Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 250 Vegetable Market.

"Baby, baby, baby…" Li Na flared angrily. "This girl has tied you around her little finger because of the baby. I don't even know if the baby in her stomach is even yours."

"How dare of you to accuse my daughter? She is not a cheater like your son. She is very pure." Huang Jiayi barked and rushed toward Li Na. She wanted to slap her but control himself.

"Pure? Which pure girl gets pregnant before marriage?" Li Na said with sarcasm.

"If my daughter is at fault then your son is also at fault."

And just like that, both families started to quarrel with each other. Qin Yeteng rolled her eyes at this vegetable market and very silently left the room. She knew what was going to happen soon. It was happening of every six months.

First, both families fought over small things and then resolved their matters within small period. They both were selfish and wanted to use each other for their benefit.

Qin Yutong too looked at the situation. She did not expect their families to fight. Now they were fighting over her wedding dress and then the properties left by Qin Yanze. She started to feel scared that if this went on then this situation may get out of control.

Moreover, soon she was hosting her birthday party. She could not let this matter affect it.

She knew from the start that he did not cheat on her, when he told her his side of the story, she was only acting to be heartbroken. Now it was time for her to stop acting. So she stopped crying and pitifully looked at Fan Yifeng.

"I am sorry Yifi. I don't know what happened to me. I became so insecure after looking at the photos, I forgot about anything and accused you of cheating." She hugged him, still crying.


Qin Yutong acted weak and meek like always, melting the heart of Fan Yifeng. She said a few sweet words to him and he forgot all about his ego hurt.

His father was standing aside and shook his head at his son's attitude. He called him a man with a weak backbone, a man who was a puppet of a lady's finger. He did not raise his son to become like this. He needed to do something to brings his son back, to make him stronger, the way he wanted him to be.

When Qin Yeteng noticed that silence had fallen in the room, as usual, she knew that the matter had been solved. She released a breath from her mouth, plugged airdrops in her ears and continued to listen to music.


In the penthouse of Mu Yuehan

"She is having a seasonal flew. I have prescribed some medicines, she will be alright after taking them."

The doctor was quick to arrive and quick to check on Zhou Liying, He examined her condition and prescribed her some medicines. He was carrying some sample medicines with himself which he gave to Mu Yuehan.

He had very seriously checked on her.

The doctor was an old friend of Mu Jichen. He had seen Mu Yuehan grow up.

So when he saw the concerned expression on the face of Mu Yuehan for a person of the opposite sex, he was a hell of a surprised. He never knew that this boy had this side in himself that he would fall in love so hard, especially after looking after him for the last four years.

He knew this lady was very precious to Mu Yuehan and that was why he examined her vital with care.

"You too take this medicine. Otherwise, by tomorrow morning you both would be laying on this bed." Doctor ordered with concern and worry for Mu Yuehan.

He maybe strong, but he too had started to show symptoms of falling sick. The climate outside was changing, and catching a cold in this weather was not good for a person.

Mu Yuehan nodded and obediently accepted the said medicines. He trusted the doctor.

"I will see you out, uncle."

The doctor politely denied him. "No need, stay here with your lady. She needs you more. I will see myself out. Call me again if you need me."

Mu Yuehan nodded and watched the doctor leave his room. He then looked at Zhou Liying whose shivering had stopped because of the medicines given to her by the doctor.

He took deep sadness and regret-filled breathes. He blamed himself for her falling sick. He should not have taken her to the balcony to have dinner. How could he forget that she was drunk and she loved rain?

"Sorry Lili, you fall sick because of me."

He ran his fingers in her hair. A teardrop fell from his eyes. He was feeling sad for her. He could not bear that she was sick and in pain.

"Don't worry, I will soon bring you back to health." He promised and pecked on her forehead.



That night neither Mu Yuehan was able to fall asleep, nor Zhou Liying. Zhou Liying was having nightmares. She was feeling cold and weak. She got conscious and then unconscious again and again. Mu Yuehan could not fall asleep because he was looking after her.

He was very worried for her. For the full night, he kept removing the sweat from her forehead or rubbing her palm or feet, to give her some relief. He also massaged her back. He was checking her temperature from time to time.

He also applied wet sweeps on her forehead, to give her some relief.

"Don't worry sweetie, you will get alright." He mumbled and sent a quick prayer to god to make her good.

It had been hardly six hours that she was sick but he could not watch her sick, even for a second.

"Please God, if possible, transfer her disease to me and make her all healthy." He prayed and wished if he could take her all sufferings to himself and make her well and healthy like before.

It was true love, where a person was ready to take the sickness of his other half.

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