy the drinks."

"You know how addictive I am to drinks." She shrugged her shoulders and had a few more drinks. Her drinks got mixed and that was why she started to feel a little buzzy and lightheaded.action

"Tang Ying, do want to have a dance with me?" Zhou Liying offered. She wanted to dance but did not wish to go on the floor all alone.

"Nah, I have already danced a lot when you and Kris went god knows where." He shrugged dramatically.

"Come on, one dance, please. A rocking one. I need a partner." She whined. "Listen to the song. Don't you wish to dance on it, with a sexy lady like me?" She winked and made a sexy pose. She walked closer to him.

"No, please leave me. Go and find someone else to dance with. I am not coming."

Zhou Liying huffed and was about to leave when a heavy arm was wrapped around her waist and Tang Ying was pushed away.

With wide surprise-filled eyes, Zhou Liying looked at Mu Yuehan. He had his arm around her waist and was standing very close to her.

'Am I dreaming? What is he doing here?'

"Hey, who are you? How dare of you to push me away? And how dare of you to wrap your arm around my friend?" Tang Ying yelled, looking concerned more for Zhou Liying.

"I am her husband, Mu Yuehan."

"What?" surprised, Tang Ying shouted and looked at Zhou Bingbing who nodded her head in confirmation.

"So you are the mighty Mu Yuehan, husband of our fighter here." He pointed at Zhou Liying.

"Yes, I am, and you are?" Mu Yuehan asked with hostility in his eyes. He looked at Tang Ying as if seeing his love competitor. His hospitality was not hidden from Kris, Zhou Bingbing or Tang Ying.

Tang Ying instead of becoming scared of Mu Yuehan, decided to show a strong front. He wanted to test this man who was the husband of his best friend.

"I am her boyfriend." He said.


No one said anything about his lie, well aware of what he was doing. This group was a tight-knotted group which was aware of each other's actions.

"Oh really." Mu Yuehan gritted, feeling anger in his veins.

He thought that Zhou Liying had found a boyfriend tonight and Tang Ying was the one. He forgot all about the presence of Kris, Min Yue or Zhou Bingbing.

He wanted to punch hard on the face of Tang Ying, who was looking at him with smug. He wanted to lock the girl in his arm in his house, to not let her go anywhere. How can she make a boyfriend so fast, right under his nose?

"Leave my girl now. We still want to enjoy our night." Tang Ying smirked boyishly and pulled back Zhou Liying in his arm. Zhou Liying too pushed Mu Yuehan away and fell in the arms of Tang Ying.

"Leave her right now. She is my wife. You have no right to touch her." Mu Yuehan yelled over the loud music. Tang Ying shivered for a second when he heard him.

"Your wife, so what? She does not love you, she loves me and I love her. Right, Lili." He asked her and she too smiled at him.

Mu Yuehan saw red. He roughly pulled back Zhou Liying and this time wrapped her tight in his arms, so no one could take her away from him.

"Dream on, man. She loves me and me only, and I love her."

"Can you prove that?" Tang Ying provoked.

Mu Yuehan wanted to kill the man in front of him who was provoking him. But he did not want to create a scene here. He was not even interested in answering his question. That was when his eyes fell on Zhou BingBing and he realised the presence of others and soon, their game plan came into his mind.

He realised that he was being tested here. This question was to test him, to know how much he loved Zhou Liying. The man in front of him was a friend of Zhou Liying and if he was not wrong, then he may be Tang Ying about whom he had read in her reports.

"Proof of my love?" Mu Yuehan smirked. He placed Zhou Liying on a chair. Stylishly he removed his office coat, undid the buttons of his shirt and removed it.

On his chest was a tattoo of Zhou Liying's name, the same tattoo he got in Vegas.

"Zhou Liying is my everything; I am not complete without her. Each beat in my heart is for her. I am taking breathes only for her. I can die for her and even kill anyone for her, even myself....." he said a few romantic words for Zhou Liying which he always confessed when in the company of Zhou Liying.

Zhou Liying had always ignored his confession, or we could say, she had never listened to his words. She did not wish to slip on his cheesy words. But tonight, she was listening to him with concentration. She felt happy, loved and blessed.


"Oh my god." Zhou Bingbing shrieked when Mu Yuehan ended his speech.

The mouth of Tang Ying was hung open in shock. He had heard the confession of someone for the very first time. Kris rolled his eyes. He found this scene too dramatic. He had shot such scenes many times.

He could only say that Mu Yuehan was saying these words from his heart and loved Zhou Liying. He was happy about the same. He could only wish for their future filled with love and happiness.

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